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Jesse G
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 8:52 PM (permalink)
+5 (5)
I think it should come disabled and then the user will have the option to turn it on.
Updated 3/5/16
(Me thinks postings were tampered with).  When I replied to this posting, it wasn't Yesterday as noted  in the beginning of each response.  "Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR Yesterday (permalink)".  I actually responded to this post on Wednesday. so why is it listed as "yesterday" for every reply post in the discussion?
Also, I was the first to say, "I think it should come disabled and then the user will have the option to turn it on".
Now, I see another post before mine, post 19 which says, "Default should be turned off with incentive to participate."  Why is a new post there now changed to incentive to participate?   HHMMMMmmmm?    My response was initially on the first page, not the second page
JS = Just Saying, ..... Bakers,  JS
post edited by Jesse G - March 05, 16 11:53 AM

Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 8:54 PM (permalink)
+1 (1)
Will those of us off-line be able to participate?

The reason people say the vinyl sounds better is because the music was better.
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Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 8:57 PM (permalink)
+6 (6)
Not directed at anyone in particular but I would like to request that everyone please keep this thread respectful and factual so that it doesn't degenerate into another low signal to noise ratio thread as witnessed recently. 
post edited by Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk] - March 03, 16 9:34 PM

Noel Borthwick
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 8:58 PM (permalink)
+1 (1)
Great idea!  I will definitely participate.
The default should always be opt-out.  Despite my decision above to participate, I dislike it when software pre-empts my opt-in stance
Worth asking, but I think it'll backfire.  You want people to opt-in because they see value, and my guess is that you'll attract the "right kind" of information that way
post edited by VariousArtist - March 03, 16 9:36 PM
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 8:58 PM (permalink)
+1 (1)
People are already being tracked in lots of ways they don't know about. The difference with Cakewalk is they're saying they plan to introduce analytics, and provide a way to turn it off. I don't have a problem with that. I do have a problem with a friend asking me to pick up some dog food because they're sick, so I look for the nearest Petco and from that day on, Chrome thinks I want dog sweaters, leashes, and chewy treats.

Craig you don't have it so bad!  I do all of the ordering on my Internet computer.  This includes for my daughter, wife and my wife's shut-in friend.  This includes bras, panties, blouses and such.  Thus all of these sites send me stuff thinking that I must be one weird cross dresser!

The reason people say the vinyl sounds better is because the music was better.
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 8:59 PM (permalink)
+3 (3)
Another thought is that there is a problem report section of your forum stacked with posts from users who took the time to analyse and report bugs. That might be a good place to start if you are looking for relevent feedback that will vastly improve Sonar!

Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:19 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby VariousArtist March 03, 16 9:34 PM
+4 (4)
John T
An achievements system doesn't appeal to me. I use Sonar to get work done. I'm not interested in earning badges, and the thing that would send me running for the hills almost immediately would be any kind of nag or notification telling me I could get some digital trinket for using EQ a certain way. I struggle to imagine anything more irritating and distracting, and I know a lot of guitar players.
More generally, and more seriously, the idea of rewards for participation sounds totally reasonable. But incentivising certain behaviours is not only annoying, it's the exact opposite of analysis.

Good feedback and if we ever did this it would certainly not be something that would apply to all users. 
One thing to look at is that the definition of DAW's is changing and we need to cater to all classes of users who use the program completely differently from you and me. Producers and mix engineers are a relatively small segment of those who use music software. If we want to stay relevant we need to satisfy a wide set of users. We have some very good ideas about how we can do this without adversely affecting any one set of users. And user analytics is one step in helping us with that goal.

Noel Borthwick
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:22 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby John T March 03, 16 9:39 PM
+4 (4)
The default should always be opt-out.  Decide my decision above, I dislike software pre-empting my opt-in stance

Peter it defaults to opt in with anonymous data. However there is a sticky clear toast notification that tells you this so its not done without your consent at all.

Noel Borthwick
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:22 PM (permalink)
+5 (7)
I have no problem with Sonar analytics at all and don't see any privacy issues. I think we have to get the whole privacy thing in perspective and differentiate between the kind of personal info that companies/the government could sell or use against you, and this kind of perfectly innocent data which for the life of me I cannot even begin to imagine a nefarious use for. 

Windows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
John T
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:24 PM (permalink)
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
One thing to look at is that the definition of DAW's is changing and we need to cater to all classes of users... Producers and mix engineers are a relatively small segment of those who use music software.

Completely agree with all of that. And it's really nothing new or even especially complicated. Fender wouldn't have a business if they only catered to people who make their living playing the guitar. Same thing applies here.
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Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:29 PM (permalink)
+1 (1)
Will those of us off-line be able to participate?

Thats an interesting question. The answer is yes but only if you choose to go online to submit the analytics data. SONAR will cache the data and only send it when and if you go online. So you could certainly turn on analytics and then work on your machine for days. The next time you connect it will transfer the cached analytics.
This could also be used when travelling with no internet.

Noel Borthwick
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:33 PM (permalink)
-1 (1)
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
The default should always be opt-out.  Decide my decision above, I dislike software pre-empting my opt-in stance

Peter it defaults to opt in with anonymous data. However there is a sticky clear toast notification that tells you this so its not done without your consent at all.

I'm perfectly fine with sharing my usage and will definitely opt-in.  I will most likely not need mine to be anonymous either.  I think this is a great move for Cakewalk and I want my usage to count :-) 
But...  I just have a negative connotation to any software I install that makes the presumptive move to opt-in as default.  It won't affect me in this case, but perhaps others might feel the same but you may not hear it from them. 
Aside from that, I think you might get a clearer, more meaningful picture if the user is deliberately opting in.  That's purely me guessing, but just my sense of what might transpire... 
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:36 PM (permalink)
+1 (1)
Thanks for trying to make Sonar an even better DAW.

By using analytics you can do your bit to directly help make SONAR a better DAW :)
If you do sp non anonymously, we can even reward you for your help. For example, imagine seeing a free prochannel module or plugin show up in your account one morning as a reward for helping us figure out something we wouldn't have otherwise!

Noel Borthwick
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:43 PM (permalink)
+1 (1)
John T
An achievements system doesn't appeal to me. I use Sonar to get work done. I'm not interested in earning badges, and the thing that would send me running for the hills almost immediately would be any kind of nag or notification telling me I could get some digital trinket for using EQ a certain way. I struggle to imagine anything more irritating and distracting, and I know a lot of guitar players.
More generally, and more seriously, the idea of rewards for participation sounds totally reasonable. But incentivising certain behaviours is not only annoying, it's the exact opposite of analysis.

Well first of all, I agree - but I hope everyone got the humor in what I bolded!

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:48 PM (permalink)
Another thought is that there is a problem report section of your forum stacked with posts from users who took the time to analyse and report bugs. That might be a good place to start if you are looking for relevent feedback that will vastly improve Sonar!

That's a completely different kind of data and we have a bug tracking system dedicated to that already. Analytics doesn't collect info about bugs (even thought it could as a subset), rather it collects other data that gives us direct insight into how users use the software. Other than by manually interviewing and observing thousands of users around the world there is absolutely no way for us to learn this.

Noel Borthwick
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:48 PM (permalink)
-3 (7)
As usual, a lot of blather and backbiting... Beep saying he doesn't have time to get into detail cause he has a lot of stuff going on then camping out on the thread and commenting on every utterance, offering nothing new, and a bunch of people just really wasting time saying stupid things about something that's been announced.
Craig made a bunch of lucid points, as usual... a few others too...
My feeling is if you don't think it's for you, don't enable it.  Shut up, go away and actually HELP on another thread.  I could care less that YOU don't like it because your mamma wears red shoes... mind you, whatever "it" is is very unknown at the moment... but that never stopped humans... look at Trump.
On almost every level our species is wanking and wasting precious energy on utter garbage while things REALLY fall apart.  10 comments, quoting something and agreeing is just wanking...about something you know absolutely NOTHING about yet.
I'll go away now.  Google analytics my breathing, as does the entire interweb these days... so this "oh NO!" discussion is pretty stupid.
People are becoming very sick creatures...extinction seems inevitable.  It's everywhere and makes me very sad...I need more therapy to cope...

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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:48 PM (permalink)
Worth asking, but I think it'll backfire.  You want people to opt-in because they see value, and my guess is that you'll attract the "right kind" of information that way

I asked Cakewalk about that. My understanding is this is not about rewards for "right" answers, but for constructive contributions. If some power user identifies six weird intermittent bugs and the analytics contributed make for easy fixes...why not give them some tangible a free Gibson Bass Collection expansion pack

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:49 PM (permalink)
John T
An achievements system doesn't appeal to me. I use Sonar to get work done. I'm not interested in earning badges, and the thing that would send me running for the hills almost immediately would be any kind of nag or notification telling me I could get some digital trinket for using EQ a certain way. I struggle to imagine anything more irritating and distracting, and I know a lot of guitar players.
More generally, and more seriously, the idea of rewards for participation sounds totally reasonable. But incentivising certain behaviours is not only annoying, it's the exact opposite of analysis.

Well first of all, I agree - but I hope everyone got the humor in what I bolded!

Lol I agree especially with the bolded text :)

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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 9:58 PM (permalink)
+1 (1)
yeah-- you suck Noel :) 

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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 10:04 PM (permalink)
+1 (1)
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
rather it collects other data that gives us direct insight into how users use the software. Other than by manually interviewing and observing thousands of users around the world there is absolutely no way for us to learn this.

^^This. I call it the "looking over someone's shoulder" effect. As some of you know I've written a lot of manuals in my time. As part of "proofing" a manual, I find someone who doesn't know the gear, hand them the manual, and watch them go through it. Granted it's a very primitive form of analytics, and not very complete to say the least, but "watching over the shoulder" has resulted in major improvements in those manuals over the years. 

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 10:05 PM (permalink)
+2 (2)
yeah-- you suck Noel :) 

Full disclosure: I have never heard Noel play "Stairway to Heaven" at a Guitar Center.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 10:07 PM (permalink)
yeah-- you suck Noel :) 

Full disclosure: I have never heard Noel play "Stairway to Heaven" at a Guitar Center.

i know Noel is a terrific player

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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 10:24 PM (permalink)
I for one am disgusted with this new feature. The fact I could switch it off not ever worry about it is irrelevant. Even though there is zero chance of anything in my life changing I feel I should protest about something.
So I turn this feature on, let's face it all cakewalk are probably interested in is what underwear I am wearing and whether I am into bovine sexual activities. Well of course this simply disgusts me that cakewalk could even think about this stuff.... just because I randomly wrote and invented this out of nowhere is not the point. Yes it is shocking... but when you compare it to the fact they are probably just collecting in their database stuff like me adding new tracks and softsynths, yes I know frightening... is beyond me
I have science to prove this... How dare you cakewalk!!
Paul P
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 10:37 PM (permalink)
+1 (1)
I call it the "looking over someone's shoulder" effect.

This about sums up what I don't like about analytics.  I'd like some more detailed examples of what might be collected and how it could help in Sonar's future.  There are very powerful functions that many probably don't know about so will never use, or that have bugs so that those that know of it won't use it either.  Does that mean the function can be removed because no one is using it ?
If we opt-out (one more thing to think about) will Sonar still record everything, but just not send it out ?
Another thought is that there is a problem report section of your forum stacked with posts from users who took the time to analyse and report bugs. That might be a good place to start if you are looking for relevent feedback that will vastly improve Sonar!

I'm in total agreement with this.  I spent the better part of a couple of days investigating and documenting a bug which I reported in that forum.  Others have done much more.  They never got a pc module for the effort, nor much encouragement.  The problem reporter is impossible to use when the issue is complex so I gave up on that.

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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 10:45 PM (permalink)
Someone suggested this in the forums a while back, and I thought it was a good idea.

There are lot many people have suggested other ideas as well - since long time back - and you think those ideas were bad?
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 10:56 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby John T March 03, 16 11:14 PM
I couldn't care less about achievements, but I'm not opposed to you adding them. However, by no means should they ever pop up on my screen while I'm working in Sonar. If they are even viewable within the main program, they should be accessed manually from some separate menu. Better yet, only viewable from your Cake account online. 

Chris Porter
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 11:02 PM (permalink)
So I turn this feature on, let's face it all cakewalk are probably interested in is what underwear I am wearing and whether I am into bovine sexual activities.

I dunno about Cakewalk, but you've certainly got my attention.
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 11:03 PM (permalink)
Paul P
There are very powerful functions that many probably don't know about so will never use, or that have bugs so that those that know of it won't use it either.  Does that mean the function can be removed because no one is using it ?
If we opt-out (one more thing to think about) will Sonar still record everything, but just not send it out ?

It doesn't mean the feature will be removed but it could help us determine how much attention to give that specific feature in the future. Or on the other hand it might help us understand how to expose that feature to users in a more intuitive way if it indeed is useful but buried.
Opting out is the same as zero analytics. No data is saved or sent ever.
Regarding bugs I've already said that its different from this. Analytics is not designed to find bugs, its to understand workflow.

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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 11:03 PM (permalink)
-1 (1)
I didn't read through this all, but the "rewards" idea could be made even simpler and useful IMO (only caught a few comments on this before typing this post).
Example... someone who puts 40+ hours a week behind the wheel of SONAR should get higher precedence in both bug reporting and feature requests over those who have used SONAR for 15 minutes combined in the past 3 months. This does not imply that they "go to the head of the line" and trump everyone else outright, but that their opinions and votes count for "more value" (2:1, 5:1, whatever...) Even a simple "hours logged" multiplier (with fudge factor to keep numbers reasonable) would be a wiser metric for sorting inputs/feedback (plus CW can specifically focus surveys to different groups to bucket "legacy woes" versus "new user hurdles" and such).
In this regard, it could highly sway (for the better) the "squeaky wheel gets the oil" syndrome that occurs often in here.
For transparency purposes, the above does not apply to me specifically, that ship has sailed.

ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
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Re: Cakewalk Analytics Coming To SONAR March 03, 16 11:15 PM (permalink)
+1 (1)
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
Paul P
There are very powerful functions that many probably don't know about so will never use, or that have bugs so that those that know of it won't use it either.  Does that mean the function can be removed because no one is using it ?
If we opt-out (one more thing to think about) will Sonar still record everything, but just not send it out ?

It doesn't mean the feature will be removed but it could help us determine how much attention to give that specific feature in the future. Or on the other hand it might help us understand how to expose that feature to users in a more intuitive way if it indeed is useful but buried.
Regarding bugs I've already said that its different from this. Analytics is not designed to find bugs, its to understand workflow.

I think that is the point Noel. If we aren't using an advanced feature because of a bug involving an annoying workaround awaiting a fix, wouldn't analytics only make it less likely to get attention because the data you receive tells you no one is using it?

Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.
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