SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9?

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 07, 10 11:18 PM (permalink)
The one thing Mac has going for it compared to a PC with WIndows is that it is pretty much guarenteed to work.
Naturally, since Apple controls the hardware and much of the software as well and software vendors have a known platform, with pretty much known hardware for which they write to.

With a PC it's like a crap shoot and granted these days it's a lot more difficult to find hardware that doesn't play nice either with other hardware or some software combination's.

Non TI  chip set fire wire cards being the obvious example.

That's one reason why Scott and Jim are excellent sources for a DAW. Their experience is worth the price for those not interested in rolling their own.

I also feel the Apple interface is very nice and clear looking. If you look at plugins and stuff like that, the buttons and knobs and such are crystal clear even at very high resolutions. It seems they scale better than under Windows for some reason.

As for hardware reliability, Mac is no different and if you research a little you will quickly see that various models have had some nasty problems. Screens breaking in MacBooks, overheating in towers and so forth. Never buy a Version 1.0 Mac or Apple anything for that matter.

BTW I'm not a Machead or anything, but my sister and son are and the stories I could tell you......
Contrary to what Apple users will tell you, these things don't float nor can you toss them from a moving car at 60 mph and have it survive.
They are good products but so are the Windows systems.

post edited by wormser - November 07, 10 11:22 PM
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 07, 10 11:58 PM (permalink)
It isnt a crap shoot with a nice forum like this ;)
Within 5 hours, you can have a good working recommended hardware setup, or, for less than the price of a mac, a pro DAW maker can set u up like ADK or Studio Cat Jim Roseberry.

Their are variables on PC, and I prefer to keep it that way so I HAVE A CHOICE>

Variables, yes! Crap Shoot? Absolutely not if you actually research what you buy.

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Windows 10 64 bit, SONAR PLATINUM 64 bit
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 0:35 PM (permalink)

It isnt a crap shoot with a nice forum like this ;)
Within 5 hours, you can have a good working recommended hardware setup, or, for less than the price of a mac, a pro DAW maker can set u up like ADK or Studio Cat Jim Roseberry.

Their are variables on PC, and I prefer to keep it that way so I HAVE A CHOICE>

Variables, yes! Crap Shoot? Absolutely not if you actually research what you buy.

Bad choice of words on my part.
Yes, doing the research is important and will go a long way to building a good system. I've been doing it for years!

My point is though, with the Mac you don't have to do any research other than maybe latency figures, cost or personal preferences and such because the hardware tends to work well with the Mac because Apple controls the platform.
No worries of AMD vs Intel etc.

With the Windows platform there are too many variables to make this feasible, hence the need to get your ducks in order before building.

Jim Roseberry
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 0:55 PM (permalink)
The only thing that Mac is better at, is making commercials. PC's are very stable. Just as stabel as Mac's

One thing Apple is brilliant at (IMO) is packaging. 
When you pickup a boxed product, it looks very slick.
They really focus on the visual side...

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Jim Roseberry
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 1:25 AM (permalink)

I would love to see sonar running on a much more stable MAC
A PC is no more (or less) prone to stability issues than a Mac.
If you have an unstable PC, that's down to the person building/configuring it.
Make good choices... and you can have a PC that's better than a Mac.
All down to who's drivin' the bus...
There are plenty of professional musicians using PCs.
I've got numerous clients working in "the industry"
When they pass on a project to another artist/producer/engineer, they pass on Wav files.  Works perfectly every time...
IMO, Avid is making the whole-sale move to native because the writing was on the wall.
Dedicated DSP is too expensive (and not necessary) for many of their clients (and potential clients).
LE and MP had too many limitations... and HD was just too much.  
Look at the ProTools migration to x64 with version 8.  It was a real mess... (still being ironed out).
Avid lost many users due to these issues... and soured the moral of many others.
Version 9 looks to put ProTools on par with the better native solutions.
That said, you still don't have VST support, no off-line bounce-down, no input-monitoring, etc.
Another thing worth mentioning...
Back in the day... I used to complain (a lot) about DAW apps that didn't focus first and foremost on "Professional" end users.
I remember talking to an Antares rep (many years back when AutoTune was first released) and he told me (bluntly) that there simply aren't enough "Professional" end users to keep a growing software company in business.  IOW, Like it or not... the casual/hobbiest/week-end warrior end-users are an extremely important part of a company's success/survival.
Sometimes business decisions have to be made with that part of the market being a priority.
post edited by Jim Roseberry - November 08, 10 3:12 AM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 2:49 AM (permalink)
Jim Roseberry:
IOW, Like it or not... the casual/hobbiest/week-end warrior end-users are an extremely important part of a company's success/survival. Sometimes business decisions have to be made with that part of the market being a priority.

Coincidence, I was thinking the same since I read about the PT9 release.

I think CW made the right move, a new fresh look along with excellent Smart-Tools, Filter-Tools, more Drag-Drop coolness, (overall superb workflow enhancements), cool new pro channel strip and they've lowered the price... yeah I agree this means that the the casual/hobbiest/week-end warrior end-users can easily afford a truly great DAW starting at just $99.  Wow that's pretty freaking awesome :)


post edited by SongCraft - November 08, 10 2:51 AM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 3:21 AM (permalink)
Jim Roseberry

IMO, Avid is making the whole-sale move to native because the writing was on the wall.
Dedicated DSP is too expensive (and not necessary) for many of their clients (and potential clients).
LE and MP had too many limitations... and HD was just too much.  
Look at the ProTools migration to x64 with version 8.  It was a real mess... (still being ironed out).
Avid lost many users due to these issues... and soured the moral of many others.
Version 9 looks to put ProTools on par with the better native solutions.
That said, you still don't have VST support, no off-line bounce-down, no input-monitoring, etc.
Another thing worth mentioning...
Back in the day... I used to complain (a lot) about DAW apps that didn't focus first and foremost on "Professional" end users.
I remember talking to an Antares rep (many years back when AutoTune was first released) and he told me (bluntly) that there simply aren't enough "Professional" end users to keep a growing software company in business.  IOW, Like it or not... the casual/hobbiest/week-end warrior end-users are an extremely important part of a company's success/survival.
Sometimes business decisions have to be made with that part of the market being a priority.   
  That pretty much sums up my thoughts on PT9 as well. AVID *really* needed to make this a more aggressive and competitive version of ProTools.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 7:13 AM (permalink)


Does Cakewalk provide support for 3rd party hardware?

It is always a roll of the Dice. ;-)

Does Cakewalk provide enhanced customer support for Roland VS hardware?

Was I talking about CW? NO-You understood the point I am sure. Just more negative crap by you- No surprise their at all.

You just seem to want to be ignorant... I don't think you are so dumb that you would need to ask that question.

It is my impression that you were reporting via heresy, that you learned that someone read that Avid's website says that they do not support third party hardware.

That is true, I have read that sentence myself on their website. I have pointed out that this statement may be perfectly inline with every other companies unstated policies and I have provided examples showing how and where I might require service for my third party hardware where Cakewalk would not be considered responsible at all.

I have also suggested that it may be possible that in the circumstance of the Roland gear that Cakewalk may, as Digidesign does with their associated hardware, may provide enhanced support.

I am merely pointing out that when I infer that you are suggesting that Cakewalk makes a greater commitment to third party hardware than other companies that I believe you are factually incorrect.

If you wish to react to my observation in an ugly and negative manner you are certainly at liberty to further your strategy of attempting to appear as if you can not interpret my post but I will suggest that it makes you look ignorant, intolerant, desperate, and silly.


Oh, and another thing, I was pointing out that YOUR negativity regarding Digidesign was misplaced. Is that the part that really set you off on the attack with the personal insults? If you have a moment... consider that question.

post edited by mike_mccue - November 08, 10 7:23 AM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 7:27 AM (permalink)

I am a SONAR user so don't think I am trying too hard to defend Pro Tools ............  but let's face some reality..

If it was as unstable and problematic as some of you make it sound,   75% of the professional world would not be using it everyday.
This really isn't how the professional world - in any field - works. The defining aspect of doing something professionally is that you have to get it done, whether the tools suck or not. The professional audio world uses ProTools every day primarily because it's there. It was first to the punch in terms of being a viable computer based multi-track recording solution, and got itself established as a standard. And well done to them and everything, but that's all it is; a standard. Not the best, not the worst, just ubiquitous. Hence if you're doing general engineering in modern studios with any regularity, you need to be able to operate ProTools, as that's probably what they've got and are set up for.

If you're working in your own home studio, you have more options.

post edited by John T - November 08, 10 7:28 AM
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 8:06 AM (permalink)
When I saw the PT9 announcement I immediately thought how the entire DAW market was going to be impacted in a huge way... there's just no way around that issue. Every DAW developer will have to adjust... and certainly ALREADY is adjusting. I suspect many of them knew about it in advance. How could you keep that type of big change a secret?

But even if I'm wrong about that -- that Avid somehow kept it a massive secret and no one knew about it other than the developers and a handful of trusted beta testers... I ask myself, what is it that Cakewalk really has to adjust to?

For example, if we actually break down the SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9 question based on features and capabilities, it's pretty obvious most top DAWs -- including SONAR -- can hold their heads up high with many, many positive talking points and features that any discerning, rational, intelligent DAW user will easily understand.

Not sure if we need to list those features ;), they should be pretty obvious, right? From x64 support to unlimited tracks, to more extensive MIDI tools, to price, etc., etc., etc... Sonar has a solid foundation feature-wise.

However, the real "feature" that Cake has to contend with, in my opinion, is not so much a feature race... it's the fact that PT will now have even deeper market penetration simply because it is perceived as the standard (whether or not it merits that designation). Simple session compatibility from laptop to highest-end studios is a compelling feature by itself.

BUT the other thing, and perhaps far larger issue that some people seem to be missing here is WHY Avid did what they did with PT9. Yes, Avid is a business and they have to stay in business. But I mean, WHY did they change their modus operandi? You can answer that simplistically by saying, "they had to" or "they were up against a wall" etc., etc., etc.

But I think it's more than that. This PT release signifies a major philosophical change for the company. If you had a chance to watch the Avid press conference when they made the announcement, I got the impression that Avid was in the process of making far bigger changes in the way it operated as a company... that's the big story, in my opinion. Whether or not that's going to be a successful change, we have no idea... but I get the sense that not only are different leaders really running Avid now on a different track, but they have *begun* a transformation of how the company thinks, operates and approaches its customers.

THAT is going to be the big hurdle here. During the press conference, the Avid guy who announced PT9 even admitted that Avid/Digi had been the "evil empire" before, in a little off-hand throw away joke. Now, whether or not they will be able to shake that perception will be debatable for years to come, but I think it's the real potential issue all DAW developers will have to contend with. An Avid that *says* they want to listen to their customers, an Avid that *says* they will be putting their customers first.

PT9 is a strong statement, guys. It has the two biggest feature requests that people have been requesting for years. It de-couples the native software from the hardware and it has delay compensation. So what if those two features are laughable in and of themselves... Every serious DAW has had that for many years... so in one sense we can all kind of chuckle about that. But not so fast... the reason why they did that is worth watching, because it may mean that customer-centric approach they started with the new CEO may actually start to trickle-down to the real customers.

I think that customer-oriented focus is going to be the real trend in the DAW universe for the next several years. And I think the survivors are the companies that will learn how to LISTEN the best. Fortunately for Cakewalk, they are not strangers to "listening" -- Sonar X1 appears to be a good example of listening to a lot of people and sets up a great foundation.

Fun times ahead... and good luck to all the DAW developers out there. It's going to be fascinating to watch what happens. For some developers, I have a feeling it will be a rough ride.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 8:24 AM (permalink)
Ok ....some are talking about stabilty ....
I do give cours time to time at the french SAE and i always answer the students saying that pro tools is more stable , that i bet  any of you (student ) is able to crash PT within 20 minutes of work .....and they do and then they're like dammmmmmmmmmmm !!

The point is , most of time people have a so bad methodogy in work , than they carsh any set up ....and then they go on studios where an ingeneer uses well pt with only audio to share ...

please , while 80% of students are working on the same project from prod to mastering merging low latency , midi plugins and work , mixing satge plugins , audio and all ...

And then we spend a whole day on soanr workstation without a glitch stressing to death the syestem , because i try to make them learn to work like that :

"my project " :midi + audio
"my project pre mix" : everything freezed , only audio but synth and midi availlable (but not activ)
"my project mix 1" only audio , no more midi and synths ...latency cooling !!
my poject premix is there to make a change is if asked on the mix stage , effects can by put there already , strucure begin there ...

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 8:28 AM (permalink)
IMO, The most important thing about PT9 is that people will presumably be able to run it right next to SONAR etc without having to jump through a bunch of config hoops. No swapping hardware in between sessions etc.

I think that now, more and more people will have real life head to head comparison experiences and the partisan ship may relax as everyone realizes that we are all sort of just trying to find the best ideas that apply to what we want to do.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 8:33 AM (permalink)

I think that now, more and more people will have real life head to head comparison experiences and the partisan ship may relax as everyone realizes that we are all sort of just trying to find the best ideas that apply to what we want to do.
Damn, I hope you're right. Well said.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 8:34 AM (permalink)


Also, PT , they said they "do not" support the 3rd party hardware.

IIRC in Pro Tool 9, they do support any ASIO interface (if that's what you mean by hardware).

I need to find the article I read. By support, I meant Tech support with 3rd party hardware. I know they say you can use 3rd party HW.

Most any manufacturer is like that. They can only give true tech support for their own products. And even before PT9 you weren't restricted to Avid/Digidesign's converters - you could use Apogee, Lynx or SSL MADI.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 8:38 AM (permalink)
I don't see the goal of a such step ...i mean we all know that pt shine in the mixing stage but not on midi i don't know why a guy will choose sonar for prod and pt for post pro (for example) while sonar can handle all the production stage well ....

i do understand when a logic, fruityloop or abelton live is doing so but for a cubase , sonar , reaper guy this is just adding some work ......unless you want a full integration in a pt equiped studio  (witch is also simple with sonar ..)

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 8:45 AM (permalink)

I don't see the goal of a such step ...i mean we all know that pt shine in the mixing stage but not on midi i don't know why a guy will choose sonar for prod and pt for post pro (for example) while sonar can handle all the production stage well ....

i do understand when a logic, fruityloop or abelton live is doing so but for a cubase , sonar , reaper guy this is just adding some work ......unless you want a full integration in a pt equiped studio  (witch is also simple with sonar ..)

Sonar MAY be able to handle the whole deal but you'll never see Sonar in ANY major studio doing final album work. Sure, some groups/recording artists use Sonar for preliminary work, but the final is always in another program, whether it's PT or DP. Yeah - there's a bunch of stuff on major releases done in DP - the last Devo album for instance, and Danny Elfman does most of his work in DP.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 8:45 AM (permalink)

 However, the real "feature" that Cake has to contend with, in my opinion, is not so much a feature race... it's the fact that PT will now have even deeper market penetration simply because it is perceived as the standard (whether or not it merits that designation). Simple session compatibility from laptop to highest-end studios is a compelling feature by itself. 

No way around it Session compatibility seems to be one of the biggest reasons (if not the biggest) why PT9 is making many users on different forums seriously consider PT9. it's not becasue of MP3 support or 96's greater compatibility and greater ease of working with other studios. This seems to be a very big draw.
BUT the other thing, and perhaps far larger issue that some people seem to be missing here is WHY Avid did what they did with PT9. Yes, Avid is a business and they have to stay in business. But I mean, WHY did they change their modus operandi? You can answer that simplistically by saying, "they had to" or "they were up against a wall" etc., etc., etc.

During the press conference, the Avid guy who announced PT9 even admitted that Avid/Digi had been the "evil empire" before, in a little off-hand throw away joke. Now, whether or not they will be able to shake that perception will be debatable for years to come, but I think it's the real potential issue all DAW developers will have to contend with. An Avid that *says* they want to listen to their customers, an Avid that *says* they will be putting their customers first. 

Well if AVID really become a super responsive DAW dev and offer even more aggressive prices for their software,  then will complicate things for Cakewalk and Steinberg e.t.c  There are enough customers for them all to co- exist just got a lot tighter in the DAW waiting room with the AVID elephant in the room lumbering around. ;-)

PT9 is a strong statement, guys. It has the two biggest feature requests that people have been requesting for years. It de-couples the native software from the hardware and it has delay compensation. So what if those two features are laughable in and of themselves... Every serious DAW has had that for many years... so in one sense we can all kind of chuckle about that. But not so fast... the reason why they did that is worth watching, because it may mean that customer-centric approach they started with the new CEO may actually start to trickle-down to the real customers. 

It will be interesting to see what happens over the next 6 - 12 months. It does appear that the AVID bosses sat down and said "look what is is that people want more than anything in ProTools?"...listed the top two or three and decided to offer them with PT9.

I think that customer-oriented focus is going to be the real trend in the DAW universe for the next several years. And I think the survivors are the companies that will learn how to LISTEN the best. Fortunately for Cakewalk, they are not strangers to "listening" -- Sonar X1 appears to be a good example of listening to a lot of people and sets up a great foundation. 

I definitely think so as well..devs will have to work harder for fewer customers with AVID entering the MID market for DAWS. But yes X1 is a very good example (extremely timely as well) of how Cakewalk do listen to their userbase. No it does not have everything everyone asked for but it's a big step in the right direction.
Fun times ahead... and good luck to all the DAW developers out there. It's going to be fascinating to watch what happens. For some developers, I have a feeling it will be a rough ride. 

I think the real problems for Cakewalk ( and other devs like Steinberg) is that many users who will pay $399 for Sonar will also seriously consider $599 for PT9 Really price wise AVID were not even close before AES. Now? Different ballgame. Even if a user decides to keep using Sonar and still buys PT9 will they upgrade both in a year? or upgrade to X1 even? I think there are many compelling reasons to upgrade to X1 but the timing appears to have more than a few DAW users considering their options.     Personally I think you cannot beat the value prospect with X1. The upgrade prices are very competitive IMO as low as ($99) very nice, and really the app is jam packed with features that look like they will now be *much* easier to use. Interesting times but I think Cakewalk just need a super tight stable and reliable X1 release in December and I think X1 will be a big hitter for Cakewalk. But yeah the DAW landscape is definitely not the same any more.

post edited by cmusicmaker - November 08, 10 8:47 AM
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 9:01 AM (permalink)


I don't see the goal of a such step ...i mean we all know that pt shine in the mixing stage but not on midi i don't know why a guy will choose sonar for prod and pt for post pro (for example) while sonar can handle all the production stage well ....

i do understand when a logic, fruityloop or abelton live is doing so but for a cubase , sonar , reaper guy this is just adding some work ......unless you want a full integration in a pt equiped studio  (witch is also simple with sonar ..)

Sonar MAY be able to handle the whole deal but you'll never see Sonar in ANY major studio doing final album work. Sure, some groups/recording artists use Sonar for preliminary work, but the final is always in another program, whether it's PT or DP. Yeah - there's a bunch of stuff on major releases done in DP - the last Devo album for instance, and Danny Elfman does most of his work in DP.

And so ? you're not able to export you sonar sessions for PT use in big studios ?
Unless i need to record in great conditions my sound goes from my sonar to steirling mastering NYC ....and so for several planum releases ....

If a studio is working with PT , do i have to buy PT to work with them : you already know the answer ....also if you buy PT for being able to go on a studio , then you're just buying PT for nothin because you're ain't gonna use for what's it's graet but let somebody elese do it !!

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 9:30 AM (permalink)



I don't see the goal of a such step ...i mean we all know that pt shine in the mixing stage but not on midi i don't know why a guy will choose sonar for prod and pt for post pro (for example) while sonar can handle all the production stage well ....

i do understand when a logic, fruityloop or abelton live is doing so but for a cubase , sonar , reaper guy this is just adding some work ......unless you want a full integration in a pt equiped studio  (witch is also simple with sonar ..)

Sonar MAY be able to handle the whole deal but you'll never see Sonar in ANY major studio doing final album work. Sure, some groups/recording artists use Sonar for preliminary work, but the final is always in another program, whether it's PT or DP. Yeah - there's a bunch of stuff on major releases done in DP - the last Devo album for instance, and Danny Elfman does most of his work in DP.

And so ? you're not able to export you sonar sessions for PT use in big studios ?
Unless i need to record in great conditions my sound goes from my sonar to steirling mastering NYC ....and so for several planum releases ....

If a studio is working with PT , do i have to buy PT to work with them : you already know the answer ....also if you buy PT for being able to go on a studio , then you're just buying PT for nothin because you're ain't gonna use for what's it's graet but let somebody elese do it !!

You're so confused it's not even funny. I never said you can't export Sonar sessions for use in a PT studio. What I said was you'll never see Sonar in ANY major studio. And no, you don't have to buy PT to work with a PT studio. You import the session into PT, just like if it was coming from any other daw software. And your last statement 'then you're just buying PT for nothing because you're ain't gonna use it for what it's great but let somebody else do it' makes no sense either. What exactly do you mean by that?

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 10:02 AM (permalink)
Once upon a time equipment made a difference. That time has long since past.
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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 10:06 AM (permalink)
I'm not confused , i'm just saying , why is it (as i read your post) a must a have ?, and according to your feelings , the fact that you see PT in big studio more than sonar , is a  simple fact that made PT a must ,witch is far for being so ....

Of course i know you must know how to export songs and all ....
post edited by Zo - November 08, 10 10:07 AM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 10:07 AM (permalink)
FEATURES not withstanding

I own PT 8 M powered  to upgrade to PT 9 would cost me $349

I own Sonar 8 to upgrade to XI will cost me                        $99

not a hard decision

and don't say you get what you pay for .....

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 10:09 AM (permalink)
Hey musicman , are you crazy , all the big studios don't use sonar .....

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 10:14 AM (permalink)
All the big studios DO use Sonar,  they just won't admit it...

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 10:17 AM (permalink)
i don't know but a lot , i mean alot of big producers i know work with it !! (in US , hip hop rnb, raggeton and all)
but in France : desert !
post edited by Zo - November 08, 10 10:21 AM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 12:15 AM (permalink)

Does Cakewalk provide support for 3rd party hardware?

While we don't service and repair third-party hardware, we do make reasonable efforts to assist SONAR users in getting SONAR setup and configured to work with 3rd party hardware.  This often does require assisting folks (or guiding them) to install the correct drivers and does require that our support reps have some knowledge with a variety of different audio devices, their drivers and mixer panels e.g. CueMix for MOTU hardware, PatchMix for EMU hardware

It is always a roll of the Dice. ;-)

I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned, but DICE is a hardware chip, SONAR has no knowledge of it or is its existence only the ASIO or WDM drivers provided by the vendor.  Without straying to far OT here, there are DICE II based devices that work perfectly fine in SONAR.  It has very little to do with the chip itself and everything to do with the driver.

Does Cakewalk provide enhanced customer support for Roland VS hardware?

No - but we do provide enhanced support for Cakewalk branded V-Studio hardware.  Non-Cakewalk branded hardware is supported by Roland/Edirol.

On the subject of support - I'm very proud to say that we will continue to offer 100% free phone support to SONAR users with X1.  No per incident pricing - simple and free.  You have a problem, you pick up the phone, you call us.
post edited by Willy Jones [Cakewalk] - November 08, 10 12:17 AM

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 3:29 PM (permalink)
Sure, some groups/recording artists use Sonar for preliminary work, but the final is always in another program, whether it's PT or DP.

Often yes...
But I could throw out a big name producer/engineer who mixes in Sonar.
Ironically, the most successful industry folks I've met have also been some of the most nonchalant (about their tools and otherwise).  They're not hired for their tools, they're hired for the results they produce.

Best Regards,

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 5:15 PM (permalink)
Jim Roseberry

Sure, some groups/recording artists use Sonar for preliminary work, but the final is always in another program, whether it's PT or DP.

Often yes...
But I could throw out a big name producer/engineer who mixes in Sonar.
Ironically, the most successful industry folks I've met have also been some of the most nonchalant (about their tools and otherwise).  They're not hired for their tools, they're hired for the results they produce.

First: I'm calling you on this - spill the name (if you got the guts).
Second: If what you say is true about the industry people being nonchalant about their tools, then why in almost every magazine article with an engineer when they get asked how did they do this that or the next thing they are more than happy to tell what they used?

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 5:25 PM (permalink)

I think we all can agree that SONAR is a overall better, more flexible program.

No I can't agree.
Would making there software cross--platform be the answer they need? Me personally... I would love to see sonar running on a much more stable MAC.
Macs are not more stable. As a freelancer I work in many different studios on either Macs and PCs. (Always Pro Tools). Macs and PCs crash about as often. There really is no difference.
 I think the company would get more respect in the professional industry if they did so.
There are ways to get more respect in the pro industry but it is not by adding Mac compatibility. A more solid audio engine, better automation, better editing, importing data directly from other projects, better media management (that might have been partly or fully addressed in X1), ability to route tracks and buses to the inputs of other tracks (no Noel, the current functionality in Sonar is not as good), EuCon support, better timecode support, better video tools (for audio post), better AudioSnap implementation etc etc. The list is long.

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Re:SONAR X1 vs Pro Tools 9? November 08, 10 5:38 PM (permalink)
Second: If what you say is true about the industry people being nonchalant about their tools, then why in almost every magazine article with an engineer when they get asked how did they do this that or the next thing they are more than happy to tell what they used?

It's because a lot, and a I do mean a majority, lie about what they actually use. I've seen people use a 100.00 meek compressor wired directly into their interface instead of the 250,000.00 worth of SSL and Eventide/etc. outboard that are sitting in the room, and then lie about it later in an interview. I know what they used because I was there. I also know that the underlings also do a shedload of the work, and usually the guy at the top gets credit. Most bands don't even write a majority of their music anymore. It's a convoluted and screwed up mess, but if you call people out, you'll only damage your future earnings. It's worse in some genres than it is in others. It's one of the reasons why I  quit the actual business and went to work for myself. I hate lying to people, and I also hated watching other people get the credit for gold/platinum albums when I busted my ass to make a name for myself, and ended up getting screwed in the end.

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