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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 07, 18 7:56 PM
I have managed to clarify the permissions issue i mentioned above. I simply ran the downloaded cakewalk.exe, that the bandlab assistant downloaded, as administrator. this has rectified the permissions errors and put everything back as it was. I no longer need to run CbB "as administrator" every time I use it and my X3 is back to working as it did before. Result.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 07, 18 7:57 PM
☄ Helpfulby Anderton April 07, 18 9:30 PM
Yeah, and it has been so long since most users have installed a new product/upgrade they have forgotten what happens. I have seen a lot here forget to check preferences or copy over config files. Some have forgotten they set their old version to run as administrator. All of this was less common when the upgrade cycle was 1 year to 18 months. It has been years since most have performed an upgrade.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 07, 18 7:59 PM
Just checked again and it hasn't sorted the issue for X3 or CbB. Grrr. Oh well ..... i'll try some more digging around
post edited by NealClark - April 08, 18 10:58 PM
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 07, 18 9:27 PM
☄ Helpfulby backwoods April 07, 18 9:37 PM
I just wanted to say I apologize to all who saw my rants and especially BandLab. No excuses, but I was really ticked at Gibson and doubted Bandlab's commitment to Cakewalk Sonar until now. I apologize everyone, I'm sorry for the rants. I would also like to say that the support for BandLab is outstanding and would like to convey my own personal experience as of late with a few questions I asked them. I had several questions I asked Banlab's support, and they answered them all in a timely fashion and were very helpful. Didn't take days, it took a couple hours. One of the people who replied said they were a former Cakewalk employee and stressed that if I needed more answers to reply further. This really reassures me that BandLab "IS NOT GIBSON" and they are not here to take advantage of anyone like Gibson did. Whatever the Case, this is AWESOME NEWS! As for those of you griping about "I PAID THIS OR THAT", well, you got what you paid for, think of this as : "Your getting something your not HAVING TO PAY FOR". A few things on the install of this software, and maybe someone will chime in and correct me if I am wrong, but I wanted to convey a few personal things that might be helpful to others. First thing I done was download the Cakewalk By Bandlab Installer and installed it by selecting the Top option : Which I think was worded something like "Install Cakewalk By Bandlab with everything", since I am an owner of Sonar Platinum that was a mistake. In my case I always keep a Image backup of my system just incase I ever needed it. And why was that a mistake? Because I already had Sonar Platinum with the 3rd party plugins I didn't need to reinstall them. So I reset with Image backup and started again to install Cakewalk by Bandlab Assistant. Only this time I select : "Install Cakewalk by Bandlab Only". Everything installed fine. The thing is, I found that "In my case and keep in mind I am keeping Sonar Platinum Installed" I had to add the search areas for my plugins and everything once again. Some things I did do that helped, I copied some files, and you'll see if you use Sonar platinum and install this version of Cakewalk bandlab.
I copied SOME files NOT ALL from the C:\Cakewalk Content directory. There are two folders, you have : C:\Cakewalk Content\SONAR Platinum - Which is the Sonar Plat directory. and you have the new area which is : C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core - Which is the New directory. I also had to go into AppData : C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk to copy my AD2 Drum maps from the C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\SONAR Platinum to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Drum Maps folder. It was very simple and I hope I explained it right. I did the same things with my Custom VST/VSTI's "PLUG-IN MENU LAYOUTS" list that I had saved. You just go into %APPDATA% and select your USERNAME and Roaming and then CAKEWALK and you'll see Sonar Platinum and Cakewalk Core where you can copy files "If you need them to Cakewalk Core". But like I said, I just copied the AD2 Drum maps and my VST/VSTI "PLUG-IN MENU LAYOUTS". Anyway, I hope I didn't confuse anyone and I hope this helps. It was really an easy transition, and I have no problem keeping the older Sonar Platinum on my machine considering it means I can use my previous 3rd party plugins. I simply deleted the Icon from my desktop for Sonar Platinum and now use Cakewalk by Bandlab. I would like to reiterate that the support I got from BandLab with the questions I ask was OUTSTANDING! Thank you BandLab, and Noel, for without Noel & BandLab NONE OF THIS WOULD BE POSSIBLE!!! Bobby
Dell XPS 8700, 16GB's Ram, Sonar Platinum.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 07, 18 9:35 PM
Does anyone know if the new BandLab Cakewalk supports 32 bit VST's? A bridging program such as JBridge won't work with my Korg Krome's VST Editor, which is why I had been using the 32 bit version of Sonar. Thanks.
Korg Krome 73 / Roland XP-80 / Sonar /BandLab Cakewalk / Native Instruments Komplete / Electri6ity / Amplesound Martin Guitar / SampleModeling The Saxophones / Steven Slate Drums Platinum 4 / Handheld Percussion
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 07, 18 9:45 PM
CbB uses the same 32bit plug-in BitBridge as SONAR. If the plug-in does not work with jBridge it may or may not work in BitBridge. There is only one way to know for sure.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 07, 18 10:13 PM
Thanks for the quick response. I tried both BitBridge and JBridge years ago and neither worked for this particular issue, which is why I stuck with the 32-bit version of Sonar. I suppose it won't hurt to try them both again...
Korg Krome 73 / Roland XP-80 / Sonar /BandLab Cakewalk / Native Instruments Komplete / Electri6ity / Amplesound Martin Guitar / SampleModeling The Saxophones / Steven Slate Drums Platinum 4 / Handheld Percussion
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 0:28 PM
Neil, Thanks for the heads up on X3.
This is one of the most telling posts I've ever seen for a reason to be using a partition imaging program like Macrium Reflect. In a situation like yours rolling back would be bullet proof with Macrium Reflect because it copies a complete image of the OS partition, or any other partition you choose, to one file, that can be restored, putting your OS back to the 'exact' state when you created the image.
I use the paid version of Macrium on 4 computers I own. I get a volume license for them. It's hands down the best imaging software I've used. I'm in the biz and have tried quite a few different imaging programs. The nice thing about the paid version of Macrium is that It supports restoring your image on different hardware. Makes it nice when you want to upgrade Hardware you can simply move it all the the new system. I've been able to restore several of my systems by replacing a failed drive and restoring the image to it... quick and easy... on another note... Thank You Meng and all the folks at Bandlab. I had a couple of glitches in installing CbB, but got them worked out this afternoon and all is well. I think the name is cool too... All you have done is greatly appreciated... Many many thanks!!! Jackson
Gigabyte 970A-DS3, A4 8300, 16GB DDR3 Windows 10 Spring Creator Edition, fully patched Cakewalk by Bandlab, Soundcraft Signature 12 MTK
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 12:42 AM
I feel New "Cakewalk by Bandlab" improved performance than latest Sonar Platinum. Smooth graphics performance, fixed sync problem, I don't know exactly but I can feel it. Placebo Effect?? :):):)
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 1:12 PM
CbB is def more stable... no crashes yet!
Yours With a Song, Phoen1x Wayfarer Station Micro Studio including:*new* Cakewalk by BandLabIntel Core i5 quad core 3.10 GHzASUStek P8B75-M mobo32 GB Mushkin Blackline RAMNVidia GeForce 210 1 GB vid card(2) 1 TB HD & (1) 500 GB HD*new* Win 10 Pro 64 bitEcho Layla 24 PCI audio interface (faster than USB!)Tascam US-224 control surface (with jog/shuttle wheel, impossible to find elsewhere)MIDIMan 2X2 MIDI interface...not bleeding edge but vintage rockin'
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 1:37 PM
☄ Helpfulby julianochrisway April 08, 18 4:34 PM
Skook, thanks! I tried to download the Visual c++ Redistributal file, but my computer already had a more recent version. So, I used the Repair utility in Programs and Features to fix it. After that, I tried installing Cakewalk and it worked! One wee problem left - the "Pad something, something plugin"...don't remember what it was called, won't load because I don't have the elicenser for it. No worries, I'll ignore it for now. Thanks again for the help!!
Current Gear: Yamaha Genos, SoundCraft mixer, two Bose L1 Compacts, 15 inch sub designed and built by myself, Yamaha HS8 studio monitors, Cubase 8 Artist, Steinberg UR-44 sound interface.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 4:02 PM
☄ Helpfulby julianochrisway April 08, 18 4:35 PM
bsantini99 Sonar was never the industry standard because it fell behind in key areas of improvement and failed to remain relevant to the music production of the day. Also, the interface became cluttered and the workflow inefficient. Noel and team made horrible decisions on the development and marketing strategy that brought us to where we are today. Today's music is split between snap to grid, electronic based music with people who don't play instruments and people that do orchestration. People doing audio focused recording is a dwindling population which is where Sonar was mainly focused. Hopefully, the Bandlab folks will learn from these lessons and improve the daw in ways to serve the current music production scene and improve/streamline the interface.
This is utter nonsense. This is what I term the dumbing down of music making as an artform. I do not find the interface of this DAW in anyway cluttered and the workflow inefficient. I'm very productive in it and making good music. Upgrading from Sonar Professional, I have no complaints whatsoever. CbB detected all the tools from previous Cakewalk installs plus I got some extras and I'm happy with things as they are. LONG LIVE CAKEWALK.
Sonar was never the industry standard because the industry controls the narrative, and it is well within their best interests to keep the standards so prohibitively high [as in bone chillingly expensive] it remains outside the reach of the common musician/artists. Talent does not control the standards of the industry, MONEY DOES! The industry standards remain to be Pro Tools, as a result, although I much, MUCH, much, MUCH prefer to work in SONAR, simply as a means of survival I am much more intimately familiar with PT than I would ever choose to be if I had a choice. And I would most certainly rate PT 12 the absolute best and most feature rich technologically advanced version of PT to date as it finally breaks into the world of x64. And I would also rate PT 12 almost advanced as Sonar 6 Studio Edition, just around 10 years behind and still not as stable. Now I am not in any way or means trying to imply that Pro Tools isn't an excellent DAW, but I am implying and pointing out that my experiences with both dictate that time and time again I have personally found my experiences with SONAR Producer/Platinum to be a much better, easier, and stable workflow with enough tools included in the box to take my work projects to the "ready for mastering" finish line. MUCH closer than I could ever "afford" to achieve with Pro Tools. Here's a fun fact... How many here in this forum today even far back as v6 know that Sonar can directly import and export project files directly into Pro Tools? Hmm?? Anybody??? Of course things like automation, FX plugins, and MIDI instruments won't be translated as PT used different methods of automation, different Plugins and instruments, nor does it have a fraction of MIDI support as Cakewalk, but all audio tracks and bussing does. And that along saves an enormous amount of time and effort which makes the workflow and set up for mixing sessions for collaborations between to two DAW's and platforms a much more smooth flowing breeze. However Pro Tools won't open Cakewalk projects. Why? SIMPLY because AVID won't allow support for .CWB file extensions. And that's simply all there is to it. No brain salad surgery nor complicated rendering algorithms. Simply batch convert all .wav extensions to .aiff or any extension Pro Tools understands and accepts.  But again, AVID doesn't like that idea. Why? Because Pro Tools is in fact the #1 crowned ruler of the industry and as such has no interests in supporting any DAW that shatters the rules of the industry standards and at a mere fraction of the cost. Another fun fact, for years now is Sonar projects are backwards compatible. But there are still the limitations of earlier versions of Sonar not being able to load plugins and instruments that it doesn't have. OK, all that being said, I have downloaded Cakewalk by Bandlab and as pleased and excited as I ever was as a young child on Christmas morning with a perfectly smooth sailing upgrade from SONAR Platinum v 23.8.0. It picked everything up right where I left off, same customized configuration setting, recognized all plugins and external MIDI gear and controllers. All I had to do was remove some modules from the control bar that I don't use, and the only differences I've noticed so far is the name, the orange Icon on my desktop, and the really nice color changes in the piano roll window, and the warm and fuzzy feeling that my favorite DAW is still alive, well, and has a future.     And I fully intend to make a point to very happily contribute and support Bandlab starting in the very near future. I can only imagine what others who had SONAR Artist, Professional, or older versions of Sonar are experiencing or will experience with the added powerful plugins. What a great gift! Thank You Meng!
Steev on Custom built workstation. Windows 10 Pro x64. SONAR Platinum. Cakewalk by Bandlab.Sony Sound Forge Pro 10, ACID Pro 7, Vegas Pro 11Pro Tools. ASRock 990FX mobo, AMD FX 8370 8-Core. 16 gb DDR3 PC1866 G Skill Ripjaws X RAM. AMD FirePro V4900 1gb DDR5 accelerated graphics card. Behringer X Touch DAW ControllerFocusrite Scarlett 18i20 gen 2, OctoPre MkllWestern Digital 500GB SSD bootdrive, WD 500GB 10k rpm VelociRaptor for DAW projects . 2x1 TB WD Caviar Black SATA3 storage drives
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 4:51 PM
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
aidanodr Does this mean they have ported PLATINUM to Mac???
Yeah it only took a couple of days... Kidding :-P No the Mac version of BandLab assistant allows access to the loop content and of course the BandLab Mix editor today.
But Noel my AVG dosen´t let me instal it and always find virus. Can Bandlab release a clean Assistent ?
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 5:03 PM
acre One wee problem left - the "Pad something, something plugin"...don't remember what it was called, won't load because I don't have the elicenser for it. No worries, I'll ignore it for now.
elicenser is a Steinberg copy protection scheme. You will need to contact them to fix your problem with "Pad something"
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 5:17 PM
Whoop whoop working well here
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 5:32 PM
Ah well downloaded Bandlab Assistant and tried to install but it gave me an error message part way through extracting files (something about a file or folder not existing) so gave up and exited - hopefully it rolled back all the changes as it just hung in BA saying installing and I closed it down when nothing seemed to happen for a while. It didn't appear to give me an option where to install either - unless it does that after extraction Sonar HS still seems to work ok though I got an error message about TH3 so just disabled it on start up I think I'll wait a bit longer for more bugs to be ironed out
michael diemer
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 6:04 PM
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
aidanodr Does this mean they have ported PLATINUM to Mac???
Yeah it only took a couple of days... Kidding :-P No the Mac version of BandLab assistant allows access to the loop content and of course the BandLab Mix editor today.
But Noel my AVG doesn't let me install it and always find virus. Can Bandlab release a clean Assistent ?
Why not temporarily disable AVG? If you're ultra-vigilant, just download and install Microsoft Security Essentials so you have some protection in place while AVG is disabled.
michael diemer Intel Quad Core i7-3770 Ivy Bridge 32 GB ram 1TB Western Digital Black X2 Microsoft Windows 7 Pro 64 UR22 interface Bandlab Cakewalk/Sonar 8.5 Studio GPO-EWQLSO Gold-Vienna SP ED-Cinematic Strings 2
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 11:01 PM
scook Yeah, and it has been so long since most users have installed a new product/upgrade they have forgotten what happens. I have seen a lot here forget to check preferences or copy over config files. Some have forgotten they set their old version to run as administrator. All of this was less common when the upgrade cycle was 1 year to 18 months. It has been years since most have performed an upgrade.
Running the installer "as Administrator" still didn't solve the BitBridge issue. I think the only way I will cure it is to re-install X3 using the "for all users" option. It's a bit of a sledgehammer to crack a nut approach but hopefully it will sort the issue.
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 11:41 PM
Why oh Why did I buy Cubase some months ago!!! Anyway, great news about Bandlab!
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 08, 18 11:59 PM
Did anyone else not have the black and white keys down the left hand side of PRV and numbers instead? Is there any way to get that back? I am mid recording an album so won't be switching to CbB until after but I would miss the keyboard on the left hand side.
Sonar Platinum - Sonar Professional Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 - Roland QuadCapture - Scarlett 8i6 i7 6700K - 32GB ram - Win 10 Schecter - Gibson - Ibanez - Peavey - Orange - Digitech - Propellerheads - Slate Digital - Native Instruments
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 09, 18 0:14 PM
☄ Helpfulby Bloodrocuted666 April 09, 18 0:47 PM
Right-click in the column to select a different display
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 09, 18 0:48 PM
Sonar Platinum - Sonar Professional Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 - Roland QuadCapture - Scarlett 8i6 i7 6700K - 32GB ram - Win 10 Schecter - Gibson - Ibanez - Peavey - Orange - Digitech - Propellerheads - Slate Digital - Native Instruments
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 09, 18 1:54 AM
scook Right-click in the column to select a different display
Does not show kbd in CbB.
Yours With a Song, Phoen1x Wayfarer Station Micro Studio including:*new* Cakewalk by BandLabIntel Core i5 quad core 3.10 GHzASUStek P8B75-M mobo32 GB Mushkin Blackline RAMNVidia GeForce 210 1 GB vid card(2) 1 TB HD & (1) 500 GB HD*new* Win 10 Pro 64 bitEcho Layla 24 PCI audio interface (faster than USB!)Tascam US-224 control surface (with jog/shuttle wheel, impossible to find elsewhere)MIDIMan 2X2 MIDI interface...not bleeding edge but vintage rockin'
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 09, 18 10:37 AM
deswind Why oh Why did I buy Cubase some months ago!!! Anyway, great news about Bandlab!
Insurance, and because hindsight is 20/20. I don't regret buying a second daw. Being proficient in both is a good thing. Platinum, Studio One 3 Pro, Win 10 (x64), AMD FX-8350, ASUS M5A97 R2.0, 16GB, RME UCX, Digimax DP88, Faderport 8, Revive Audio Mod Studio Channel, Vintage Audio M72, Summit Audio TLA-50, KRK Rokit 5 G2 Monitors, Guitars "If you wait till the last minute, it only takes a minute."
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 09, 18 12:32 AM
Saxon1066 Thumbs down to the name. Weak.
I really do agree with you on this point.
A company is trying to win new clients, then they should use a name that seeks to achieve that. 'Guess it's too late for them now?
Actually the name Cakewalk says it all... I've been using it for decades now and when people ask me how I record my music I came to realize years ago I should always simply reply with Cakewalk. If I said Sonar, many didn't know what I was talking about. Than I'd have to further explain that it was made by Cakewalk and I would get a knowing smile, or nod, or maybe on occasion they'd look at me like a was a pelican or something and go into a wild auto dogmatic diatribe mode about why Ableton Live was sooooooooooooooooooooo much better. Yeah, I always didn't like it too much when that happened, but looking at it on the brighter side, at least it was an acknowledgement that Cakewalk existed and just might be a worthy competitor.
Steev on Custom built workstation. Windows 10 Pro x64. SONAR Platinum. Cakewalk by Bandlab.Sony Sound Forge Pro 10, ACID Pro 7, Vegas Pro 11Pro Tools. ASRock 990FX mobo, AMD FX 8370 8-Core. 16 gb DDR3 PC1866 G Skill Ripjaws X RAM. AMD FirePro V4900 1gb DDR5 accelerated graphics card. Behringer X Touch DAW ControllerFocusrite Scarlett 18i20 gen 2, OctoPre MkllWestern Digital 500GB SSD bootdrive, WD 500GB 10k rpm VelociRaptor for DAW projects . 2x1 TB WD Caviar Black SATA3 storage drives
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 09, 18 12:53 AM
Cakewalk by Bandlab looked great on initial installation, picked up all my VSTs etc, but it has fallen back into Demo mode on 2nd opening, and I can't find a way to authenticate. (I have registered with Bandlab, installed Bandlab Assistant, and tried opening from Banldlab Assistant) Message is: "You are currently running in Demo Mode due to a problem with activation. Please contact support (4,0)" - but the link just goes to the old Cakewalk activation support entries which are now out of date. The 'About Cakewalk' splash shows a serial number with (4,0) after it, and the Membership field has become 'Demo' whereas yesterday it said something like 'Valid through 08/10/2018' (SPLAT is still working fine). Does any one have any ideas how to get CbB out of demo mode? (It took ages to download, and the first attempt timed out, so this using a second download)
Roger Jeynes Charborough Media Sonar Platinum - A&H Qu24 - MOTU 828MkII - i5-3570K - Windows 10
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 09, 18 1:23 PM
deswind Why oh Why did I buy Cubase some months ago!!! Anyway, great news about Bandlab!
I've been using Cubase Pro and Sonar Platinum for years.  I still do not want to be faced with the choice of having to use only one product.
Cakewalk Sonar Platinum (Lifetime), Cakewalk by BandLab (Beta), Steinberg UR28M, Windows 8.1 , Notion 6 (Presonus), Dorico 1.2x (Steinberg), Cubase 9.5.x Pro. , Studio One 3.5x (Presonus), WaveLab Pro 9.5.x (Steinberg) Halion 6.x
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 09, 18 1:49 PM
deswind Why oh Why did I buy Cubase some months ago!!! Anyway, great news about Bandlab!
Insurance, and because hindsight is 20/20. I don't regret buying a second daw. Being proficient in both is a good thing.
Well I certainly don't regret updating Reason or snagging a license to Reaper, which were my responses to the Sopnarpocalypse. I like both immensely and will continue to use them. I didn't spend a lot of time crying over Sonar's demise, the whole thing was very shocking and disappointing but I suspect it's literally in a better place now, so all's well that ends well. And now I have 4 DAWs! (5 if you count MixBus, which I do slightly regret, though $29 does not buy a lot of regret; the other one is Live 9, which I have honestly barely scratched the surface of). Which one I decide to fire up to start a track on a given day will likely depend as much on mood as anything else... same as which synth or reverb or compressor I decide to try first (sometimes the first try just tells you that the first try was wrong, but more often than not I have a gut feeling to use something I haven't used in a while and immediately find *exactly* the right sound - music tends to work best as an intuitive process for me). Nice to have a few different environments available, to keep things fresh. CakeLab seems pretty solid here! Looking forward to wherever they take it from here!
Hangdog Cat
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 09, 18 2:36 PM
I was quite ready to move on when TSHTF, but I'm SO pleased with the way things are now going. One thing I learned by my short excursion into Cubase is that I'm more proficient in Sonar than I had realized. My years of experience make most things fairly easy. Learning a new DAW can be useful and I'm glad I have a Plan B, but I can already fly in Cakewalk; why start crawling my way through a second DAW? There are only so many hours in a day. Cakewalk is an excellent fit for my workflow, and although I'll check out Cubase for features Cakewalk doesn't offer, on a day-to-day basis I'll stick with Cakewalk. Huge sigh of relief.
Never do more in the morning than you can undo in the afternoon. Computer: Creation Station CS450 V3 64 bit Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1275 v3 @ 3.50GHz, 4 Cores, 8 Logical Processors Windows 10: Latest update Audio Interface: RME Fireface UFX
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- Joined: 6/6/2015
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Re: ‘Cakewalk By BandLab’ is here. Free. Available for Windows now. [4/4/2018]
April 09, 18 3:22 PM
Midiboy Error: Installation files are corrupt. Please obtain a new copy of the program.
Same here. Rebooted multiple times. Unresponsive answer from company. Very disappointing.