BUGS: >UPDATED< Please post your BUGS here. Lets consolidate posts for the developers!
Hi All,
Lets consolidate our BUG reports for the developers! Ill start it off. Remember some or non confirmed.
BUG 1: My bus waveform preview disappears as soon as I open the multidock or clicking on tabs in the multidock.
BUG 2: I can repeatably crash doing this.
1)Load a project with a fair amount of midi/audio tracks.
2)Goto record on the Control Bar and select "Step Record"
3)Now goto a midi tracks and turn on input quantize at 1/16
4) now hold CTRL to multi select and click on the RECORD button of the midi track with input quantize.
BUG 3: Studioware panels will not dock in the multidock. All window types should be able to use skylight in X1 and the Studioware panels are rejected.
BUG 4: The 'Allow Only One Open Project at a time' feature is still allowing multiple projects to be loaded even when active.
UPDATED********* HERE ARE MORE BUGS REPORTED ON THIS THREAD CONSOLIDATED. Additionally the text that shows the percentage panned on X1 overlaps with the word "pan" itself so I can't visually see how far right or left I'm panned. Not a huge ordeal but annoying none the less. When I work in console view I do most, if not all, of my edits directly there and now I have to go to the track view to make the fine tuned adjustments.
Text reads 0% but it's actually 10% - My display settings are: 1680 x 1050 on 23" wide screen monitors. Maybe that's too small now.
Additionally the volume output is cutoff, which I think is already mentioned. In the screen shot this tells me nothing and it's inconvenient to have to go to the track view to see the exact setting
Other than that, while this is an adjustment I
think I like it....it's still growing on me and I've been a Cakewalk user since Pro Audio 5. By the way X1 did crash once when I started playing back the first project I loaded but I do not know why or what I did to reproduce the issue.
Having a bit of a problem sidechaining.
1) create a audio source track with a 4/4 drum beat (same method I use with my sonitus sidechaining I do all the time). I point that source audio track to the bus compressor with the sidechain switch active. It freezes X1 until I hit the space bar.
Any bakers want to elaborate on if there is another method to do this properly with the pro channel? Seems it wants the same setup as the sonitus plugs...
Vista x64 Closing Sonar X1 Producer does not actually close (stop) the program.
After closing Sonar, Task Manager shows: SONARPDR.exe
Bug 1: "Change many Icons in one go".- Select many tracks in track view (Shift click). Then "Alt" click on Icon or right click on Icon. Select a a Track Icon. Result = only one icon on specific track change, not on all selected tracks.
Bug2: "Icons doesn't load correctly" Icons doesn't display correctly after loading project? Especially own made icons in 96x96 BMP. It get displayed tine, tine tine icons in middle? After you change the ICONs on those Channels again and re-save the project it work. The ICONS are display correctly also if you re-open the same project a second time.
Bug3: New Browser view. This bug make SONAR X1 crash and die with an error message. Serious Bug! It takes some time reproduce it but eventually it will crash in the end. Make a screenset-view with the "Browser" in docked "Multidock" (D)view. Make another screenset-view with the "Browser" floating view. Make another third screenset-view with the "Browser" right dock view. Now, change between the Screen-sets-views and change Browser views option. Example: un-dock screenset-view 1 from "Multidock" and try to make it floating bowser. Ofter couple of minute SONAR x1 will crash during change of different Screensets and Browser view. If you use the same browser view, (example Right View, default view) with all Screensets it work fine.
Bug 4: Console-view, "Pro Channel" and "mouse". Toggle EQ, TUBE, COMP-icon etc in console view. Toggle the icons to bypass the GLOSS EQ, COMP or TUBE doesn't always display correctly. After loading project channels in use of PRO CHANNELS that has been toggle ON/ OFF by "the icons" can be displayed OFF when its actually ON after loading projects?
Active "Pro Channels", TUBE, EQ, COMP etc can also be in "OFF"-state mode and you need to re-activate it again manual after loading project? Also "Right-click" make the mouse pointer disappear sometimes?
Bug: 5 Tracks-views "wide" doesn't always display correctly especially when you change to different screensets. The tracks getting "one step" smaller when it were before. Workaround, "lock" the screensets seem to fix it. New added tracks that haven't been lock in the "screenset" get displayed correctly even if you change to different screensets.
Not sure if this is already addressed elsewhere - if you save a screenset, with the multidock floating, and maximised (in my case on a second monitor, and containing just the console view), on reloading the project, the multidock window isn't maximised, although it is in the correct place (ie on the second monitor).
Reopening projects & Cloning prochannel/tube saturation fails to bring back correct settings.
To recreate example -
- Gain a clip over 0dbfs with clip automation gain.
- Activate PT/Tube saturation
- Set the tube saturation to type I & 18% drive (this = a 100% peak catching soft clip)
- Put the ProChannel in "POST" fader mode
- The gained up clip should now be limited/soft clipped by the tube saturation. (won't exceed 0dbfs)
- Clone that track & the setting wont transfer (but indicate that they do). you will notice that the clip will be clipping & not stopped by the tube saturation.
- Track strip ProChannel mouse over text states incorrect/illogical status.
1. Insert 2 Midi tracks at "Track View"
2. Insert a Dim Pro as a Instrument Track from example the Browser
3. Go to Console View.
4. Go to Top Left "Strips"
5. Select to hide "MIDI"
6. Result all "MIDI"-tracks and the Instrument track get HIDE.
7. Un-hide "MIDI" in "Strips" in Console-view again.
8. All Tracks get back in Console View again.
9. Select "Strips" again in Console view.
10. Select hide "Instruments"
11. Only the Dim Pro get "hide", = correct behavior.
12. Un-hide Dim Pro again
13. Press "H" on Console View to open "Track Manager".
14. As you can see---> All "Instrument Tracks" are recognize as MIDI Tracks. That's the main problem.
Make "Instrument Tracks" get a new ICON and recognize as "Instrument Tracks" instead. This BUG has been like this since 8.5.
Ctrl Solo on bus pane Crash. Can you guys confirm this bug for me? Happens on two of my systems.
Download & open this project file
- Right click "save as" - CtrlSoloCrash.cwp
- Say cancel/no/ok to the "missing audio, folders, plugins, blah blah"
- Try to press Ctrl & the Solo buttons a couple of times in the bus pane. Crashes every time for myself.
Automating Alias Factor and playing the automation crashes SONAR immediately. Everytime.
The Synth Rack names are not porting over to the track channel drop down options.
CWBRN- 3519
haven't seen this listed yet:
When adding a soft synth using the Simple Instrument Track, the track number in the Console View is one higher than it should be (i.e. in TV it's Track 4, but in Console view it shows as Track 5)./ However, if corrects itself when another track is added. If another soft synth is added using the Simple Instrument, the previous synth track numbering is fixed, but the new synth track is incorrect.
Again, the track number is correct in the Track View, but one higher in the Console view (it appears as if the Console View adds and then immediately deletes a track but doesn't update the number).
This does occur using MIDI and Source tracks.
My specs:
Intel i7 920, 12GB RAM, Win 7 Home Premium 64bit, MOTU 24 I/O PCI
Screen sets need at least one audio track to be operational.
Deleting the initial Audio track will disable screen sets.
Organize Tracks and Busses in Console view are broken!
Organize Tracks and Busses in Console view are broken!
You can't Organize Tracks or Busses in Console view.
This has work in SONAR 8.5 and backward. I presume its a bug, it must be?. WHY should anyone want to take this LOGICAL workflow away from any DAW system?
1. Got to Console View.
2. Select one track with help of Left "MOUSE"-Click in Console View.
3. Hold Down the "MOUSE" and try to drag the track either Left or right to organize the tracks order.
4. Result = Nothing MOVE, the track doesn't move?
5. Same Result happens if you try to organize the Busses in BUS section in Console-View.
Conclusions: You can organize the tracks and Busses track order from the "Track View" but not from "Console"-View.
Expand track folder in TV moves TV up to Track 1.
spelling mistake on one of the button's mouse over, CW spelled "Tansients" instead of "Transients"
Enabling and disabling saturation in ProChannel not working properly. Sometimes when it is on, it doesnt work. After exporting audio with saturation off, it enables!!!!
Plugs not staying docked in multi dock: CWBRN-3554
Partially Muted Folders Show Fully Muted Icon.
Filed by member/user Brundlefly - CWBRN 3556
CWBRN-3531 Browser View wont close in Multidock with B shortcut but does open. Status: As designed, when open B shortcut brings Browser into focus.
CWBRN-3532 Browser View in Multidock closes Folder pane when switching Screensets Status: New, haven't heard back
CWBRN-3553 Floating console view state is not retained when minimising & restoring Sonar (CV doesn't stay maximised) Status: Under Investigation
These are under XPPro SP3 32 bit.
Hopefully we can get this knocked out soon in patch 01a. Thanks for contributing!
post edited by Scott Lee - 2010/12/16 23:23:45