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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
October 24, 16 10:32 PM
☄ Helpfulby superdan54 October 25, 16 12:03 AM
Still beta testing. Despite all the frustration Celemony has been very responsive in working through the issues and they are making good progress. I would hold out a little longer.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
October 25, 16 12:37 AM
davisb24 Still beta testing. Despite all the frustration Celemony has been very responsive in working through the issues and they are making good progress. I would hold out a little longer.
That's good to hear; I can definitely hold out longer. I've got the last update already DL'ed and I ordered a new iLok 2 (my previous iLok is apparently not supported), so I'm good to go. I'll probably wait until the equivalent of an "all-clear" here on the forum to install Melodyne 4 and just leave Melodyne 2 on the system.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
November 11, 16 10:44 AM
Any updates on this yet? I'm holding off using Melodyne until the update, but have a backlog of tracks needing pitch correction so hoping it's resolved soon!
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
November 22, 16 7:31 PM
☄ Helpfulby Klaus November 23, 16 3:41 PM
Melodyne released version 4.1 today. The beta prior to this release resolved all of the stability issues I was experiencing with 4.0. The change log suggested that they addressed some other issues mentioned in this thread as well. I think its about as good as it gets for now so if you were holding out, I'd say give it a go.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
November 23, 16 10:07 AM
Yup, 4.1 seems to be working for me too. I used it for 5 hours solid yesterday without a single crash! :-) Better late than never! ZT
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
November 27, 16 5:49 PM
I ran through a new tune and an older one that had V-Vocal on several clips, which was the first one where I discovered that this Melodyne issue existed. I did not have any crashes today after the update to the new 4.1 version. I DID get it to crash once when doing a removal of the Region Effect, but under normal uses, it did not give the issues as it did before and I was able to run without issue. It's interesting that the notes for the upgrade said something like "improvements in the performance of some ARA implementations" or at least that's what I remember from reading the updates from my phone yesterday. I'm sure that's not the exact wording, but I know that it wasn't anything like "Fixes Crashing issues in Sonar that make our product completely unusable". :) Nothing from Cakewalk on the matter, either - which is a bummer. Nonetheless, I'm glad to see it working right at this point so I can at least play with it!
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
November 27, 16 6:04 PM
it wasn't anything like "Fixes Crashing issues in Sonar that make our product completely unusable". :) That's funny. As for nothing from Cake on this: I think they are taking a hopeful wait n' see approach and keeping their heads down. - I would.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
December 01, 16 9:41 AM
ok...I have been having the same crash issue with Mel... I would create a reg efft and after a year of work, it decided to crash one day and have never been able to access any project that i did a reg effect on with Mel. I just did the new update for X3 studio and I can now access the projects. Install the patch for SX3
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
December 22, 16 5:03 PM
Same here!...Everytime I create a region fx w/ melodyne Sonar Crashes. Sometimes (1 out of 4) it will hiccup and still render the fax region, but mostly it will just crash. Occasionally, a project with a rendered fx region clip will not open again even on safe mode. I HOPE THIS BS GETS FIXED!!! WTF...Didn't upgrade to PLATINUM for a buggier version of Sonar!...Hopefully my 'lifetime' upgrade will give them enough time to fix this crap! Thanks guys!
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
January 15, 17 2:07 PM
So after all of this I was also still having problems in some projects similar to the post above. Some would crash after opening, some would just hang after opening. After fighting with this stuff for waaaay too long, I figured out what was going on and have some suggestions for anyone else who is still having problems or considering upgrading to Melodyne 4. (This post here is one of the problems I was having before I realized it was due to Melodyne 4: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Project-becomes-unresponsive-shortly-after-opening-m3537360.aspx)Problems included: 1.) Project would crash on start up 2.) Project would hang indefinitely on start up 3.) Unbounced melodyne V3 data would be lost after upgrading to V4. I resolved all of these problems by reverting back to the old version of Melodyne and bouncing all Melodyne clips. Since the upgrade to V4 requires you to save the project with inability to go back to earlier versions of Melodyne, I had to pull a few projects from backup after they were saved as V4. ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR PROJECTS. Basically don't upgrade to Melodyne 4 until you have gone back to all projects you care to ever go back to and bounce ALL Melodyne clips. Aside from making sure you have no Melodyne v3/v2 data in the project, this ensures no Melodyne editor windows are saved open in the project, which can also cause projects to become unopenable. When bouncing make sure you have solo and DIM off so the clips aren't bounced as muted. (DIM must be off even if mute is off- seems like a bug? this has been happening since switching to Platinum off of X3.). Just make sure to verify each bounced clip has sound after bouncing. IF you bounce and the clip sound is still cleared even though mute and DIM are both off, try moving the clip to a different take lane. This resolved a handful of cases where the clips simply wouldn't bounce correctly. You may notice when bouncing that some times the clip disappears. It did not actually disappear, the clip just jumped to a different take lane - possibly behind another clip (not confusing at all). About 50% of the time when this happens Sonar crashes. Restart and move the clip to a different take lane and try bouncing again. Also try moving any overlapping clips on different take lanes to a different take lane. Oh and don't try to undo the bouncing of a Melodyne clip that jumped take lanes, this is pretty much guaranteed to lock up Sonar without a crash. If this still doesn't work freeze the track and re-import the frozen audio file to replace the whole track. Unrelated to above, there is a minor annoyance that Celemony has yet to fix: Previously the plugin would store time-grid settings per project/clip. It resets them now each time the project is closed. I notified Celemony about this a few months ago during our 50+ email exchange. Good luck to everyone who is having problems.
post edited by davisb24 - January 15, 17 5:23 PM
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
January 15, 17 3:32 PM
I'm just using Vvocal installed from from other installed Xn versions for now cause I'm too busy.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
January 16, 17 8:06 PM
I wonder how many of you having problems are using a different sample rate, or possibly a something different than 44.1 kHz ? Possibly Melodyne is having problems interrupting the different/higher quality audio, like 48, 96, exc. Which in theory it shouldn't but I wonder if that's what might also cause some problems. I run almost exclusively, always 24 bit / 44.1 kHz and haven't had a crash with any region FX in over a year and I use each one (Drum replacer, Vocal synch and Melodyne on every single project.)
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
January 26, 17 1:10 AM
Been experiencing the same issue. After many tests, I believe the problem is I the "blob monitoring" function. Monitoring appears to gave been damaged on my setup since they updated. I have found that, if I can launch a region FX of melodyne, and go into options and turn blob monitoring OFF, the crashing is minimized dramatically. I'm not happy that I can't monitor when I click and drag, but at least sonar isn't crashing with almost every attempt to create a Melodyne region. Give it a try and see if it minimizes it for you as well. The stand alone version of melodyne appears to be working. It's the interaction with Sonar that is screwed up.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
January 29, 17 4:20 PM
I wonder how many of you having problems are using a different sample rate, or possibly a something different than 44.1 kHz ? Chuckebaby, I use also 24-bit 44.1 kHz, but nonetheless I had a lot of crashes with Melodyne the last time (about a dozen automatic crash reports are sent to the development). So I began to save frequently in between and I found out that if I do switch a little slower from Melodyne to Sonar (e.g. play button), then there are almost no crashes anymore. I think it could have something to do with the audio driver in my case, because most of the time it was during playing or when I started playing.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
February 01, 17 3:35 PM
Just to add to the chorus, Melodyne 4 is a huge pain and unstable as heck. I found it impossible to roll back to the older version. After mucking around and reading this thread, freezing any instance of melodyne isn't enough: I have to delete the offending track after bouncing. Spent three hours this morning figuring that out. For me, Melodyne has been banished from inclusion in any main project file. I use it on a separate file and then import the audio into the main project. Celemony support has been unhelpful. Stay away if you can.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
February 02, 17 1:17 PM
I must be lucky... Melodyne 4 has been working fairly well here. Granted, I do bounce the clips when I'm done editing, but just for kicks I did leave 3-4 instances "live" thru multiple sessions but still didn't have any crashes. There must something in common between those having this issue vs. those that are not...
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum
February 03, 17 4:30 PM
Yeah, it's a mystery. 100% repeatable in my case, unfortunately.
My music: Hummingbird Cinema (vocal tracks, covers and remixes) Mosaic Manifesto (remixes and instrumentals) "If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?"- Shantideva One can acquire everything in solitude - except character. -- Marie Henri Beyle Windows 7 Intel Core i7-4770 3.4 GHz 8 GigaBytes DRAM Sonar X3 Roland QuadCapture