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Kenny, I don't think with the download model they don't give you the loops when you download the program. The first time I tried to drag a blues bass loop to the timeline from the browser, Mixcraft had to download the loop first - and somewhere I read the loops were kept with the project, not some massive file with all the Gigs of loops stored. Storage may cheap, but if I had a penny for every loop I haven't used, well, I'd have a hell of a lot of pennies. If this isn't how it is supposed to work, please let me know what my operator error is. Thanks. @
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Kenny, Correct, the loops do not download automatically upon installation. When installed, open up Mixcraft and go to the Loop Library. Select ALL. Then ""right click" on any loop and select "Download all in view". Then, go grab a cup of coffee (or two  ) and wait for them ALL to DL to your hard drive. AT Kenny, I don't think with the download model they don't give you the loops when you download the program. The first time I tried to drag a blues bass loop to the timeline from the browser, Mixcraft had to download the loop first - and somewhere I read the loops were kept with the project, not some massive file with all the Gigs of loops stored. Storage may cheap, but if I had a penny for every loop I haven't used, well, I'd have a hell of a lot of pennies. If this isn't how it is supposed to work, please let me know what my operator error is. Thanks. @
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Hi Joden, Not sure how long the JRR deal for $83 will last. I suspect at least until end of day today. The $99 offer will be available to the public direct from Acoustica thru tomorrow (Tuesday) midnight. We plan to extend the $99 offer as an exclusive offer for Sonar users thru the holidays. More details forthcoming later this week. joden
cclarry Mixcraft Pro Studio is $83.16 at JRR Shop with code GROUP
That's as cheap as it gets. They don't do crossgrades. This includes Melodyne Essential too..
Thanks....hope it lasts for a few days longer as I'd like to give the demo a try first before committing....I have been considering Reaper as well, so In am a bit conflicted on which to go for hahaha!
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Re: Mixcraft
2017/11/27 17:18:32
☄ Helpfulby AT 2017/11/27 18:36:08
Some people call me Maurice SPLAT Pro lifetime, ADK 6 core 3.6Ghz with 32 GB RAM, SSD 1TB system drive, 3 3TB regular drives for samples, recordings and misc. Behringer X Touch, UAD Apollo Quad. 2 UAD2 Quads PCI (i think - inside the box whatever that is), Console 1. More guitars (40??) and synths (hard and soft) than talent. Zendrum!!!
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aconte22 Hi Joden, Not sure how long the JRR deal for $83 will last. I suspect at least until end of day today. The $99 offer will be available to the public direct from Acoustica thru tomorrow (Tuesday) midnight. We plan to extend the $99 offer as an exclusive offer for Sonar users thru the holidays. More details forthcoming later this week.
cclarry Mixcraft Pro Studio is $83.16 at JRR Shop with code GROUP
That's as cheap as it gets. They don't do crossgrades. This includes Melodyne Essential too..
Thanks....hope it lasts for a few days longer as I'd like to give the demo a try first before committing....I have been considering Reaper as well, so In am a bit conflicted on which to go for hahaha!
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AT Kenny, I don't think with the download model they don't give you the loops when you download the program. The first time I tried to drag a blues bass loop to the timeline from the browser, Mixcraft had to download the loop first - and somewhere I read the loops were kept with the project, not some massive file with all the Gigs of loops stored. Storage may cheap, but if I had a penny for every loop I haven't used, well, I'd have a hell of a lot of pennies. If this isn't how it is supposed to work, please let me know what my operator error is. Thanks. @
Hi AT , I know what you are saying...... I have that end of it all figured out ... Sure when I used Mixcraft 7 I took the time to go through each and every folder and download the ALL AUDIO Mixcraft 3rd party content ... When I got Mixcraft 8 there was not a whole lot of new stuff I had to download to be current . For the record that whole process was easy and very fast to accomplish ... My beef with Mixcraft is very Very simple I want to be able to preview my midi files and all my midi content while being able to hear them within the Mixcraft program itself ......VIA the browser ...To my knowledge Mixcraft does not have any form of being able to preview midi files in the first place Please look closely at my screen shot ... when it comes to how Mixcraft treats Midi files , the play button is greyed out  I have addictive drums set up on an instrument track , yet I have no possible way of hearing a midi drum file or any midi fie for that matter from the Mixcraft browser .....unless I drag the midi file to the instrument track that has a synth on it ... This is a very slow workflow and it falls under a possible deal breaker category for me  I have 14 out of the top 20 2017 DAW' s that are currently in the current DAW Polls for both Mac and PC . I'm not a Flipping Johnny Green Horn when I comes to digital audio music production Now either I am doing something wrong over here or Mixcraft does not have the ability to preview midi files and have them heard in real time VIA a synth . I would like to know which is it ? Is it Me or is it Mixcraft ? If it is me please educate me I can be on my merry way too being totally happy . if this is how Mixcraft handles Midi .Please fix this in Mixcraft and allow Mixcraft to preview Midi ... BTW AT my frustration is NOT directed at you , I feel I have been very nice over here . Long before Cakewalk went under I have recommended Mixcraft to many folks that are my forum friends ... I like the program or else I would not be talking about it ... Kenny
post edited by kennywtelejazz - 2017/11/27 18:51:26
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aconte22 Kenny, Correct, the loops do not download automatically upon installation. When installed, open up Mixcraft and go to the Loop Library. Select ALL. Then ""right click" on any loop and select "Download all in view". Then, go grab a cup of coffee (or two ) and wait for them ALL to DL to your hard drive.

AT Kenny, I don't think with the download model they don't give you the loops when you download the program. The first time I tried to drag a blues bass loop to the timeline from the browser, Mixcraft had to download the loop first - and somewhere I read the loops were kept with the project, not some massive file with all the Gigs of loops stored. Storage may cheap, but if I had a penny for every loop I haven't used, well, I'd have a hell of a lot of pennies. If this isn't how it is supposed to work, please let me know what my operator error is. Thanks. @
Hey its nice you decided to try and help me ... The thing is in my post I am pointing to MY PICTURE THAT HAS MY MIDI MEDIA populating my folder structure not the media you have in your PICTURE  Do us both a favor right click my pic and view image will see that I'm not pointing to Acoustica content , I am pointing to some 3 rd party Loop Loft Midi drum files  My Issue with Mixcraft has nothing to do with what you think it is ... The flies I am pointing to in my picture are Midi Files ...I have no way to preview them in Mixcraft I have a drum VST loaded and my play option is greyed out .... Does Mixcraft have the ability to preview my downloaded 3 rd party midi files from the browser ? YES ? OR NO ? Now do us both a favor , Take off The Salesman Hat , put on the Musician hat or the customer service rep hat and read this post Then you can come back here with a non canned answer for me and help me solve my problem with your program.. Alright ? Kenny
post edited by kennywtelejazz - 2017/11/27 18:11:45
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Sorry Kenny, I am a newbie w/ Mixcraft and simply found I couldn't try or load the loops w/o download. Good feature request, tho, if there isn't some way to preview loops and clips (in old P5 speak). Look forward to seeing you on the mixcraft forum, since you know what you are talking about. I wasn't exactly impressed by the tone on the forums. But of course, I guess the Cakewalk forums might look the same if you don't know who to filter and who has been around and can answer questions. Thanks
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Just to let you fine Sonar users know, our team is reading these forums and we're open to adding features you are suggesting in a future Mixcraft update.
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kennywtelejazz Hey its nice you decided to try and help me ... The thing is in my post I am pointing to MY PICTURE THAT HAS MY MIDI MEDIA populating my folder structure not the media you have in your PICTURE Do us both a favor right click my pic and view image will see that I'm not pointing to Acoustica content , I am pointing to some 3 rd party Loop Loft Midi drum files  <snip> Then you can come back here with a non canned answer for me and help me solve my problem with your program.. Alright ? Kenny
aconte22 was responding to AT's post about Mixcraft's loops not being downloaded by default (comment #121). Go easy on him :) It is not currently possible to preview MIDI files in the Mixcraft file browser, but this is one of the features we definitely would like to add to a future version of Mixcraft. We have been taking the feedback in this thread very seriously, and as a former Cakewalk/SONAR user myself (I cut my teeth on Cakewalk back in the mid '90s), I already have some of the suggested features on my list of proposals for Mixcraft 9. Mixcraft has been growing by leaps and bounds, and all of us at Acoustica would like our next bound to contain all of the features most important to you, the musicians. S. Christian Collins Sound Designer Acoustica, Inc.
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I'm simply blown away by the Mixcraft support team that has been following this thread. Thank you! You remind me of the good people that worked for Cakewalk. I have no doubt that Mixcraft is on the right road. Some one mentioned the cover of the boxed version of Mixcraft. While you should not judge a book by its cover, I too, if not for bitflipper's post, would have given it a look. I'm sure glad I did! Again, thank you Mixcraft team, and the wonderful people of this forum!
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AT Sorry Kenny, I am a newbie w/ Mixcraft and simply found I couldn't try or load the loops w/o download. Good feature request, tho, if there isn't some way to preview loops and clips (in old P5 speak). Look forward to seeing you on the mixcraft forum, since you know what you are talking about. I wasn't exactly impressed by the tone on the forums. But of course, I guess the Cakewalk forums might look the same if you don't know who to filter and who has been around and can answer questions. Thanks
Hi AT , you and I go back a real long time . As far as I'm concerned we are friends  I respect you and I have always enjoyed how you carry you self here on the forum ... FWIW I can understand why you may have thought it was to Acoustica 3 rd party loop content that I was talking about ...I had gotten thrown for a loop myself when I first got the program What I am about to say has nothing to do with them over at their forum ... I have been over to the Mixcraft forum ...only as a lurker all honestly I am all forum ed out ... Mixcraft is great for previewing audio ... IMHO, Acoustica needs to step up the game a few notches when it come to the ability to preview midi ...Having a project running in real time and being able to preview Midi in sync would be a worthy update for Mixcraft  P5 was nice for that sort of thing ...the truth is a lot of the DAW;s that I use can do that ... SONAR , Reaper , Tracktion Waveform 8 , Logic , Garage Band , ....just to name a few ... It has been nice talking with you all the best , Kenny
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kennywtelejazz Hey its nice you decided to try and help me ... The thing is in my post I am pointing to MY PICTURE THAT HAS MY MIDI MEDIA populating my folder structure not the media you have in your PICTURE Do us both a favor right click my pic and view image will see that I'm not pointing to Acoustica content , I am pointing to some 3 rd party Loop Loft Midi drum files  <snip> Then you can come back here with a non canned answer for me and help me solve my problem with your program.. Alright ? Kenny
aconte22 was responding to AT's post about Mixcraft's loops not being downloaded by default (comment #121). Go easy on him :) It is not currently possible to preview MIDI files in the Mixcraft file browser, but this is one of the features we definitely would like to add to a future version of Mixcraft. We have been taking the feedback in this thread very seriously, and as a former Cakewalk/SONAR user myself (I cut my teeth on Cakewalk back in the mid '90s), I already have some of the suggested features on my list of proposals for Mixcraft 9. Mixcraft has been growing by leaps and bounds, and all of us at Acoustica would like our next bound to contain all of the features most important to you, the musicians. S. Christian Collins Sound Designer Acoustica, Inc.
Well thank you for posting mrbumpy409  You made your point I respect it , thank you Kenny
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aceric Just to let you fine Sonar users know, our team is reading these forums and we're open to adding features you are suggesting in a future Mixcraft update.
Hey Eric , I like your videos , you play a mean Metal Guitar ... Kenny
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aconte22 Not sure how long the JRR deal for $83 will last. I suspect at least until end of day today. The $99 offer will be available to the public direct from Acoustica thru tomorrow (Tuesday) midnight. We plan to extend the $99 offer as an exclusive offer for Sonar users thru the holidays. More details forthcoming later this week.
Just thought I'd bump this, since I almost missed it myself, and it's rather important.
SonarPlat/CWbBL, Win 10 Pro, i7 2600K, Asus P8Z68 Deluxe, 16GB DDR3, Radeon HD5450, TC Electronic Impact Twin, Kawai MP11 Piano, Event ALP Monitors, Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro, Too Many Plugins, My lucky hat.
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Does Mixcraft have a feature similar to SONAR's Mix Recall, Cubase's MixConsole History, or Studio One's Undo History? I'm sure it has multiple undo, but curious if there's anything deeper.
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amd 10-6700 apu, 3.70 ghz,24gb 16gb usable. sonar platinum 64 bit operating system latest upgrades .komplete audio 6  WINDOWS 10
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aceric Just to let you fine Sonar users know, our team is reading these forums and we're open to adding features you are suggesting in a future Mixcraft update.
Many SONAR users will miss TTS-1. Maybe one of you Acoustica guys can explain how Mixcraft's GM instruments might be used in its place.
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Johannes H I can minimize the mixer so it disappears from the screen, so I just have track view.
Well, that's certainly an acceptable alternative if the mixer can't be moved. At least it is for me, since I so rarely use the console view. How about the PRV? Can it be moved?
You can move the console to another screen. It does detach
BobV ASUS Prime Z370-P - Intel Core i7+ 8700K 3.7GHZ 16GB Memory, Intel HD Graphics 630 GPU, Windows 10 Pro 64bit, , Sonar Platinum 64bit, Motu 828MK3 Hybrid, Warm Audio TB12 Pre, Warm Audio WA273 Pre, AEA RPQ 500 Pre, Warm Audio WA76 Compressor, Presonus D8 Pre, Tonelux EQ5P 500 Eq, Kush Electra 500 Eq, Lindell PEX 500 Eq, Yamaha 80M monitors with HS10W Sub, and a bunch of other good stuff. I have a Roland Juno-106 that's looking for a new home. PM me.
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telecharge Many SONAR users will miss TTS-1. Maybe one of you Acoustica guys can explain how Mixcraft's GM instruments might be used in its place.
The "Acoustica Instruments" VSTi is a complete GM sound bank (actually GS) + a bunch of additional instruments as well.
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telecharge Many SONAR users will miss TTS-1. Maybe one of you Acoustica guys can explain how Mixcraft's GM instruments might be used in its place.
The "Acoustica Instruments" VSTi is a complete GM sound bank (actually GS) + a bunch of additional instruments as well.
I know, but does it offer the same level of control as TTS-1? Some users will be put off or confused with no GUI (unless it's been added in v8).
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Just a thought : I wonder if Anderton's solution for getting TTS-1 working in Studio One would also work in Mixcraft? I am on my phone at the moment so can't easily post the link.
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Mixcraft needs a customizable media browser like the other DAWs. I've posted it on their forum with screenshots.
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Re: Mixcraft
2017/11/27 21:49:29
☄ Helpfulby telecharge 2017/11/27 22:01:51
mrbumpy409 The "Acoustica Instruments" VSTi is a complete GM sound bank (actually GS) + a bunch of additional instruments as well.
I know, but does it offer the same level of control as TTS-1? Some users will be put off or confused with no GUI (unless it's been added in v8).
TTS-1 is a traditional 16-channel MIDI synth where you have to set the presets for each channel and then route MIDI tracks to it. Acoustica Instruments functions a bit differently in that you load a separate instance of the plugin to each instrument track. However, Acoustica Instruments (as well as "Acoustica Expanded Instruments" and "Acoustica Studio Drums") uses a shared memory architecture, so there is no extra memory used by having multiple instances of these plugins. The volume and pan controls can then just be adjusted in the track or mixer views rather than having to open a plugin GUI to balance everything. The reverb and chorus is done by setting CC91 and CC93 respectively (in the piano roll). This is a little clunkier than TTS-1's GUI method, but generally you will probably want to be mixing with high quality standalone reverb and chorus plugins anyway. The main advantage that TTS-1 has over Acoustica Instruments is that TTS-1 can tweak the instrument's behavior via the "Edit" button. I hope this answers your questions. S. Christian Collins Sound Designer Acoustica, Inc.
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soens Dual screen capability has become a must. Sad that some of these alts don't allow it.
What does Mixcraft not allow as far as multiple screens? I am running dual right now, have been for 4 years.
Sorry. Generalized comment not necessarily meant for this application.
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Johannes H I can minimize the mixer so it disappears from the screen, so I just have track view.
Well, that's certainly an acceptable alternative if the mixer can't be moved. At least it is for me, since I so rarely use the console view. How about the PRV? Can it be moved?
You can move the console to another screen. It does detach
PRV, Mixer and other views seem to be locked in the "Dock", but the whole thing can float outside the main Track view window.
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A question of a different color for Mixcraft on the video side. I've got a sports camera that saves in MOV. My old Vegas 7 doesn't open Mov. Vegas 14 will open them, but won't open itself now and gets hung up on VSTs. So I need something simple to re-format. Anybody use anything cheap and SAFE for that jb. I'd rather pay a few bucks than have spam or such. I will get Vegas 14 rolling, but in the meanwhile I have some good motorcycle footage.
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Cool feature: Changing the "key" value and BPM in the transport screen works while song is playing.
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soens Cool feature: Changing the "key" value and BPM in the transport screen works while song is playing.
It looks like the markers list can be used to change the Key, Tempo, and even the Time Signature at give points in the project. While this isn't a chord track, it appears that makers can transpose audio loops if there is a key change specified. I'm not certain, but I believe MIDI clips also have a key associated with them, and these might also be transposed. I'm basing this on the manual, as I have not tried this with any demo I had in the past.