SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers

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tomas gato
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Re:Upgrade to X1 FRUSTRATION 2010/11/07 19:35:25 (permalink)

There is a parable that Jesus told that goes something like this: 
 Well, the guys in the group that worked all day started to whine…..this was a vineyard and a winery after all.
They said;”WTF?   Some of these guys worked for one friggin’ hour and they got a penny, and some of those other guys worked half a day and got a penny, and we bust our donkeys all day long and all we get is a miserable penny too?”
And the owner of the vineyard and winery said, “How did I do you good people any wrong?   You agreed to work all day for a penny, and I gave you penny.    These other good people came out and worked for an hour and I chose to give them a penny too, which I have a lawful right to do.    It is no evil that I’ve done to you because I’ve chosen to be good these others.   Peace be unto you.  Now, stop your whining and get the heck off my property before I sic my dogs on you, you ungrateful SOBs.”
The story went something like that anyway.   
But you didn't finish the story............
Why did you not tell the real end of the story? 
Later that evening, the miffed "ungrates" after a short meeting off property
returned to the farmers house, killed and bbqd his dogs, had sex with his wife and daughters, and two of his sons (the others ran away), hung the farmer from a handy saguaro and generally had a party til dawn on free wine and beer
BUT that farmer sure showed them how commerce works didn't he?
Besides which, he was in the right.............right?
And no I am NOT advocating anything.........LOLOLOL
(2nd Amendment remedies being available or not)
The software in question is very good software
$99 is a pittance
As I have said elsewhere, we are very, very lucky to have the Cakewalk folks working FOR us
So shut the hell up and buy the software,
they could STOP working for us you know......

post edited by tomas gato - 2010/11/07 20:37:05
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Re:SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers 2010/11/08 04:49:07 (permalink)
Would someone in-the-know be able to answer these questions?

1. Did the 8.5 download installer (SONAR_Producer_8_5.exe, 1.9GB) contain the content patches in the "Producter8.3ContentPatchRevB.exe" and "Producer831Path.exe" upgrade files (I think they were Session Drummer patches)

2. Likewise can we be assured that the X1 download will contain the updates in the SONAR_Producer_8_5.exe download plus the Producer851Patch.exe - Producer853Patch.exe files?

3. If not the download then what about the discs?  Also, have their been any content updates/additions to things like Dimesion Pro since Producer v7.0?

4. What VSTs or content are no longer in X1 which were available in, say, 7.0?

5. In a nutshell, if I get the discs, can I ditch my old versions (ignoring any old VSTs that may no longer be included)??

Thanks for the help!

Intel i7 920 / Win 7 x64 / 12GB RAM / 720GB + 1.5TB RAID0 Seagates 7200.12's / Sonar Producer 8.5 / Akai MPK49 / Kore 2 / Korg padKontrol x 2 / RME Fireface 400
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Re:SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers 2010/11/08 15:41:21 (permalink)
Thanks for the replies!

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Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 01:33:56 (permalink)
I would like to know why is it that those, who already purchased Sonar 8.5, will have to pay $99 for upgrade, while the once that have not, will get upgrade for free?
This makes no sense. While I do understand that Cakewalk wants to sell 8.5 now and lure customers that still did not order it, but that does not appear fair to those who already purchased upgrade.
If I paid $100 few months ago, it still going to be $100 in December. The current inflation rate as of today is 1.1%, so what makes my $100 I paid for Sonar 8.5 less significant compared to those that will spend it this month? I paid for Sonar 8.0. Then I paid for Sonar 8.5. How come I have to pay again, for Sonar X1 again? Are you saying- it was stupid move to buy upgrade earlier? Next time, maybe we should all wait for the new version to be announced, to get it free with previous upgrade? Back in a day when we were on Sonar 6, I know lots of people who would not buy the Sonar 6, waiting to buy it close to Sonar 7 release to get it free when they buy 6. For those customers, that faithfully paying for every upgrade on time, there is no loyalty program. How stupid should I be to buy 8.5 earlier if I could wait and get X1 for free? I do not understand, what makes those that don’t have Sonar 8.5 yet any better that rest of us and why do they get X1 for free and we do not. Another $100, AGAIN? I just paid for 8.0, and 8.5. If you give X10 to some 8.5 users, how come I cannot get it too? I paid exactly same $100 as those that will be getting it in November- I should be able to get same free upgrade.  
post edited by vladasyn - 2010/11/09 01:38:18
Glyn Barnes
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 01:48:29 (permalink)
Every upgrade its the same story.
Where do you draw the line? Cake is letting those who purchase 8.5 within around 6 weeks of the release of X1 get a free update. Seems reasonable to me and is in line with a lot of other software companies.
Would 8 weeks be fair? six months?, everyone who ever bought 8.5? or do you think Cake should charge the full price for 8.5 right up to the release data?
If you bought it just before the announcment I could understand you frustration, if you bought it a few months ago less so. 
post edited by Glyn Barnes - 2010/11/09 01:49:47

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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 02:25:08 (permalink)
$100 is stays $100 in Spring, Summer and Fall. Yes, I am absolutely positive- no one should be getting it for free. If I am, single mother, have to pay again, why someone else should be getting it free? Yes, I had the benefit of using it from the release date, but so as Cakewalk- had a benefit of using and investing my money. My money were contribution to research and development of new version, while Joe Blow, who did not pay for Sonar 8.5, did not contribute. So now I have to pay again, but he does not? No- seriously- why is it free? Are these people indigent? Or are they extra-gifted? Is it a scholarship? Aside of Cakewalk product, I am also faithful user of Roland product, starting in 1999 with JV 2080 and later JP 8000, I also own the Fantom G 6, V-Synth GT and V-Concer electronic drums. So if I buy Fantom too close to the release of future successor, is the Roland going to send me 2 Fantoms, or 2 V-Synth, or 2 V-Drums? Also- when Roland released new V-Synth GT version (2), it was available for download to all V-Synth GT users. I never had to pay for Fantom operating system upgrade- it was free to all users. But if Cakewalk cannot give free upgrade to all 8.5 users, then they should not be giving it to anybody. And, yes, I believe- prices should be consistent all the time. I remember Sonar coast $600- was it ever so? I am pretty sure- it used to be around that price. Why do they suddenly dropped the price? That lowers respect for the product. But that’s another conversation. I think if you take $100 for an upgrade, there should be no exceptions. And if some one skiped the upgrade and wants to get X1 without 8.5, they should be paying $249 for 8.0 (as everybody else), $100 for 8.5, and another $100 for X1. I was upgrading at release time from 5 for $249 +$100 for 8.5+ $100 for X1- it will cost me $449, so all those who upgrading from 5 today should be paying the same- no exceptions. Money are money and we all have to work for it- most of us have to work low paying day jobs to afford it.
post edited by vladasyn - 2010/11/09 02:29:08
John T
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 02:32:20 (permalink)

And, yes, I believe- prices should be consistent all the time.

Right. Well, you're going to be disappointed on that, every day, looking at every kind of consumer product imaginable. Companies do price promotions and special offers. I'm guessing you've actually observed this phenomena before.
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 03:04:31 (permalink)
Vladasyn, did you pay the $99 price for the upgrade to 8.5? If so, I've been informed that you couldn't have paid that price if you'd qualified for the free X1 upgrade. You'd have instead paid double that. So if you upgrade to X1 for another $99, you'll be paying the same as those who buy 8.5 now and get X1 free later. That's what they told me, anyway.
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 03:08:41 (permalink)
You can 8.5 from version 8 now as a download for $99 and then get free X1

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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 03:36:24 (permalink)
What I got for paying $99 to go from S 8 to S 8.5 last year was a whole years  use of the software.

this year it will cost me another $99 to from S 8.5 to X1. Basically it costs $99 each year to keep up with the most current version.

now if I decide not to get in at the beginning of the cycle and wait for X2 (next year) then a few weeks before X2 comes out next year I'll get an offer to buy X1 for $99 and get X2 free.

Cakewalk is being generous by allowing us to skip an upgrade and catch up for $99 provided we do it during a small period of 6 weeks. Of coourse while you save some money you didn't get to use the software for the year either.

Mike V. (MUDGEL)

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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 03:50:15 (permalink)
Hi - can I ask a slightly related question - is the free upgrade time dependent or price dependent? I have 8 Producer and realised I've still got the 8P - 8.5P in my cart from last month's promo (was tempted but didn't actually buy it!) - if I buy it now at last months price do I qualify for X1 free (on registration date) or not (on price paid)? 
I have asked CW sales support last week but as yet no reply.

Any thoughts most welcome. Cheers
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 04:00:05 (permalink)
Glyn Barnes

Would 8 weeks be fair? six months?, everyone who ever bought 8.5? or do you think Cake should charge the full price for 8.5 right up to the release data? 
Everybody having to pair for Sonar X1 would be fair. 
A good example would be computer games.  I will never pay $50 dollars for a computer game.  So I have to wait and wait for the price to eventually go down.  So eventually, I end up paying $19 for a game several months later than the person that paid $50 when the game first came out.  I didn't get anything extra.  We both played and enjoyed the same game, I just had to wait a lot longer to enjoy it. 
Now appy the Cakewalk model.  I will pay the same $50 as the person that bought the game when it was first released.  However, because I waited, I will get 2 game titles for the price of 1.
So again, to be fair, don't give X1 to anyone for free.

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Re:SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers 2010/11/09 04:28:35 (permalink)
Robin Kelly [Cakewalk


A side question on upgrading, I currently have both 8 and 8.5 installed on my hard drive.  Will I be able to remove these instances if I purchase the upgrade with the disks?  I would really like to do a clean install once I upgrade.

Best, Harry

Yes but don't delete shared plugin directories or your audio directory if you point SONAR X1 to it. SONAR X1 is a separate install and does not require SONAR 8.5 to be on the system to run.

I am a registered user (an humble, amateur, enthisiastic musician) and will be upgrading from HS7XL to X1 Producer.
As I do not ever intend to use SONAR 8.5 will I actually have to install  it to enable me to be a registered user for upgrade to X1 purposes.
Will I be able to get a boxed upgrade here in the UK?
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 08:49:19 (permalink)
What I got for paying $99 to go from S 8 to S 8.5 last year was a whole years use of the software.

Yeah, and so is Cakewalk- whole year of use of my money. Far as I check, the inflation rate is only 1.1%. It's the same money- why some one should be getting 2 packages?
I understand about special offers. It can be $20 off, or so. If you go to Best Buy and buy HDTV- do you think- they going to send you newer model when it released for free?
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 15:08:54 (permalink)
This could turn into another popcorn session.

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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 15:21:53 (permalink)
Too many people judge their own happiness in the context of what other people are or are not allowed to do.

I must pay the added cost because I bought 8.5 too early to get the bargain.  But I refuse to let this dictate my happiness or success.

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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 15:45:15 (permalink)

What I got for paying $99 to go from S 8 to S 8.5 last year was a whole years  use of the software.

this year it will cost me another $99 to from S 8.5 to X1. Basically it costs $99 each year to keep up with the most current version.

now if I decide not to get in at the beginning of the cycle and wait for X2 (next year) then a few weeks before X2 comes out next year I'll get an offer to buy X1 for $99 and get X2 free.

Cakewalk is being generous by allowing us to skip an upgrade and catch up for $99 provided we do it during a small period of 6 weeks. Of coourse while you save some money you didn't get to use the software for the year either.

From SP7, I skipped 8, and got SP8.5. I had to pay $179, so I thought pricing was adjusted according to how far back you're upgrading from. If I waited to get X2 (without getting X1), I would think I have to pay close to $200, no?
Or is it different now (as Mudgel has stated)?
post edited by Mesh - 2010/11/09 15:47:32

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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 15:47:07 (permalink)
vladasyn, i think the main reason Cakewalk are offering the free upgrade to the next version is because they want to carry on having sales. They announced a new version last week/ a couple of weeks ago. Now who in their right mind would buy Sonar 8.5 when they know a new version is about to be released. This would mean Cakewalk have at least a whole month of zero sales of their flagship product. i don't think they could survive having no sales for a month, so to keep sales coming in, they offer a free upgrade to the next version. Simples.

I apoligise if i sound a bit rude, but it bugs me because i'm in the same boat as someone who complained because they brought 8.5 back in Feb, just like me. That was a looong time ago... Now the guy who purchased Sonar a couple of days before the free upgrade... Now he does have a point! But not if you purchased it months ago.

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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 16:38:21 (permalink)
Think of it the other way around...

If you're using 8.3 or earlier you can pre-order (and pre-pay for) X1 at the applicable upgrade price, in the meantime they'll let you use 8.5 while you're waiting for Dec 8th to arrive...

Mekashi Futo
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/09 23:31:08 (permalink)

vladasyn, i think the main reason Cakewalk are offering the free upgrade to the next version is because they want to carry on having sales. They announced a new version last week/ a couple of weeks ago. Now who in their right mind would buy Sonar 8.5 when they know a new version is about to be released. This would mean Cakewalk have at least a whole month of zero sales of their flagship product. i don't think they could survive having no sales for a month, so to keep sales coming in, they offer a free upgrade to the next version. Simples.

I apoligise if i sound a bit rude, but it bugs me because i'm in the same boat as someone who complained because they brought 8.5 back in Feb, just like me. That was a looong time ago... Now the guy who purchased Sonar a couple of days before the free upgrade... Now he does have a point! But not if you purchased it months ago.
Actually, Cakewalk could provide a discount to Sonar 8.5 which would make perfect sense.  After all, not everybody is going to meet the minimum requirements for X1 anyway.  So offer a discount to 8.5 and then give everyone the familiar upgrade paths.  But no one gets X1 for free.  That's the way it should be in my mind.
Willy Jones [Cakewalk]
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Re:SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers 2010/11/10 00:33:14 (permalink)
To answer/address a few questions and comments . . .

It will be like last year, the full install is just too big for a single download. So.... You have 8.5.3 installed. You download the X1 upgrade which then uses your 8.5.3 as the main source media.

This is not true - not sure where or how you heard this.  While the full install is rather large all the components will be available via download and do not require any previous version of SONAR to be installed to use.  For Producer users who are upgrading there is certainly no need to download Dimension Pro and Beatscape but I guess if you really really wanted to we're not going to stop you. 

1. Did the 8.5 download installer (SONAR_Producer_8_5.exe, 1.9GB) contain the content patches in the "Producter8.3ContentPatchRevB.exe" and "Producer831Path.exe" upgrade files (I think they were Session Drummer patches)

No it did not include the additional Session Drummer content
2. Likewise can we be assured that the X1 download will contain the updates in the SONAR_Producer_8_5.exe download plus the Producer851Patch.exe - Producer853Patch.exe files?

No it will not, the X1 download is a complete, full installer for a different application.  We offer upgrade pricing but do not require a previous version installed to install the SONAR X1 download

3. If not the download then what about the discs?  Also, have their been any content updates/additions to things like Dimesion Pro since Producer v7.0?

The download is the same thing one would get should they decide to purchase the media as well.  SONAR X1 will include Dimension Pro 1.5, however if upgrading from SONAR 8/8.5 Producer there is no need to download all 3GB of Dimension Pro again, you can simply run the 1.5 update (if you haven't already ran it)

4. What VSTs or content are no longer in X1 which were available in, say, 7.0?

The same instruments and effects are available.  Similar to 7, we don't install all of them by default but they are still available to be installed for backwards compatibility with projects that might still use them.  The included content, audio and midi loops varies a little with almost every release

5. In a nutshell, if I get the discs, can I ditch my old versions (ignoring any old VSTs that may no longer be included)??

Even if you don't get the discs you could still ditch your old versions, that's really between you and your download speed/patience

Hope that answers some questions.

Willy Jones 
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/10 00:44:30 (permalink)
is the free upgrade time dependent or price dependent?

The free SONAR X1 free upgrade is available for anyone who purchases or registers a copy of SONAR 8.5 between Nov. 1st 2010 and Dec. 31st 2010.

if I buy it now at last months price do I qualify for X1 free (on registration date) or not (on price paid)?

If the promotion has expired you will no longer be able to purchase it, you can find current pricing and what the pricing will be starting on 12/8/2010 here:

Willy Jones 
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/10 00:57:25 (permalink)
From SP7, I skipped 8, and got SP8.5. I had to pay $179, so I thought pricing was adjusted according to how far back you're upgrading from. If I waited to get X2 (without getting X1), I would think I have to pay close to $200, no? Or is it different now (as Mudgel has stated)?

Pricing is still adjusted based on which version you are upgrading from however we have lowered all of the pricing on SONAR X1.  You can find today's upgrade pricing and what it will be starting on 12/8 here:

Willy Jones 
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Re:Unfair to Sonar 8.5 users 2010/11/10 03:59:38 (permalink)
So I purchased on the 31st of October through the Cakewalk store, but my registration date on my Cakewalk Account says Nov 1st.

Does this mean I am eligible for the Free Upgrade?
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Re:SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers 2010/11/11 14:23:09 (permalink)
So Robin, I know I qualify for the Sonar X1 upgrade at $99 since I own Sonar Studio 8.5 but is Sonar X1 going to replace Sonar 8.5. Is it really Sonar version 9?
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Re:SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers 2010/11/11 17:03:45 (permalink)
Glyn Barnes – I agree same old story loads of moans because some people upgraded to 8.5 and have to pay for X1.  Maybe I’m just heartless because I’m not a loyal Cakewalk customer jumping versions and not upgrading each year. However, I’m the sort of person Cakewalk need to keep to keep their user base. It’s all about marketing and business!  Like car insurance there’s little loyalty even if you have been with the same company for many years.

You have to have a cut-off point. It was point in earlier in this thread – the advantage of upgrading when 8.5 was released… was you had 12 months of features many of us have not had. It was my choice not to upgrade and now you have the choice of upgrading (for a fee) to X1 if you want.  You may not think it’s worth it and wait for X2 December 2011.
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Re:SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers 2010/11/11 18:42:58 (permalink)
CAKEWALK - Simple question

It's not an option at the moment but can there be the option of either:

Upgrade and download version 8.5 and get an download version of X1 + physical


Upgrade and download version 8.5 + physical and get an download version X1 + physical

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Re:SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers 2010/11/12 10:18:46 (permalink)
One point all these whiners who want it for free are not understanding is that your software (assuming you've really paid for it and registered it officially) isn't going to STOP working on Dec 8th!

You can upgrade to a newer (better? perhaps) product...if you choose...a few who have been putting off an earlier upgrade will get an incentive to do so...that is all.

post edited by boblette - 2010/11/12 13:56:21

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M-Audio Fast Track Pro
1 TB WD Caviar Green internal HD (OS and software)
500 GB WD Caviar Black internal HD (Audio Projects)
500 WD external HD (for file back up only)
Kurzweil PC1 SE
Sibelius 7.5
(Various guitars and effects, including Roland GR55)

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Re:SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers 2010/11/12 13:46:38 (permalink)
John T

I'm so pissed. I walked past the shop where I bought shoes from a while back, and do you know what they've got in there? NEW SHOES! AND they've got them on sale!!!


+1, now that's some funny SH$%

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Re:SONAR X1 upgrade questions and answers 2010/11/13 10:28:05 (permalink)
I bought Sonar 8.5 3 months ago but never installed and never registered. Can i have free X1 version if i register now?

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