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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 3:22 AM (permalink)
I can't download Sonar.  I'm getting this error: "C:\Users\.........AppData\Local\Temp\OK0qBE83.exe.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.  Try again later, or contact the server administrator."
I've tried both Firefox and Edge.

Intel I7 2.8 ghz, Windows 10 64 bit, 16 gigs RAM, MOTU Audio Express, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, Sonar Platinum, VSL, EastWest Gold, VOP, Storm Drum Pro 2, Symphonic Choirs, Kontakt 5
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 3:43 AM (permalink)

I rely on CWAF heavily to clean up my project files.  I just noticed that CWAF is displaying this message on any previous project that I saved with the new CbB:
The following files were either unreadable by CWAF, or written by a newer version of SONAR than CWAF expects.
Unless they were created by a different application, or known to be compatible, you should restore them from a backup copy before proceeding with any file operations.
In the case of newer files, please verify that you have the latest version of CWAF from
CORRUPT or FUTURE Project file versions can cause false ORPHAN wave indications Please USE CARE!
Then it lists the only two .cwp files that I recently saved with CbB

If i remeber correctly, there,s a ini for it wher you need to change the version number. As there have been no changes in file format, all will be well...

Thanks for the tip.  I found the file CWAFtool.ini in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\CWAF.  Changed this line originally containing to this:
And all seems well now.  I found a post from 2010 that indicated where the file is located.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 3:44 AM (permalink)
IS pow r working or not
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 4:14 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Daibhidh April 06, 18 6:08 AM
Well then your favorite software company is close to closing doors because of third party issues. And come a company with lots of money and a modern vision of the market, save the company that you wear and still make the top version of your favorite software leave for free ...

What do some do? Complains ...

Let's take the phrases I'm observing from some people:

1- This app that connects to my account is very invasive

2- Free software has no quality, I paid all those years for later you offer everything I conquered with hard earned money.

3- Free? such as the list updates you offered?
This is not free of charge ...

4- Why the hell this dumb installation requires the internet. Do not have an offline version?

-------------------------------------------------- ---- // -------------------------------------------- -

I'm sorry for the sincerity but frankly, they're looking for worries to worry about. The Software is amazing the app does not bother anything at all.

I'm using it like so many other users and I'm going to tell you my experience so far and what I think will happen with this new vision for Cakewalk:

My Experience with Cakewalk 2018:

Fast, Stable, Polished. And contrary to what they say DO NOT REQUIRE the user to stay connected on the internet to work. I did the test with the internet in offl, I rebooted the notebook without internet and unlogged, to my surprise the software did not require that I enter the account online to use it in full. So who is saying that Bandlab requires you to stay connected on the internet is making a mistake

I liked this version so much that I already retired my version of Sonar Platinum. Because this new version read all my plugins without any difficulty.

What will be the impact on music with new Sonar?

I believe that just like with Reaper, several producers and some give classes on the internet through youtube and personally, they will adopt by Sonar for being free and easily accessible and very powerful.

I myself had the Sonar Platinum as DAW in the classroom because I teach music production classes. But sometimes it was complicated because some students had to pay a little more to get a better version, they already have enough plugins.

Now I can offer SONAR as DAW mainly for students at no additional cost and they can run their favorite plugins.

I believe that a version for MAC should be arriving and will increase the number of users even more. and interested parties. That was the aggressive attitude I was expecting from Cakewalk, but it surprised me to apply it to Platinum

Final considerations:

I liked it so much that I already made my first donation

Studio Gears:
Interfaces: Roland, Allen & Heath and Other
Native Daw: Cakewalk by Bandlab
Midi Controllers: Roland A88, Akai LP8, Arturia Keylab 61 Essential, M-audio Oxygen 61 V3
PC Setup: Core I7 6700 4.0, Corsair 8GB 2400mhz, 1TB 
Note Setup: Intel Core i7-3612QM CPU @ 2.10GH, Corsair 16GB (1600mhz)
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 5:47 AM (permalink)
I don't have a wireless modem on my music production computer and would rather avoid having to buy one just for this. I have internet on my phone but not sure how I would connect that to my computer, I'll have to look into that.

Here's two YouTube videos on how to do it:

Awesome, thanks a lot man, I'll give that a go.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 6:04 AM (permalink)
Hey guys,
Before I take the plunge on this I want to ensure it will do what I need it to do, otherwise I'll stick to my current DAW. I'm using the archaic Sonar 8 Producer Edition at the moment and it does everything I need it to do except:
  • Sidechain compression - I believe this was introduced in a later version of Sonar so should be present in this new version
  • Routing the output of one track to the input of another - I have an Elektron Analog Heat that I am connecting to Sonar via Overbridge. It works fine in the DAW but when I try to export or bounce a track, it is introducing audio artefacts into the mix. A way around this would be to insert Overbridge onto an audio track as a VST and then route the output of that track to another audio track and record it in real time. This is not possible with Sonar 8. Can anyone tell me if this is possible in Cakewalk by BandLab? If it isn't, I may just stick with my current version of Sonar.
PS. If anyone has any other ideas on how I can use the Heat without introducing artefacts when I export, I'd be very grateful
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 6:11 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby texasaurus rex April 06, 18 7:07 AM
My Experience with Cakewalk 2018:

Fast, Stable, Polished. And contrary to what they say DO NOT REQUIRE the user to stay connected on the internet to work. I did the test with the internet in offl, I rebooted the notebook without internet and unlogged, to my surprise the software did not require that I enter the account online to use it in full. So who is saying that Bandlab requires you to stay connected on the internet is making a mistake

I liked this version so much that I already retired my version of Sonar Platinum. Because this new version read all my plugins without any difficulty........

I liked it so much that I already made my first donation

My experience has been the same and I feel exactly the same way you do about Bandlab and the trolls.

Btw, time to update your signature. :)

Studio Gears:
Interfaces: RolandAllen & Heath and Other
Native Daw: Cakewalk by Bandlab
Midi Controllers: Roland A88, Akai LP8, Arturia Keylab 61 Essential, M-audio Oxygen 61 V3
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 6:13 AM (permalink)
  • Sidechain compression - I believe this was introduced in a later version of Sonar so should be present in this new version
  • Routing the output of one track to the input of another - I have an Elektron Analog Heat that I am connecting to Sonar via Overbridge. It works fine in the DAW but when I try to export or bounce a track, it is introducing audio artefacts into the mix. A way around this would be to insert Overbridge onto an audio track as a VST and then route the output of that track to another audio track and record it in real time. This is not possible with Sonar 8. Can anyone tell me if this is possible in Cakewalk by BandLab? If it isn't, I may just stick with my current version of Sonar.

Sidechaining is available for the plug-ins that support it.
Patch points and Aux tracks may be used to record a track with effects applied to it.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 6:15 AM (permalink)
I get it. This bunch has the patience of a 3-year-old. 

Come on, we're all adults here - no need to insult 3-year-olds.

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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 6:20 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby davehorch April 06, 18 1:53 PM
Hey guys,
Before I take the plunge on this I want to ensure it will do what I need it to do, otherwise I'll stick to my current DAW. 

You can install Cakewalk by Bandlab and still use your archaic Sonar 8 Producer Edition too.

Just don't uninstall either software programs and everything will be fine.

Compare them against each other and go with whatever works for you.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 6:23 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby davehorch April 06, 18 1:53 PM
You can install Cakewalk by Bandlab and still use your archaic Sonar 8 Producer Edition too.

This will allow access to the 64bit SONAR 8 plug-ins (and 32bit VST plug-ins) in CbB so, yes leave it installed.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 6:46 AM (permalink)
Awesome, looks like this is worth downloading. I'll try it over the weekend. Cheers guys.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 8:31 AM (permalink)

Avid has a free version of Media Composer that while a less fewtured version, has a learning curve to challenge any novice user... Pro software even qt the free level...

Ok, maybe BL will make money just with Add-ons, Synths, Plug-ins or whatever. They 'll have a large User Base than. Finally what really matters, there is development.

Nothing to do but playing (Ch. Parker)
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 8:31 AM (permalink)
Hello. I have not heard very well of the matter, I would appreciate if someone can clarify certain issues:
My license is to sound Artist. With Bandlab I will now have at my disposal all the content of the Artist version and possibility to upgrade to a higher version if I wish?
Should I be connected to the Internet while I use it?
There is a kind of Cakewalk Command Center but Bandlab and behaves in Windows reasonably not intrusive like that? Or on the contrary it runs merrily?
I use Windows 7 without antivirus or anything more than essential and necessary to create music, I guess like many other users, I worry about having to work online and running programs that do not need and can create an instability in an OS and without support none. Thank you. A cordial greeting.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 8:53 AM (permalink)
I don't know if it's been mentioned elsewhere, but I've come across the use of the word SONAR in CbB: in the description* of the Tungsten theme under Preferences > Customization > Themes.
"... the Tungsten theme is a somber variation of the SONAR facade."
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 8:54 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Nero11 April 11, 18 10:31 AM
go to bandlab and make a free account
download the bandlab assistant program
what we used to call sonar platinum is available for free to you then!
edit: i should say use the same email to sign up with bandlab that you used for cakewalk. They are going to transfer records from one to the other.

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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 9:15 AM (permalink)
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
I upgraded from Sonar Professional and opened a few existing projects and all played flawlessly. I then proceeded to master within a mix and when it came time to export to 16bit wav, I noticed there was no Pow-r Dithering. Oh well, I hope it can be a paid add-on sometime in the future. 

Wow, good spot.  This is a MAJOR issue.  I'm going back to old Platinum until that's sorted.  I don't understand; surely Pow-r Dithering wasn't a paid 3rd party add-on????  it's been in Sonar for aeons.  What other items have disappeared?  I don't want to just stumble across this sort of bad news.  We should at least be told now what we can expect to have gone missing.

Why is Pow-r a major issue? Most users these days who care about dithering have some sort of mastering plugin at the end of the chain that has way more powerful dithering choices. The Pow-R licence couldn't transfer over to a free software model so we had to remove it. Nothing else was removed besides third party plugins whose licences wouldn't transfer to BandLab. 

A rather uncharacteristicly flippant response from Noel there.
Yes, I have Ozone8 but to use the dither for exporting takes many more clicks than simply opting for Pow-r 3 in Sonar. Also, this facility is not a paid third party plugin, but has been a fundamental part of Sonar for many years. I appreciate that there is a licencing fee involved but I can't believe it's prohibitive.
I'm getting conflicting messages. Admin PM'd me to say that there are indeed second thoughts and it's going back in, which is also what I was told in a post to the Cakewalk FB page. Can someone clarify the true position?  Many thanks.

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Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600 @ 3.4GHz, 4 cores, 8 threads, 16GB RAM.
OS & Programs drive: 240GB SSD
Data drives: 1 x 1TB drive RAID mirrored, plus extra 1TB data drive 
Windows 10 Home 64 bit
Cakewalk by BandLab 64 bit, Studio One 3, 
Band In A Box 2016, Ozone 8
+ too many other plugins
BandLab page
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 9:59 AM (permalink)
Confused by saying 'streamlined' is this a cut down version of Platinum or an updated version?
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 10:06 AM (permalink)
Confused by saying 'streamlined' is this a cut down version of Platinum or an updated version?

i believe it's platinum minus all the 3rd party stuff, although no official feature comparison has yet arisen

just a sec

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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 10:07 AM (permalink)
A question about the program which is installed in systemstart:
Program: Update by Github
What is the sense of this little program?
Other point, i don't wanna have the bandlab assistant permanently in the background, how can i prohibit it?
Idea: I only want to check updates or informations via Bandlab assistant manually
IS there a possibility to change this in settings?

Cubase Pro 9.5 64 Bit | CBB | Samplitude ProX3 | Win7 64 | Gigabyte X99 UD7 WiFi | I7 5820K | RME ADI-2 via spdif RME Fireface UC | 32 GB RAM
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 10:45 AM (permalink)
Confused by saying 'streamlined' is this a cut down version of Platinum or an updated version?

i believe it's platinum minus all the 3rd party stuff, although no official feature comparison has yet arisen

thanks... im downloading ...
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 10:46 AM (permalink)
im sure others have asked...does CWbyBL upgrade Platinum or like X2/X3 coexists alongside? im downlaoding now so I guess I'll answer my own question very soon! 
Ive answered my own question!!!
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 10:47 AM (permalink)
A question about the program which is installed in systemstart:
Program: Update by Github
What is the sense of this little program?
Other point, i don't wanna have the bandlab assistant permanently in the background, how can i prohibit it?
Idea: I only want to check updates or informations via Bandlab assistant manually
IS there a possibility to change this in settings?

looks like they're using github (a well known developer code-sharing site) to distribute at least some of the assistant update?

just a sec

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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 11:59 AM (permalink)
A few questions...
1. Does this new version include all enhancements form the last Sonar Update from 2017.10?
2. Does this version expire on 06/10/2018? and is that 6th October or 10th June?
3. Does it include some of the added plugins i.e. Overange  TH3 from 2017.10?
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 12:05 AM (permalink)
Do you have OneDrive set up as your default downloads folder? This is likely a virtual drive and may not be compatible. Maybe disable OneDrive and try again?

Thank you;)
It was not the VirtualDrive, but the right Drive was the Problem! I bought a new SSD Drive and changed some partitions size and labels. I changed the Downloads(Drive T:) dir only in the browser and forgot to change it in the Win Explorer, so windows searched for a Dir, that does not exist anymore (K:Downloads).
Everythings fine now:)

Cakewalk for DOS Shareware
Cakewalk for DOS 1-5
All Versions of Cakewalk
Sonar Platinum 64bit
GIM Productions
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 12:07 AM (permalink)
Ok...Cakewalk by Bandlab problems,smooth,i can see every plugs and i can load all my Splat projects!
Thanks to Bandlab team....good luck for development and future improvements of the best Daw !!

Intel i7 3600,Asus Z170P,16 GIG Corsair ram,Focusrite Saffire Pro 26 i\o,Nektar Impact LX 49,Focusrite Liquid Mix,Monitors ADAM-K&H,Sonar Platinum
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Producer....more stuff in SStudio, Rome ,Italy.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 12:26 AM (permalink)
I was finally able to get Sonar to download and install.  Now it says that I needs to log in to exit demo mode.  I am logged into Bandlab Assistant.  Should I be logged in somewhere else?

Intel I7 2.8 ghz, Windows 10 64 bit, 16 gigs RAM, MOTU Audio Express, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, Sonar Platinum, VSL, EastWest Gold, VOP, Storm Drum Pro 2, Symphonic Choirs, Kontakt 5
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 12:28 AM (permalink)
I was finally able to get Sonar to download and install.  Now it says that I needs to log in to exit demo mode.  I am logged into Bandlab Assistant.  Should I be logged in somewhere else?

didnt get that msg... just download Bandlab Assistant...then login with your Bandlab details then download. It should download then start to install automatically...
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 1:07 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby getfr April 06, 18 5:03 PM
1) I don't like things "auto logging me in".. I wonder what data collection is going on
2)don't add stuff to my start up / task bar and not give me the option to turn it off / remove it. even my AV has that option.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018] April 06, 18 1:58 PM (permalink)
Latest BandLab Assistant update includes "Disable launch on startup" in the gear menu.
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