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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 11:55:03 (permalink)
I've been a Cakewalk user since Pro Audio 6 circa 1989 so had to think long and hard about which DAW I would migrate/defect to in light of recent developments (or lack of, moving forward...) Reaper, Cubase, Mixcraft, Podium, Fruity Loops, Ableton Live and Bitwig all have their strengths and weaknesses certainly but it's Studio One which strikes me as the one DAW closest in lineage, feel and methodology to SONAR. The bundled instruments in S1 are not on a par with SPLAT but they do have a dedicated sampler (Presence XT) which ships with > 13 gig of high quality sounds which are easily on a par with Kontakt's factory content. Most of the functionality is drag and drop including a very intuitive groove quantise window for MIDI and AUDIO which is a joy to use. Despite what many in these forums have stated to the contrary, I feel that S1's MIDI editing capabilities match those of SONAR (or are at least sufficient for my MIDI oriented needs, despite their being no MIDI event list view). It even has a 'Transform' tool and multi-track PRV which are spookily similar to those found in SONAR. On the down side, there is nothing to match the console emulation and aesthetic delights of the Cakewalk Pro Channels/Console view alas. However, all that said, the real game changer for me is the dual buffer settings that Presonus allow you to set up on installation. I don't know the technicalities behind this approach but long story short, you ramp up buffer size for mixing and ramp down for recording and it's done automatically 'under the hood' via hardware low latency monitoring (if your sound card supports it) or software low latency monitoring, otherwise. Unlike SONAR, I can have very large projects open with loads of tracks, FX, VSTs and tracks with no crackling or popping or prohibitive latency when either recording or mixing. Studio One strikes me as the DAW that Cakewalk were never quite able to bring to fruition.
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 12:21:27 (permalink)
Well, I jumped in before I knew about an upcoming cross-grade offer.  The Black Friday deal was already pretty sweet and through there was an additional group-buy discount, making the full license US$169.98.  So I'm pretty happy.  If other existing Sonar users end up with a better deal, I wont be upset, I'll be happy for my fellow Sonar users.

Darn, you beat me by $4.52!  I had an old Artist License and Upgraded that to Professional ($174.50).  My FaderPort works GREAT over there.  I never knew what that "Mix" button was for until now! (It brings up the Mixer (Console for us Sonar people) for the selected channel).
There is a Guy there named Joe Gilder who has posted several videos on using Presonus.  He comes from ProTools and switched to Studio One.  Interesting perspective.
On to the Videos...I do still plan to keep Sonar around incase it does a Phoenix and rises from the ashes...

SPLAT on a Home built i3 16 GB RAM 64-bit Windows 10 Home Premium 120GB SSD (OS) 2TB Data Drive.  Behringer XR-18 USB 2.0 Interface. FaderPort control.
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 13:45:46 (permalink)
I've been a Cakewalk user since Pro Audio 6 circa 1989 so had to think long and hard about which DAW I would migrate/defect to in light of recent developments (or lack of, moving forward...) Reaper, Cubase, Mixcraft, Podium, Fruity Loops, Ableton Live and Bitwig all have their strengths and weaknesses certainly but it's Studio One which strikes me as the one DAW closest in lineage, feel and methodology to SONAR. The bundled instruments in S1 are not on a par with SPLAT but they do have a dedicated sampler (Presence XT) which ships with > 13 gig of high quality sounds which are easily on a par with Kontakt's factory content. Most of the functionality is drag and drop including a very intuitive groove quantise window for MIDI and AUDIO which is a joy to use. Despite what many in these forums have stated to the contrary, I feel that S1's MIDI editing capabilities match those of SONAR (or are at least sufficient for my MIDI oriented needs, despite their being no MIDI event list view). It even has a 'Transform' tool and multi-track PRV which are spookily similar to those found in SONAR. On the down side, there is nothing to match the console emulation and aesthetic delights of the Cakewalk Pro Channels/Console view alas. However, all that said, the real game changer for me is the dual buffer settings that Presonus allow you to set up on installation. I don't know the technicalities behind this approach but long story short, you ramp up buffer size for mixing and ramp down for recording and it's done automatically 'under the hood' via hardware low latency monitoring (if your sound card supports it) or software low latency monitoring, otherwise. Unlike SONAR, I can have very large projects open with loads of tracks, FX, VSTs and tracks with no crackling or popping or prohibitive latency when either recording or mixing. Studio One strikes me as the DAW that Cakewalk were never quite able to bring to fruition.

If you want an awesome console experience in the box, pick up Mixbus. I use it in conjunction with Sonar (and soon S1).

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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 16:41:22 (permalink)
So how will one verify ownership of a Sonar license for the Studio One crossgrade price? I am unable to find any original emails of purchase confirmation and the confirmations available on my Cakewalk account page all link to the Cakewalk store, which is now defunct and redirects all requests to a posting of Noel Borthwick's announcement of Cakewalk's closure. All I have currently are my serials and purchase dates, and my most recent billing statement (I'm on a monthly billing plan but have made the requisite 12 payments required to own a full license).

It could be their servers were being hammered by WAY more traffic at one time than usual. I just logged in, and went to my account page. From there I went to Store Activity and it showed all purchases I've made of SONAR products from the Store.

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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 17:02:37 (permalink)
GIM Productions
Call me when they propose Oversampling , X ray , plugin menu layout and plugin permanet renaming , screensets , icons , templates ect .....:( love Studio one as a owner but a lot of simple stuff here and there makes me wanna quite and go back to sonar quikly ....

I will work with Sonar Platinum for many years in my's the best daw on the market,I do not want to get up on this hysterical wagon

Er, um, not sure it's fair to call this a "hysterical wagon"....

“Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy” is attributed to Benjamin Franklin perhaps in error, but the thought remains a worthy sentiment nonetheless.

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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 17:11:35 (permalink)
Larry Jones
Hello to everybody
The announcement from Presonus is cool, but why waiting after the Black Friday period if the price could be superior than the offer of third authorized dealers with a good additional discount : Around 169 $ ???. Any idea of a cost estimation ?
And secondly, I have Sonar X3. Do you think that I could pretend to the crossgrade price which could be exclusive to the Sonar Platinium version ?
Thanks for your attention.

If you want Studio One, I'd buy it now for $169. They might not honor a crossgrade from anything other than the latest SONAR (but they haven't told us yet), and the price might be the same (or not as good) on the crossgrade (but we don't know that at this time), plus you might have to jump through hoops "proving" you're a legitimate SONAR owner before you can get the crossgrade deal (still have your receipt for X3?). They must know how much they want to charge for the crossgrade -- even if it is a holiday weekend in the U.S. -- so I'm not sure why they're holding out crucial information on pricing until it's too late to get the Black Friday deal, but that seems to be what they're doing.

Well-put, Larry. The pricing is good right now, so why wait if one wants to make the leap? I just bought it from Sweetwater. I probably won't get down to $169 ($189 with Notion?), but Sweetwater has been great to me over the years, so I don't mind (I'm still waiting on a final price from my salesman, Jeff Green, but I'm sure it'll be somewhere in the ballpark).
I'm assuming that no one could trace down from where the rumor of a $149 crossgrade for Studio One originated?

“Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy” is attributed to Benjamin Franklin perhaps in error, but the thought remains a worthy sentiment nonetheless.

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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 17:17:54 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby tonydude 2017/11/27 17:24:55
I suspect the crossgrade price announced tomorrow will be $149.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 17:20:53 (permalink)
I suspect the crossgrade price announced tomorrow will be $149.

And Anderton .. do you suspect that will be inclusive or exclusive of VAT ??
I bought my copy from AUDIODELUXE last friday .. it was $168 .. thats it .. no plus or ex vat. One can assume inclusive. Which is $136 ex vat at my countries rate of 23% ( Ireland ) 
Larry Jones
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 17:23:37 (permalink)
I'm assuming that no one could trace down from where the rumor of a $149 crossgrade for Studio One originated?

Yeah, I've tried to no avail. Somebody just thought it was the "right" price and suggested it, and now it's official. (NOT!)

It's maddening. I suppose what they're trying to do is create what's called in retail a "buying frenzy." They hint that there will be a special price, they occasionally show their faces here, they talk up their product, but they pretend they know nothing about the special pricing. They expect a virtual crowd outside their virtual doors on Tuesday morning, made up of people eager to buy. The offer, when they finally say what it is, will probably come festooned with provisos and gotchas, not to mention a bunch of ancillary offers to tempt you to spend more dough. Meanwhile the clock ticks on the half-off Black Friday deal. You are a chump if you buy today and discover a better deal tomorrow, you are a chump if you wait till tomorrow and the deal is not as good or you can't satisfy the ownership requirements -- which still haven't been made clear.
I know "it's not that much money." But it is for me.

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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 18:18:11 (permalink)
I already had a copy of Studio One 2 Producer.  I had already upgraded once, but
sold the upgrade due to financial considerations.  You can't upgrade again after
upgrading once.  Poor policy.  Anyways, I bought a copy of S1 2 Producer on KVR
for $40 and then upgraded to S1 3 Professional for $83.16 at JRR with code GROUP,
so total cost was $123.16 for the full version of Professional....there's always a way
to make it cheaper.  BTW the FULL version is $167.98 with code GROUP at JRR

and upgrades, if you already own a lower product are also dirt cheap. 

Today is the last day for the HALF OFF SALE...

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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 18:18:30 (permalink)
Larry Jones
I suppose what they're trying to do is create what's called in retail a "buying frenzy." They hint that there will be a special price, they occasionally show their faces here, they talk up their product, but they pretend they know nothing about the special pricing.

Actually I don't think anyone from PreSonus has appeared here. However, I have talked to a representative who's high up in the company. He was shocked and unhappy about the announcement of Cakewalk being shuttered. The people at PreSonus have a great deal of respect for Cakewalk, and recognized that SONAR pioneered a lot of very cool technology. IIRC the Cakewalk devs worked with the PreSonus folks to make sure ARA was up to spec. Conversely, SONAR added quite a few features that were in SOP.
PreSonus completely understood that the community would be devastated and wanted to do something. Sure, ultimately it will get them business but I can assure you that wasn't the only motivation. There was a lot of "there must be something we can do to help" and they thought that giving a special crossgrade price that was exclusive to SONAR users would be helpful since there was already chatter in the forums about switching to SOP because of it being fairly "SONAR-like." 
At the time we talked they were working out how to deal with the issue of retailers who sold both SONAR and SOP. Although most retailers are honest, some could take their unsold copies of SONAR, claim to be a poor homeless DAW user, and get a copy of SOP for under dealer cost. Yet PreSonus didn't want to let a few bad apples spoil it for everyone else. The reason for delaying until Tuesday was to get all the details sorted out.
He had mentioned $149 as the target price. Whether that's what it will be or not I don't know, but I suspect it will. 

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
Larry Jones
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 18:37:43 (permalink)
Larry Jones
I suppose what they're trying to do is create what's called in retail a "buying frenzy." They hint that there will be a special price, they occasionally show their faces here, they talk up their product, but they pretend they know nothing about the special pricing.

Actually I don't think anyone from PreSonus has appeared here.

Thanks for clearing up where the rumor started. The forums have been a madhouse of grief, anger and speculation since The Announcement. More posts, more replies, more users online than I have seen in many years. Some companies have created accounts here and "reached out." I may have gotten confused amid the hubbub about which companies, exactly, they were and just what they said or implied. Somehow I have become convinced that some kind of crossgrade special deal on Studio One was in the offing for Tuesday. I know something about retail marketing techniques, and that's what I was suggesting is going on here.
But really my frustration stems from my own personal shortage of cashola, and my need to get the best deal I can.

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Alpha Trion
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 19:50:13 (permalink)
Anyone know if Studio One can do "fit improvisation" tempo mapping like sonar?>

I don't know about Studio One... but Harrison's Mixbus is on offer until Dec 5th I do believe. It has awesome tempo mapping features.
Great community and support team, and built on-top of Ardour (the open source DAW with huge following) as well.
Mixbus is on offer for $29 ($249 if you want to purchase every plugin too)
Mixbus32C is on offer for $99 ($349 for all the plugs included)
Check it out on their specials page (can't post links because I'm new)
post edited by Alpha Trion - 2017/11/27 20:31:20
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 20:37:24 (permalink)
Number-wise some of us may be here:
Let's assume a $149 crossgrade price for argument's sake.
If one needs Notion 6 as well, the current sale half price of $75 is probably the best price you'll get on that (alone). With the $149 crossgrade price tomorrow on Studio One 3.5, you're back at $225, which also happens to be the current bundle sale price for Studio One 3.5 and Notion 6 today (I'm assuming just the sale prices by themselves, not any further incentives for starting accounts, etc).
So, I just bought it (the bundle) from Sweetwater.

“Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy” is attributed to Benjamin Franklin perhaps in error, but the thought remains a worthy sentiment nonetheless.

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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/27 21:40:47 (permalink)
PreSonus offer has been announced.
50% until the end of the year.

Mekashi Futo
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/28 00:07:16 (permalink)
Isn’t this price somewhat regular or at least BlackFriday-ish? What’s the normal crossgrade price or its BF counterpart?

"We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl" (Wish You Were Here)
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/28 00:38:02 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Fleer 2017/11/28 00:45:39
I believe the normal cost is $299 for the this
is about half price...or in line with the BF deals

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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/28 00:38:11 (permalink)
HOWEVER .. from the DEALS Section:

Studio One Pro Crossgrade @ JRR for $125
with "group" code
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/28 00:47:04 (permalink)
I'll jump when it goes south of a C-note. 
Don't really need another DAW as I'm happy with Logic, but I'm also using Notion and Progression. So we'll see. 

"We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl" (Wish You Were Here)
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/28 15:14:44 (permalink)
I jumped in with Sweetwater's Black Friday Deal, which was $200. (The crossgrade link I found had $199.95.)
$149 is a great deal, and $125 is even better.

I will use Sonar until a Windows 10 update wrecks it, at which point I hope to have a good grasp on Studio One Pro's method.

SOP's iPad "Remote" app is already working, which will replace my beloved Frontier Tranzport.
What's EXTREMELY cool with the remote, is the FULL integration - from behind my drum kit, I can tweak the headphone sends without having to walk back and forth - nice!!

Also working is my Behringer XTouch. Nice. Yamaha DTX950 a check, Arturia Lab49 - check. Lynx ASIO drivers - check.

So far, so easy.

The first hurdle is the Plugin Manager. Even though SPLAT's was long in the tooth, it was VERY easy to customize your plugin folders. A quick right click on SPLAT's FX bin and I was dropping a plugin in from the custom plugin menu. SOP's requires folders added to the plugin files menu, then adding the plugin from the main plugin tree to a track, only to drag that plugin back into a FILES folder... Now image that with us plugin addicts having 1,000+ plugins... 'Wanna' guess what I'll be chipping away at this winter??!

And lastly, (for now) - I HIGHLY recommend the Groove 3 tutorials - I started watching the one on SOP's automation, and it speeds up comprehension of the new workflow. Other videos are available on their site and the SO Expert blog.

Personally, I will spring for anything Mr. Anderton comes out with that helps to ease the transition. (Hint, Hint!)

I cannot thank all those at Cakewalk, as well as Mr. Craig Anderton, enough for all those happy times from Twelve Tone Systems' program called Cakewalk through every iteration up to and including Sonar Platinum by a company called Cakewalk.

My most sincere and deepest respect,
Mark Grace A.K.A. DrummaMan

Sonar Platinum (x64) on Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) running on ADK Pro Audio i7 (12-core), 16GB RAM, 500GB SSD(OS), (2) 2TB drives/(1) 1TB drive for storage, (1) WD Raptor 1TB Audio Drive, (1) UAD-2 OCTO, (2) UAD-2 QUAD, Lynx Aurora 16/AES16
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Re: Presonus Will Have a Special Cakewalk Customer Crossgrade Price NEXT WEEK 2017/11/28 16:26:02 (permalink)
I wrote this on a different thread but Sweetwater will be offering the Sonar to Studio One Crossgrade.  Cool for me because I have one of their credit cards and it's 48 months interest free!...  I haven't seen it as of this writing but it was just announced on Tuesday.
Sonar Platinum, PC- Intel i7-4770K w/16 Gig RAM Windows 8.1, Solid State Drive and eSATA drives, Mytek, RME UFX, RME Multiface II, Roland VS700,  A-Designs Pacifica, UA LA610, Presonus RC500. A-Designs Hammer EQ, DBX, AKG, Neumann, Roland, JBL, Fender, Gibson, G&L, Marshall, Korg, Martin, Shure, Electrovoice, Yamaha, Chameleon Labs comps.
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