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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 2:07 PM
There is no gear menu in the bandlab assistant...
Cubase Pro 9.5 64 Bit | CBB | Samplitude ProX3 | Win7 64 | Gigabyte X99 UD7 WiFi | I7 5820K | RME ADI-2 via spdif RME Fireface UC | 32 GB RAM
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 2:20 PM
Top left on the title bar.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 2:45 PM
julianochrisway My Experience with Cakewalk 2018:
Fast, Stable, Polished. And contrary to what they say DO NOT REQUIRE the user to stay connected on the internet to work. I did the test with the internet in offl, I rebooted the notebook without internet and unlogged, to my surprise the software did not require that I enter the account online to use it in full. So who is saying that Bandlab requires you to stay connected on the internet is making a mistake
I liked this version so much that I already retired my version of Sonar Platinum. Because this new version read all my plugins without any difficulty........
I liked it so much that I already made my first donation
My experience has been the same and I feel exactly the same way you do about Bandlab and the trolls.
Btw, time to update your signature. :)
Studio Gears: Interfaces: Roland, Allen & Heath and Other Native Daw: Cakewalk by Bandlab Midi Controllers: Roland A88, Akai LP8, Arturia Keylab 61 Essential, M-audio Oxygen 61 V3
LOL exactly my friend, thanks for reminding. I just updated including the link for those interested ... For me the best surprises in recent years in terms of software. Such powerful software for free. I have no problem giving monthly donations, I am very satisfied. My projects are flowing better, some small problems of incompability with I had in all daws including the latest version of the platinum of 2017. It was a problem with my musiclab replay. This problem has disappeared ... It's all melting like butter
Studio Gears: Interfaces: Roland, Allen & Heath and Other Native Daw: Cakewalk by BandlabMidi Controllers: Roland A88, Akai LP8, Arturia Keylab 61 Essential, M-audio Oxygen 61 V3 PC Setup: Core I7 6700 4.0, Corsair 8GB 2400mhz, 1TB Note Setup: Intel Core i7-3612QM CPU @ 2.10GH, Corsair 16GB (1600mhz)
Andrzej Salm
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 2:48 PM
Is Session Drummer included?
Sonar Artist / Waves Gold Bundle / EZdrummer2Win 10 Pro 64i7-6700K / Asus Sabertooth Z170 Mark 1 / 16GB DDR4 3200 / Vega 64Zoom UAC-2 / Avalon U5Warwick Thumb 4BO
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 2:53 PM
Andrzej Salm
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 3:09 PM
I've just downloaded and installed. Session Drummer works flawlessly on the project I opened, but I guess it worked because I've got the Artist installed. No Session Drummer, no joy. Uninstalling...
Sonar Artist / Waves Gold Bundle / EZdrummer2Win 10 Pro 64i7-6700K / Asus Sabertooth Z170 Mark 1 / 16GB DDR4 3200 / Vega 64Zoom UAC-2 / Avalon U5Warwick Thumb 4BO
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 3:16 PM
Just because the early release lacks Session Drummer does not mean Session Drummer will be unavailable to you now or any time in the future. For now, Artist or any old Cakewalk (the company) DAW containing the plug-in must be installed. Of course, Session Drummer may be installed with the old DAW too, it just takes the old installer. This release of CbC is the similar to the SONAR Platinum installer only, none of the other installers that were part of SONAR are part of this release. Session Drummer will be available from BandLab. It takes time to update all the software. By installing Cakewalk by BandLab you are getting a free upgrade to the SONAR Platinum feature set.
Andrzej Salm
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 3:20 PM
Sonar Artist / Waves Gold Bundle / EZdrummer2Win 10 Pro 64i7-6700K / Asus Sabertooth Z170 Mark 1 / 16GB DDR4 3200 / Vega 64Zoom UAC-2 / Avalon U5Warwick Thumb 4BO
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 3:43 PM
☄ Helpfulby FCCfirstclass April 06, 18 3:48 PM
Some people I've seen around the thread have a chronic uncapacity to be happy. I am also a "lifetime" Platinum owner, but a lot of things happened since that day. Our DAW was breath-cutted, we lost hope, we were fearing a major Windows update that kill it, and suddenly one day it got fresh air again by the hand of young people with future projections. We have lots of reasons to be happy about this. The actual Cakewalk by BandLab is just SONAR with one or two new details and some less processors, but I'm sure they are preparing something unbelievable for the future of Cakewalk. I feel that this is just the beginning of a reinvention, and in (let's say) 4 years from now Cakewalk, step by step, will become an innovative DAW, because it has been acquired by people way younger than the most of us, and they are full of new ideas and energy; people who created an unthinkable DAW social network, which to me has an amazing future. They are not trying to sell blenders and TV's like Gibson. But this is not by altruism. BL Technologies came here because they saw the potential to partner Cakewalk with BandLab each other, taking pro features and processors from Cakewalk to make BandLab more complete and better sounding, and bringing from BandLab new DAW concepts and young future perspectives (and customers) to Cakewalk, one of the pioneers (the oldest?) DAWs in the world. Also, they incredibly ASK US what we would like to have in the next versions in the "Feature request + improvements" thread. Remember this is SOFTWARE, it NEEDS to change and be modernized, and what a better way than by the hand of this young innovatibe people. Otherwise it happens what happened to SONAR by the hand of a 65 years old bald businessman. So if some of you want to keep complaining, do it against Gibson. Yesterday we were lost, today we are breathing again, and in some years we will be the envy of other DAW users, not only because the DAW, but also by this great community, which will be participating actively in the development process. So let's trust each other, take part in the "Feature request + improvements" thread bringing new ideas, and leave BandLab transform Cakewalk in the unthinkable with their own new ones. Cheers. PD: I'm 37, he, not a grandpa yet...  PD2: I think Gregg Hendershot deserves a Deluxe copy of Cakewalk by BandLab in 'vinyl disc'...
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 3:55 PM
^^^ THIS! I'm super happy about the new situation. Onwards and upwards :-)
Windows 10 x64, 16 gb RAM,i7 4.2GHz, 250GB Samsung SSD for OS/Programs, SSD for current projects, 1TB Disk for audio and backup project files, RME UCX interface on USB, ASUS motherboard, dual screen setup with latest AMD FX 5450 catalyst drivers for graphics, Cakewalk by Bandlab. Samson Graphite 49 keyboard.
Andrzej Salm
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 4:06 PM
I don't have a "chronic uncapacity to be happy", it's just that one of the my favourite features has been filleted out. I'll stick with my Artist for now. Hopefully, the SD will be back at some stage and then I'll make the move.
Sonar Artist / Waves Gold Bundle / EZdrummer2Win 10 Pro 64i7-6700K / Asus Sabertooth Z170 Mark 1 / 16GB DDR4 3200 / Vega 64Zoom UAC-2 / Avalon U5Warwick Thumb 4BO
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 4:17 PM
I think everyone should just cool down... This transition will take some time. For some people might be easy, for some a bit harder due to details of their prior configurations and 3rd party content. In the end, I believe it will be all worked out as it was worked out in the past. At this point I think it would be useful if we could just focus on helping each other work out through the details of installation, compatibility or any other peculiar issues that we could run into. So, let's move from "complaining", "blaiming", "shaming" into helping each other like we were doing it with so much success in the past. I think I could summarize the current situation as follows: - BandLab provided us with a free version/upgrade of "SONAR" now "Cakewalk by BandLab" (Great!)
- We are working out through the installation and configuration (Good!)
- Some of us are done and good to go (no issues) (Great!)
- Some of us have various minor problems (let's help those folks make it to the finish line!)
- Some of us would like to see more content supported as it was with original SONAR (Great! Post your requests and BandLab guys would listen I guess)
- Some of us found potential bugs (OK. Document and post instructions to recreate and let the BandLab guys look at it...)
I feel that majority of us are actually happy about this development and we are looking forward to continue using this DAW in its new form. Enjoy!
Bogdan Kosanovic, www.reverbnation.com/mysteriouswaysmusic/Dell Precision T5500, 72GB RAM, Dual X5670 @ 2.93GHz, 12 cores, 2x1TB SSD (Samsung 850 EVO), Windows 7 Pro 64bit, SONAR Platinum Emu 1820m, MOTU 828mkII FW, MOTU MTPAV/USB, Mackie D8B, Alesis HD24, Behringer Ultra-Curve PRO, Mackie HR624mk2 Emu Proteus 2000, Alesis QS8, Emulator X3, Kontakt 5.6.5, Arturia V Collection 5, Hellicon VoicePrism+, TC Electronic R4000
GIM Productions
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 4:19 PM
☄ Helpfulby Del April 06, 18 7:54 PM
MarianoGF Some people I've seen around the thread have a chronic uncapacity to be happy. I am also a "lifetime" Platinum owner, but a lot of things happened since that day. Our DAW was breath-cutted, we lost hope, we were fearing a major Windows update that kill it, and suddenly one day it got fresh air again by the hand of young people with future projections. We have lots of reasons to be happy about this. The actual Cakewalk by BandLab is just SONAR with one or two new details and some less processors, but I'm sure they are preparing something unbelievable for the future of Cakewalk. I feel that this is just the beginning of a reinvention, and in (let's say) 4 years from now Cakewalk, step by step, will become an innovative DAW, because it has been acquired by people way younger than the most of us, and they are full of new ideas and energy; people who created an unthinkable DAW social network, which to me has an amazing future. They are not trying to sell blenders and TV's like Gibson. But this is not by altruism. BL Technologies came here because they saw the potential to partner Cakewalk with BandLab each other, taking pro features and processors from Cakewalk to make BandLab more complete and better sounding, and bringing from BandLab new DAW concepts and young future perspectives (and customers) to Cakewalk, one of the pioneers (the oldest?) DAWs in the world. Also, they incredibly ASK US what we would like to have in the next versions in the "Feature request + improvements" thread. Remember this is SOFTWARE, it NEEDS to change and be modernized, and what a better way than by the hand of this young innovatibe people. Otherwise it happens what happened to SONAR by the hand of a 65 years old bald businessman. So if some of you want to keep complaining, do it against Gibson. Yesterday we were lost, today we are breathing again, and in some years we will be the envy of other DAW users, not only because the DAW, but also by this great community, which will be participating actively in the development process. So let's trust each other, take part in the "Feature request + improvements" thread bringing new ideas, and leave BandLab transform Cakewalk in the unthinkable with their own new ones. Cheers. PD: I'm 37, he, not a grandpa yet... PD2: I think Gregg Hendershot deserves a Deluxe copy of Cakewalk by BandLab in 'vinyl disc'...
+1000000 I'm a pro user,and i was shocked by situation, i never usderstood the reason why Sonar Platinum was not the industry standard....i'm a lifetime user too and for love of justice i'm superhappy that Sonar Lives!!! p.s. We have P........ols in the studio....the clients choose always Sonar export,.....shhhhh
Intel i7 3600,Asus Z170P,16 GIG Corsair ram,Focusrite Saffire Pro 26 i\o,Nektar Impact LX 49,Focusrite Liquid Mix,Monitors ADAM-K&H,Sonar Platinum Windows 10 SP1 Producer....more stuff in SStudio, Rome ,Italy.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 4:43 PM
☄ Helpfulby Del April 06, 18 7:54 PM
Andrzej Salm I don't have a "chronic uncapacity to be happy", it's just that one of the my favourite features has been filleted out. I'll stick with my Artist for now. Hopefully, the SD will be back at some stage and then I'll make the move.
As long as CbB can find the same VST folders that Artist is using, they should be available in both. Remember that CbB is essentially a "new" DAW so won't necessarily include any non-default paths you previously added to Artist. It would be nice if the migration could handle those too, but one step at a time...
SteveC https://soundcloud.com/steve-cocchi http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=39163 SONAR Platinum x64, Intel Q9300 (2.5Ghz), Asus P5N-D, Win7 x64 SP1, 8GB RAM, 1TB internal + ESATA + USB Backup HDDs, ATI Radeon HD5450 1GB RAM + dual ViewSonic VA2431wm Monitors; Focusrite 18i6 (ASIO); Komplete 9, Melodyne Studio 4, Ozone 7 Advanced, Rapture Pro, GPO5, Valhalla Plate, MJUC comp, MDynamic EQ, lots of other freebie VST plugins, synths and Kontakt libraries
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 4:46 PM
☄ Helpfulby Skyline_UK April 06, 18 5:15 PM
Sonar was never the industry standard because it fell behind in key areas of improvement and failed to remain relevant to the music production of the day. Also, the interface became cluttered and the workflow inefficient. Noel and team made horrible decisions on the development and marketing strategy that brought us to where we are today. Today's music is split between snap to grid, electronic based music with people who don't play instruments and people that do orchestration. People doing audio focused recording is a dwindling population which is where Sonar was mainly focused. Hopefully, the Bandlab folks will learn from these lessons and improve the daw in ways to serve the current music production scene and improve/streamline the interface.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 4:57 PM
bsantini99 Today's music is split between snap to grid, electronic based music with people who don't play instruments and people that do orchestration.
So people who dont 'play instruments' and who do 'orchestration' shouldn't write music?
www.4th-eden.comComposing until I'm decomposing
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 5:04 PM
Does Cakewalk by BandLab include a pitch-correction VST? I own Sonar X2 Producer, hence VVocal. I doubt that will work within CbB... Also, the versions of the included VSTs (PX-64, PV-64, Studio Instruments, TTS-1, etc) are NEWER than those that I own due to X2? If so, how will CbB know which to use? Should I uninstall the older ones?
- Asus P5B-E - Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 @2.33 GHz - Windows 10 Pro (x64) - RME Fireface UC (ASIO Driver) - Sonar X2a Producer (x64)
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 5:11 PM
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 5:20 PM
My stuff Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600 @ 3.4GHz, 4 cores, 8 threads, 16GB RAM.OS & Programs drive: 240GB SSD Data drives: 1 x 1TB drive RAID mirrored, plus extra 1TB data drive Windows 10 Home 64 bit Cakewalk by BandLab 64 bit, Studio One 3, Band In A Box 2016, Ozone 8+ too many other pluginsBandLab page
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 5:22 PM
PopStarWannabe Does Cakewalk by BandLab include a pitch-correction VST? I own Sonar X2 Producer, hence VVocal. I doubt that will work within CbB... Also, the versions of the included VSTs (PX-64, PV-64, Studio Instruments, TTS-1, etc) are NEWER than those that I own due to X2? If so, how will CbB know which to use? Should I uninstall the older ones?
I still have V-Vocal installed and it shows up as a Region FX just like it did in Platinum. Melodyne Essential was bundled with SONAR Platinum but BandLab is not going to give out copies of Melodyne for free. TTS-1 is part of the CbB installer. The other plug-ins you mentioned are not. The Sonitus Suite and MFX plug-ins are part of CbB. If you want all the plug-ins that shipped with X2 Producer, leave X2 Producer installed. CbB installs like an upgrade. IOW, it will updated the "Shared" folders and create its own Program, ProgramData, User and Content folders.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 5:27 PM
thornton IS pow r working or not
Takes us around in a circle. Or was that the intention scook?   
The link goes to Noel's post. Pow-r is not part of CbB. If the library is not in the product how can it work or not? It is not there. BandLab is not going to pay for Pow-r and give it away for free. Update: if you got this far and are still interested in pow-r for CbB see http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3746538
post edited by scook - April 07, 18 4:28 AM
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 5:32 PM
Multi-Language support is coming Pow-r is not. BandLab purchased the IP from Cakewalk. Cakewalk did not own Pow-r.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 5:53 PM
☄ Helpfulby bogdank April 07, 18 0:37 PM
bsantini99 Sonar was never the industry standard because it fell behind in key areas of improvement and failed to remain relevant to the music production of the day. Also, the interface became cluttered and the workflow inefficient. Noel and team made horrible decisions on the development and marketing strategy that brought us to where we are today. Today's music is split between snap to grid, electronic based music with people who don't play instruments and people that do orchestration. People doing audio focused recording is a dwindling population which is where Sonar was mainly focused. Hopefully, the Bandlab folks will learn from these lessons and improve the daw in ways to serve the current music production scene and improve/streamline the interface.
This is utter nonsense. This is what I term the dumbing down of music making as an artform. I do not find the interface of this DAW in anyway cluttered and the workflow inefficient. I'm very productive in it and making good music. Upgrading from Sonar Professional, I have no complaints whatsoever. CbB detected all the tools from previous Cakewalk installs plus I got some extras and I'm happy with things as they are. LONG LIVE CAKEWALK.
Fractal Design Define R4 Silent Computer Case; Asus M5A97 R2.0 Motherboard; AMD FX4300 CPU; Asus/nVidia 210 Silent Video Card; 4GB Kingston HyperX Ram; 2 x 500 GB Western Digital Hard Drives; Corsair CX 500M Power Supply; Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB Audio Interface; Emu 0404 PCI Audio Interface; Line 6 GuitarPort; Yamaha PSR-453; Windows 10 Home; Sonar Professional. Cakewalk by Bandlab. My Music: https://soundcloud.com/derek_browne
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 6:04 PM
bsantini99 Sonar was never the industry standard because it fell behind in key areas of improvement and failed to remain relevant to the music production of the day. Also, the interface became cluttered and the workflow inefficient. Noel and team made horrible decisions on the development and marketing strategy that brought us to where we are today. Today's music is split between snap to grid, electronic based music with people who don't play instruments and people that do orchestration. People doing audio focused recording is a dwindling population which is where Sonar was mainly focused. Hopefully, the Bandlab folks will learn from these lessons and improve the daw in ways to serve the current music production scene and improve/streamline the interface.
This is utter nonsense. This is what I term the dumbing down of music making as an artform. I do not find the interface of this DAW in anyway cluttered and the workflow inefficient. I'm very productive in it and making good music. Upgrading from Sonar Professional, I have no complaints whatsoever. CbB detected all the tools from previous Cakewalk installs plus I got some extras and I'm happy with things as they are. LONG LIVE CAKEWALK.
I think this depends on where you are coming from. If you are more of a guy used to sequencers and even 4 tracks etc, Sonar and the like is very easy and intuitive. If you are more of a loop/drag and drop kind of guy I can Imagine it might not feel that way? That is speculation of course. There is a big difference between the Garageband crowd and most of Sonar users I would Imagine. Just different mindsets and approach to music creation in general. Or maybe Im just an idiot.
Kamm Schreiner
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 6:29 PM
☄ Helpfulby Starise April 06, 18 7:24 PM
bsantini99 Also, the interface became cluttered and the workflow inefficient.
I couldn't disagree more. THE reason I prefer CBB (SPLAT) over the competition (I own Logic, Cubase, and DP and have tried many others) is that CBB has the most efficient workflow and user friendly interface - for me. Your mileage may vary, but to make a blanket statement like that is beyond ridiculous. Not everyone does things the way you do and not everyone has your workflow needs.
post edited by Kamm Schreiner - April 10, 18 5:15 PM
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 6:31 PM
Sonar generally has always been way ahead of other DAWs in the past, however I do think it has slipped behind over the past couple of years, but hopefully this will now change with the BandLab team involved. To me personally if Studio One had Sonars ProChannel & GUI ( please take note BandLab team: their midi timing & file tempo stretch are pretty damn good ) it would be the perfect DAW.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 6:36 PM
"Multi-Language support is coming Pow-r is not. BandLab purchased the IP from Cakewalk. Cakewalk did not own Pow-r."
if i keep SPLAT installed, will Pow-r be available to use in CBB?
3.5 Ghz AMD 6-Core/16 gigs RAM, Roland Quad-Capture, Win 10, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Komplete 10, z3ta+, Z3TA+ 2, Rapture, Maschine 2.7 (MKI & Jam), Melodyne 4 Studio, Ozone 4, Jam Origin MIDI Guitar 2, Schecter Damien Elite, Fender Sonoran w/TronicalTune Plus installed, etc go here to hear Wet Dentist (2000-2016 RIP) my new sounds: The Das Kaput
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 6:50 PM
Since I only saw criticisms of the bandlab assistant, I mean what I saw to praise. I'm sending this video to demonstrate that the Bandlab assistant has useful stuff yes. VIDEO: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AlNeJv8LV85HgZAun7HKNFboLSQXVgInteresting the menu sounds, which has lots of Loops organized in category. Yes you can use the Midi Library and Audio Library function in Sonar Platinum, but from what I noticed, all sound, audio and midi libraries are stored in the cloud, midis play through a native sequencer without requiring the use of an external plugin like in the sonar. That would open up some interesting possibilities. Also as we can observe has how to open bandlab projects. Being in the cloud the updates of loops and even sharing of templates and loops between users would be possible. So the assistant as we know is a beta, and already has interesting function like these packets of loops. But I have my criticisms yes, although I know it's beta: But when windows starts the assistant window opens right up and it takes a while to load. It would be interesting a function to choose not to start with windows and when this function was minimized. By how much is this, everything for me is working fantastically who in Cakewalk by Bandlab
Studio Gears: Interfaces: Roland, Allen & Heath and Other Native Daw: Cakewalk by BandlabMidi Controllers: Roland A88, Akai LP8, Arturia Keylab 61 Essential, M-audio Oxygen 61 V3 PC Setup: Core I7 6700 4.0, Corsair 8GB 2400mhz, 1TB Note Setup: Intel Core i7-3612QM CPU @ 2.10GH, Corsair 16GB (1600mhz)
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 6:52 PM
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 06, 18 6:55 PM
scook The link goes to Noel's post. Pow-r is not part of CbB. If the library is not in the product how can it work or not? It is not there. BandLab is not going to pay for Pow-r and give it away for free.
I know it's not there... I'm just seeking clarification as to whether BandLab will be licensing it. Support on the Facebook Cakewalk page have said today: "Hey John - replied on a different comment, but yes, this was indeed left out while we continue to work through the licensing agreement. It'll be back very soon. Should be the only thing missing that you find, so please don't fret." I'm going to go with that.
My stuff Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600 @ 3.4GHz, 4 cores, 8 threads, 16GB RAM.OS & Programs drive: 240GB SSD Data drives: 1 x 1TB drive RAID mirrored, plus extra 1TB data drive Windows 10 Home 64 bit Cakewalk by BandLab 64 bit, Studio One 3, Band In A Box 2016, Ozone 8+ too many other pluginsBandLab page