SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 10:03 AM (permalink)

Propellerheads appear to be doing very well with no VST support and zero prospects of that ever appearing in Reason / Record. AVID with Protools are a second major brand  to ignore VST completely. Frankly I think AVID have no need whatsoever to add VST and  I agree it looks like VST support will not officially be part of PT any time soon if ever. I really don't think AVID need it. They can push RTAS instead. Complicating matters for Steinberg - a competitor.

Actually, on the Mac side of the world, Pro Tools, Logic and Digital Performer don't support VST. You have to use a wrapper. Meaning that native VST support is pretty much restricted to Steinberg products and Live (and audio editors such as Peak).

Though I certainly appreciated being able to use VSTs in Sonar, I always felt like it was like a lost battle for Cakewalk, after pushing for an open standard for so many years. 

As mentioned in a different thread, most of the big developers did offer an alternative to VST on the PC at some point, and pretty much every sequencer (except PT who stick to their own format) supported DX, including Cubase. 

I find it somehow sad that we missed the opportunity to have a real open standard. Now its VST by default. Don't know if it's because DX ended up not being all that Cakewalk was hoping it to be and VST turned out to be a better solution in the end, or if they got tired of fighting and just obliged to users demand.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 10:14 AM (permalink)
Wow, cmusicmaker, I agree with some of the things you mention, but I just cannot see Cakewalk ever dropping VST support, unless far in the future there is a compelling, far superior plugin format... and they would STILL keep VST support around for legacy projects. That is "The Cakewalk Way" TM. That would just be too radical of a change and it just wouldn't make sense market-wise, and it would needlessly put Cake users through a potentially tough transition. x64 was tough enough.

If the only reason would be to isolate Steinberg and the VST standard, that's just not a strong enough reason. There are too many other hosts that support VST and Cakewalk's absence would definitely not cause Ableton or Presonus (or Reaper or Tracktion or Samplitude or ACID or.... ) to drop VST. Let us not forget that people invest a lot of time and money into plugins, and such a change is very painful. Look what happened when Steinberg dropped DX support. Think what would happen if Cake dropped VST support! Cakewalk, in my opinion, is KNOWN for backwards compatibility and they STILL support DX plugins today, which as I mentioned, Steinberg dropped, to the great frustration of many of its customers.

If anyone would consider dropping or messing with VST support -- at least legacy support -- ironically, it's Steinberg, sad to say. They frankly crapped all over legacy 32-bit VST plugins with their x64 VST Bridge, and very technically, don't officially support VST plugins older than the 2.1 standard, I believe (although most 2.0 still work fine). VST3 is Steinberg's current baby, and there's no guarantee that legacy VST2 plugins will be 100% reliable in future Steinberg products. Even the way they handle presets has changed. So if anyone changes things, it's Steinberg.

In fact, Sonar x64 with its superior BitBridge, out of the box, is technically MORE compatible with MORE VST plugins than Cubase x64. I know this from experience. So I just can't see Cake dumping VST support, especially with all the hard work they invested with BitBridge, etc.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 10:51 AM (permalink)


Propellerheads appear to be doing very well with no VST support and zero prospects of that ever appearing in Reason / Record. AVID with Protools are a second major brand  to ignore VST completely. Frankly I think AVID have no need whatsoever to add VST and  I agree it looks like VST support will not officially be part of PT any time soon if ever. I really don't think AVID need it. They can push RTAS instead. Complicating matters for Steinberg - a competitor.

Actually, on the Mac side of the world, Pro Tools, Logic and Digital Performer don't support VST. You have to use a wrapper. Meaning that native VST support is pretty much restricted to Steinberg products and Live (and audio editors such as Peak).

Though I certainly appreciated being able to use VSTs in Sonar, I always felt like it was like a lost battle for Cakewalk, after pushing for an open standard for so many years. 

As mentioned in a different thread, most of the big developers did offer an alternative to VST on the PC at some point, and pretty much every sequencer (except PT who stick to their own format) supported DX, including Cubase. 

I find it somehow sad that we missed the opportunity to have a real open standard. Now its VST by default. Don't know if it's because DX ended up not being all that Cakewalk was hoping it to be and VST turned out to be a better solution in the end, or if they got tired of fighting and just obliged to users demand.
The demise of DX or gradual lack of support for it was a bit strange. It looked fairly strong at one point. But maybe the plugin landscape will change again over the next few years.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 11:06 AM (permalink)
DX is PC only. VST is not tied to a platform, though obviously a developer needs to compile their code separately for each platform. I think VST's takeover was the result of the industry simply saying "yeah, this seems to work, let's just use it...", not to mention the large push from the shareware/freeware/cheapware crowd. At some point when a majority of hosts support VST in some form or another (perhaps via adapter... 'member those days?), a plug developer has to ask "and I'm maintaining this DX version for what reason?"... and there you go.  You just simplified your business by cutting off a feature that only 50% of the cusomers use 20% of the time...

Lack of VST support on the PC side is looked down upon, IMO. When such new product versions are announced there's always a "yeah, but it doesn't support VST" groan... how many potential customers are they missing out on? I suspect alot.
post edited by keith - November 12, 10 11:07 AM
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 11:12 AM (permalink)

Wow, cmusicmaker, I agree with some of the things you mention, but I just cannot see Cakewalk ever dropping VST support, unless far in the future there is a compelling, far superior plugin format... and they would STILL keep VST support around for legacy projects. That is "The Cakewalk Way" TM. That would just be too radical of a change and it just wouldn't make sense market-wise, and it would needlessly put Cake users through a potentially tough transition. x64 was tough enough.

Yeah I am speculating  but I still think there are more twists and turns ahead regarding RTAS and VST.

If the only reason would be to isolate Steinberg and the VST standard, that's just not a strong enough reason. There are too many other hosts that support VST and Cakewalk's absence would definitely not cause Ableton or Presonus (or Reaper or Tracktion or Samplitude or ACID or.... ) to drop VST.

Maybe not immediately.

Let us not forget that people invest a lot of time and money into plugins, and such a change is very painful. Look what happened when Steinberg dropped DX support. Think what would happen if Cake dropped VST support! Cakewalk, in my opinion, is KNOWN for backwards compatibility and they STILL support DX plugins today, which as I mentioned, Steinberg dropped, to the great frustration of many of its customers.

I think with so many more RTAS versions of existing plugins that would not really be an issue in 2 or 3 years. But yeah Cakewalk may very well keep VST support anyway as many of their own  plugs are coded for the VST format. But even that could change.

If anyone would consider dropping or messing with VST support -- at least legacy support -- ironically, it's Steinberg, sad to say. They frankly crapped all over legacy 32-bit VST plugins with their x64 VST Bridge, and very technically, don't officially support VST plugins older than the 2.1 standard, I believe (although most 2.0 still work fine). VST3 is Steinberg's current baby, and there's no guarantee that legacy VST2 plugins will be 100% reliable in future Steinberg products. Even the way they handle presets has changed. So if anyone changes things, it's Steinberg.

Extraordinary  considering VST is their format. I would not be pleased to read that if I owned Cubase.

In fact, Sonar x64 with its superior BitBridge, out of the box, is technically MORE compatible with MORE VST plugins than Cubase x64. I know this from experience. So I just can't see Cake dumping VST support, especially with all the hard work they invested with BitBridge, etc.

It’s speculation for 2 -3  years from now :-) but frankly in DAWdom that is more like a 10 year period compared to other markets. Anyway…lets see how it all pans out.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 11:19 AM (permalink)

DX is PC only. VST is not tied to a platform, though obviously a developer needs to compile their code separately for each platform. I think VST's takeover was the result of the industry simply saying "yeah, this seems to work, let's just use it...", not to mention the large push from the shareware/freeware/cheapware crowd. At some point when a majority of hosts support VST in some form or another (perhaps via adapter... 'member tose days?), a plug developer has to ask "and I'm maintaining this DX version for what reason?"... and there you go.  You just simplified your business by cutting off a feature that only 50% of the cusomers use 20% of the time...

Lack of VST support on the PC side is looked down upon, IMO. When such new product versions are announced there's always a "yeah, but it doesn't support VST" groan... how many potential customers are they missing out on? I suspect alot.
Well, that's the paradox. It's cross platform, but standard only on the PC. Developers usually offer AU version of their plug-ins on Mac. On the PC, the lack of a real standard makes VST the de facto standard. Apple pushed on the AU standard and developers followed. On the PC side, it seems like all the pressure was on Cakewalk and Ron Kuper at the time. Still quite an achievement when you look back at it - they managed to get NI and a few others to actually develop DXi when only Sonar supported it. But it's like they were fighting the battle alone and eventually had to renounce in face of the de facto standard.

I really think this has A LOT to do w/ share/donation/freeware developers as you mention. The big guys (Waves, NI, etc) supported DX. But I guess that users wanted to be able to use all those VST freebies and put so much pressure that Cake and plugin devlopers just gave up.
post edited by Rain - November 12, 10 11:24 AM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 12:12 AM (permalink)
Even if people complained about no VST support in Sonar I suspect many are not even aware that possibly most of their existing plugs have RTAS versions, especially a year or two from now probably all of them will have RTAS versions. So if Cakewalk support RTAS and jettison VST the transition could be remarkably smooth for Cakewalk customers. But I think it will take about 12 - 24 months for that kind of story to develop. I really think Cakewalk know both formats are strong now (RTAS and VST) but a second chance to weaken VST (DX did not work) and as result weaken Steinbergs main product offering, is something Cakewalk will surely consider.

I haven't read all the newest posts, so someone may have said this ... but, if Cakewalk gives up VST for RTAS, they will also be handing Avid a user base in a way.   It's one thing to fight another mid-market company (like Steinberg) than to 'appear' to fight an Avid.
Without VST support and going soley for RTAS, Cakewalk would essentially be in the same "pool" as Avid.  I'm not sure that'd really work out well (at this point).

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 12:23 AM (permalink)



I'm not sure in reference to your other points, but with regards to your 4 steps above, you can easily do by - right click - "revert clip(s) to original time stamp".
That might not always work. If the audio was imported from another project or wasn't at the original time stamp when you start editing (because you rearranged or changed tempo or whatever), this solution won't work.


Not to mention how you set up your project and tracks. I'm not an "expert" in the depths of PT -- I've used Sonar and Cubase far more in recent years, but I do have PT9 installed next to Sonar and know my way around well enough that it's easy to test in detail.

The example presented in rhythminmind's video clip is just the tip of the iceberg.... In PT, tracks can be sample-based or tick-based, so that has an impact if you're working on things with tempo changes. Any decent PT operator could easily sit down side-by-side and show that you can create complex projects, shift things around, edit, play with tempos, move tracks between sample/tick modes and then get everything to line up again later on... sample accurately... and it's not that hard to do it. That capability is not easy to dismiss, and why PT is so strong in post production. Let's be honest here. Also, when you couple that with its consistent, reliable automation and region/group management during editing, that lends credibility to the "pro" in Pro Tools, I hate to say. I'm just pointing that out, not cutting down Sonar at all. It's an important aspect of why many studios have adopted PT, like it or not. They may not even be aware of that fact. :) That ability, from beginning to end sample accurate editing is nothing to sneeze at. So I don't think people should just dismiss it in this forum unless they really have tested it out themselves.

(And BTW, sitting down for a couple of hours and "playing around" with PT at a buddy's studio does not constitute enough experience to say whether or not PT editing is good or not in comparison with another DAW. ANY DAW requires plenty of time to really learn how a feature is implemented, and after real experience and an open mind reading the nitty-gritty details in the manual, you'll finally know the differences. Frankly, I'm STILL discovering amazing things about Sonar, Cubase, Reaper, Live and Pro Tools after using them to various levels of intensity in my studio.)

But I do agree about PT's editing prowess over most other DAW apps when push comes to shove and you have deadlines to meet. If you have learned the PT paradigm (i.e. if you're actually a Pro Tools operator instead of a Pro Tools tourist), you will know that what PT does, it does very well. What it doesn't do, it doesn't even try to do. I hope that makes sense. I'm not saying there aren't other shortcomings with PT, nor am I saying Sonar doesn't have some great tools up its sleeve -- there certainly are, and we've hit on a lot of those in this thread. Cakewalk's clip-based FX and envelops, for example, are huge tools that many people overlook. There's a lot of power in that, and you'll be disappointed moving to PT that those clip-based features are simply not there. PT doesn't even bother trying to do that. Hell, I just love clip gain in Cubase, and it has a great little sample editor built-in, so Cubase people would be disappointed as well in that sense.

On top of all that, we'll have to wait to see what Sonar X1 might bring to the table! :)

Hi Eratu !

I think we all agree about PT being excellent in the edition world and we all stated that this a really solid post prod tool !!
If you have read some of my comments , what i feel is that more than PT , it's more the biased representation of people are making of it (because of who's using it and where) than the product itself witch respond to a certain portion of the market !!

The thing is that hearing : "you wanna do music ...go protools" is just a common statement that IS the problem in my "poor" well as "this the best daw" or some witch tend to be what i read in otha terms of course !

All the great post from Rythm , Jose , you ....are from people who handle quit everystep of the production themselve (so they know when and why using protools !!)....but a lot of people are using PT because they "have too" and don't even use or go in the area where it shines , to stay in a area where it lacks but don't even know it because of their poor knowledge of other daws !!

What i say to student is that don't trust me , try by yourself !!.....and i must say that a lot of you guyz are doing so by having multiple daws ....but i don't feel like PT users are as "good" as you guy and "really" try otha platform since they use the PT !!

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 12:27 AM (permalink)

they managed to get NI and a few others to actually develop DXi when only Sonar supported it.
Well that's not an insult to us old n-track fans...  In fact, I started with n-track because of its native VST/VSTi/DX/DXi support back when hosts were basically one or the other if you don't include the FXpansion adapter and the like... oh and rewire... and WDM/KS + ASIO... and 24-bit... and...
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 12:31 AM (permalink)

if Cakewalk gives up VST for RTAS, they will also be handing Avid a user base in a way.   It's one thing to fight another mid-market company (like Steinberg) than to 'appear' to fight an Avid.
Without VST support and going soley for RTAS, Cakewalk would essentially be in the same "pool" as Avid.  I'm not sure that'd really work out well (at this point).
  Making plugins is one thing but hosting them is another. VST is open, RTAS is not an open SDK. Unless something changes avid is the only one capable hosting RTAS.

post edited by rhythminmind - November 12, 10 12:36 AM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 12:39 AM (permalink)


they managed to get NI and a few others to actually develop DXi when only Sonar supported it.
Well that's not an insult to us old n-track fans...  In fact, I started with n-track because of its native VST/VSTi/DX/DXi support back when hosts were basically one or the other if you don't include the FXpansion adapter and the like... oh and rewire... and WDM/KS + ASIO... and 24-bit... and...

Yeah, I guess I tend to omit alternatives - even if I pretty much tried everything back in the days -  ever heard of Quartz Audio? ;) In all fairness, there were indeed a few exceptions IIRC, Fruity Loops supported DXi too.  I guess I tend to remember history from a Cakewalk user's perspective.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 3:18 PM (permalink)

Cakewalk could in a bizarre twist use RTAS to its advantage.
As far as I know, Avid won't allow anyone to offer RTAS support. And why should they? They have that market cornered. As for using the FXPansion VST to RTAS wrapper, I have no idea if it is stable or not but it is certainly an option. It seems that Avid very much have the advantage.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 3:50 PM (permalink)


Cakewalk could in a bizarre twist use RTAS to its advantage.
As far as I know, Avid won't allow anyone to offer RTAS support. And why should they? They have that market cornered. As for using the FXPansion VST to RTAS wrapper, I have no idea if it is stable or not but it is certainly an option. It seems that Avid very much have the advantage.


Yes it does look that way. AVID really can keep RTAS centralised and exclusive to PT for as long as they want. They have no need to allow anyone else access. Good point.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 4:58 PM (permalink)
Cubase could have done that too with VST I would imagine. So what yall think? Was a good move for them not to?

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 5:03 PM (permalink)
I planned on buying protools in the beginning and a mac. I asked questions because I think more and always look at options.

People that dont do that are ricking making a bad decision via lack of research.

I have been very happy with my decision ;)

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 5:24 PM (permalink)
yep , i can hear it !!!

VSt is a norme as well as midi , and rewire ......thks Mr Steinberg for that
RTAS is defenitly not as well as all others .....every daw has developped their owned , but a serious daw for me surpports vst ...unless they create anotha big game changer like this , i don't see why a manufacturer would want to impose its format ....(dxi for cake , AU , rtas ,....)

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 5:27 PM (permalink)

I planned on buying protools in the beginning and a mac. I asked questions because I think more and always look at options.

People that dont do that are ricking making a bad decision via lack of research.

I have been very happy with my decision ;)

When I transitioned from tape to computer, we (me and my student gf at the time) were on a tight budget and needed something we both could use - her for school and me for music. Ironically enough, she was leaning towards a Mac and it is I, who knew next to nothing about computers, who insisted on getting a PC because all my musician friends were using PCs. Odd...

Though I've questioned my own choice a few times afterwards when I started reading magazines like Computer Music, it eventually settled down when I started working w\ Guitar Studio and Pro Audio.

I now use both but I'm glad I went for PC first, I feel I've learned so much more (including tuning out the hype :) ).

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 5:39 PM (permalink)
Wow recommended PC!? Cool! Truth is Macs use dto haev an edge in the arts - they were better for some time (windows me days)

But that is absolutely not true these days, no more stable, no more powerful. Only thing they have is a higher price tag and a sleek finish-

I wont knock mac or pro tools. They are both fine products.

they point is, they have equal rivals, and for less money. It is a no brainer-

Well, my rig looks sexier than a mac! lol



I planned on buying protools in the beginning and a mac. I asked questions because I think more and always look at options.

People that dont do that are ricking making a bad decision via lack of research.

I have been very happy with my decision ;)

When I transitioned from tape to computer, we (me and my student gf at the time) were on a tight budget and needed something we both could use - her for school and me for music. Ironically enough, she was leaning towards a Mac and it is I, who knew next to nothing about computers, who insisted on getting a PC because all my musician friends were using PCs. Odd...

Though I've questioned my own choice a few times afterwards when I started reading magazines like Computer Music, it eventually settled down when I started working w\ Guitar Studio and Pro Audio.

I now use both but I'm glad I went for PC first, I feel I've learned so much more (including tuning out the hype :) ).

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 5:42 PM (permalink)
My PT9 box just arrived. Installing shortly... brb!

Intel i7 @ 3.60GHz, 12GB DDR3 1600MHz, Win7 / OSX 10.6.6, Sonar 8.53 / Pro Tools 9.0.1, RME RayDAT, UAD2-Quad, Focusrite OctoPre (x4), Euphonix MC Mix, Tascam US2400, Monette Ajna (x2), 15' Macbook Pro

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 5:49 PM (permalink)

My PT9 box just arrived. Installing shortly... brb!
Famous last words. ;)

Kidding. Enjoy!

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 7:10 PM (permalink)
too many pages to read in this thread 

anyone got the conclusion or the cliff notes?

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 7:10 PM (permalink)

From Now On Call Me Conquistador! 
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 7:26 PM (permalink)

too many pages to read in this thread 

anyone got the conclusion or the cliff notes?

Long story short both are horrible & this is the new game in town.


post edited by rhythminmind - November 12, 10 7:28 PM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 12, 10 7:43 PM (permalink)
haha I owned the tascam 4 track rackmount version and a vs-880 ex version. Life is good these days ;)

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 13, 10 4:55 AM (permalink)

too many pages to read in this thread 

anyone got the conclusion or the cliff notes?

The last 10 pages in this thread is about being a Pro Tools fan-boy. Nothing about VS SONAR X1.
Its much easier to talk about how good PRO TOOLS are instead of talking about versus features and implantation. Perhaps they know already they have lost before it all begins. 

Here you have some VS questions.
1. Limits of RAM on project?
2. VST-support?
3. Direct x support?
4. 64bit support?
5. Maximum audio tracks in HD version VS SONAR X1
6. Audio engine
7. Midi functions and features. (How tight are MIDI VS SONAR)
8. VST/ RTAS Instruments function.
9. Icons or color skin?
10. Streaming & stretching algorithm of AUDIO?
11. Clip base automation? Destructive faders?
12. there are more... VIDEO PRO TOOLS HD VS NUENDO..
post edited by Freddie H - November 13, 10 5:08 AM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 13, 10 5:04 AM (permalink)
Freddie H

The last 10 pages in this thread is about being a Pro Tools fan-boy. Nothing about VS SONAR X1.
Its much easier to talk about good PRO TOOLS are instead of talking about versus. They know already they have lost before it begins. 

I can only think of one biased, irrational presence spreading misinformation in this discussion.  
post edited by rhythminmind - November 13, 10 5:08 AM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 13, 10 6:14 AM (permalink)
Freddie H

Nothing about VS SONAR X1.
Why would that be? Oh yes, X1 isn't out yet.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 13, 10 7:33 AM (permalink)
So... I drove into town yesterday for a gig.

When I met up with my photographer team mate for the day... (whom I haven't seen in a month) he said to me "hey, I heard you got Pro Tools."

Crazy huh?

Better than working the Facebook ;-)

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 13, 10 8:03 AM (permalink)
Mike ..are you joking ? right §?

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 13, 10 8:20 AM (permalink)

I guess so... I'm not on the Facebook. :-)

Yesterday I did sound and interview on a industrial video shoot.

As I said earlier, I had called some of my music colleagues a few days ago and told them I had purchased PT9. They seemed enthusiastic. Evidently they seemed enthusiastic enough to mention it to our mutual friends and workmates as if it was good news.

When the photographer mentioned it I started laughing because it seemed funny... I don't recall ever thinking anyone talked about my DAW before :-)

I know... it defies sensibility... but it seems to be.

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