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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/03 15:11:52 (permalink)
Hey guys!

I was recently made aware that some plugin developers, including Elysia and possibly Waves, haven't ported their plugins to native 64 bit due to the lack of working 64 bit iLock drivers.  As some of you may know, iLock does have 64 bit drivers for Windows, but not for Mac.  Perhaps these developers are hesitant to release 64 bit plugins for Windows users in fear that this may cause anger to Mac users?  I don't know, but it seems very plausible.  The good news is that Mac users currently have Logic Pro 9, which is native 64 bit.  This may help push 64 bit on the Mac side, but that is yet to be seen.  Until then, we at least now may have an idea of why some companies haven't made the move to 64 bit as expected.

Take care!

Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/03 16:15:45 (permalink)
Ah, Mac always that last to get on board.

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/03 18:07:26 (permalink)
Yeap, a lot of users (at least at the SoundsOnline forums) are crying for 64 bit now that they have seen the benefits of it and its RAM accessibility on the Windows side.  There's some pressure there, but I'm not sure if it's enough.  Right now Mac users are probably in a similar situation we were in back 5 years ago when Sonar went 64 bit.  It didn't mean a thing until others followed, and that took a while.  Surely it will not take them as long (at least I hope not -_-).

Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/03 18:19:34 (permalink)

Yeap, a lot of users (at least at the SoundsOnline forums) are crying for 64 bit now that they have seen the benefits of it and its RAM accessibility on the Windows side.  There's some pressure there, but I'm not sure if it's enough.  Right now Mac users are probably in a similar situation we were in back 5 years ago when Sonar went 64 bit.  It didn't mean a thing until others followed, and that took a while.  Surely it will not take them as long (at least I hope not -_-).

Ya know I feel for them.  Really I do. LOL Sort of, well, maybe not.

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/03 18:30:12 (permalink)
Uggg, not after what I went through. Let's just say all it amounted to paying a BUNCH of money to basically be a beta tester....without being able to reports bugs or issues

i7 860/MSI mobo/8GB ram/win7x64ultimate/X2/profire 610/oxygen 61/running 48k currently.
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/03 19:30:28 (permalink)
Perhaps these developers are hesitant to release 64 bit plugins for Windows users in fear that this may cause anger to Mac users?
You better believe that's a factor. 

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/03 19:32:24 (permalink)
BTW, Superior 2.2.2 has been released and this means that Superior Drummer is now finalized as a 64 bit plug in.

No more public beta status.

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/03 20:18:05 (permalink)
Mod Bod

BTW, Superior 2.2.2 has been released and this means that Superior Drummer is now finalized as a 64 bit plug in.

No more public beta status.
I know! 
I downloaded it the night it came out (July 1st), but I still haven't tested it.  I'm sure I have nothing to worry about going by how stable the beta was.  However, I didn't see anything mentioning what had changed (not even in the Read Me file) from the beta.  Is there anywhere online where I can see this information?  In any case, thanks for letting us know Mod.  I think Toontrack is top notch regardless of what I may have thought of them in the past :-P
Take care!

Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/03 21:58:06 (permalink)

Mod Bod

BTW, Superior 2.2.2 has been released and this means that Superior Drummer is now finalized as a 64 bit plug in.

No more public beta status.
I know! 
I downloaded it the night it came out (July 1st), but I still haven't tested it.  I'm sure I have nothing to worry about going by how stable the beta was.  However, I didn't see anything mentioning what had changed (not even in the Read Me file) from the beta.  Is there anywhere online where I can see this information?  In any case, thanks for letting us know Mod.  I think Toontrack is top notch regardless of what I may have thought of them in the past :-P
Take care!

I've got a thread with the details in the Software forum.  Check that thread out.
post edited by Mod Bod - 2010/07/03 22:00:40

Dave Modisette ... rocks a Purrrfect Audio Studio Pro rig.

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/03 22:40:44 (permalink)
Ah!  I found the list in the Toontrack forum under 'Forum Announcements', which is not in the place I expected it to be (Superior Support forums).  I don't frequent the Tootrack forums, so I guess that would explain why I don't know where to find things :-P.  Thanks anyways, and keep up the good work!

Oh, and Happy 4th of July everyone!


Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/04 00:45:07 (permalink)
back at cha!

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/04 22:06:31 (permalink)


I'm sorry 64 bit wasn't what you expected it to be.  But it's been said a million times in this forum that the biggest advantage to a full 64 bit environment is in the RAM access.  Naturally, if you just work mainly with audio, this is not gonna make much of a difference to you.  But it makes a HUGE, like HUGE difference to people like us, who use big sample library containing 100's of GB of RAM.  I couldn't move any of my projects to a 32 bit Sonar, not happening.  Most of them are already over 4GB so they just wouldn't open, period.  If you're not part of that crowd, then of course you'll not be impressed.  Should've asked here, in the forum, before making the move.

Jose - with respect you and others didn't read my post closely did ya. I said
"In terms of how it affects the average user the answer is clearly - almost zero."
You're obviously not an average user are you.
As I stated - my comments were made exclusively in the context of the average user.
And for the average computer user 64 bit is much ado about very little.
IMO the people talking it up as the best thing since bottled beer are equally off the mark as those others saying it'll cause you nothing but grief.
Neither is true for the average user.
The reality is that the average user will barely notice any difference at all  :)

post edited by newysurfer - 2010/07/04 22:14:37

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/05 03:24:39 (permalink)

I agree with the gist of what you're saying, but not the way you presented it.  You made it seem like someone pressured you into moving to a 64 bit system and then came here (and to other threads) expressing your dissatisfaction with it not meeting YOUR expectations.  That's what I thought was a bit over the top considering you didn't really have problems with the switch.

However, Win 7 IS slightly better than XP at sub 64 sample latencies.  At the higher latencies, they are pretty much the same.  If you like to track using amp simulators or other effects at the lowest latencies, then Win 7 will give you a little more processing power there, and that's something that benefits YOU, the average user.  As for the RAM advantage, I can understand that not being something you need and that's the main reason to make the switch.  I always try to emphazise this every time someone asks about 64 bit.  That's why I said you should've asked, or at least researched, about 64 bit before making the move.  A lot of people have problem with 32 bit plugins and it wouldn't make sense for them to change to a 64 bit OS if they're not gonna take advantage of the >4GB RAM access.

Take care!

Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
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Dave Modisette
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/05 19:55:24 (permalink)
The final release version of EZdrummer x64 is a part of the new 1.2.1 update available in your Products page at Toontrack.

BTW, you can now use the installer to install the x64 dll anywhere you'd like now.  IOW, in the Cakewalk x64 VSTplugins folder if you like.  Just remember to make sure you don't have the old one left in the default folder.  Me, I uninstalled the beta version prior to installing the final version.  Make sure you do not accidently uninstall the 32 bit program or you will have to reinstall from the factory disk.  (Don't ask me how I know that.  Doing dumb stuff makes me valuable as a beta tester.  )

Dave Modisette ... rocks a Purrrfect Audio Studio Pro rig.

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/05 20:55:29 (permalink)
Cool, thanks Mod!  Are there any news on Solo's final release?

Added EZDrummer full version to the list.

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/05 21:42:35 (permalink)


I agree with the gist of what you're saying, but not the way you presented it.  You made it seem like someone pressured you into moving to a 64 bit system and then came here (and to other threads) expressing your dissatisfaction with it not meeting YOUR expectations.  That's what I thought was a bit over the top considering you didn't really have problems with the switch.

However, Win 7 IS slightly better than XP at sub 64 sample latencies.  At the higher latencies, they are pretty much the same.  If you like to track using amp simulators or other effects at the lowest latencies, then Win 7 will give you a little more processing power there, and that's something that benefits YOU, the average user.  As for the RAM advantage, I can understand that not being something you need and that's the main reason to make the switch.  I always try to emphazise this every time someone asks about 64 bit.  That's why I said you should've asked, or at least researched, about 64 bit before making the move.  A lot of people have problem with 32 bit plugins and it wouldn't make sense for them to change to a 64 bit OS if they're not gonna take advantage of the >4GB RAM access.

Take care! 
Ah no Jose - you just didn't read my post well is all and made a whole bunch of assumptions that don't apply.
Never said I was dissatisfied with 64 bit or Windows 7. They're both fine - just no big deal for the average user is all 

post edited by newysurfer - 2010/07/05 21:43:46

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/06 05:48:20 (permalink)
Then I apologize for that. 

Posting the same thing on 3 different threads didn't help my perception of it though.

Take care!

Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
8 GB of RAM @ 800 Mhz
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/06 08:07:39 (permalink)
Cool, thanks Mod! Are there any news on Solo's final release?
I have nothing but good feelings about TTSolo x64 but I have nothing to report about a release date.

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/06 08:25:01 (permalink)
Thanks for the heads up, Mod Bod

I too have uninstalled my 32 bit EZDrummer and Superior - and I have no idea how it happened
One day they were in the list - the next day gone
Not a problem at this time though - 64 bit seems to be working nicely

Took me 2 weeks to set up my music stuff on the new Win7 machine - but it;s done now

Off to make music!

i7-930, 12 gigs RAM, Gigabyte UD3, Geforce 960 
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/06 08:55:20 (permalink)
Mod Bod

Cool, thanks Mod! Are there any news on Solo's final release?
I have nothing but good feelings about TTSolo x64 but I have nothing to report about a release date.

Sounds good!
Please keep us posted as always :-)
Take care!

Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/06 10:06:59 (permalink)
Well, it looks like some of my plugs remain in the 32 bit realm, and that makes me hesitant to switch to 64 bit. I am building a new system, so: Can I build a 64 bit computer system, install a 32 bit Windows OS, and my 32 bit drivers will work? Should I go Windows 7 or Windows XP 32 bit? Will XP be able to see the 1.5 Terabyte drives I just ordered?

Thanks for the help.

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/06 10:17:06 (permalink)
XP should not be used for any reason. Windows 7 comes in 64 and 32 bits. Most 32 bit VST/i plugins will work under Bitbridge. If not then Jbridge.

You can install 32 bit Sonar in 64 bit Windows 7. I have not had a reason to do so under Vista 64 bits.

As long as you have drivers for your hardware that are 64 bits you will find 64 bits is better overall.

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/06 11:36:14 (permalink)
XP should not be used for any reason. Windows 7 comes in 64 and 32 bits. Most 32 bit VST/i plugins will work under Bitbridge. If not then Jbridge. You can install 32 bit Sonar in 64 bit Windows 7. I have not had a reason to do so under Vista 64 bits. As long as you have drivers for your hardware that are 64 bits you will find 64 bits is better overall.

That's the crux of the issue for me. My Lynx One card only has drivers for XP. I'm mainly upgrading to get more cpu power, and I could care less about more ram at this point. You say most plugs, but not all, and I need my Waves plugs for all my unfinished projects.

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Music at Night, 1931- Aldous Huxley
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/06 14:53:23 (permalink)
Resonant Order

XP should not be used for any reason. Windows 7 comes in 64 and 32 bits. Most 32 bit VST/i plugins will work under Bitbridge. If not then Jbridge. You can install 32 bit Sonar in 64 bit Windows 7. I have not had a reason to do so under Vista 64 bits. As long as you have drivers for your hardware that are 64 bits you will find 64 bits is better overall.

That's the crux of the issue for me. My Lynx One card only has drivers for XP. I'm mainly upgrading to get more cpu power, and I could care less about more ram at this point. You say most plugs, but not all, and I need my Waves plugs for all my unfinished projects.

In that case, go with XP 32 bit.  
I find it strange that Lynx doen't have Win7 drivers for your interface though.

Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/07/06 17:24:09 (permalink)
I find it strange that Lynx doen't have Win7 drivers for your interface though.

They have it for the new ones, such as Lynx two and L22, but the Lynx one is an older card from 1998. I still use it because it sounds way better than any card I can currently get for the same price, and the built in midi is rock solid at 2ms. I'm hoping to upgrade to a L22, but that's a ways off.

Thanks for the info everyone, now I know what needs to be done.

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Music at Night, 1931- Aldous Huxley
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/08/15 00:25:33 (permalink)
It's been this long hun LOL

Ezplayer Pro is now x64

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/08/15 14:22:21 (permalink)
I think what you want to petition for is for Windows 8 to go 64bit exclusively (with some 32bit compatibility still, I hope).

No problem.. it's on the way

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/08/15 14:44:23 (permalink)

I think what you want to petition for is for Windows 8 to go 64bit exclusively (with some 32bit compatibility still, I hope).

No problem.. it's on the way

It doesn't make any difference even if 520 bit Windows 20 comes out as long as the software developers don't take advantage of its capabilities.
That's where we are right now.  But we're doing much better than 2 years ago, when this thread was created.  That's for sure.
Take care!

Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/08/15 15:14:05 (permalink)
Yup, my point being.. in the end, only Mr. Bill Gates can really force them to do so!

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Re:!!!!THE 64 BIT CAMPAIGN!!!! 2010/08/15 18:01:18 (permalink)

Yup, my point being.. in the end, only Mr. Bill Gates can really force them to do so!

That's true.
But it's more complicated than that I'm affraid.  He can't just imposed something most people don't want or need.
Remember it's only a few people that take advantage of things like gobs of RAM.  Most users are fine with Windows XP.

Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
8 GB of RAM @ 800 Mhz
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