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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/11 20:16:01
Clicking on Reply to message instead of Quote message works for me. I'm guessing a lot of people aren't aware of this, but, if you want to quote just portion of a post simply highlight it first then use the Reply option. The highlighted portion will automatically be inside the quote tags.
SteveC SONAR Platinum x64, Intel Q9300 (2.5Ghz), Asus P5N-D, Win7 x64 SP1, 8GB RAM, 1TB internal + ESATA + USB Backup HDDs, ATI Radeon HD5450 1GB RAM + dual ViewSonic VA2431wm Monitors; Focusrite 18i6 (ASIO); Komplete 9, Melodyne Studio 4, Ozone 7 Advanced, Rapture Pro, GPO5, Valhalla Plate, MJUC comp, MDynamic EQ, lots of other freebie VST plugins, synths and Kontakt libraries
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/11 20:29:13
panup Key Bindings ID is 16113. There is a legacy Key Bindings menu, ID 223. Let it be as is. Here is my version: ----cut--- 16113 DIALOGEX 31, 17, 540, 498 STYLE DS_CENTER | WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Key Bindings" LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" { CONTROL "Type of Keys", -1, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 8, 4, 42, 8 CONTROL "", -1, STATIC, SS_ETCHEDHORZ | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8, 12, 135, 1 CONTROL "&Computer", 1148, BUTTON, BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP, 8, 20, 42, 10 CONTROL "&MIDI", 1149, BUTTON, BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 8, 37, 31, 10 CONTROL "&Enabled", 1150, BUTTON, BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 56, 37, 42, 10 CONTROL "MIDI 'Shift' Options", -1, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 165, 4, 61, 8 CONTROL "", -1, STATIC, SS_ETCHEDHORZ | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 165, 12, 166, 1 CONTROL "Ke&y:", 1151, BUTTON, BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP, 165, 21, 26, 10 CONTROL "", 1154, EDIT, ES_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP, 216, 20, 37, 12 CONTROL "Co&ntroller:", 1152, BUTTON, BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 165, 37, 45, 10 CONTROL "", 1155, COMBOBOX, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP, 216, 36, 110, 128 CONTROL "Bindings", -1, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 8, 55, 28, 8 CONTROL "", -1, STATIC, SS_ETCHEDHORZ | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8, 63, 324, 1 CONTROL "&Locate Key...", 1958, BUTTON, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 61, 69, 50, 14 CONTROL "Bin&d Context:", -1, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 127, 72, 43, 8 CONTROL "", 1157, COMBOBOX, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP, 177, 69, 149, 128 CONTROL "&Key:", -1, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 8, 72, 14, 8 CONTROL "", 1156, LISTBOX, LBS_NOTIFY | LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | LBS_HASSTRINGS | LBS_USETABSTOPS | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP, 8, 86, 103, 321 CONTROL "List1", 1158, "SysListView32", LVS_REPORT | LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP, 126, 86, 403, 320 , 0x00000200 CONTROL "Global Key Assignment:", -1, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 46, 411, 75, 8 CONTROL "[Unassigned]", 1285, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 122, 411, 183, 8 CONTROL "&Save Changes for Next Session", 1162, BUTTON, BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP, 8, 422, 114, 10 CONTROL "n/a", 1163, STATIC, SS_RIGHT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 169, 426, 341, 8 CONTROL "&Bind", 1159, BUTTON, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP, 7, 439, 48, 14 CONTROL "&Unbind", 1160, BUTTON, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 57, 439, 48, 14 CONTROL "Zap &View...", 1165, BUTTON, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 107, 439, 48, 14 CONTROL "&Zap All...", 1161, BUTTON, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 157, 439, 48, 14 CONTROL "&Import...", 2109, BUTTON, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 232, 439, 48, 14 CONTROL "E&xport...", 2108, BUTTON, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 282, 439, 48, 14 } ---cut--- This is asking for trouble!!
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/11 21:51:45
It's a shame that someone will probably hack a DLL then 2 weeks later call in a support call without telling the Tech Support guy what they have done :( I can see it now. this happened with my colleague, he had totally hacked his version of sonar but when he called the support line he was totally busted. i guess they can tell.
sincerely, Ioannis Windows - some Dual Core CPU - a little bit of RAM - not so bad soundcard - i think it's called Sonar - a silver mixer with colorful knobs - black speaker monitors - my ears some work
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/11 22:09:16
Open TTRES90.dll. First subcategory is PNG. It contains the newest additions to Sonar interface. Older ones are in the Bitmap (BMP) category. (This is not strict rule, though - for example dozens of X1 logos are in BMP.) Control Bar and ProChannel elements can be found in the PNG section. Good to know about PNGs. I had at one point for Sonar 8 had the idea of changing the ugly gray AMSR buttons background to transparent so that the color customization feature was actually useful and didn't clash with all the forced flat grays. I was dismayed that there were still bitmaps in use and the entire collection from Pro Audio days still in the dll. I've toyed with this idea before, but like some have mentioned, doing this each release does not seem like it would be worth the effort. Plus there is the question of the EULA. D
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 07:49:12
See, I love the idea of people taking matters into their own hands! My hats off to the OP!! I wish I had this knowlege and skill because I'd be doing the same thing. That's gotta be highly liberating and empowering! Thumbs up, panup!!
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 14:27:52
I made some modifications just for fun... - ProChannel Compressor types are now the real ones they (try to) imitate. - ON/OFF button: green when on. I don't like that new X! light cyan-blue at all. - Ratio buttons are darker blue now. - All EQ buttons have new colors. - TUBE text changed to SATURATION because there is no real tube...just program code. - EQ icon color changed. Compressor and Tube icons not yet worked. - Snap To/By icon changed. New color and graphics changed to text. I never learned what they mean. Now I know immediately. - Background color in Transport Bar's time window changed. - Mouse context menu changed quite a bit. New texts, new shortcut keys. Some items moved to new popup menus. - Not visible but playback icon in Transport Bar is no more blue but greener. I did one mistake: I forgot to set Snap To icon background to transparent. Now it's white. Easy to fix, though. I'm still searching for the FX bin ON/OFF button. I want to make it green and SMALLER. Btw, I don't know what ' Restore Default Control Order' does. Any idea? It is not mentioned in the PDF Help file, either.
post edited by panup - 2011/03/07 19:05:45
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 15:01:54
Panup: I have the ability to make changes to resource.dll But, I am sure many others do not or are not willing to try. Nor do I think that the Bakers have the room on their plate to allow the customization you have highlighted/discovered. So, a suggestion. You seem quite adroit in the ones-and-zeros area - much more than I. Have you thought about making a tool(app) to edit the resource.dll specific to Sonar users? A point-click option by option program so to speak. Just a thought. By the way, thanks much for doing this research for those of us willing to edit our own file.
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 15:31:11
EDIT: Post removed.
post edited by panup - 2011/03/03 13:59:15
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 16:18:38
> You will get a lotta support,but its not a Hack, thanks for doing some .dll mods, it sure as hell cant hurt.but calling it a hack makes it sound wrong, and its not: I like X1 after Moding the Dll's... just a suggestion..
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 16:51:37
I'm just posting in this thread so I can find more easily when the time comes I wanna hack the UI. Thanks!
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Jim Wright
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 17:05:39
Wow. Just - wow.... To repeat some cautions that were already raised: * Hacking a resource DLL is at your own risk. You could cause things to break (especially if you change the size of a graphic resource). I'm using 'hacking' in the time-honored sense of 'clever DIY mods to software', not in the more recent 'malicious network behavior' sense) * Any changes you make will be lost when you update X1 - if you're lucky. If you're not lucky, the hacked DLL may keep the X1 update process from working, leaving you with a broken install. Why? Often, the update installer will check the files it's updating by computing a checksum (MD5sums are common) on the file to be replaced. If the checksum doesn't match, the file won't be updated. Hacking a resource DLL will most definitely change its checksum. So .... if you want to do this, be sure to keep original copies of all files you modify, and restore them yourself before applying a Sonar update. Then, make copies of the updated files, stash 'em somewhere safe, and reapply your changes. Otherwise, you might have to do a total reinstall to get things working... - Jim
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 20:33:43
Here is my customized Control Bar so far (image can be zoomed by opening it in a new tab): More contrast, more colors :-). Notice different colors for playback and recording metronome icons... Now they catch my eye easier. Snap to Grid button: graphics replaced by clear text to indicate snap mode. PDC and FX buttons are RED when they are enabled. Original colors were not radical enough - I could leave PDC on accidentaly. In general, now there's more contrast.
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 20:43:33
This happens if you're not careful enough... Those red Snap To icons are in totally wrong place :-). Screen capture shows my Post button customization. Additionally, Pre state has different color than Post. I like it more this way: no need to think Pre as 'not Post' anymore! EDIT: Look at those FX texts... They get fixed in X1b but 'Auto-...' instead of 'Auto-Tune'?
post edited by panup - 2011/02/12 20:45:51
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 20:49:26
I really like those changes panup. I'm thinking that it may not be that hard for Cakewalk to give all users that flexibility in the future. Whether they will or not is another question but it seems like something a lot of users would like to see.
Humbly Yours Larry Sonar X2 x64 MAudio 2496 Yamaha MG 12/4 Roland XV-88 Intel MB with Q6600 and 4 GB Ram NVidia 9800 GTX Windows 7 x64 Home Premium
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 20:55:47
g_randybrown I like the new 'Append project' feature. Cool
The manual doesn't show up anything when searching for "append project" to elaborate? Thanks, Randy In the promotional videos on X1 they talked about dragging a project or basically anything else from the browser into another project. I never heard it called append before.
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 21:01:51
such an amount of energy wasted!!!! go and make some music!!!!!
sincerely, Ioannis Windows - some Dual Core CPU - a little bit of RAM - not so bad soundcard - i think it's called Sonar - a silver mixer with colorful knobs - black speaker monitors - my ears some work
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 21:10:45
giankap such an amount of energy wasted!!!! go and make some music!!!!! How can you make music if the interface yells for changes? I wanted to get things right :-).
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 21:12:48
Append: I saw the feature in a video, too. In other programs it's called append and because of that I probably began to call it that way. It would be good to have it in the File menu, too.
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 21:28:55
How can you make music if the interface yells for changes? I wanted to get things right :-). Don't get me wrong, i get it. But the whole thread got me thinking you know. Recently i was listening some music with a friend of mine. Music produced in the 60's. Those guys had nothing more than a 4 track tape. that's it. Everything is either left channel or right channel. and those mixes are brilliant. and we are living in an age that we can pitch correct an isolated note from a polyphonic instrument recording. And we complain about the contrast of colors. It just gets me thinking!
sincerely, Ioannis Windows - some Dual Core CPU - a little bit of RAM - not so bad soundcard - i think it's called Sonar - a silver mixer with colorful knobs - black speaker monitors - my ears some work
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 21:40:41
giankap How can you make music if the interface yells for changes? I wanted to get things right :-).
Don't get me wrong, i get it. But the whole thread got me thinking you know. Recently i was listening some music with a friend of mine. Music produced in the 60's. Those guys had nothing more than a 4 track tape. that's it. Everything is either left channel or right channel. and those mixes are brilliant. and we are living in an age that we can pitch correct an isolated note from a polyphonic instrument recording. And we complain about the contrast of colors. It just gets me thinking! Well, sometimes people do get into the guts of the things. I appreciate their work. I frequent a Cessna Pilots forum and there are a few folks we call "rivet counters". They really get into the nuances of the aircraft - down to the rivets. But, in the end they have contributed so much to my, and others, flying and maintenance of their aircraft that they wear the badge of "rivet counters" with pride. I hope panup continues because selfish me benefits from his efforts. And to comment on your 60's technology, yes, brilliant is an apropos term. Sometimes simplicity equals bliss.
post edited by Katie_Katie - 2011/02/12 21:42:20
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 21:49:07
giantkap, I understand what you mean. However, I have to work with Sonar GUI 250 days a year. As time passes by, little annoyances grow bigger. Now Sonar looks inspirating again and I can make better music.  And even better: Now Bakers don't need to read my feature requests I can do myself. I made modifications also for fun and educational purposes. Now I understand better reasons why some feature requests are not implemented - they're not worth it.
post edited by panup - 2011/02/12 21:55:44
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 21:54:32
All I can say is your crazy.
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 22:08:23
I understand what you mean. However, I have to work with Sonar GUI 250 days a year. As time passes by, little annoyances grow bigger. Now Sonar looks inspirating again and I can make better music. And even better: Now Bakers don't need to read my feature requests I can do myself. as i said, i totally agree with you and respect what you're saying. sometimes i act in the same way. I can spend 5 hours trying to edit my plugin layout, which i know that in the future will save me time. I was just caught up in the moment. But i still believe that during the years we all became a little spoiled by all this technological bloom!
sincerely, Ioannis Windows - some Dual Core CPU - a little bit of RAM - not so bad soundcard - i think it's called Sonar - a silver mixer with colorful knobs - black speaker monitors - my ears some work
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/12 22:51:19
Yeah and with imaging programs trying something like isn't the craziest thing in the world with a little know-how (or thorough Googling). Don't get me wrong, if anything it highlights how adding some more customization features back in would be accepted with open arms. I've said a billion times they should just make the UI skinnable and let the user base do the heavy lifting. It's the best "please most of the people most of the time" option given how persnickety users are about their workspaces. I don't really mind most of the X1 UI, I think it's pretty elegant. But I also don't mind being able to tweak things so after a few years of working I'm not stabbing my eyeballs.
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/13 05:36:27
panup: I haven't read all the posts but remeber when buddy110 doid all that work on the meters and rounded faders he did that with a self installing hack that would do the installation work for you just by putting into the same folder and running the .exe that he'd created. I don't know where buddy went but [erhaps you could pickup where her left off. maybe reverse engineer his installer.
Mike V. (MUDGEL) STUDIO: Win 10 Pro x64, SPlat & CbB x64, PC: ASUS Z370-A, INTEL i7 8700k, 32GIG DDR4 2400, OC 4.7Ghz. Storage: 7 TB SATA III, 750GiG SSD & Samsung 500 Gig 960 EVO NVMe M.2. Monitors: Adam A7X, JBL 10” Sub. Audio I/O & DSP Server: DIGIGRID IOS & IOX. Screen: Raven MTi + 43" HD 4K TV Monitor. Keyboard Controller: Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S88.
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/13 06:02:48
Wouldn't it be a great feature if Sonar implemented the dll editing into a format that was punter friendly. Panup is onto something that most of us wouldn't bother with but the concept he is presenting is quite valid and would make a great feature from within the application. Good stuff...
ASUS H270, i7-7700, JLM BA & 1290, LA2A Opto4, loads of guff.
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/13 11:22:13
edit: post removed
post edited by panup - 2011/03/07 19:06:41
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/13 14:18:04
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Re:I like X1.
2011/02/13 14:41:59
These tweaks have nothing in common with SonarX1Helper's current functionality. Ben should make as much new program code as anyone who starts from scratch.
post edited by panup - 2011/03/03 14:00:02