The X1c Info is here

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Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 17:35:23 (permalink)
Sorry folks - thread wasn't meant to be locked.

However, we should try to keep this productive and on the topic of X1c.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 17:42:56 (permalink)
Hi Brandon to get back on the subject of X1c is the list as posted a 'final' list or will it grow?
Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 17:44:22 (permalink)
It's final...but there are little things that are not spelled out specifically. They might falll under "various other" or perhaps they are not deemed important enough that most users will care. Let me see if I can gather any useful info.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 18:00:07 (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk

It's final...but there are little things that are not spelled out specifically. They might falll under "various other" or perhaps they are not deemed important enough that most users will care. Let me see if I can gather any useful info.

Often when CW offers a patch and lists fixes and additions they don't list them all.

Its known as undocumented. But sometimes they can be really nice.

Yes they do fall under "various others".

Even so the list as it is now is impressive.
post edited by John - 2011/08/05 18:01:16

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 18:03:13 (permalink)
is there a difference in the trail and full product? I ask as I downloaded the trail 1xb and was wondering if this is the it works:
I opened a new project and walked away  to do something came back in about half an hour and x1b  had been playing the empty tracks (midi and voice)about 15 minutes. Is there a reason it starts automatically?

BTW I do like the new look of the ui.
post edited by sgotr - 2011/08/05 18:04:40
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 18:08:18 (permalink)
I don't know what the trial has but be assured that the full product is huge. That is the Producer version though.

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 18:14:59 (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk]

It's final...but there are little things that are not spelled out specifically. They might falll under "various other" or perhaps they are not deemed important enough that most users will care. Let me see if I can gather any useful info.
Will there be an X1D to address the problems this patch doesn't address?

"I pulled the head off Elvis, filled Fred up to his pelvis, yaba daba do, the King is gone, and so are you."
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 18:44:54 (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk


They were simply to comment on the level of support X1 and future versions are likely to receive versus pre-X1 versions. Unfortunately it seems they were, somewhat wildly, misconstreued.

Brandon they weren't wildly misconstrued.

Your comment read:

SONAR X1 has probably been supported with more updates and reaching further out from initial launch than any previous incarnation. This is something we feel good about and an endeavor in which we are are continually striving to do better. It's desirable to Cakewalk and I'm sure it's desirable to users/customers (you folks!).

Another of you customers chose to translate that into language that better matched his experience with the product.

I will rewite this as "SONAR X1 has REQUIRED more support and more updates reaching further from initial launch than any previous incarnation.   This is something we could have avoided by not releasing beta code last december. We intend to continue to move in this direction for the benefit of all.

Neither stylistic approach to the same line is wrong or has been misconstrued.

I'm just wondering whether you are happy with your stylistic approach in the light of the same view expressed by one of your customers. Whether the priority is that the staff group feels good or that your customers do is the simple crux of it boiled down.  Certainly sometimes it reads like the latter to me as I elaborated on in my post about customer service later on, which you didn't quote me on.

Well my previous comments to you were intended as a bit of an olive branch, but sure let's go ahead and continue this.

Yes - most certianly - my initial comments were misconstrued - absolutely - and I don't see how that's even remotely debatable. It has nothing to do with a stylistic approach nor am I referring to what you quote above. I think we are obviously talking about two different things. How many more times must I clarify what i meant by "we feel good about this"?

I said we felt good about the approach of offering more, faster, and longer-term fixes for SONAR (a la QuickFix etc) and I was told that it was "chest-beating" and that I was "asking for praise for work we should be doing anyway". If that's not misconstrued then I don't  know what qualifies. I add "wildly" because my comments were taken as "insulting" to the point of aggravation and even after I clarified the intention and spirit behind my comments it seems to repeatedly fall on deaf ears. It's plain ridiculous to infer that I meant "we feel good about ourselves for doing this everyone so please praise us". I've been on this forum for over 8 years with over 3000 posts and I don't recall ever saying anything like that.

This is bordering on the absurd.

Yes Brandon.

I didn't feel I needed an olive branch because I wasn't taking a war like stance but thanks all the same.  Where you cite being misconstrued it doesn't appear that I made any accusations of you 'chest beating'.  Indeed I did acknowledge the amount of work you've done post release from the outset, but I could see where your comment would have likely been construed the way it was by those currently less than happy.

And next time you invite me to continue something make sure you haven't locked the thread first...  That could certainly be taken the wrong way...

I've said what I wanted to say and my intent was to highlight that the company can certainly look like it is saving face on occasion at the expense of openess in the light of the genuine customer concerns, and I do think it is an area you can do better at.  That's all.

Of course feel free not to agree with that it is merely how I see it.

And btw was there an apology for the fact that this X1C update information arrived later than it was announced that it would be available?...

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 18:46:33 (permalink)
THere was an apology
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 18:51:57 (permalink)

Hi Brandon.
I'm not sugesting that you back-track and fix 8.5   I'm pointing out that the release notes for each new version (eg. X1) includes not only a list of the new goodies that have been added and the features that have been upgraded but also a list bugs that have been fixed.
All I'm saying is that those bug fixes should be issued as a patch to fix the old version, rather than being touted as a "feature" of the new version.

Correct. Agree 100%.

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 18:52:05 (permalink)

THere was an apology

Cool beans.

See I didn't accuse, I asked nicely first.
post edited by Jonbouy - 2011/08/05 18:54:07

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 18:59:02 (permalink)

I've said what I wanted to say and my intent was to highlight that the company can certainly look like it is saving face on occasion at the expense of openess in the light of the genuine customer concerns, and I do think it is an area you can do better at.  That's all.
Careful, last time I said something like this I had to shake an angry dog off my leg.

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:07:20 (permalink)
I guess I'm one of the slack-jawed gawkers that's been watching this thread with a sick fascination. Sort of like seeing road kill.

I'm REALLY confused at this point. Not sure why the mods have decided to wade in and clear the town square at this point. I had thought the major X1 issues were tabled and being addressed. I had also thought that PRo Channel stability was one of those issues. Imagine my surprise when I look in and see Bub getting tossed under the bus for his Pro Channel issues while many of the most vocal X1 critics have faded into the undergrowth.

The communication between Cakewalk and its customers is such a great opportunity for both camps and I would hate to see it wasted. If we spend our collective time scoring points based on personal attacks a huge wrong is being done to everyone. This last year was the first time I registered my software and got involved. Never saw the point before but realised with X1 that I had a lot to learn and the forums were free knowledge.

At any rate, I experience ongoing uncertainty with the current version of X1. I found the version that works best on my system and am sticking with it. No major snags, no more crashes, yea me. BUT I still never know what may act up during a given session. Many of my issues have been pilot error but not all. The single biggest issue for me is not something I can file a report on. On the list of X1c fixes I can only point to the words "general stability improvements" and think, I guess that's me.

Bub, I don't why you seem to be a man alone at this point. The Pro Channel is flakey - on my unique system - as are other components. Based on the posts in this thread I think your best hope is the "general stability improvements" that are tacked on to each update. If I can't reproduce the random issues I don't expect that anyone else will.

This has been a long hot summer. Keep your powder dry and hydrate, there's more to come. Let's all try and get al........ Oh never mind. It's time for a two olive recovery.

Regards, John 
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Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:09:07 (permalink)

Yes Brandon.

Where you cite being misconstrued it doesn't appear that I made any accusations of you 'chest beating'.

You weren't the one who made those comments (and to be fair I never said you did). But they were made -  and you seemed to support them as somehow "courageous", when in fact they were related to to something that was entirely, and unfortunately misunderstood. Anyway, it is what it is.

And next time you invite me to continue something make sure you haven't locked the thread first...  That could certainly be taken the wrong way...

I didn't lock the thread - it was another mod. I re-opened it as soon as I notoiced - for exactly the reason you suggest. (I wouldn't do that.)

I've said what I wanted to say and my intent was to highlight that the company can certainly look like it is saving face on occasion at the expense of openess in the light of the genuine customer concerns, and I do think it is an area you can do better at.  That's all.
I take it to heart. Ironically it was "openness" that i was originally going for and that started the whole hullabaloo.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:10:56 (permalink)


Hi Brandon.

I'm not sugesting that you back-track and fix 8.5   I'm pointing out that the release notes for each new version (eg. X1) includes not only a list of the new goodies that have been added and the features that have been upgraded but also a list bugs that have been fixed.

All I'm saying is that those bug fixes should be issued as a patch to fix the old version, rather than being touted as a "feature" of the new version.

Correct. Agree 100%.


But wouldn't that be back-tracking and "fixing 8.5"? Unless I'm missing something.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

SONAR Platinum | VS-700 | A-800 PRO | PCAL i7 with SSD running Windows 8 x64 | Samsung 27" LCD @ 1920x1080 | Blue Sky monitors with BMC | All kinds of other stuff
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:13:59 (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk


Yes Brandon.

Where you cite being misconstrued it doesn't appear that I made any accusations of you 'chest beating'.

You weren't the one who made those comments (and to be fair I never said you did). But they were made -  and you seemed to support them as somehow "courageous", when in fact they were related to to something that was entirely, and unfortunately misunderstood. Anyway, it is what it is.

And next time you invite me to continue something make sure you haven't locked the thread first...  That could certainly be taken the wrong way...

I didn't lock the thread - it was another mod. I re-opened it as soon as I notoiced - for exactly the reason you suggest. (I wouldn't do that.)

I've said what I wanted to say and my intent was to highlight that the company can certainly look like it is saving face on occasion at the expense of openess in the light of the genuine customer concerns, and I do think it is an area you can do better at.  That's all.
I take it to heart. Ironically it was "openness" that i was originally going for and that started the whole hullabaloo.

Wow, that is just incredible....
I never thought I'd find out what the smiley actually meant

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Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:16:00 (permalink)

Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk


Yes Brandon.

Where you cite being misconstrued it doesn't appear that I made any accusations of you 'chest beating'.

You weren't the one who made those comments (and to be fair I never said you did). But they were made -  and you seemed to support them as somehow "courageous", when in fact they were related to to something that was entirely, and unfortunately misunderstood. Anyway, it is what it is.

And next time you invite me to continue something make sure you haven't locked the thread first...  That could certainly be taken the wrong way...

I didn't lock the thread - it was another mod. I re-opened it as soon as I notoiced - for exactly the reason you suggest. (I wouldn't do that.)

I've said what I wanted to say and my intent was to highlight that the company can certainly look like it is saving face on occasion at the expense of openess in the light of the genuine customer concerns, and I do think it is an area you can do better at.  That's all.
I take it to heart. Ironically it was "openness" that i was originally going for and that started the whole hullabaloo.

Wow, that is just incredible....
I never thought I'd find out what the smiley actually meant
I don't really know myself. All I know is that face just looks about how I feel at this point.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:20:42 (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk



Hi Brandon.

I'm not sugesting that you back-track and fix 8.5   I'm pointing out that the release notes for each new version (eg. X1) includes not only a list of the new goodies that have been added and the features that have been upgraded but also a list bugs that have been fixed.

All I'm saying is that those bug fixes should be issued as a patch to fix the old version, rather than being touted as a "feature" of the new version.

Correct. Agree 100%.


But wouldn't that be back-tracking and "fixing 8.5"? Unless I'm missing something.

If releasing X1 fixes problems that were in 8.5 (or other previous versions) is that not more or lesas the same thing anyway ? I'm just agreeing that no "new" product should include fixing something that didn't work last time as a "feature" and should those fixes not also be given  to customers who own the previous "buggy" version without them  having to buy a "new" product ?

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:22:54 (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk


Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk


Yes Brandon.

Where you cite being misconstrued it doesn't appear that I made any accusations of you 'chest beating'.

You weren't the one who made those comments (and to be fair I never said you did). But they were made -  and you seemed to support them as somehow "courageous", when in fact they were related to to something that was entirely, and unfortunately misunderstood. Anyway, it is what it is.

And next time you invite me to continue something make sure you haven't locked the thread first...  That could certainly be taken the wrong way...

I didn't lock the thread - it was another mod. I re-opened it as soon as I notoiced - for exactly the reason you suggest. (I wouldn't do that.)

I've said what I wanted to say and my intent was to highlight that the company can certainly look like it is saving face on occasion at the expense of openess in the light of the genuine customer concerns, and I do think it is an area you can do better at.  That's all.
I take it to heart. Ironically it was "openness" that i was originally going for and that started the whole hullabaloo.

Wow, that is just incredible....

I never thought I'd find out what the smiley actually meant

I don't really know myself. All I know is that face just looks about how I feel at this point.

My own pet theory is that it's a novelty toilet roll holder.

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:27:21 (permalink)
I don't really know myself. All I know is that face just looks about how I feel at this point.

Work sucks sometimes don't it?...

Lets be perfect clear here, I do love you Brandon in a good healthy man huggy kind of way.

"We can't do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles.
In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves" - Banksy
Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:29:00 (permalink)

Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk



Hi Brandon.

I'm not sugesting that you back-track and fix 8.5   I'm pointing out that the release notes for each new version (eg. X1) includes not only a list of the new goodies that have been added and the features that have been upgraded but also a list bugs that have been fixed.

All I'm saying is that those bug fixes should be issued as a patch to fix the old version, rather than being touted as a "feature" of the new version.

Correct. Agree 100%.


But wouldn't that be back-tracking and "fixing 8.5"? Unless I'm missing something.

If releasing X1 fixes problems that were in 8.5 (or other previous versions) is that not more or lesas the same thing anyway ? I'm just agreeing that no "new" product should include fixing something that didn't work last time as a "feature" and should those fixes not also be given  to customers who own the previous "buggy" version without them  having to buy a "new" product ?

I'm trying to think of what bug-fix in X1 was touted as a "feature". All I can say is that if we go back and offer a patch to 8.5 it will 100% slow down development on X1. If you're on 8.5 that might be a nice prospect. If you're on X1 that's probably not something you'd want to happen.
post edited by Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk] - 2011/08/05 19:31:38

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

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Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:29:40 (permalink)

I don't really know myself. All I know is that face just looks about how I feel at this point.

Work sucks sometimes don't it?...

Lets be perfect clear here, I do love you Brandon in a good healthy man huggy kind of way.

Ha - back at ya.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

SONAR Platinum | VS-700 | A-800 PRO | PCAL i7 with SSD running Windows 8 x64 | Samsung 27" LCD @ 1920x1080 | Blue Sky monitors with BMC | All kinds of other stuff
Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:33:13 (permalink)

My own pet theory is that it's a novelty toilet roll holder.

Or some rare lip or tongue disorder.

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." WG

SONAR Platinum | VS-700 | A-800 PRO | PCAL i7 with SSD running Windows 8 x64 | Samsung 27" LCD @ 1920x1080 | Blue Sky monitors with BMC | All kinds of other stuff
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:40:25 (permalink)

I'm REALLY confused at this point. Not sure why the mods have decided to wade in and clear the town square at this point. I had thought the major X1 issues were tabled and being addressed. I had also thought that PRo Channel stability was one of those issues. Imagine my surprise when I look in and see Bub getting tossed under the bus for his Pro Channel issues while many of the most vocal X1 critics have faded into the undergrowth.
Yeah, I'm a little shocked at that myself.
Bub, I don't why you seem to be a man alone at this point. The Pro Channel is flakey - on my unique system - as are other components.
I don't know either. Maybe it's because most of them have moved on and gave up? I haven't seen Skullsession's here in a while, Wookie either, I know they were having trouble with the PC, quite a few others too.

There's also two threads going on simultaneously about the PC not being fixed in X1C and I know Danny and Mike chimed in on the other one.

Oh well, I gotta go put an icepack on my unmentionables. It's been a long day.


btw ... I still haven't heard anything about X1D. ;)

"I pulled the head off Elvis, filled Fred up to his pelvis, yaba daba do, the King is gone, and so are you."
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:56:42 (permalink)

Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk]

It's final...but there are little things that are not spelled out specifically. They might falll under "various other" or perhaps they are not deemed important enough that most users will care. Let me see if I can gather any useful info.
Will there be an X1D to address the problems this patch doesn't address?

This is the question I'd like answered, please.  or do I just give up with V-Vocal in large RAM hungry projects?
post edited by Twigman - 2011/08/05 19:58:36

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 19:57:58 (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk


Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk



Hi Brandon.

I'm not sugesting that you back-track and fix 8.5   I'm pointing out that the release notes for each new version (eg. X1) includes not only a list of the new goodies that have been added and the features that have been upgraded but also a list bugs that have been fixed.

All I'm saying is that those bug fixes should be issued as a patch to fix the old version, rather than being touted as a "feature" of the new version.

Correct. Agree 100%.


But wouldn't that be back-tracking and "fixing 8.5"? Unless I'm missing something.

If releasing X1 fixes problems that were in 8.5 (or other previous versions) is that not more or lesas the same thing anyway ? I'm just agreeing that no "new" product should include fixing something that didn't work last time as a "feature" and should those fixes not also be given  to customers who own the previous "buggy" version without them  having to buy a "new" product ?

I'm trying to think of what bug-fix in X1 was touted as a "feature". All I can say is that if we go back and offer a patch to 8.5 it will 100% slow down development on X1. If you're on 8.5 that might be a nice prospect. If you're on X1 that's probably not something you'd want to happen.

I'm not sure to what she is specifically referring, just that she says that the X1 release notes contain a list of bug fixes, which given that X1 is supposedly a new product, then they must surely refer to previous incarnations of the software?

Hey listen, I'm not trying to bust your chops here - seems you've taken more than a fair beating already - I just pointed the question back at you 'cos you seemed to have answered a lot of other points and missed this one. Just wanted to hear what you had to say about it while it was clear that  you were around.

For what it's worth I'm one of those who think it's quite something that you guys actually take the time to come on here, my only previous experience of any kind of DAW was a cubase version and they were just plain hopeless to be honest, so despite CW's failings via "official" customer service methods (at least in my experience) because of these forums you are still waaaaayyy ahead of them, plus you always strike me as a good guy being reasonably honest ( I say reasonably because I'm guessing that you can't always say what you might want to for various reasons) .

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 20:02:04 (permalink)

btw ... I still haven't heard anything about X1D. ;)

I just searched Google for X1D and got this:
post edited by A1MixMan - 2011/08/05 20:04:56

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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 20:05:35 (permalink)

... plus you always strike me as a good guy being reasonably honest ( I say reasonably because I'm guessing that you can't always say what you might want to for various reasons) .
Careful now, last time I said something like this I had to shake an angry dog off my leg. I hope he had his rabies shots.

post edited by Bub - 2011/08/05 20:07:00

"I pulled the head off Elvis, filled Fred up to his pelvis, yaba daba do, the King is gone, and so are you."
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 20:11:56 (permalink)
Brandon Ryan [Cakewalk]

It's final...but there are little things that are not spelled out specifically. They might falll under "various other" or perhaps they are not deemed important enough that most users will care. Let me see if I can gather any useful info.
Will there be an X1D to address the problems this patch doesn't address?
This is the question I'd like answered, please.  or do I just give up with V-Vocal in large RAM hungry projects?

"I pulled the head off Elvis, filled Fred up to his pelvis, yaba daba do, the King is gone, and so are you."
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Re:The X1c Info is here 2011/08/05 20:48:43 (permalink)

This is the question I'd like answered, please.  or do I just give up with V-Vocal in large RAM hungry projects?

Kinda wondering about that myself
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