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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 01, 16 1:35 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby mettelus April 01, 16 4:21 PM
I should let everyone know that as indicated in the Mini Dump sent to Cakewalk at their request revealed that at least in my case the crash is occurring inside melodyne 4.04 and not in cakewalk's code.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 8:51 AM (permalink)
I have the same problem, which started immediately after upgrading to Melodyne 4 back in January I think.   I had no success dealing with Cakewalk support but found the Celemony folks very responsive.  I have been sending them mini dumps of the crashes since February and this morning they said that this is recognized as an issue and they are working with the Cakewalk techs to find a solution and they will be releasing an update to fix the problem. 
In the meantime I have been able to continue with the following workaround. 
 First of all save your work frequently.   After you create melodyne instances save the project containing these Melodyne instances with its own name.     Once you finished the edits in Melodyne, bounce the tracks, remove the Melodyne instances and save the project with a new name.
Certainly not ideal, but it has kept me out of the crash zone for most of last month.
Looking forward to the update!
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 8:59 AM (permalink)
Thanks for the update jeo49!
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 9:28 AM (permalink)
I have the same problem, which started immediately after upgrading to Melodyne 4 back in January I think.   I had no success dealing with Cakewalk support but found the Celemony folks very responsive.  I have been sending them mini dumps of the crashes since February and this morning they said that this is recognized as an issue and they are working with the Cakewalk techs to find a solution and they will be releasing an update to fix the problemw. 

Did they offer any indication as to what the causal factor might be? I am surprised they said it is a recognised issue with Cakewalk as many are running Vs 4 without problems. I certainly sympathise with those that aren't though!

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 9:35 AM (permalink)
I have. like others here (loosely) found that bouncing split clips to tracks before creating regions enables those regions to be created without issue. I say loosely because it seems to be a bit of a moving target for me to pin down any sure fire work around(s).
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 9:50 AM (permalink)
I have. like others here (loosely) found that bouncing split clips to tracks before creating regions enables those regions to be created without issue. I say loosely because it seems to be a bit of a moving target for me to pin down any sure fire work around(s).

Yes - I did see in your earlier post that you found it was linked to split clips. I don't seem to have that issue with Melodyne Studio 4 64bit plugin on Win 64, but I see others have. It's a weird one. Always so frustrating when issues occur inconsistently. Here's hoping they come through with a fix for you soon.

Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.
Paul G
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 11:12 AM (permalink)
I have. like others here (loosely) found that bouncing split clips to tracks before creating regions enables those regions to be created without issue. I say loosely because it seems to be a bit of a moving target for me to pin down any sure fire work around(s).

So, if I understand this correctly, you need to bounce a comped, (or edited) audio track to a single clip prior to using Melodyne 4?  Once you do a region FX, you end up with split clips again.  Will you need to bounce it all down again each time?
Melo 4.2 Studio has given me fits off and on but seems to have settled down since Newburyport, (although I haven't done that much Melo-ing as of late.
Also, am I reading this correctly?  Once you patch up to the newest 4.4 version you need to have an active internet connection to use Melodyne?  I don't like the sounds of that.

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 11:54 AM (permalink)
All I know is that I have a vocal track that has some spits and slip edits. If I try to create a region for melo4 anywhere on that strip, the world come crashing to an end. If I bounce this track so it is a single strip the crashes don't occur. I haven't tested beyond that finding as I don't want to risk project corruption from testing. Doing so has caused this project and only this project to no longer want to successfully load Rapture Session. - this is a whole nuther can of worms I don't want to open here. Suffice it to say I'm going to wait until it seems safe to use melodyne 4 before I do again. I'll just use vVocal for now as it's on my system.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 1:27 PM (permalink)
Paul G
Also, am I reading this correctly?  Once you patch up to the newest 4.4 version you need to have an active internet connection to use Melodyne?  I don't like the sounds of that.

Where did you read this?
Paul G
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 2:08 PM (permalink)
Paul G
Also, am I reading this correctly?  Once you patch up to the newest 4.4 version you need to have an active internet connection to use Melodyne?  I don't like the sounds of that.

Where did you read this?

Hi Neo.
Here's what I found on a re-review of this thread.
Quote: mettelus #42
"The solution was they simply needed to reset my entry in their server. What made me most irate is that it is my understanding that an internet connection is required to use Melodyne 4 (sans ILok) anyway. I am always connected, only on one machine, yet their "phone home" feature doesn't check the client side's functionality - only that their server has your computer ID on file."
(emphasis added)

and this...

Quote: mettelus #48

"I asked about earlier versions and Celemony confirmed that the upgrade 1) requires relinquishing a previous version and 2) an internet connection (or iLok) is required. The only recourse you would have is to contact them directly."

and this...

Quote: jeff s #56

"I installed Melodyne 4.0.4 yesterday and was surprised to discover that it now requires internet connectivity which my DAW does not have.  I contacted Celemony and they said go on-line as no off-line registration option exists."

(...although Jeff appears to be talking about registration here.)
I do hope I'm misunderstanding this.  I may just send an email to Celemony myself.

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 2:12 PM (permalink)
Paul G
Paul G
Also, am I reading this correctly?  Once you patch up to the newest 4.4 version you need to have an active internet connection to use Melodyne?  I don't like the sounds of that.

Where did you read this?

Hi Neo.
Here's what I found on a re-review of this thread.
Quote: mettelus #42
"The solution was they simply needed to reset my entry in their server. What made me most irate is that it is my understanding that an internet connection is required to use Melodyne 4 (sans ILok) anyway. I am always connected, only on one machine, yet their "phone home" feature doesn't check the client side's functionality - only that their server has your computer ID on file."
(emphasis added)

and this...

Quote: mettelus #48

"I asked about earlier versions and Celemony confirmed that the upgrade 1) requires relinquishing a previous version and 2) an internet connection (or iLok) is required. The only recourse you would have is to contact them directly."

and this...

Quote: jeff s #56

"I installed Melodyne 4.0.4 yesterday and was surprised to discover that it now requires internet connectivity which my DAW does not have.  I contacted Celemony and they said go on-line as no off-line registration option exists."

(...although Jeff appears to be talking about registration here.)
I do hope I'm misunderstanding this.  I may just send an email to Celemony myself.

OK, I'm guessing this is the same as it has been for a while.  Yes, you have to connect very briefly to "authorize" it on a computer one single time if you do not use iLOK.
Paul G
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 2:16 PM (permalink)
Paul G
OK, I'm guessing this is the same as it has been for a while.  Yes, you have to connect very briefly to "authorize" it on a computer one single time if you do not use iLOK.

It's likely that a connection is needed to update as well?  I see no way to DL a patch from the Celemony site.


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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 3:16 PM (permalink)
Paul G
Paul G
OK, I'm guessing this is the same as it has been for a while.  Yes, you have to connect very briefly to "authorize" it on a computer one single time if you do not use iLOK.

It's likely that a connection is needed to update as well?  I see no way to DL a patch from the Celemony site.


This could certainly be true.  
I haven't updated to 4 yet (still waiting to hear more about these bugs people are reporting, and input on how Editor/Studio might or might not have more functionality with the new tempo mapping).  
I do recall when I upgraded to 2 editor that my ISP was blocking Celemony's foreign address and had to do some work around to get my computer to authorize, which I wasn't happy about as an offline authorization/update would have been much easier for me.  
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 3:36 PM (permalink)
I only ran the trial of M4, and AFAICT the "updater" does a handshake with the server whenever M4 is launched. It actually pops open a browser page to the Celemony's update page (if one exists).
One thing I did not verify was if the "active internet connection" is true. I had received that comment in an email from Celemony, but would have been an easy check by unplugging the machine when launching M4. Has anyone tried this? I was led to believe that the internet connection was required at launch, but didn't remember to check this when I had the opportunity. This particular point is not yet clear, and although this does not apply to many, it does apply to those who keep their DAW offline.

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 05, 16 3:56 PM (permalink)
I only ran the trial of M4, and AFAICT the "updater" does a handshake with the server whenever M4 is launched. It actually pops open a browser page to the Celemony's update page (if one exists).
One thing I did not verify was if the "active internet connection" is true. I had received that comment in an email from Celemony, but would have been an easy check by unplugging the machine when launching M4. Has anyone tried this? I was led to believe that the internet connection was required at launch, but didn't remember to check this when I had the opportunity. This particular point is not yet clear, and although this does not apply to many, it does apply to those who keep their DAW offline.

I have an internet connection, (for CCC and other authorizations), but I disconnect it when that is finished.  I've been using M4 since shortly after it came out so I'm pretty sure you don't need an active connection to use it.  That being said, I'm still on 4.2 and my concern was the mention of needing an internet connection after the update to M4.4.
Maybe I've misunderstood all of this but it is true that one cannot "roll back" Melodyne to an earlier version.  There in lies the rub.  I intend to contact Celomony and will post what I find out.

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 06, 16 8:55 AM (permalink)
All I know is that I have a vocal track that has some spits and slip edits. If I try to create a region for melo4 anywhere on that strip, the world come crashing to an end. If I bounce this track so it is a single strip the crashes don't occur. I haven't tested beyond that finding as I don't want to risk project corruption from testing. Doing so has caused this project and only this project to no longer want to successfully load Rapture Session. - this is a whole nuther can of worms I don't want to open here. Suffice it to say I'm going to wait until it seems safe to use melodyne 4 before I do again. I'll just use vVocal for now as it's on my system.

Huh...    FWIW, I tend to always Trim clips before using Melodyne (vs. bouncing).   That way no new audio is generated unless I bounce the Region FX, but the range being fed to Melodyne is still limited to the extents of the clip itself.   I wonder if this factors in, because I rarely ever have issues with Melodyne 4...

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 06, 16 10:30 AM (permalink)
OK.  I heard back from Ulf at Celemony.  Here's what he said.
"You can always download the latest Melodyne update from your Celemony user account. (4.04.001)  The online connection should only be necessary to activate Melodyne. Once this is done, Melodyne should run fine offline."
and this...
"the software has the update check build in. If a user decides to work offline, that's bad luck in this case."
Here's how I interpret this: 
1.  Melodyne needs an online connection to be activated but not to run.  There should be no reason to 'reactivate' Melodyne after an update.
2.  If 'online', Melodyne will check for updates.  If you run Sonar 'offline' you'll need to manually DL an update from your Celemony account.
There's two little things I think should be addressed by Celomony.  1. Some kind of notification when there is an update.  2. Some kind of "Melodyne Version Designator" on the user account so when checking you would know if a newer version is available.  Ulf liked #2 so we'll see.
Most of you probably already knew all this but for those who didn't, I hope it clears things up.  I'll post anything else I learn.

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 06, 16 1:13 PM (permalink)
I am a bit surprised that Cakewalk has not chimed in on this thread. There is obviously an issue. They could at least say that they are aware of the problem and are working on it.

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 06, 16 1:29 PM (permalink)
Paul G
OK.  I heard back from Ulf at Celemony.  Here's what he said.
[...] The online connection should only be necessary to activate Melodyne. Once this is done, Melodyne should run fine offline."

Thank you for this confirmation.

ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 06, 16 7:12 PM (permalink)
Paul G
OK.  I heard back from Ulf at Celemony.  Here's what he said.
[...] The online connection should only be necessary to activate Melodyne. Once this is done, Melodyne should run fine offline."

Thank you for this confirmation.

You're welcome.  It put my mind at ease as well, Michael.

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 06, 16 7:50 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Sijel April 14, 16 6:40 PM
I apologize if someone has already answered this with the same thing I'm going to say but there so many answers and I didn't want to read them all ( I wanna go make music LOL) I had this exact same problem and the fix was easy. Uninstall Melodyne 4 64bit and in install the 32bit version. Stable as a rock afterward. Hope this fixes it for you too.

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 07, 16 5:04 AM (permalink)
I am a bit surprised that Cakewalk has not chimed in on this thread. There is obviously an issue. They could at least say that they are aware of the problem and are working on it.

I submitted a help ticket weeks ago to Cakewalk but never got an answer. This is surprising. Not like them to ignore an issue, especially if it's reported through a help ticket.


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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 14, 16 5:13 PM (permalink)
Having the same issue here with Melodyne Editor 4, SONAR Platinum.  Works fine as a plugin but crashes SONAR when used as a region F/X.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 14, 16 6:26 PM (permalink)
Having the same issue here with Melodyne Editor 4, SONAR Platinum.  Works fine as a plugin but crashes SONAR when used as a region F/X.

Are you using the 32-bit or 64-bit version.  See Anni's helpful reply earlier (post #80)

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 14, 16 8:04 PM (permalink)
I submitted a help ticket weeks ago to Cakewalk but never got an answer. This is surprising. Not like them to ignore an issue, especially if it's reported through a help ticket.

I don't think they're ignoring your ticket. It's more likely they're very busy, like: extremely busy. A lot of issues have come up with subscriptions. I had assumed that my subscription would automatically end after 12 monthly payments, but it didn't and I'm assuming a lot of other people were thinking the same thing. It took almost a month for me to get a reply on a ticket I initiated, but it was finally solved over the last two days.
Hope this helps alleviate any frustrations or impatience you may be experiencing.

-Ron T.
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 14, 16 8:48 PM (permalink)
I have a sneaking suspicion is a tricky one involving at least two companies no matter how chummy. I know in my case the dumps i sent to support show the crash to be in the melodyne code. I am on 32bit Windows, so obviously I'm use 32 bit Melodyne. I can also say that from my perspective, as long as the track I'm trying to region fx is not split anywhere we're all good.
I'm back to melodyning without issue if I follow this "rule".
I save first for the time being as it's always an apprehensive feeling as the "Initializing Region" message displays and for so many days it was follow by the dreaded "Reset Button".
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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 15, 16 2:37 AM (permalink)
Slightly off topic but i just wanted to check , I am definitely using Melodyne 4 but in CCC it is listed as Melodyne 2. Is this the same for everyone  ?
I have even logged out and back into CCC and it still lists it as Melodyne 2 

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 15, 16 4:51 AM (permalink)
I submitted a help ticket weeks ago to Cakewalk but never got an answer. This is surprising. Not like them to ignore an issue, especially if it's reported through a help ticket.

I don't think they're ignoring your ticket. It's more likely they're very busy, like: extremely busy. A lot of issues have come up with subscriptions. I had assumed that my subscription would automatically end after 12 monthly payments, but it didn't and I'm assuming a lot of other people were thinking the same thing. It took almost a month for me to get a reply on a ticket I initiated, but it was finally solved over the last two days.
Hope this helps alleviate any frustrations or impatience you may be experiencing.

No frustration here. Waiting patiently. I'm sure there will be a fix soon!


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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 15, 16 8:22 AM (permalink)
Once again, why the silence from Cakewalk? They owe it to their customers to respond in some way. I am a bit surprised and disappointed in their lack of initiative on this.

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Re: Melodyne Essential 4 Crashing Sonar Platinum April 18, 16 12:15 AM (permalink)
Started a different thread in the forums and was informed this thread was alive... I'm retiring my thread and will continue monitoring this one.
My issue (mirrors what many of you are experiencing):
Since upgrading to 2016.3 (Sonar Platinum) Melodyne (4.x editor) is only allowing one effects region per track... if I edit one section of, let's say a vocal track, and the try and create another region without bouncing the clip, sonar crashes and needs to be restarted .. I can create a region on another track ( but only one) . Also, the effects region seems to play both the new edited Melodyne region as well as the original untouched track... creating weird chorused/doubled vocal/phasing...
I did see someone else earlier in these posts also mentioned the phasing issue as well.
When I get back to my studio, I will see about uninstalling the 64 bit version in favor of the 32 bit and see what happens...
Nice to see I'm not alone here  :)

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