LockedUpgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update

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Marketing [Cakewalk]
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/04 09:59:44 (permalink)

Marketing [Cakewalk


Hi there, I would just like to confirm that the new features we are announcing every day between now and the launch are included in the Free Upgrade that customers will receive if they purchased SONAR 8.0 after July 1st.   My statements that are quoted above were made before we started announcing features, but the free upgrade I am referring to, and the upgrade Kate is announcing features from are one and the same.   If you buy SONAR 8.0 Producer now you will be getting everything announced so far, plus more features that we have not announced.   SONAr 8.0 Studio customers will get a subset of those features.
Also, to ansswer another question on the thread, if you purchase the DVD version for an additional fee, you will also have the download made available at the same time.  So the download will be included in the higher cost upgrade which also includes the DVD and printed documentation.   

Just read the above which clarifies the situation. However CW needs to seriously get its act together... between the Marketing administrator this forum, Customer Service and Kate (who is marketing! as well) there are obviously serious communication issues which have caused a whole lot of confusion.
Another thing to mention is that Kate's post with the list of features was submitted on August 26, 09 11:50 AM, your comment Marketing Administrator that I referred to was made on July 07, 09 1:08 PM...in my view plenty of time to know the facts.   

I never claimed that I did not know the facts.  We release information on a specific schedule for business reasons.  When I made my comment in July we were not prepared to relase any of that information. 
I have a tough time understanding why some people are getting upset about our willingness to share product information before the launch.  Customers on the forums beg for us to announce features before we launch the next version of SONAR.  In past years we have always waited until the day of the launch to reveal the product information (with the exception of the 6000 post/Dawg Ad feature announcement which resulted in the feature announcement 1 day early).  This is a strategy that we have enacted for competitive reasons, and also to protect sales of existing product in the retail channel.
This year we structured things differently and we thought it would be fun to announce a feature per day until the launch, rather than make people wait for all the information all at once at the product release date.  Some people are excited about this and it's building anticipation for the next version.
This last part is in reply to Marah too:
We have a vested interest in selling the existing copies of SONAR 8 that we have in stock so we are continuing to try and sell it.  The language that we use in our emails is designed to do that. But this is simple, no one is forcing anyone to upgrade now and it's your perogative to wait.   If you find SONAR 8 appealing now, upgrade.  If you find SONAR 8 + what we have announced from the next version appealing, upgrade.  If not, wait until we announce everything in the next upgrade and then make your decision.
Once again, I'd like to reiterate that this was supposed to be a fun thing for our customers so that they could learn about new features before we officially announce the product.  If I had any idea that some customers would get so upset about this, we would have just made you all wait until the official announcement again like in past years.
post edited by Marketing [Cakewalk] - 2009/09/04 12:54:50
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/04 10:36:30 (permalink)
If I had any idea that some customers would get so upset about this,

I was kinda shocked but mostly amused at the backlash against the tweets. I like getting the daily update--and no, I'm not on twitter. How curious that I can find out about the daily features anyway  So put at least one voice in the likes-it column.

And as to the complainers about it... sheesh.

No, we won't be downloading first day, we usually wait until first patch before comitting.
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/04 11:51:05 (permalink)
Not to hijack the thread, but could audiomax and those that post in reply to him please truncate your posts to the relevant parts? As an example here the one post referencing his post takes up almost the entire page. Not only does it make it tedious at best to follow the post & thread, there's also a limit on what comes through in an email notification so one ends up having to come to the forum to see the rest of the post. Just basic netiquette, please?
Thank you (and have a safe Labor Day weekend).

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/04 14:18:32 (permalink)
Marketing- you don't have to respond to everyone's gripes like that in detail- just not professional IMHO- it would have been better to just say
To all concerned- to clarify- Cakewalk is offering a great deal- if you buy 8 now- you will get the next version for free.
that is it- not the next paid update- update means we are paying for an 8.x update.
It is not hard to see that people are confused on what they are buying- so- Marketing- do your job and make it easy for them to understand.  It is completely obvious by the amount of posts this whole subject has accumulated that the announcement was not clear enough- REGARDLESS IF YOU THINK IT WAS-  us lowly music types need it to be fed to us in easy to swallow pieces- we don't have the mindpower to figure out what you are really meaning to say.
SO, please- just come out and rephrase this whole thing so everyone is clear (as it is painfully obvious that we are not).

post edited by javaj - 2009/09/04 14:19:33

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/05 03:17:50 (permalink)
there is one more question on my mind.
Does it matter when or where I buy my Copy, or is the only thing that matters when I actually register it?

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/05 05:38:24 (permalink)
All I can say marketing administrator is that it took until early September to make a concise statement  to clear up something that was stated in August. Comments about the poor handling of the whole 'paid update' business abound on this forum....instead of blaming your customers for their confusion and frustration I suggest you have a subjective and realistic look at how you have handled your promoting of this new version.

If this was your idea of fun then I'd hate to see what it would look like if you wanted to put your cutomer's through a hard time. Also your statement  "we would have made you all wait" smacks of an 'us and them mentality' and consequently reveals somewhat of a negative attitude on your part, so I find it hard to believe you were doing this as some big favour and quote "a bit of fun".

I'm really not interested in geting into a debate about how you sell your product, but when a product is presented to me to purchase I expect to know what it is and when it will be delivered...not much to ask really when there's a zillion other companies out there doing just that!


Equipment: Sonar Producer X64, Reaper 64Bit, 2 x Intel Quadcore Q6600, Kingston HyperX RAM, Windows XP X64 Pro, RME HDSPe PCIe cards, S8 Active Monitors, NI Guitar Rig 4, Garritan Steinway, UAD-1, Amplitube Fender, Behringer SRC2496, Controller keyboard, Korg NanoKontrol.

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/05 21:09:32 (permalink)
The above should read "I suggest you have an objective and realistic look  at how you have handled your promoting of this new version." 

It seems CW has taken a subjective enough approach as it is without me encouraging them to do so even further.


Equipment: Sonar Producer X64, Reaper 64Bit, 2 x Intel Quadcore Q6600, Kingston HyperX RAM, Windows XP X64 Pro, RME HDSPe PCIe cards, S8 Active Monitors, NI Guitar Rig 4, Garritan Steinway, UAD-1, Amplitube Fender, Behringer SRC2496, Controller keyboard, Korg NanoKontrol.

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/06 00:44:25 (permalink)
Forgive me - TO ALL THE JAW JACKERS - this thread is ridiculous.

Sheesh. Really.
If you are getting more features, free, for what others are going to pay for, what is the big deal?  Does it matter if it is CALLED sonar 8.7, or SONAR PLUS, or SONAR 9, or SUPERSONAR??  Is the name going to make any difference on your productions? (Please don't tell me I'm stupid - I am a tech guy and I am well aware of the difference between updates and upgrades).

People scream every summer because they want, covet and crave the slightest crumb of information regarding every new release... now people are screaming because they are getting them 'dribbled out' on Twitter.  If you don't like it, don't read the posts!  Just wait for the release announcement.

As musicians, don't you understand that if you don't like the music, you change stations, or walk out of the performance, or club? Or do you confront the band because they are not stylistically pleasing you? "The guitar's too loud/soft, the music is too slow/fast... " - - - don't people that do that piss you off?  Thought so.... Then why has this thread devolved into a gripefest at marketing? Wouldn't your time be better spent creating new music?  Are you a marketer?  So what if Cakewalk is trying something different and new?  Isn't innovation, or taking a risk, accepted in the musical community anymore? Or are we so creatively vapid we prefer to throw rocks - instead of building something positive and productive anymore? Are we becoming as shallow as all that?

Do you use Sonar because of the marketing?  Or because it works for you? Maybe you decide on a product because you like the color of the owner's manual.  

Some people gripe about the heat.  Others gripe about the cold.  You can't please everyone, and some people can never be pleased, no matter what.  Things can always be better, but they could be SO, SO much worse. We live in a world where 28 children die every minute from starvation but your britches are in a twist about something like this. Please.  Come on.  We have great lives.  It is amazing to have computers, software, AND creativity.

As for me, I remember when I could not afford to record because studio time was so expensive.  Thank you, Cakewalk, for changing my life. 
I can not say that about any other single program I own.
 I am grateful.

Waiting for my free whatever it is going to be... I have shared my foolish 2 cents, so I will now expend my energy working on some new music that may bring something good to someone else's life -

<gripe /off>
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/06 03:49:30 (permalink)
Right Richards.

Obviously a lot of such diputes are ridiculous at last.

But still we should be happy that we have got nothing worse to dispute about, maybe some people think it's amusing or whatever to argue for nothing.
If it offends you in any way, simply don't read it and it's fine, let them have their pleasures
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/06 07:45:22 (permalink)
Alan Richards you need to get informed. The reason people were heated up about this next version of Sonar was not whether it was an update or an upgrade but what was supposed to be included in that update (although the term "paid update" caused confusion, just read a few posts to find that out).
The wording was used of a "paid update" which would include the features Kate Watt mentioned, but after Kate released the paid update information containing all the so call "goodies" on 01/07/09 marketing made a statement on 7/07/09 that they could not disclose what would be in the next release.
And I quote;
"As far as what the upgrade will be called, exactly when it will be available, and what features it will include, the only thing I can definitively tell you today is that full version of Rapture will not be included as part of this upgrade. For the rest, you can speculate all you want, but you’ll need to wait for our official announcement to get the full scoop".
In addition to this on the 04/09/09 I received a reply from CW customer service politely refusing to clearly confirm the features Kate had stated would be in the next version.
Given that statement from marketing AND the direct email response I received from CW customer service that they would not assure me the features were going to be included as a bonus and given there was no information on this forum only a lot of people asking the same sort of questions I wondered WTF was going. With the information I had I saw no reason to buy S8 as had been heavily promoted by CW and said so.
Why would I buy S8 and then have to spend more money to get the features I wanted  if they were not included until Sonar 9. Why would I not just buy S9...tell me that!
Have the decency to read the previous posts and get informed before making statements!


Equipment: Sonar Producer X64, Reaper 64Bit, 2 x Intel Quadcore Q6600, Kingston HyperX RAM, Windows XP X64 Pro, RME HDSPe PCIe cards, S8 Active Monitors, NI Guitar Rig 4, Garritan Steinway, UAD-1, Amplitube Fender, Behringer SRC2496, Controller keyboard, Korg NanoKontrol.

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/06 08:09:25 (permalink)
Addition to above post;  and final post on this tedious thread:
To put it in simple terms for you Mr Alan Richards;

The confusion for me was the concern that the next version of Sonar would be a partial "paid update" to say S8.5 and that all of the features stated would not be included until S9 hence having to pay twice to get all the so-called features. My concerns were not addressed by anyone at CW until a couple of days ago when the marketing administrator finally made a clear and concise statement. Prior to this information was lacking, contradictive or refused outright.


Equipment: Sonar Producer X64, Reaper 64Bit, 2 x Intel Quadcore Q6600, Kingston HyperX RAM, Windows XP X64 Pro, RME HDSPe PCIe cards, S8 Active Monitors, NI Guitar Rig 4, Garritan Steinway, UAD-1, Amplitube Fender, Behringer SRC2496, Controller keyboard, Korg NanoKontrol.

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/06 15:10:46 (permalink)
AudioMax -
I am aware of this whole thing, the issue you point out, from the beginning, from the very first announcement.  It was what got me off the fence to go to S8 in the first place.
I fully agree that there was missteps on Cakewalk's part regarding the announcement. The thing is, that if a definite statement is made, prematurely, then that statement is found to be inaccurate, that Cakewalk could find themselves in a huge legal problem... maybe they were still determining exactly what the next up-'thing' -- whatever -- would be called and exactly what would be included. 
I'm sure you know that software development is a continuous, ongoing project.  I am guessing that they had, oh, lets say 30 new features that would be the next planned version ,15 are ready, and 15 are not.  Coding and recoding can prove challenging (the notation issue comes to mind) and the law of unexpected consequences plays a big role here.  So, maybe, Cakewalk decides to do a feature release, not a full blown new version, but to get their new stuff that they have been working on, and IS ready, out there and available.  Maybe, since Sonar is pretty well developed, it would be better to have cheaper, incremental improvements, so that they can take the time to do massive rewrites that would absorb too many resources in a one year cycle.  And, as regarding the 'Kate's announcement' issue, well; if things are 98% ready to go on a feature, but then something happens (and LOTS can happen at the last minute -- unexpected and nasty glitch, employees gets sick - quits - whatever... it happens!) and the feature was already announced, there would be a lynch mob heading towards 268 Summer Street, calling for Greg Hendershott's head. As it is, Cakewalk is currently looking for another Senior Software Engineer as of yesterday.
I was just surprised at how accusatory and intense this discussion has become.

I am a small business owner, as I am sure Cakewalk would  be categorized. The entire company has 65 employees, according to my sources.  By contrast, Microsoft employs nearly 90,000. I know how things can get a bit disconnected in a small company so I tend to give them a pass on stuff like this.  Your background and experience may elicit a different response. 

I do know that we (our own business) have customers that we have bent over backwards for, and lost money with, just to do the right thing for the customer, fixing problems we didn't cause (contrary to the customer's uninformed opinion).  And I also know what it is like to be blasted for doing the best we could - unfairly blasted because the customer's expectations were wildly unrealistic and ill-informed.  Happens a lot in a Tech environment - so I hate to see it happen here.  Civility goes a long way with me in my business, and I assume that's a pretty general rule.

Oh - and I am sure that the software is still being tweaked... (so they are not 'delaying the release' to twitter out features). 
Peace out, let's make music!   
I read pretty much every single post on this issue before I commented - so, FYI, I do have the decency to read the previous posts and get informed before making statements. Just to clear the air. I read too many irrational posts in a row, I guess, and it got under my skin. I totally understand the concerns, and the confusion. I am glad it is clearer now myself.

post edited by AlanRichards - 2009/09/06 15:25:00
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/07 04:48:44 (permalink)
In this world, there are always going to be people who see a glass that is half full, and there will always be those who complain because the glass is half empty.

Lance "koolbass" Martin
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/07 05:20:38 (permalink)

In this world, there are always going to be people who see a glass that is half full, and there will always be those who complain because the glass is half empty.

It depends on what's in the glass
Seriously though, I can appreciate everyones' points of view on this - my initial reaction was that the whole thing was a bit childish and unprofessional but having read Carl's (Marketing) posts I can understand the value such a strategy might afford Cakewalk. I've had the pleasure of dealing with Carl before and can say that he's a good guy - straight down the middle and an asset to the company *.
The important thing is that we are so lucky to be dealing with a company that actually bothers to really listen to its customers and I guess the fact that some of the tid-bits being released are referring to feautures and improvements that forum users have actually asked for is a major plus point for the Bakers.
I still think the 'Twitter' idea is a little daft but again, I can now appreciate it's worth - maybe if the OP had sort of mentioned this after giving us the forum links for the drip feed it would have just appeared more professional'.
* Just PM me for my address to send the VS-700 to

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/08 22:36:43 (permalink)
As for me, I really like getting the tid bits of info from Cakewalk. I think it's great. How many other companies give you littles teasers of what is to come? I just think it's cool.

So Thanks Cakewalk...(by roland). And thanks for listening to us (even if I didn't get my Macro Recorder this version).

Sonar Platinum
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/08 22:42:55 (permalink)
OK, here's what may be a difficult question for Cakewalk Sales...

If I were to take advantage of this current upgrade/update deal (Producer 7 to Producer 8), would I be treated on par with a new user? 

For instance, say in October, you release this product as Producer 9.0. If I bought now, I'd get Producer 9.0 also.

But, would I also get Producer 9.01, 9.2, 9.3, or whatever the final stable version becomes, just like a new user who came along in November and bought Sonar Producer 9.0?

Need I explain the reasoning behind my question?

Anyone who's been a Sonar user for a version or two knows that it takes few major releases (8.1, 8.2, 8.3, etc.) before the bugs are out of the build. The final release version of Cakewalk 8 is 8.3.1. The final version of Producer 7 was 7.02. The final version of Producer 6 was 6.2.1, etc. If I buy this upgrade, I want to know if I'll be eligible for all the upgrades/updates to whatever the final release of Producer 9.X becomes at no extra charge, as it's been with each other version of Sonar I've owned, ie, 4, 6, and 7.

Is this so or has this already been confirmed?


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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/08 22:54:45 (permalink)
I don't know the answer to that question kwgm but I did take the bait and upgraded to Sonar 8 just a few days ago. I would assume that I am a full Sonar 8.3.1 user and Soon to be 9.whatever. I can't see why they would give me the program but deny me the free upgrades.
...ofcourse it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/09 00:36:20 (permalink)
i've also really enjoyed getting the daily feature/tidbit announcements. it's done what was intended: gotten me psyched for S9. i'm glad they're being posted on the forum and not just on twitter, that would've been silly.

one complaint: the screenshots are mainly annoying cos they're so frickin small.
Marketing [Cakewalk]
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/09 12:59:11 (permalink)

OK, here's what may be a difficult question for Cakewalk Sales...

If I were to take advantage of this current upgrade/update deal (Producer 7 to Producer 8), would I be treated on par with a new user? 

For instance, say in October, you release this product as Producer 9.0. If I bought now, I'd get Producer 9.0 also.

But, would I also get Producer 9.01, 9.2, 9.3, or whatever the final stable version becomes, just like a new user who came along in November and bought Sonar Producer 9.0?

Need I explain the reasoning behind my question?

Anyone who's been a Sonar user for a version or two knows that it takes few major releases (8.1, 8.2, 8.3, etc.) before the bugs are out of the build. The final release version of Cakewalk 8 is 8.3.1. The final version of Producer 7 was 7.02. The final version of Producer 6 was 6.2.1, etc. If I buy this upgrade, I want to know if I'll be eligible for all the upgrades/updates to whatever the final release of Producer 9.X becomes at no extra charge, as it's been with each other version of Sonar I've owned, ie, 4, 6, and 7.

Is this so or has this already been confirmed?

All people who will own the next version will be treated the same, regardless of how you came to own it (pirates excluded).  That means if you buy it at retail, or get it for free through a current upgrade promotion, you will be eligile for the same things, including any maintenance point releases that we might issue.
post edited by Marketing [Cakewalk] - 2009/09/09 13:28:31
Susan G
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/09 13:26:51 (permalink)
OT: Here's me being a nag, but just to point out that CW staff has the same problem as we regular forum members do with the new quoting behavior!


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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/09 13:52:14 (permalink)
Hi Marketing:

Thanks for editing your message for clarity, but we really shouldn't have to do that so often, and didn't used to.

In case people wonder what I'm talking about, the original looked like this:



Edit: P.S. Maybe it's just me, but I tried using the Insert Image icon and it didn't work with the above URL. I just got a blank space.

post edited by Susan G - 2009/09/09 13:54:42

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/09 15:14:49 (permalink)
Marketing [Cakewalk


OK, here's what may be a difficult question for Cakewalk Sales...

If I were to take advantage of this current upgrade/update deal (Producer 7 to Producer 8), would I be treated on par with a new user? 

For instance, say in October, you release this product as Producer 9.0. If I bought now, I'd get Producer 9.0 also.

But, would I also get Producer 9.01, 9.2, 9.3, or whatever the final stable version becomes, just like a new user who came along in November and bought Sonar Producer 9.0?

Need I explain the reasoning behind my question?

Anyone who's been a Sonar user for a version or two knows that it takes few major releases (8.1, 8.2, 8.3, etc.) before the bugs are out of the build. The final release version of Cakewalk 8 is 8.3.1. The final version of Producer 7 was 7.02. The final version of Producer 6 was 6.2.1, etc. If I buy this upgrade, I want to know if I'll be eligible for all the upgrades/updates to whatever the final release of Producer 9.X becomes at no extra charge, as it's been with each other version of Sonar I've owned, ie, 4, 6, and 7.

Is this so or has this already been confirmed?

All people who will own the next version will be treated the same, regardless of how you came to own it (pirates excluded).  That means if you buy it at retail, or get it for free through a current upgrade promotion, you will be eligile for the same things, including any maintenance point releases that we might issue.

Hey, thanks for that. I appreciate the quick feedback.

Good luck getting the new release done.

Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/09 17:52:40 (permalink)
Susan G

OT: Here's me being a nag, but just to point out that CW staff has the same problem as we regular forum members do with the new quoting behavior!


I don't. I didn't create the quoting system but for me at least it's really dead simple. You just indent  - and in fact the proper indention is there for you by default.

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/09 21:23:09 (permalink)
"including any maintenance point releases that we might issue. "
OK kiddies- we have a new word to jump on.  So, is the paid UPDATE/UPGRADE different than UPDATE/MAINTENANCE.  I think if we can clear this up- we can move on to new threads.  I am believing we are paying for the next upgrade and not for the next 8.x maintenance "update". 
Please please please just confirm this so we can return to our regular scheduled program.

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/10 01:53:01 (permalink)
Hi Brandon-

I don't. I didn't create the quoting system but for me at least it's really dead simple. You just indent - and in fact the proper indention is there for you by default.

Ok, so it's only an issue for Marketing [Cakewalk] and us simple folk! It used to be much easier to follow a thread and quote relevant portions. If you don't believe me, just check out the CH sticky on this.

Edit: It's here: http://forum.cakewalk.com/tm.aspx?m=1777486


post edited by Susan G - 2009/09/10 02:01:05

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/10 08:21:21 (permalink)
Can I quote you on that Susan

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/10 09:52:56 (permalink)
Hi Steve-
Can I quote you on that Susan

You can try!


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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/10 11:07:09 (permalink)
Susan G

Hi Steve-

Can I quote you on that Susan

You can try!


On a serious note, I think the old 'quote in a box' was much clearer and easier to read.
And I agree 100% with you concerning the other feature you asked to be reinstated....
In reply to Susan G

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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/10 11:39:25 (permalink)
Oh my goodness, look at that! We have "In reply to" back! Thank you, thank you!


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RE: Upgrade to SONAR 8 to Receive a Free Update 2009/09/10 21:04:51 (permalink)
I'll jump in with a question if Kate or other Admins are still reading...
I took the plunge and purchased Sonar Studio 8 in July. I know I'm thus eligible for the free download of the upcoming "update".
Will there be any advantage of jumping to the Professional version now? I was hoping to wait for my $100 summer rebate check to come before I did the upgrade.  The upgrade to Pro 8 is $199, what can I expect in cost and/or installation hassle if I wait until the next update is out? Any advantage or disadvantage for acting now or waiting?  
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