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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:33 AM (permalink)
Thanks for the reply and answering all my questions Andrew.  Looking forward to see what you guys have in store.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:43 AM (permalink)
In a sense not too much has changed.
Previously if I didn't like the upgrade I could skip it and stay with what I have. I can do that with the new system as well. Cakewalk are just giving us an option to pay monthly instead.

If X4 was what was now being released we would pay $149 to upgrade from X3 to buy the development work of the last 12 months. Now no change.. on release we are asked to pay $149.

During this year we will get the new components of what would have become X5 as they are ready rather than being packaged for a single release in 2016. AND I won't have to pay for that until after I get them. That is, payment will be due in 12 months time.

You TOTALLY get it (but do consider that more content is also part of the plan), although I need to make one clarification for the last sentence. If you pay for the upgrade upfront, then you've already paid for the upgrades you'll receive for the next year. If you then choose to renew and pay upfront, you'll be paying for the upgrades that will happen for the next year. What you're describing is the pay-per-month option, where indeed after 12 months you're paid in full for the upgrades you received.

Apart from getting features quicker in more manageable bits and having the option to pay monthly in arrears I can't see that there is much change, in the payment model that is. The rest is just benefits to the user. We even get to know what major features are being worked on at any given time. It seems we've been given so much of what we've been asking.

Thank you. Exactly. Cakewalk pays very close attention to the community.
Please indulge me while I say something here as the de facto Cakewalk/Gibson connection, because I live in both worlds.
Gibson is totally committed to the idea of a customer experience. One of the reasons why Cakewalk is a part of Gibson is because Cakewalk also believes that ultimately, the customer is all that matters. A lot of companies cut, cut, cut, to get a good bottom line when what they SHOULD be doing is making customers happy - which ultimately will give a good bottom line anyway.
During the months and months (and months) of discussion that went on about what kind of plan to implement and how to implement it, the question was ALWAYS "What's going to be best for the greatest number of users?" Period. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Cakewalk for cutting to the chase and putting that as priority #1, and also, to Henry Juszkiewicz for his role in making this possible and supporting it.
End of preaching. I love my gig  Carry on. I'll shut up now and go to sleep.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:50 AM (permalink)
Correct I will be upgrading, and dont worry I totally understand I am also feeling like a complete jerk cos I was getting frustrated that at the time it seemed like I was trying to explain quantum mechanics lol It was late and I was tired!

Dude, give yourself some slack! We had to spend HOURS trying to figure out how to explain this in a way that people could wrap their heads around, and every time we thought we had succeeded, someone would point out "but this part could be misinterpreted..." The statements were literally being revised all weekend and Monday. You think you're tired LOL!!
I really think the bottom line is simple. This is a customer-centric ownership model instead of a company-centric rental model.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:51 AM (permalink)
Okay, I didn't shut up. Now I will. Honest. And thanks to the Cakewalk community, a lot of what's happening now is due to your comments and suggestions. 

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
Fabio Rubato
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 2:24 AM (permalink)
Just my 2 cents...for me it sounds good overall. I've always upgraded for the reason that each time, I've received a better overall DAW. The subscription process for me is okay to a point. $149 - $184AU - has been the usual almost yearly cost between each new version. However, in a year from now on, I'll looking at $247AU subscription in order to continue to take advantage of new features and less 'bugness'.
I've been a long-time supporter of Sonar - 1,2 and 3 - and I'm not seeing that reflected with a blanket subscription like this. I mean it doesn't really reflect the fact that if you upgraded - normally at a discount - you were being rewarded for already having paid for the full product at some's part of the incentive to keep buying into a product - apart from the obvious developments.
I think this should be taken into consideration for renewed subscriptions - esp. if you're paying upfront and perhaps being a long-time customer. I have no idea how the latter would be measured though. Perhaps just that you've paid upfront for the year. Okay it may be less expensive than subscribing for 12mths, but I think it could be even sweeter. Whilst Cakewalk might think it's affordable, I however do not agree. Of course, no-one is forcing me to continue to go this way. 
So despite the argument about it being cheaper now than in the past blah blah, I would be happy for it to stay at its current cost. If it's cheaper than in the past, then it should be going down next year, not up.
PS. The good thing about this is a least you get to keep the software after a at least you have something for it, as opposed to the Adobe subscription fiasco, which I refuse to buy into.

Sonar: Platinum, (X3e) - x64 
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 2:42 AM (permalink)
Paul G
Paul G
Ok I get it. Sorry for my earlier frustration, I misread a few things and jumped to some conclusions. It makes sense now. Whoever said being dumb was easy. In my defense - iits late and I'm tired. Please feel free to slap me with a sonar platinum boxset.

OMG!  We've saved Greeny!
I've got to tell you guys, I was a little worried there for a while....

No "you" didn't, and I don't think it's funny at all.  Some did a good job of knocking him down for perfectly good observations on a bloody CW forum. 
This new format works for me this particular year (AD upgrade & packs) but as much as I love CW there's going to have to be a lot of proof in this particular pudding.
I think the CW staff has done a great job in this thread explaining things.  I don't think this "roll-out" has been particularly well-done on this site.
But I'm happy, and I think those of us here should always be kind to those who are not.

Whoa there Richard.  It was all tongue in cheek.


Sorry, I knew you intended it to be, and I apologize for my tone.
I do (and always) trust CW, and I believe this is the best thing for them to do in many ways, so I'm more than fine with it: As I said this will personally benefit me immediately.
I've no experience with musical software employing this business model, we all probably know someone who has, but I do know how well it's worked for software users of any kind.
It greatly depends on what you have, your entire computer DAW setup, and what you use Sonar for and how you use it.
Andrew & Ryan have been great here in this thread (& well before that) but I'm looking at all this with a certain amount of devotion & very half-hearted cynicism.
Anyone remember when X3e came out and we were fore-warned and bombed on this forum with bug fixes that weren't fixed?  Wait a month.
All us new subscribers will have free tech support for a year (I think I've had that since '96) and a lot of new people are going to cough up very little cash before they jump on the Sonar parade.
I know what I'm going to be paying for, and again I'm grateful for getting it - and also for the head's up.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 3:02 AM (permalink)
Craig it's all good, maybe next time I shall not jump in at the deep end with frustration. At the time I was making them my points all seemed perfectly valid to me and I couldn't see what everyone was so pleased about, now I get it I think its great, and its my birthday sunday so nice timing!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 3:11 AM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]

You're not answering the "real" question. Will we be getting the upgraded Addictive Drums 2 or just the Addictive Drums 2 engine? The latter doesn't allow you to use previously purchased AD1pacs. This question has been asked before but not answered. Thanks.


Not sure why real is in quotes but hope this answers your question. You will be getting the new Addictive Drums 2 Producer Bundle. Not just upgraded engine like we did in X3. This is exactly the same as the Addictive Drums 2 Producer Bundle on their site. You can visit there site to learn more about it. 

From XLN's site is seems this Bundle is only the AD2 engine, not the upgrade from AD1. "Includes Addictive Drums 2 engine The perfect way to get into AD2... ...Or expand an existing AD2 library"

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 3:16 AM (permalink)
My Head Hurts !!!
When I first read the headline with 'Membership' in it, and then seen a bit of a subscription thing going on, I said to myself 'Reaper, here I come'
But as far as I can see, to me it's no different, it's the same as paying once a year, and getting a new version. Different of course, and probably better, but the same thing to me.
Haven't checked out any of the new features yet, but just a couple of questions,
Can I still keep my Sonar X3 Producer exactly as it is, 100% undefiled, and run the new one along side it with zero problems to either ?
Will I be able to run Dimension Pro, Rapture and Z3TA 2 in the new one ?, I have individually purchased versions as well as what comes with Sonar (Guess I should have checked whether or not they were in the new, but anyway)
I have been using, correct that, I have owned Cakewalk stuff since Pro Audio 8/9, and apart from a bit at the beginning, and now with X3, I never really used it, wandered off to Pro Tools and then Reaper for a long time, just paying to keep it upgraded and checking in every once in a while for a look see, so I would have upgraded anyway. But since I checked in to check out X3 mid last year, and thanks to Mr Andertons help, I have FINALLY found myself at home with Cakewalk/Sonar. It's not just that I find X3 to be a great piece of software, but it's also in a big part to the community, these forums and the Cake people themselves, how they interact, it just feels good. The help you can get, the things you can learn just by cruising the various forums/posts, you can learn so much, then there is Mr Andertons tips and tricks, the knowledge of the forum members, all of which I count as part of the value that is Cakewalk/Sonar.
I'm in, cheap at twice the price
Now off to check out the new stuff . . . :)
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 3:29 AM (permalink)
Just in case people missed it, Quad-Curve in Platinum gets an upgrade 'Includes zoom spectrum analysis'.

SONAR Platypus on Win10 64bit.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 3:31 AM (permalink)
Just in case people missed it, Quad-Curve in Platinum gets an upgrade 'Includes zoom spectrum analysis'.

Isn't that the same thing from x3pe? or a further upgrade?

Kalle Rantaaho
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 3:33 AM (permalink)
I can't decide whether this is good news or bad news. Most likely it turns out just one more reason (excuse?) for me to stick to 8.5 and cross my fingers hoping my PC will run for a few more years.

SONAR PE 8.5.3, Asus P5B, 2,4 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gb RAM, GF 7300, EMU 1820, Bluetube Pre  -  Kontakt4, Ozone, Addictive Drums, PSP Mixpack2, Melda Creative Pack, Melodyne Plugin etc.
The benefit of being a middle aged amateur is the low number of years of frustration ahead of you.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 3:50 AM (permalink)
Just in case people missed it, Quad-Curve in Platinum gets an upgrade 'Includes zoom spectrum analysis'.

Isn't that the same thing from x3pe? or a further upgrade?

Now you mention it...I think I've been away too long lol.

SONAR Platypus on Win10 64bit.
Studio One Pro / Cubase Pro 9.5...just in case.
8GB i7-2600 3.4GHz Gigabyte  Z68XP-UD3P
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 4:14 AM (permalink)
I was also cringing when I saw the move towards the subscription model. However, upon deeper inspection and reflection, this new model will actually be a significant improvement if Cakewalk can manage to regularly have significant updates (i.e. with new features).
First, I think one should not look at the monthly fees, but just the upfront 1 year payments. With such payment, you are essentially still buying the software, except that you are buying the latest version that will be available one year from now, including all new features ! Now, these 1 year payments are the equivalent of the upgrade prices in the past, where in the past you were buying the latest version available now, and would only get bugfix updates.
What's more, when your 1 year has expired, you can just wait until the next release that has all the new features that you are willing to pay for. So, not only do you save money because monthly payments will be more expensive than an upfront 1 year spending, but you save even more money because you can have several months without membership as long as you are willing to bear with. In fact, the latter is also a very strong incentive for Cakewalk to constantly come up with new features, content, etc... to pull us into renewals.
So, in all, unless you can't spend the money upfront, there is really no valid reason to go for the monthly payments.
Some cons that I can think of:
  • The model seems to have a significant price increase for the loyal users that always upgraded to the latest version. Those upgrades used to be $119 to $149, where now it turns out that you pay $199 after the first year (am looking at Producer only). This is exactly the price that you paid in the past when you had skipped the last upgrade. This may be another significant reason why to adhere to my above scheme with intermittent non-memberships since it no longer 'pays off' to be 100% loyal (now I'm afraid Cakewalk will soon realize this and come up with a scheme that makes it again more expensive if you are not constantly renewing your membership :p).
  • It's getting unlikely we will get the end-of-cycle discounts from the past, since there is no cycle. In fact, I immediately regretted not having taken advantage of the 60% discount of late for upgrading my X1 Prod to X3, since I'm in the process of buying a touch laptop. If I want to upgrade now, it will cost me $199 again instead of $79 (but I'll then still have the very latest release in early 2016).
  • This model may let Cakewalk release new features prematurely, knowing that members will still get all the fixes later on. This may leave users disgruntled at the bugs, and moreover may result in my above 'advantage' with intermittent non-memberships having you end up with a version after 1 year that has some recent features full of bugs, still pushing you to renew your subscription.
Interested to hear some thoughts, corrections,.. on my reasoning here, as it's very likely I will take the jump in the coming months.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 4:19 AM (permalink)
And Cakewalk have even marked the occasion by coining a new word "availabled" cf:
"Thank you for your interest, we'll let you know when SONAR is availabled!"
Tut, tut, you Americans!
Love the video (despite 'interface' being spelled incorrectly...) I love the new features - I could have done with MIDI stretching on a session yesterday actually.
post edited by Skyline_UK - January 14, 15 4:27 AM

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 4:28 AM (permalink)
Ok I have a honest question and I expect a honest answer. The paint tool. Ok, cool stuff, but. Are you guys purposely going out of your way to avoid making an actual, proper DUPLICATE functionality? I want to instantly copy my selected 4 bars into the next 4 bars into the next 4 bars into the next 4 bars etc by pressing ONE KEY. No mouse. Is that really too much to ask for?
Why do you always take eons to implement insanely basic features that every single other daws have?

+1 for a duplicate function , could be nice on a surface or laptop for fast editing (hey, even FLstudio mobile on iphone has it :)) works like a charm

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 4:47 AM (permalink)
I approve of this thread. Very little random nerd rage here!

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 5:01 AM (permalink)
I think one aspect of the new pricing model was not mentioned yet...
Before there was an option to wait a bit and get each version of SONAR cheaper. That is how CW has "got me" as a customer, starting with X1. Other move was an "extra value" for early adopters, like with X2. That has convinced me as well.
But from now on there is:
1) either $150 to get permanent license (with "get it now! it will be more expensive soon!") or monthly subscription. So it looks like there will be no reduced price for the "old version" (since there will be no "old" version, in fact no versions at all).
2) new authorization schema, taking into account "super smooth" transition to the new shop. Apart from promises and "good intention", CW effectively trust ME less then before...
This time it is above my limit. I am not a pro and I am not a semi-pro. I do not need the "bleeding edge" of SONAR and I am not ready to pay for that. I only hope not many CW customers are like me... SONAR is a good product, I do not want to see it dead.

Sonar 8LE -> Platinum infinity, REAPER, Windows 10 pro
GA-EP35-DS3L, E7500, 4GB, GTX 1050 Ti, 2x500GB
RME Babyface Pro (M-Audio Audiophile Firewire/410, VS-20), Kawai CN43, TD-11, Roland A500S, Akai MPK Mini, Keystation Pro, etc. - Control Surface Integration Platform for SONAR, ReaCWP, AOSC and other accessibility tools
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 5:38 AM (permalink)
I'll be jumping on board as soon as it's available. The upgrade to AD2 plus the Producer Bundle is superb value in itself and with all the other new features it's a no brainer! Then I get more stuff over the next 12 months? Awesome!!

i7-3820 3.6Ghz Processor. 32Gb DDR3 RAM. GTX660 Graphics Card. M-Audio Fast Track Pro.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 6:06 AM (permalink)
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]After 12 months of non-interrupted membership, they get to keep their software.

That is the first time I've seen this kind of membership and I must say, it's a relief to see a company doing this. I dabble in 3D animation as well and the company that owns most of that software (won't mention the name, mostly because it eludes me ATM :) ) just pulls the rug out after membership runs out, no matter how long the membership continues.
So, kudos to Cakewalk. I was worried about the membership thing, but now I'm not.

-Ron T.
MSI GE72 2QF-247US, 12 gb, Focusrite 6i6, AT-2020
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 6:08 AM (permalink)
150 bucks a year to keep on the upgrade spine of a monster like Sonar sounds like value to me.  And in reality it's pretty much what we've been doing since Pro Audio - who can resist the new toys!?  I just hope the UK price reflects the actual rate ($150=about £98) and they don't just swap $ for £.  It's software, there's no shipping. 
Just one more thing....please tell me the NOW time doesn't still jump forward on PAUSE, or at least I've got the option - my projects have more markers than a bad gambler!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 6:20 AM (permalink)
......I just hope the UK price reflects the actual rate ($150=about £98) and they don't just swap $ for £.  It's software, there's no shipping. 

Yes, I'm looking out for that chestnut.....

My stuff
Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600 @ 3.4GHz, 4 cores, 8 threads, 16GB RAM.
OS & Programs drive: 240GB SSD
Data drives: 1 x 1TB drive RAID mirrored, plus extra 1TB data drive 
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 6:22 AM (permalink)
......I just hope the UK price reflects the actual rate ($150=about £98) and they don't just swap $ for £.  It's software, there's no shipping. 

Yes, I'm looking out for that chestnut.....

+ VAT, cake wont pay our taxes unfortunately :(
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 6:29 AM (permalink)
We were expecting a subscription based product, and I wasn't happy about it, but these options are pretty good. No complaints here. Happy with the new features, Couldn't be bothered tormenting myself with which version. Platinum it will be. It's still really good value in my book. And 12 months of updates.
I will buy up front and probably the same each year after. It's a known expense at a know time and will factor into my business costs, like most other things.
So thanks CW. And thanks to the CW team for getting on here and answering all the questions and fears. This thread has answered everything I wanted to know, so thanks to all.
Consider it bought. cheers. Dave.

Platinum. i7 4771 3.5ghz. ECU H87 mobo with 3 monitor support. 16gb Ripjaws 1600mhz. Focusrite 18i20. 2 x 250gb Samsung EVO SSD's OP/Programs. 2x1TB Seagate Baracuda sata3 data drives. 200gb sata2 bootable drive for online and downloading only. Seagate 2tb USB 3.0 backup drive.  2x27in monitors. Rode K2 valve mic. Sontronics STC-1 pair. Studio Projects B1 condenser. SM58B. SM57B. Presonus Eureka Preamp.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 6:52 AM (permalink)
rolling out and QAing one or two new program features at a time is much more straightforward than QAing 40 changes in a huge rollout. Also if there's an issue, it can be fixed more quickly.
The bar has now been set for a customer-centric ownership model instead of a company-centric rental ("subscription") model. 

I totally agree. If this spreads to other types of software (are you listening Adobe and AutoDesk?) this could reshape software use/ownership as we know it.

-Ron T.
MSI GE72 2QF-247US, 12 gb, Focusrite 6i6, AT-2020
Windows 10 x64, Sonar Platinum
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 6:55 AM (permalink)
And a question from left field. Will this run under boot camp on my Mac Pro?. If so, I may finally upgrade from X2 Pro. I have various songs I would like to remix using better hardware (RME HDSPe, Orion 32 etc) all hooked in the Mac Pro. 

Tony Carpenter
Castille Productions
Sonar Platinum//Cubase 10 Pro//Logic Pro X 
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 7:01 AM (permalink)
The included AD2 Producer alone is 149.95. Check out
So, for those of you who are thinking of upgrading from X3PE to "X4" you are actually buying AD2 Producer and Getting the Sonar upgrade free. Or the other way around?

Sonar Platinum. Win7 64bit. i7 CPU 4770. 14 Gig RAM. Roland A500Pro controller keyboard. Korg Krome 88. M-audio Audiophile 2496 soundcard, Focusrite 18i8, Roland UA25EX. Ivory II, True Piano, Addictive Keys, Synthmaster, Harmor, Zeta +2, Lounge Lizard 4, Geist, Miroslav 2, Sample Tank 3. Kaiser grand piano. Shure KSM137 x2. Wave's Renaissance and Gold. Breeze. ST3. Pianoteq 5. AD2.Aether Reverb, Dune2 , Reason 10 and Komplete 10 Ultimate, Syntronik, O8N2 adv, Studio one 3.5 Pro.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 7:05 AM (permalink)
I don't like the terminology - it reeks of money grabbing.  It may be no different than what we have now, but the marketing of it stinks.
I've been with Sonar since V7, and bought every new version.  But I didn't think of it as a "subscription" or some other marketing terminology.  I just bought the new version program.
But others are doing it so I guess Gibson decided to do it.  I have Malwarebytes that was a lifetime purchase when I bought it, now its on a yearly basis like most computer security software.

"GCSG Productions"
Franklin D-10 Pedal Steel Guitar (primary instrument). Nashville Telecaster, Bass, etc. 
ASUS ROG Maximus VIII Hero M/B, i7 6700K CPU, 16GB Ram, SSD and conventional hard drives, Win 10 Pro and Win 10 Pro Insider Pre-Release
Sonar Platinum/CbB. MOTU 896MK3 Hybrid, Tranzport, X-Touch, JBL LSR308 Monitors,  
Ozone 5,  Studio One 4.1
ISRC Registered
Member of Nashville based R.O.P.E. Assn.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 7:14 AM (permalink)
  • The model seems to have a significant price increase for the loyal users that always upgraded to the latest version. Those upgrades used to be $119 to $149, where now it turns out that you pay $199 after the first year (am looking at Producer only). This is exactly the price that you paid in the past when you had skipped the last upgrade. This may be another significant reason why to adhere to my above scheme with intermittent non-memberships since it no longer 'pays off' to be 100% loyal (now I'm afraid Cakewalk will soon realize this and come up with a scheme that makes it again more expensive if you are not constantly renewing your membership :p).

Apologies for quoting myself here. Just saw that it looks like Cakewalk already plans to avoid people suspending their memberships in between releases. From the website : " Members are also entitled to free technical support and discounted Membership renewals.  ". So once your membership ends, you probably won't have any discounts anymore for renewal. It will then be a matter of how high the discount is to see how many months you would have to wait to renew before your non-membership saves you more than that discount. There's no details on that yet (in fact, current pricing scheme seems to suggest the opposite) but I guess they still have the whole of 2015 to figure the discount plan after 1 year.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 7:22 AM (permalink)
Here's my take on this upgrade:
It's not really a membership; it's a financing plan.
Imagine buying a fridge. Keep the payments up for one year and you own the fridge... or the software, in this case. Skip a payment and the repo guy will come a-knocking.
You always pay interest on a financing plan and this one's no different.
Don't want to pay the interest? Buy it outright; you get the same product. If you have to borrow the money to do it, you'll simply be paying interest to someone else, your credit card company, your bank, your mother, whatever.
This is the best solution for all concerned, IMHO.
Customers get:
  • what they pay for as long as they...
    • keep up the payments for a full year and don't try to skip any, or
    • buy it outright with an up-front lump sum,
  • new features one at a time so they can be integrated into workflow more easily.
And Cakewalk gets:
  • better cash-flow,
  • easier, less confusing launches for new features.
I really don't see a downside to this.

-Ron T.
MSI GE72 2QF-247US, 12 gb, Focusrite 6i6, AT-2020
Windows 10 x64, Sonar Platinum
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