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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 8:54 PM
mikespitzer I would expect Cakewalk & SONAR operating under Roland to have more future growth potential than Pro Tools now operating under Avid. ProTools has been an avid product from 1995 onward.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 9:01 PM
Howdy Rain mikespitzer Why? I That's why I don't see this move by Avid as particularly game-changing. Back when everyone used tape, people went to studios because of other resources, including talent (of the engineer). Those other resources (good rooms, good mics, etc.) and talent will still matter. Good point in theory, although in real world practice we all know many traditional studios are dying and closing up every day as more and more people migrate to "Do It Yourself" or smaller semi-pro studios. This may not be a good thing and it may help explain why so many albums today sound horrible compared to the sound quality of material recorded in the 70s, 80s and even 90s. But it seems many Consumers are becoming desensitized and accustomed to listening to lesser sound quality, overcompressed and "Loudness War" CDs brickwall limited to the extreme point of constant clipping. Like one Sound Pro joked with me last year .......... It's funny ---- we are so obsessed with 64 bit processing power, sound quality, the newest plug-ins, $2000 microphones and everything else technical that goes into recording and mastering albums. Then in today's world the end consumer is listening to MP3s encoded at 128kbs and listened to thru an I-pod with those horrid ear buds. Sound quality ........ WHAT sound quality ? It ain't like audiophiles are listening to their rock records on large elaborate home stereos anymore like they did in the 70s and 80s. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..... maybe not 100% accurate, but he raises a good point.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 9:15 PM
From managing guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen Did you ever get to watch him unleash the ****ing fury?
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 9:17 PM
rhythminmind This is one example video of why I prefer PT's audio handling. This is an example of a very basic editing task done in both PT & SPE. - Four multitrack audio clip/regions synced to the timeline (1:00:00)
- shifted/edited.
- Then set back to the original sync point down to sample accuracy.
http://www.youtube.com/wa.h?v=SYl2ojYx_BA&hd=1 I'll be the 1st to admit I'm nowhere near as proficient with Sonars editing tasks as in PT. But I haven't found a way to have = functionality for basic tasks like this in Sonar. With large projects I lose a lot of time & more importantly confidence that everything is time-aligned. PT has a handfull of easy ways to align anything to anything. And secondly what is with Sonars extending of clip/regions past audio content? Makes it a **** to get back to the original position. Preference option? Preference options?, I guess Snap setting is about it. The way the video was demonstrated I felt it was most suited workflow for PT, as for SONAR I think it's important to trim the start and ends first (with the correct snap settings) before proceeding with anything else. Then trying to get back to the original position should not be that difficult. -
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 9:36 PM
That's why I don't see this move by Avid as particularly game-changing. Back when everyone used tape, people went to studios because of other resources, including talent (of the engineer). Those other resources (good rooms, good mics, etc.) and talent will still matter.
Judging from what I hear these days, unfortunately, I'm not so sure. Studio acoustics aren't exactly at the forefront of the musical scene at the moment. When you finally happen to stumble upon a real drummer recorded in a real studio, it seems that 90% of his timing has been quantized/adjusted and the actual sound has either been either beefed up or replaced with samples. As a matter of fact, listening to some of my old favorites, I realize how much my hearing has been conditioned during the last few years. It all seem so sloppy... Just look how much time and money developers put into emulating equipment of the past decade - and completely miss the target because it wasn't just equipment... Jimmy Page used a tiny amp he found in the studio hallway to record Since I've Been Loving You... David Glimour plugged straight into the desk for that beautiful lead in the intro on Wish You Were Here. Plugging into the desk wasn't glamorous back then - kids didn't go "wow, listen to that classic british console sound dude"... No one but geeky engineers cared about that stuff back then. It's been a week today - Shine on you crazy diamond by Pink Floyd (though I'm not a Pink Floyd fanatic) has been looping in my head. Eating my breakfast this morning it struck me - why don't people write such music these days? Well, band don't jam, don't live the music - they exchange files over the internet, and go for the sound - trying to emulate that. Poorly recorded good songs will always rule over pristine quality poor music. Hey Jude will always get people to sing along, whether its on Youtube or from a worn out vinyl or a remastered CD. I'm not sure people will even remember any of the current top ten songs on iTunes right now just 2 months from now.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 9:43 PM
From a business angle I think you hit the nail on the head. My background is more business oriented than creative. From managing guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen, to building multi-million companies, to consulting for other corporations around the world to boost sales and profit , to helping companies design new products , etc...... I can tell you that clearly see the HD paradox. For years, PT-HD was PERCEIVED as this top of the ladder, professional recording studio environment in mush the same way big recordings studios in the 70s were seen. Now, that distinction gets blurred with Pro Tools 9.0 On one hand, AVID can embrace a whole new group of potential customers. On the other hand, they have a large list of existing customers who paid $15-20K to build a PT-HD studio and felt like they were ELITE. Now the value of some of the HD hardware has dropped overnight and the functionality of the higher end PT has now been opened up to a wider group of "common people". Technically many of the engineering pros on this forum may still understand some advantages of HD But in the real world ........... PERCEPTION BECOMES REALITY. The PERCEIVED differences in PRO TOOLS has been erased and now the HD folks not only feel "not so unique any more" ..... but also possibly threatened professionally by the possible lost of business they may experience. Whew, very astute. They hadn't dawned on me in that clarity. But I agree.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 9:50 PM
rhythminmind And secondly what is with Sonars extending of clip/regions past audio content? Makes it a **** to get back to the original position. Preference option? Extending the end of clips past their audio content can be considered a feature when using time-based Clip FX. This prevents them from getting their tails cut off early. BTW, nice video. I wished I could do those things in Sonar as easy as Pro Tools does it. You can return a clip to it's original time stamp with a right-click, but you can't freely snap it the way you demonstrated without having to zoom in constantly. These type of things make editing audio in Sonar longer than it should be. Hope Cakewalk improved this area in X1. Thanks!
Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz 8 GB of RAM @ 800 Mhz ATI Radeon HD 3650 Windows 7 Professional (SP1) x64 Cubase 6.03 x64 Sonar PE 8.5.3 x64 RME FireFace 400 Frontier Design Alpha Track Studio Logic VMK-188 Plus http://www.youtube.com/user/SonarHD
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 9:51 PM
Preference options?, I guess Snap setting is about it. The way the video was demonstrated I felt it was most suited workflow for PT, as for SONAR I think it's important to trim the start and ends first (with the correct snap settings) before proceeding with anything else. Then trying to get back to the original position should not be that difficult. I didn't watch the whole thing in a highly focused manner, but what I did watch look the same to me as what I have/can do in Sonar with - as you said - the right SnapTo grid settings. As for the 'ends' -- this is actually useful. I can stretch the end of an audio clip to force an FX to continue beyond (for feedback tricks, etc). I don't know if it works the same way in PT or not. There are other 'tricks' one can do by shifting the clip boundaries as well. And, while this may not be true of those here at the moment - I have OFTEN seen statements made about what Sonar can't or doesn't do that have been tremendously false. And usually was more of a statement about that users lack of knowledge of Sonar's features as opposed to its actual features.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 9:55 PM
Studio acoustics aren't exactly at the forefront of the musical scene at the moment. When you finally happen to stumble upon a real drummer recorded in a real studio, it seems that 90% of his timing has been quantized/adjusted and the actual sound has either been either beefed up or replaced with samples. Ugghhh....and one of the reasons why I had to quit listening to any new metal bands. You know it's bad when a midi setup has more slop than a five-piece rock band.
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Music at Night, 1931- Aldous Huxley
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 10:05 PM
the functionality of the higher end PT has now been opened up to a wider group of "common people". Without the hardware dongle, Avid will now also be exposed to wonders of having free copies of their software spread around just like every other program, which may also change the game, but in the wrong direction. Higher visibility in the marketplace also means that more and more people will want it for free, which simply wasn't possible in the past.
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Music at Night, 1931- Aldous Huxley
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 10:24 PM
Jose7822 rhythminmind And secondly what is with Sonars extending of clip/regions past audio content? Makes it a **** to get back to the original position. Preference option? Extending the end of clips past their audio content can be considered a feature when using time-based Clip FX. This prevents them from getting their tails cut off early. BTW, nice video. I wished I could do those things in Sonar as easy as Pro Tools does it. You can return a clip to it's original time stamp with a right-click, but you can't freely snap it the way you demonstrated without having to zoom in constantly. These type of things make editing audio in Sonar longer than it should be. Hope Cakewalk improved this area in X1. Thanks! When I 1st started using Sonar I was dumbfounded how you can't safely edit off the grid. You can't - trim a region - move it - un-trim it - & move it back to the prior position. It was actually the very 1st thing that happened to me. I Imported a multichannel drum session. Trimmed a snare track & accidentally slid it a bit. Didn't realize for a few more minutes of editing & had no way of putting it back. Thats still the case. It's crazy. I mean that truly is a basic DAW feature. We have audiosnap 2.0 but 1/2 baked editing. Try this for yourself. - Import 2 tracks with different content
- Trim the start & end points of both tracks equally.
- Now trim only one of the tracks & slide it somewhere.
- Now try to place that audio back where it just came from.
There isn't a easy method. Oh but we will be getting skylight in X1, It's just bizarre.=)
post edited by rhythminmind - November 11, 10 10:42 PM
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 10:55 PM
Now try to place that audio back where it just came from. There isn't a easy method. How about "undo" (ctrl+Z)? That should work.....
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 11:01 PM
vicsant Now try to place that audio back where it just came from. There isn't a easy method.
How about "undo" (ctrl+Z)? That should work..... Only after you just realized you made the mistake. What if you noticed after saving and performing MANY steps already? That's how you end up spending valuable time fixing stuff.
Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz 8 GB of RAM @ 800 Mhz ATI Radeon HD 3650 Windows 7 Professional (SP1) x64 Cubase 6.03 x64 Sonar PE 8.5.3 x64 RME FireFace 400 Frontier Design Alpha Track Studio Logic VMK-188 Plus http://www.youtube.com/user/SonarHD
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 11:06 PM
Living Room Rocker
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 11:21 PM
Lanceindastudio No need to bash pro tools. It is a very nice product. Thing, is Sonar is too, and at a much lower cost for more under the hood. Sony guts.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 11:32 PM
vicsant Undo/redo history? So you would seriously consider this a good workaround even if it means undoing several hours of work? Not to mention that saving and closing the project deletes the Undo/Redo History.
Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz 8 GB of RAM @ 800 Mhz ATI Radeon HD 3650 Windows 7 Professional (SP1) x64 Cubase 6.03 x64 Sonar PE 8.5.3 x64 RME FireFace 400 Frontier Design Alpha Track Studio Logic VMK-188 Plus http://www.youtube.com/user/SonarHD
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 11:41 PM
My take on the whole PT9 'vs' X1 [ Sonar 8.6 ] issue is as follows:- - both great products - feature-for-feature-bang-for-buck, Sonar [ to me ] is the leader - PT9 going fully Native is a *brilliant* move - AVID has finally woken up and is starting to " play ball " HOWEVER - once PT9 [ Native ] goes fully Native X64 *and* allows native-no-wrapper-needed-VST use it will even-more-so increase the presure on Cubase / Sonar / Reaper / StudioOne etc.... Given how the new management team has so far fundumentally changed AVID in the last 12 - 18 months, only a fool would think that PT9 [ Native ] is their " first-and-best-shot " at next-gen DAW Software. Even if it goes Native X64 - even with no other changes - it will be a major decision / prospective turning point for * a lot * of DAW users of other DAW programs. Just go back 3 months - if anyone had said to you, " I reckon AVID are going to massivly increase the functionality of LE -plus- give it ADC -plus- make it fully Native ..... " your guts would have been sore from laughing Me .... I'm boring ..... I'm a Sonar'ite through-and-through ....... ....... I just hope no-one at Cakewalk / Roland / or here for that matter under-estimate just how much of a potential game-changer AVID's current moves [ and as yet un-announced moves ] may well prove to be. tim
post edited by timboe - November 11, 10 11:53 PM
Resonant Order
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 11, 10 11:54 PM
Just go back 3 months - if anyone had said to you, " I reckon AVID are going to massivly increase the functionality of LE -plus- give it ADC -plus- make it fully Native ..... " your guts would have been sore from laughing Actually, there are beta testers for PT9 that have been discouraging people from buying PT8 for the last four months on a few different forums. PT will never support VST. Ever.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 0:15 PM
mikespitzer Good point in theory, although in real world practice we all know many traditional studios are dying and closing up every day as more and more people migrate to "Do It Yourself" or smaller semi-pro studios. And so with that migration, I wonder if the industry standard sales point becomes less and less motivating. Feature-wise, I think Pro Tools is great, but it's not head-and-shoulders above the rest. The big subtext to the game-changing discussion is that its the industry standard which is now available in a format like all of its competitors. And if the market is moving away from traditional studios, what difference does it make to the individual and his/her handful of associates which brand of software is used? There's a lot of time and energy invested in knowing software, so I think that's part of why everyone wants to read the tea leaves a little, and perhaps Pro Tools will continue to dominate simply because, even if all other factors equalize, "everyone else is using it" might be enough.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 0:24 PM
which one? lol Living Room Rocker Lanceindastudio No need to bash pro tools. It is a very nice product. Thing, is Sonar is too, and at a much lower cost for more under the hood. Sony guts.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 4:28 AM
Resonant Order PT will never support VST. Ever. They way things stand now I have to agree, totally. Propellerheads appear to be doing very well with no VST support and zero prospects of that ever appearing in Reason / Record. AVID with Protools are a second major brand to ignore VST completely. Frankly I think AVID have no need whatsoever to add VST and I agree it looks like VST support will not officially be part of PT any time soon if ever. I really don't think AVID need it. They can push RTAS instead. Complicating matters for Steinberg - a competitor. Propellerheads succeeded where Cakewalk could not. Using their own plugin format only. AVID perhaps as a sub plot within the PT9 announcement might want to not only go beyond ever supporting VST (they have no need for it IMO) but also with RTAS offer a rival format to the VST format. A host used in high end studios that does not use the "industry standard" plugin format (VST) but now is a rival product in the mid market is a sub plot that is bubbling away under the headlines IMO. I think AVID are well aware of it as well. There was a time when it was unheard of for a major host not to support VST and be taken seriously. Not any more with two major players doing very well without any VST support or any prospect of ever supporting VST. If anything I think VST might become less relevant as time goes on. I would also say Steinberg are (or should be) concerned. Not sure how Cakewalk can do without VST (I am sure they would like to not have to rely on Steinberg for that) but clearly a few other hosts can totally sidestep VST. That is a very significant amount of power to wield. AVID with PT9 have made VST less relevant IMO. Not totally irrelevant (of course) but less so to a degree. Make that at least three major devs as IIRC Logic does not officially support VST's either. 800+ RTAS plugs already exist with major players like UAD, Spectrasonics and Izotope on board. It will be interesting to see how the RTAS vs VST pans out and where Cakewalk falls into that picture in future.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 4:47 AM
Rain That's why I don't see this move by Avid as particularly game-changing. Back when everyone used tape, people went to studios because of other resources, including talent (of the engineer). Those other resources (good rooms, good mics, etc.) and talent will still matter. Judging from what I hear these days, unfortunately, I'm not so sure. Studio acoustics aren't exactly at the forefront of the musical scene at the moment. When you finally happen to stumble upon a real drummer recorded in a real studio, it seems that 90% of his timing has been quantized/adjusted and the actual sound has either been either beefed up or replaced with samples. As a matter of fact, listening to some of my old favorites, I realize how much my hearing has been conditioned during the last few years. It all seem so sloppy... Just look how much time and money developers put into emulating equipment of the past decade - and completely miss the target because it wasn't just equipment... Jimmy Page used a tiny amp he found in the studio hallway to record Since I've Been Loving You... David Glimour plugged straight into the desk for that beautiful lead in the intro on Wish You Were Here. Plugging into the desk wasn't glamorous back then - kids didn't go "wow, listen to that classic british console sound dude"... No one but geeky engineers cared about that stuff back then. It's been a week today - Shine on you crazy diamond by Pink Floyd (though I'm not a Pink Floyd fanatic) has been looping in my head. Eating my breakfast this morning it struck me - why don't people write such music these days? Well, band don't jam, don't live the music - they exchange files over the internet, and go for the sound - trying to emulate that. Poorly recorded good songs will always rule over pristine quality poor music. Hey Jude will always get people to sing along, whether its on Youtube or from a worn out vinyl or a remastered CD. I'm not sure people will even remember any of the current top ten songs on iTunes right now just 2 months from now. +100
A song from my band: Terramater My soundcloud pageSonar Platinum Windows 7 Professional (SP1) 64Bit Intel Core i7 Quad Processor i7-2600K 3,4GHz MSI P67A-C45 (MOBO) Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600MHz 8GB CL9 (2x4GB) Seagate Barracuda® 7200.12 1TB Seagate Barracuda® XT 2TB
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 5:19 AM
" ...... PT will never support VST. Ever. ...... " Hmmmmmm .... what about:- " There will never be a Native Version of PT " " ADC will only ever be in the flagship version " My point is that the old paradigms are changing very fast. Usually, history is the best indicator of the future ....... in the current DAW market however, this is no longer the case. tim
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 6:42 AM
rhythminmind Try this for yourself. - Import 2 tracks with different content
- Trim the start & end points of both tracks equally.
- Now trim only one of the tracks & slide it somewhere.
- Now try to place that audio back where it just came from.
There isn't a easy method. Oh but we will be getting skylight in X1, It's just bizarre.=)
I'm not sure in reference to your other points, but with regards to your 4 steps above, you can easily do by - right click - "revert clip(s) to original time stamp".
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 7:06 AM
Lowline I'm not sure in reference to your other points, but with regards to your 4 steps above, you can easily do by - right click - "revert clip(s) to original time stamp". That might not always work. If the audio was imported from another project or wasn't at the original time stamp when you start editing (because you rearranged or changed tempo or whatever), this solution won't work. UnderTow
Freddie H
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 7:11 AM
Resonant Order Just go back 3 months - if anyone had said to you, " I reckon AVID are going to massivly increase the functionality of LE -plus- give it ADC -plus- make it fully Native ..... " your guts would have been sore from laughing Actually, there are beta testers for PT9 that have been discouraging people from buying PT8 for the last four months on a few different forums. PT will never support VST. Ever. There you go... How idiotic isn't that... Here is more great idiotic business strategic. Apple-products like iPhone and iPad doesn't support "flash". Market reaction= lately it has drooped over 500% in sell on those products. (referring especially on iPad!) http://www.intomobile.com...-market-share-android/ http://www.windowsitpro.c...-Android-Invasion.aspx http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20006889-37.html
post edited by Freddie H - November 12, 10 7:20 AM
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 7:13 AM
Yeah, the iPhone and the iPad have been a complete commercial disaster. Oh, hang on...
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 7:47 AM
timboe " ...... PT will never support VST. Ever. ...... " Hmmmmmm .... what about:- " There will never be a Native Version of PT " " ADC will only ever be in the flagship version " My point is that the old paradigms are changing very fast. Usually, history is the best indicator of the future ....... in the current DAW market however, this is no longer the case. tim I agree with your response, Tim, in that the old paradigms seems to be changing very fast. Frankly, Avid's announcement of PT9 amounts to pigs flying and hell freezing over for some people. Re: PT VST support: On the other hand, if Pro Tools never supports VST, that's probably fine too -- most of the major plugin developers already support RTAS -- let's face it, it's a huge market, and a market that is used to people paying money for plugins. I went through my plugin library and 75%+ of the plugins I own have RTAS support already, including ones I didn't think would. And 90%+ of all my *favorite* plugins are already RTAS. A big standout is Camel Audio, for example, which does not support RTAS yet. However, I just found an announcement on their website that says they too are working on RTAS support for Alchemy. So, this may be a non-issue for a large majority of people. Personally, I can see a strong case for them NOT to support VST. If they just stick with RTAS, with most of the major players already on board... it lends itself to a more stable environment. Rather than try to support all the myriad of VST developers and the endless subtle issues VST plugins have with hosts, they can just force developers to develop for RTAS, which puts the onus on the developer to make sure their plugins work for PT. It also ensures that every developer has PT on hand to develop for and support... So it's a rather compelling case for Avid to avoid VST altogether. Also, when the transition to x64 does eventually happen, I think it lends itself to a more orderly, rapid move for RTAS plugin developers. They'll only have one host to test for, plenty of warning if they're also on the PT beta team, and one large market that will move en masse when Avid says they should. ;) Additionally, there are numerous excellent RTAS plugins out there with no VST version that I know of, including -- off the top of my head -- Avid's own AIR plugins (some of their VI's are really quite good) and the excellent McDSP plugins.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 8:31 AM
UnderTow Lowline I'm not sure in reference to your other points, but with regards to your 4 steps above, you can easily do by - right click - "revert clip(s) to original time stamp". That might not always work. If the audio was imported from another project or wasn't at the original time stamp when you start editing (because you rearranged or changed tempo or whatever), this solution won't work. UnderTow Not to mention how you set up your project and tracks. I'm not an "expert" in the depths of PT -- I've used Sonar and Cubase far more in recent years, but I do have PT9 installed next to Sonar and know my way around well enough that it's easy to test in detail. The example presented in rhythminmind's video clip is just the tip of the iceberg.... In PT, tracks can be sample-based or tick-based, so that has an impact if you're working on things with tempo changes. Any decent PT operator could easily sit down side-by-side and show that you can create complex projects, shift things around, edit, play with tempos, move tracks between sample/tick modes and then get everything to line up again later on... sample accurately... and it's not that hard to do it. That capability is not easy to dismiss, and why PT is so strong in post production. Let's be honest here. Also, when you couple that with its consistent, reliable automation and region/group management during editing, that lends credibility to the "pro" in Pro Tools, I hate to say. I'm just pointing that out, not cutting down Sonar at all. It's an important aspect of why many studios have adopted PT, like it or not. They may not even be aware of that fact. :) That ability, from beginning to end sample accurate editing is nothing to sneeze at. So I don't think people should just dismiss it in this forum unless they really have tested it out themselves. (And BTW, sitting down for a couple of hours and "playing around" with PT at a buddy's studio does not constitute enough experience to say whether or not PT editing is good or not in comparison with another DAW. ANY DAW requires plenty of time to really learn how a feature is implemented, and after real experience and an open mind reading the nitty-gritty details in the manual, you'll finally know the differences. Frankly, I'm STILL discovering amazing things about Sonar, Cubase, Reaper, Live and Pro Tools after using them to various levels of intensity in my studio.) But I do agree about PT's editing prowess over most other DAW apps when push comes to shove and you have deadlines to meet. If you have learned the PT paradigm (i.e. if you're actually a Pro Tools operator instead of a Pro Tools tourist), you will know that what PT does, it does very well. What it doesn't do, it doesn't even try to do. I hope that makes sense. I'm not saying there aren't other shortcomings with PT, nor am I saying Sonar doesn't have some great tools up its sleeve -- there certainly are, and we've hit on a lot of those in this thread. Cakewalk's clip-based FX and envelops, for example, are huge tools that many people overlook. There's a lot of power in that, and you'll be disappointed moving to PT that those clip-based features are simply not there. PT doesn't even bother trying to do that. Hell, I just love clip gain in Cubase, and it has a great little sample editor built-in, so Cubase people would be disappointed as well in that sense. On top of all that, we'll have to wait to see what Sonar X1 might bring to the table! :)
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?
November 12, 10 9:43 AM
eratu Re: PT VST support: On the other hand, if Pro Tools never supports VST, that's probably fine too -- most of the major plugin developers already support RTAS -- let's face it, it's a huge market, and a market that is used to people paying money for plugins. I went through my plugin library and 75%+ of the plugins I own have RTAS support already, including ones I didn't think would. And 90%+ of all my *favorite* plugins are already RTAS. A big standout is Camel Audio, for example, which does not support RTAS yet. However, I just found an announcement on their website that says they too are working on RTAS support for Alchemy. So, this may be a non-issue for a large majority of people. I think that trend may continue. Voxengo may likely follow suite as many other major devs already support RTAS and any that to do not, would not want to miss offering their products to ProTools users who may simply never have used their products because of the lack of official RTAS support. While a wrapper does exist for VST's, most users will surely prefer to avoid using a wrapper if possible. Personally, I can see a strong case for them NOT to support VST. If they just stick with RTAS, with most of the major players already on board... it lends itself to a more stable environment. Rather than try to support all the myriad of VST developers and the endless subtle issues VST plugins have with hosts, they can just force developers to develop for RTAS, which puts the onus on the developer to make sure their plugins work for PT. It also ensures that every developer has PT on hand to develop for and support... So it's a rather compelling case for Avid to avoid VST altogether. Also, when the transition to x64 does eventually happen, I think it lends itself to a more orderly, rapid move for RTAS plugin developers. They'll only have one host to test for, plenty of warning if they're also on the PT beta team, and one large market that will move en masse when Avid says they should. ;) Additionally, there are numerous excellent RTAS plugins out there with no VST version that I know of, including -- off the top of my head -- Avid's own AIR plugins (some of their VI's are really quite good) and the excellent McDSP plugins. Yes developers will likely resonate increasingly with RTAS and...here is where things get really strange... Will Cakewalk even need VST support in future? Cakewalk could in a bizarre twist use RTAS to its advantage. RTAS is not going anywhere soon and will likely rise in popularity even more now. UAD were very quick to announce support at AES and Camel as you mentioned. But...Cakewalk could simply wait and see if RTAS gathers enough steam (probably already there with several hundreds of plugs already in that format) and maybe in 12 - 24 months they could jettision VST support and focus purely on RTAS for Sonar. That would be a huge blow for Steinberg. I am pretty sure that Cakewalk perceive AVID as a bigger problem long term compared to Steinberg. It is easier for AVID to reach down to the mid market than it is for Cakewalk or Steinberg to break into the top end where ProTools resides. So I think Cakewalk might very well support RTAS and stop supporting VST to further weaken the VST format and weaken a close competitor (that is currently easier to compete with) as well. That would add major dev no.4 to the list that does not support VST or need to. It would strengthen RTAS as a format but I would think Cakewalk would prefer to do that than support VST. An old rival could suddenly have a major selling point for their apps (Cubase and Nuendo) drastically removed. I would not be surprised to see that pig fly within the next 2 years.  Frankly amongst the big host devs currently only Cakewalk, Ableton and PreSonus support the format officially. If Cakewalk drop support I think PreSonus and Ableton will follow as well. Then what for VST and Steinberg? I really think this will happen at some point. I think Steinberg stand to lose much more from the PT9 announcement than any other dev. Smaller host devs might also follow suite and drop VST. Even if people complained about no VST support in Sonar I suspect many are not even aware that possibly most of their existing plugs have RTAS versions, especially a year or two from now probably all of them will have RTAS versions. So if Cakewalk support RTAS and jettison VST the transition could be remarkably smooth for Cakewalk customers. But I think it will take about 12 - 24 months for that kind of story to develop. I really think Cakewalk know both formats are strong now (RTAS and VST) but a second chance to weaken VST (DX did not work) and as result weaken Steinbergs main product offering, is something Cakewalk will surely consider.
post edited by cmusicmaker - November 12, 10 9:49 AM