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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 4:06 PM (permalink)
Is this about the Cakewalk forums or shifting traffic to HC and improve their bottom line. Do I see a conflict of interest here??

Of course not. Jeez. HC is already in discussion with various companies about hosting communities. It would be ridiculous and very rude NOT to offer the same opportunity to Cakewalk. 
A community like the Coffeehouse is very close-knit and I would hate to see that go away, if in fact that's what's planned (if it's not, never mind). I know about communities, the one I started on AOL has done three moves and been in continuous operation for over 21 years.
I saw the comments here and thought "Gee, I can actually do something to solve this" because I'm in a position where I can make sure that the community will have a home regardless. So sue me.

With all due respect Craig, I feel you straddle too many fences to be truly objective about this. You have a finger in every pie and will win regardless of the outcome. This is one case where you can't say you're just a software user like the rest of us. The fact that you are hovering here speaks volumes.

Would you prefer that I act like the rest of you, and wring my hands and complain instead of coming up with what I think is a creative AND DOABLE solution?
What kind of mentality would be against my pushing things around a bit and calling in some favors to make sure places like the Coffeehouse can survive?
Here I am advocating for the community and all you can see is ME winning regardless of the outcome. The reality is I'm trying to come up with a solution so the COMMUNITY wins regardless of the outcome. This wouldn't help me at all, or Harmony Central, because I highly doubt Cakewalk is going to be buying any ads. It helps a community I've come to appreciate and I want to see survive, even though it will make my life more difficult to do so.
If you can't recognize that people are capable of having motivations that aren't self-serving, I feel truly sorry for you.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 4:09 PM (permalink)
Because it seems that the ultimate goal of the Bakery concept is to make the forum info more accessible and useful.

I was born in the USSR.
When something has "ultimate goal" (Communism), has invented ultimate way to "objectively" count everything and based on that make "correct" decisions what should be done (Planned economy)... That is too good to be real (I mean it does not work at all ).

My suggestion was intended to imply that they should only use non-destructive methods (aka - running offline data crunching software) to arrive at their goals, without breaking the community.  I can see where from the official product support perspective that it would be nice to have everything wrapped in a big cozy knowledge base.  But not if they throw out the baby with the bath water.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 4:10 PM (permalink)
With all due respect Craig, I feel you straddle too many fences to be truly objective about this. You have a finger in every pie and will win regardless of the outcome. This is one case where you can't say you're just a software user like the rest of us. The fact that you are hovering here speaks volumes.

Pretty harsh statement.
Why can an offered possible solution be seen so negatively?
Didn't read the comments after post #89 while typing...

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 4:15 PM (permalink)
This is one case where you can't say you're just a software user like the rest of us.

I am a user like the rest of you. Why do you think I'm trying to come up with a solution? Why do I do the Tip of the Week on my own time? Why don't I accept royalties for the Expansion Packs i create on my own time? And what's so egregious about using my business connections to help the users who are like me?
Feel free to step up to the plate, buy up some servers, debug some software, and offer to host the Cakewalk forums. I'm not stopping you. I don't need another headache.
The fact that you are hovering here speaks volumes.

Yes. It says I'm a part of this community and I care about it enough to come up with a solution.
I'm outta here.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 4:28 PM (permalink)
azslow3PS. It will be nice if "mighty people" which have already participated in this thread can, in addition to describing the shining perspectives of not yet finished thing, answer on a strait and simple question from my first post and already repeated by other.

There may not be an answer. It may be an if-then situation. I don't know, nor would I.

I have thought that the decision to touch may be the only truly distinctive CW resource has "leaked" into your direction internally... It seems that is not the case.

What I DO know is that I can keep the community going if all else fails. You're welcome...not that anyone said "hey, cool, thanks for thinking of us." Instead I hear "conflict of interest" and "improving HC's bottom line." 

I must admit for me the intention of your HC post was even less clear then the Bakery HowTo
May be I am not a lone and so the reaction was what it was.

I'd take the time to explain the difference between support and community, and a forum and a community, and why it sure looks to me like Cakewalk decided to take complaints about wanting more support and a better way of dealing with the Features and Ideas concept seriously. But I suspect I'd be wasting my time.

I do not think that major complaints was how more support is organized or where CW is publishing the response on F&I. And may be I have overseen something during my short visit, but I have not noticed and "tags" or whatever in the new system dedicated to CW "support" nor "feedback". It looks like a forum/chat platform, with clear similarity to other such platforms but almost unreadable for me the top menu (unlike in other such platforms).
I do not see how all that "statistics", which may be helpful for CW, can help users. The only way I enter stackoverflow when I search for something is google. The same works fine in the current forum. Making digits 3 times bigger the the topic and putting the author on the other side of the page I guess supposed to train eyes and may be do some head moving gymnastic (if the monitor is bigger then 5''). I could continue, but I also think that is wasting time.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 4:38 PM (permalink)
I suspect it is because I changed the topic to more accurately reflect the issue
Click on your user ID in the upper right of the Bakery, open My "Profile" and scroll down to see "Recent Activity"

Ye Gods that thread is a mess. No easily discernible structure to it at all, and hard work to follow and work out what was said when and in response to what. Which is the opposite of what we have here.
Might I suggest that if you're going to put responses to comments near the comment responded to you adopt an indenting system so it's clearer what goes where? Though that would break the "most up votes at the top" system it would at least be possible to follow. At the moment the Bakery looks to me like it's been prematurely launched. A "quote" function that works would help as well.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 4:46 PM (permalink)
I suspect it is because I changed the topic to more accurately reflect the issue
Click on your user ID in the upper right of the Bakery, open My "Profile" and scroll down to see "Recent Activity"

Might I suggest that if you're going to put responses to comments near the comment responded to you adopt an indenting system so it's clearer what goes where?

I have no more control or input in how the Bakery develops than you. I created threads yesterday on the Bakery in the hope that I could understand how it works and how to make it better. I see no percentage in discussing the threads here.
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 4:51 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Kamikaze November 23, 16 9:20 PM
Thank you Craig for saving the Cakewalk forums. You are a truly selfless individual. It's great that you are sticking up for all of us. You're a hero.
I'm just a user that doesn't like the new forum plans. I'm done in this thread before I get banned. 

Regards, John 
 I want to make it clear that I am an Eedjit. I have no direct, or indirect, knowledge of business, the music industry, forum threads or the meaning of life. I know about amps.
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 5:08 PM (permalink)

I use the Google when I want to find info. "Tags" seem so 2003.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 5:29 PM (permalink)

I use the Google when I want to find info. "Tags" seem so 2003.

Good boy! 

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 6:46 PM (permalink)
Thank you Craig for saving the Cakewalk forums. You are a truly selfless individual. It's great that you are sticking up for all of us. You're a hero.
I'm just a user that doesn't like the new forum plans. I'm done in this thread before I get banned. 

I would think anyone who "doesn't like the new forum plans" would be interested in, if not in favor of, a solution that would allow the forums to continue. Obviously I was wrong.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 6:46 PM (permalink)
Sorry if this was already asked or mentioned, but... isn't the new forum the "Feedback Portal" that was announced in the Rolling Updates page?
Feedback Portal
Got a great idea for a new feature? Want to help shape future updates? We are creating a unique new space for SONAR users to easily share what they’d like to see in future SONAR updates. You’ll be able to vote on existing ideas and even contribute your own in order to help determine the forthcoming changes in SONAR.
If so, isn't it solely for FEEDBACK and FEATURE REQUESTS?
I didn't see anything indicating it was going to replace the entire SONAR forum (what we have here).
Or is this just the beginning?
I'm Confused!
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 7:18 PM (permalink)
I must admit for me the intention of your HC post was even less clear then the Bakery HowTo
May be I am not a lone and so the reaction was what it was.

I apologize if it wasn't clear, I thought it was obvious I was talking about what could be done, e.g., "We could cover the hangout/social aspect that a forum like the Coffehouse currently provides." And I also said "Just thinking out loud here, but the more I think about this...hmm...I'm going to send an email to the powers-that-be at Cakewalk and see what they think."
I floated the idea to HC first to see if they'd even be willing to do it. When they said yes, I floated it here because I wasn't going to recommend Cakewalk do it unless the forumites were receptive to the idea of preserving the community if necessary by providing a home elsewhere. The only place I could provide a home is Harmony Central because I have influence there. However since the idea was initially met with a negative attack (I would have preferred comments pro or con on the merits of the suggestion), and since then no one has said they'd be in favor of hosting the forums somewhere else if necessary, I get the point. I've told HC there won't be any need to make room for another community in 2017, and consider the matter closed. Sorry if I ruffled any feathers with what I thought would be a simple solution if all else failed.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 7:26 PM (permalink)
I would think anyone who "doesn't like the new forum plans" would be interested in, if not in favor of, a solution that would allow the forums to continue. Obviously I was wrong.

i don't think 'wrong'. as someone said earlier, perhaps yourself, change always is accompanied by a certain amount of upheaval. it seems to be human nature, change, at least at the beginning of said change, there is uncertainty and confusion, but as time goes on and things become clearer, all that becomes a distant memory as the new becomes more familiar. of course some people may be lost in the process, but i think a large number would follow and eventually see the good, assuming it all goes well. change is inevitable, nothing lasts forever, and i'm sure that the majority of people would see 'something' to be better than 'nothing', assuming the worst fears are indeed founded. it quite possibly could be a benefit to cakewalk, and thus the users having this moved over to harmony central, it has a far more diverse crowd with differing interests and backgrounds, some of whom may otherwise not have, may venture into the cakewalk section and say 'hey i like what i see, i'll have me some of that' who knows.
i don't know, but i don't think anything has been set in stone as yet, but if it does happen it's always good to have a backup plan, and that is exactly what you are offering, i think most would be appreciative of it, they may not prefer it to the status quo, but appreciative none the less should the change come to be.
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 7:29 PM (permalink)
I apologize if it wasn't clear, I thought it was obvious I was talking about what could be done, e.g., "We could cover the hangout/social aspect that a forum like the Coffehouse currently provides." And I also said "Just thinking out loud here, but the more I think about this...hmm...I'm going to send an email to the powers-that-be at Cakewalk and see what they think."
I floated the idea to HC first to see if they'd even be willing to do it. When they said yes, I floated it here because I wasn't going to recommend Cakewalk do it unless the forumites were receptive to the idea of preserving the community if necessary by providing a home elsewhere. The only place I could provide a home is Harmony Central because I have influence there. However since the idea was initially met with a personal attack, and since then no one has said they'd be in favor of hosting the forums somewhere else if necessary, I get the point. I've told HC there won't be any need to make room for another community in 2017, and consider the matter closed. Sorry if I ruffled any feathers with what I thought would be a simple solution if all else failed.

although understandable, that is disappointing, and i think may be regretted by others should these things come to pass
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 9:07 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby tlw November 27, 16 9:46 AM
I've told HC there won't be any need to make room for another community in 2017, and consider the matter closed. Sorry if I ruffled any feathers with what I thought would be a simple solution if all else failed.

......and the very people who screamed loudest just shot themselves in the foot. 
A real shame Craig.
I genuinely hope this forum can continue somewhere in its current format, if not here. I am a little astounded that Cakewalk intend to close it. I presumed Cakewalk saw it as an asset. It has certainly helped me out on countless occasions .  Perhaps it is more expensive to maintain than I thought?
I realise it is early days, but the whole concept of earning points and voting posts up and down leaves me cold. It seems to me how often a person posts gives little indication of the value of their contribution. Whilst there are some amazing frequent posters here who make a massive contribution,  sometimes the person with the deepest knowedge and the answer you need posts only rarely. They are some of the most valuable members here. I can't help but feel that encouraging people to post to earn 'citizinship' popularity points may appeal to all the wrong folk.
post edited by tenfoot - November 27, 16 9:49 AM

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 9:15 PM (permalink)
With all due respect Craig, I feel you straddle too many fences to be truly objective about this. You have a finger in every pie and will win regardless of the outcome. This is one case where you can't say you're just a software user like the rest of us. The fact that you are hovering here speaks volumes.

Hey Amp.  See my earlier post #82.

Do you see the irony in this post I wonder.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 9:22 PM (permalink)
With all due respect Craig, I feel you straddle too many fences to be truly objective about this. You have a finger in every pie and will win regardless of the outcome. This is one case where you can't say you're just a software user like the rest of us. The fact that you are hovering here speaks volumes.

Hey Amp.  See my earlier post #82.

Do you see the irony in this post I wonder.

No. Read the post again.  That was in response to a personal attack on a fellow forum member, which is a violation of forum etiquette.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 9:46 PM (permalink)
Sheesh, why are some people over the top about this?
The Bakery is only a day or two old. Give a little time. Has Cakewalk announced the closing of the forums?
I don't think so.
But also, Ryan and Craig take things so personally. Gentlemen, you don't always have to respond you know.
Mr Anderton: really are you going to not pursue the possibility of HC hosting because a couple of forum members tick you off? Doesn't that seem like an extreme response?
Anyway, KVR hosts companies as well. Maybe that is an avenue to look at.
I don't believe that you can overstate just how useful this forum is. Can you imagine" Oh no! All agents are booked" and NOT have any support?

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 10:06 PM (permalink)
I don't believe that you can overstate just how useful this forum is. Can you imagine" Oh no! All agents are booked" and NOT have any support?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but consider this. When the unfortunate support backlog occurred this summer, there were a huuuuuuuuge number of complaints posted on the forum.  Some were justified of course.
If I was a marketing person (I'm not), I would be concerned about all that bad press and the corporate image and branding for Cakewalk and Gibson, blah, blah ...
The forums are indexed by Google, so it's easy to locate the dirty laundry here with a search query.
Maybe it would be better from a corporate viewpoint to have locked down discussions regarding features and support issues, etc.  StackExchange is the best example that comes to mind.
I find it odd that the forum moderators and hosts don't appear to be fully briefed on the intended changes.
Getting a handle on the free speech issues here could be a tough nut to crack.  Just saying ...

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 10:21 PM (permalink)
But also, Ryan and Craig take things so personally. Gentlemen, you don't always have to respond you know. 
Mr Anderton: really are you going to not pursue the possibility of HC hosting because a couple of forum members tick you off? Doesn't that seem like an extreme response?

There was not one positive comment about the idea. That's not taking it personally; that's a statistic. I have a responsibility to look out for everyone's best interest. I'm not going to try and convince HC to lose money hosting something when I can't point to anyone here saying "Wow, glad to hear we'll have a place to go just in case, good to know." HC has real, paying clients who sponsor forums and buy ads. I can't in good faith ask HC to do something pro bono for this community, even as a personal favor, when I can't show support. 
I'm sorry if it seems extreme but I put forth an idea, it got shot down, and I accept that. I have neither the time nor patience to try and convince the community to support an idea that (at least I think) benefits it. 

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 10:32 PM (permalink)
Mr. Anderson:
I think everyone here sppreciates how much you give to the forums and Cajewslk in general. I would like you to continue to do these things but you seemed to be swayed by one of two individuals. You gave the rest if the community under 5 hours to rebut the complaints.
Surely the forums won't be closed tonight correct? Why not give it a few weeks before making any decisions?
I hope you reconsider and put the Sonar users best interests first.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 23, 16 10:36 PM (permalink)
Mr. Anderson:
I think everyone here sppreciates how much you give to the forums and Cajewslk in general. I would like you to continue to do these things but you seemed to be swayed by one of two individuals. You gave the rest if the community under 5 hours to rebut the complaints.
Surely the forums won't be closed tonight correct? Why not give it a few weeks before making any decisions?
I hope you reconsider and put the Sonar users best interests first.

Yup!  Never judge a group by the actions of a few.

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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 24, 16 2:08 AM (permalink)
I genuinely hope this forum can continue somewhere in its current format, if not here. I am a little astounded that Cakewalk intend to close it. I presumed Cakewalk saw it as an asset. It has certainly helped me out on countless occasions .

I agree 110%.
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 24, 16 2:11 AM (permalink)
I realise it is early days, but the whole concept of earning points and voting posts up and down leaves me cold. It seems to me how often a person posts gives little indication of the value of their contribution. Whilst there are some amazing frequent posters here who make a massive contribution,  sometimes the person with the deepest knowedge and the answer you need posts only rarely. They are some of the most valuable members here. I can't help but feel that encouraging people to post to earn 'citizinship' popularity points may appeal to all the wrong folk.

Again I agree 110%.
The idea of people earning points!!! Count me out please.
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 24, 16 4:26 AM (permalink)
But also, Ryan and Craig take things so personally. Gentlemen, you don't always have to respond you know. 
Mr Anderton: really are you going to not pursue the possibility of HC hosting because a couple of forum members tick you off? Doesn't that seem like an extreme response?

There was not one positive comment about the idea. That's not taking it personally; that's a statistic. I have a responsibility to look out for everyone's best interest. I'm not going to try and convince HC to lose money hosting something when I can't point to anyone here saying "Wow, glad to hear we'll have a place to go just in case, good to know." HC has real, paying clients who sponsor forums and buy ads. I can't in good faith ask HC to do something pro bono for this community, even as a personal favor, when I can't show support. 
I'm sorry if it seems extreme but I put forth an idea, it got shot down, and I accept that. I have neither the time nor patience to try and convince the community to support an idea that (at least I think) benefits it. 

If Cakewalk is closing the forum, which I  can understand more and
more reading specially this thread,
it would be a good idea to continue on HC in that situation .
Seems that some folks  are continuously working to
demotivate Cakewalk and our most helpful friends running a friendly forum.
And Mr. Craig and Ryan are very far away from taking discussions personal,
They are  extremly factual and patient which everybody can proof in several 
all the best
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 24, 16 7:01 AM (permalink)
And Mr. Craig and Ryan are very far away from taking discussions personal,
They are  extremly factual and patient which everybody can proof in several 

Unlike I have thought at the beginning, these two persons are representing 2 different groups.
Could Ryan directly answer on the original question: is the plan is to completely replace this forum by the Bakery or just replace the "Feedback" part of it?
With replacing the feedback almost everyone agree as a good idea, Ryan has written detailed explanation why. Also that is how long available statements on "Coming soon" could be interpreted. "Feedback portal". "... to easily share what they’d like to see in future SONAR updates ...". Discussions? Questions? The replacement for current forum?
So as a forum replacement, the motivation is less clear. Also Craig has at first written that the new system is "Seems to me like it's basically what we're doing here, but with a more formal structure that intends for the "cream" to rise to the top". And then has proposed and "alternative", just in case the change is really done, with long explanation that it is not an alternative, but "an addition", since support / community / cafe house are not the same things...
A bit insane. For me: "I see this as a a step forward for the feedback, but for general discussions not so. Do not worry, in case this forum is closed there will be another place" will sound more consequential. Is that the meaning? No? Am I the only one who find the discussion in this thread as not "extremely factual and patient"?

Sonar 8LE -> Platinum infinity, REAPER, Windows 10 pro
GA-EP35-DS3L, E7500, 4GB, GTX 1050 Ti, 2x500GB
RME Babyface Pro (M-Audio Audiophile Firewire/410, VS-20), Kawai CN43, TD-11, Roland A500S, Akai MPK Mini, Keystation Pro, etc. - Control Surface Integration Platform for SONAR, ReaCWP, AOSC and other accessibility tools
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 24, 16 9:16 AM (permalink)
Hi Azslow,
the fact that Craig and Ryan are  extremly factual and patient does not include they 
represent the same group.
If the future of the forum is still not defined -
there should be an open discussion about -
which already started :

The Bakery- A polite, constructive feedback thread
I´m out .
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 24, 16 9:29 AM (permalink)
Wow, I go away for a day and the place practically explodes! ;)
I don't know what the official plans are for this forum, presumably it doesn't make sense in the long term to maintain two separate venues for much the same purpose so I imagine this will be phased out. Perhaps the content here can be archived in some way that makes it useful... but it might be *more* useful if it were pulled into the other zone in some curated kind of way. 
I am not clear yet on whether the Bakery will restrict the more conversational side of what's gone on here to the point that another forum would be needed, but if so I think it's a reasonable and generous offer for Craig to broker a solution at HC, it's a known and trusted space. But are we sure that the kind of off-the-cuff discussion we've generally enjoyed here (and not enjoyed so much, at times, when it gets acrimonious) will be, err, not allowed in the new place? 
I'm just asking...

tobias tinker 
music is easy: just start with complete silence, and take away the parts you don't like!
Sonar Platinum, a bunch of other stuff...
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Re: The Bakery - I do not understand it... November 24, 16 9:52 AM (permalink)
I for one hope this forum does not go away.  This forum is one of two main reasons I purchased Splat.  I'm very new to all of this, just recently starting to use a keyboard and Sonar to figure out how everything works.  Sonar was never on my radar until the Lifetime updates (which appealed to me as a new user with no DAW experience).  Spending a few days on this forum this past summer sealed the deal for me.
I never post (because I know nothing and thus have very little to add), but I read the forum here multiple times every day trying to learn.  Sometimes I have questions that I don't even know how to ask.  But users like Azslow3, Abacab, Chuckebaby have been very good to me with their patience and answers.  I also enjoy Craig Anderton's very reasoned posts - I think he does a fine job of treading a very fine line.  
And realistically, this forum is one of the most tame, and friendly places I visit.
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