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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:03 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
I've read all 5 pages and have a two questions.
1. Are you sure that buy upgrading from X3e to SONAR, I'll receive 3 adpaks, midi paks and 3 kit pieces? Even if I already own AD2? (If true this would pay for the Sonar upgrade alone.)
2. No Mid/Side for quadcurve?
Everything else looks pretty good to me.

I've read all 5 pages and have a two questions.
1. Are you sure that buy upgrading from X3e to SONAR, I'll receive 3 adpaks, midi paks and 3 kit pieces? Even if I already own AD2? (If true this would pay for the Sonar upgrade alone.)
Yes, I am positive. You get three more packs to choose from. Brand new code will be delivered.

2. No Mid/Side for quadcurve?
I don't believe there were updates to the QuadCurve but I can check.
Everything else looks pretty good to me.

Well then sign me up! This is a great deal no matter how you look at it. I spend more time on Sonar than I do on TV and I pay a lot more for cable.

Cakewalk, Harrison Mixbus 4, Waveform 9, ADK intel i7 2600 3.40 ghz, 8gb Ram, Win 7, Presonus Audiobox 44VSL.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:05 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]

I've read all 5 pages and have a two questions.
1. Are you sure that buy upgrading from X3e to SONAR, I'll receive 3 adpaks, midi paks and 3 kit pieces? Even if I already own AD2? (If true this would pay for the Sonar upgrade alone.)
Yes, I am positive. You get three more packs to choose from. Brand new code will be delivered.


Can I check something with that, just after the fiasco with XLN and those who purchased AD1 upgraded, but lost their 2 Session Kits in AD2, I want to be certain.
If I get a code for an Adpak, but their is nothing currently available that I want from XLN, can I sit on it and wait for a new Adpak to be developed. There won't be an issue of it expiring.

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:08 PM (permalink)
May be I missed it in all the information overload but how long is the $149 intro offer on for?
ie when will it change to $199?
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:08 PM (permalink)
I like the idea of rolling patch/fixes. Can I assume revisions will be reflected in the "About Sonar" screen? Probably the build number? I can see this being more relevant when we are trying to troubleshoot a particular problem.
"Here is the question - will I be able to download/update if my main system is not connected to the internet???"
Good question.
Will the Command Center show available updated?
If so, downloading updated to an online computer and transferring to the DAW via flash drive is easy enough.
What does this mean for Music Creator? I have been recommending MC for new users who were a little intimidated by Sonar, or were shy about the price. The "try as you buy" plan with Sonar Artist would seem ideal for a new user, and MC kind of becomes pointless as a low cost introductory product.
I have to admit, when the survey suggested a subscription plan was in the wind, it ruffled my feathers.
But seeing it rolled out, I like it.
I might not have an extra $150 at one time, but $10 or $15 a month is easily doable.
Among other things, it means I can update Sonar and replace my wounded controller

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SONAR Professional, X3eStudio,W7 64bit, AMD Athlon IIx4 2.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, 64bit, AKAI EIE Pro, Nektar Impact LX61,Alesis DM6,Alesis ControlPad,Yamaha MG10/2,Alesis M1Mk2 monitors,Samson Servo300,assorted guitars,Lava Lamp

Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:08 PM (permalink)
Sooo... the upgrade price for Producer is going to go up to $200? Okay now I'm gonna do a bit of grumbling... that's gettin' pretty steep, guys. Hope there will be plenty of sales throughout the year.

Funny story. When we were cleaning the old office out and moving to the new one, we found all kinds of fun stuff. One was a price sticker for Pro Audio 9. It was listed as $500 in 1999 (approximate) dollars. If we adjusted that to inflation it would be $690 in today's dollars. I understand that it going up to $200 can be steep, but we're still selling our software cheaper than we have in years past. 

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Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:11 PM (permalink)
Susan G
Interesting! I have a couple of questions.
1. Does this mean there will no longer be free demos? I'm having some problems with X3e and it look like the only way I could find out if the new version resolves any of them would be to pay for a month's subscription. Is that correct?
2. Will a list of bug fixes be posted publicly and regularly? Say there's something preventing a user from opting in.  Will there be a way for them to know if it's been addressed, or would they have to pay for a month to find out?

1. Nope, we'll have free demos, hopefully available on day one of updates, and updated through the year. We've always wanted to improve our demo availability. 
At least for later releases, I'm not sure about this initial day one. There's lots going on behind the scenes with the new model.
2. Yes. 

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Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:12 PM (permalink)
Easy to see I can only use Sonar on "1" computer from now on end. Then the occasional rebuilding of the said "1" computer will need to hassle of reclaiming whatever token I have 'dongled-Sonar' to the internet. 

Just for clarity, I believe there is no dongle (can I get a hallelujah).
If you never let your DAW on the internet, there is a way to validate the software so you can use it (by downloading a file and using sneaker-net to move the file to your DAW).
You can use that same file to authenticate 10 offline computers that you own if you wish, as long as you continue to only use them one at a time (which most of us are forced to do anyway due to only having one good interface). I'm really not sure how Sonar would protect themselves if you have 10 DAWs in your studio that are NEVER online. I'm guessing it would come down to the honor system at that point.
For most of us, this translates to the fact that you can install on your DAW and your Laptop if you want. You can use your laptop in the field as long as no one is concurrently bouncing tracks in your studio on your DAW.

Obviously its up to us to protect ourselves. To state it simply, we have no intention of making it difficult for people to authorize their software, even if they have multiple machines. I wouldn't worry. The design is very unintrusive.

With that being said, if we see the same authentication request 100 times we're going to know somethings up and, if necessary, provide a free complimentary upgrade to SONAR Demo :)

Edit: yikes bad typos!
post edited by Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk] - January 13, 15 11:36 PM

Ryan Munnis
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:14 PM (permalink)
 Cakewalk needs to do something about the Piracy and this new model is what that is all about, my guess. 

I'm thinking it has more to do with the code development cycles (moving from Waterfall towards Agile SDLC Models) and about predictable revenue streams. If we (Cake Customers) are on a month to month payment system, they (Cake Business Owners) can get customer feedback sooner if there is a market shift.
Currently, the Forum helps Cakewalk keep their finger on the pulse of highly loyal users, but the quiet users might be a large part of the revenue and harder to know when they unhappy enough to leave Sonar. Also it's hard to know when they are unhappy with some other DAW and looking for a new alternative when the barrier to entrance is high enough to cause some users to delay the purchase.
(I spend a healthy budget on audio gear and have only purchased Sonar. I haven't purchased any other DAW Software just to test drive because it's expensive and I won't demo because it took a long time to get my DAW working smoothly and I know it would not take much to upset the apple cart.)
So, now, barrier to entrance is lower for Cakewalk customers.
Revenue stream and monetary customer feedback is monthly rather than yearly (at least in part).
Development cycle can be shortened, which makes sense with a mature product receiving enhancements and bug fixes.

StudioCat > I use Windows 10 and Sonar Platinum. I have a touch screen.
I make some videos. This one shows how to do a physical loopback on the RME UCX to get many more equalizer nodes.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:14 PM (permalink)
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
You can either use Cakewalk Command Center to download and install which will activate automatically (requires an internet connection) or you can follow our Offline Activation instructions here 
(the link in the page is not currently active, we'll have that up soon)

Ok hold everything here.  Are you saying SONAR is now a challenge /response activation?  If so, that's a pretty BIG deal.
Can this be clarified?  Is this a change?
Edit: it was clarified above.  Not sure what to think of this.  

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:16 PM (permalink)
With Mix Recall - can it only A/B or can you save and choose from multiple different scenes from within a project?
ps. collapsable fully functional control bar looks great!

Sonar Platinum                      

Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:17 PM (permalink)
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
You can either use Cakewalk Command Center to download and install which will activate automatically (requires an internet connection) or you can follow our Offline Activation instructions here 
(the link in the page is not currently active, we'll have that up soon)

Ok hold everything here.  Are you saying SONAR is now a challenge /response activation?  If so, that's a pretty BIG deal.
Can this be clarified?  Is this a change?

Honestly, we always had a challenge/response system. That is what the registration code was.
The new system is far easier (IMHO) and you don't have to worry about if that was a zero or an 'O' in your activation codes. 
With Mix Recall - can it only A/B or can you save and choose from multiple different scenes from within a project?

You can A/B the latest 2 mixes, but you also have a drop down of all your available mixes.

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:19 PM (permalink)
Sooo... the upgrade price for Producer is going to go up to $200? Okay now I'm gonna do a bit of grumbling... that's gettin' pretty steep, guys. Hope there will be plenty of sales throughout the year.

They're going to have to make a good sales pitch in a years time too because there won't be any big shiny release to sell - all the next years development should have already been released!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:19 PM (permalink)
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
Honestly, we always had a challenge/response system. That is what the registration code was.

For the user code and serial.  But not per machine id correct?  Now you are going to machine ID?

Sonar Platinum | Windows 7 64 bit SP1 | Intel i5 3570 3.4GHz | 8GB RAM | Gigabyte GA-B75-D3H | OCZ SSD | RME 9632
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:22 PM (permalink)
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
Sooo... the upgrade price for Producer is going to go up to $200? Okay now I'm gonna do a bit of grumbling... that's gettin' pretty steep, guys. Hope there will be plenty of sales throughout the year.

Funny story. When we were cleaning the old office out and moving to the new one, we found all kinds of fun stuff. One was a price sticker for Pro Audio 9. It was listed as $500 in 1999 (approximate) dollars. If we adjusted that to inflation it would be $690 in today's dollars. I understand that it going up to $200 can be steep, but we're still selling our software cheaper than we have in years past. 

I think I may have actually had a brainfart in how this all works (sorry I have not fully scoured all the info... which I will in the morning). When we purchase the 12 month "upgrades" are they cumulative?
As in if I don't "upgrade" from X3 for a year and then pay the $200 I'd get everything that happens from now until one year from now AND whatever comes out in the 12 months I pay for with nothing missing? Like any plugins or other goodies?
Sorry... having a hard time wording that because I'm brain fried from other mayhem today but if that IS how it works then $200 doesn't bug me.
I will say though in regards to those really old versions and their cost... I used to sell electronics and software back in the mid-late 90's and everything was still ridiculously expensive so those prices don't really surprise me... especially considering it was music stuff.
Lulz... now I'm remembering $30+ Zip disks.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:23 PM (permalink)
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
Honestly, we always had a challenge/response system. That is what the registration code was.

For the user code and serial.  But not per machine id correct?  Now you are going to machine ID?

Yes, but you can still install on multiple machines, if you so choose too. Just like the existing paradigm provides.

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:31 PM (permalink)
Just posting this Q again, with additions:
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Quick question, if I reg X3 Producer now, is there a grace period for a "automatic" update (the outright buy version I guess) to the latest version (which is what... Platinum)? I'm totally confused :P

There is no grace period. We've been discounting SONAR for the past few months. New customers for example are only paying $329 right now. If you add in the price of the upgrade to Platinum, it's actually slightly cheaper than the street price of $499 for Platinum.

Ok, so if I reg X3 Prod after the new Sonar release, I have / get X3? Just asking as it's obviously not in the store anymore? Also, will that version be fully functional (I saw something mentioned about Sonar reverting to demo mode or something??).
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:38 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
So one final question, since I already have AD2 with 3 kits, do I get to choose another 3 kits or do I just keep what I already have?

Yes, you get 3 more ADpaks, 3 more MIDIpaks, and 3 more kit pieces.


Thank you for be so patient and answering some questions more than once. I like your model and if Adobe had used it I would still be upgrading Creative Suites. I will be upgrading Sonar when available.

One question. I just went through a disappointing purchase with XLN Audio where they led me (and others) to believe that if I bought their Producer Bundle that I would be upgraded to Addictive Drums 2. While I did get Addictive Drums 2, it doesn't allow you to use previously purchased ADPacs with AD2. I thought it was a misleading/deceptive tactic.

Is this true for the Addictive Drums 2 included in this years Sonar upgrade? In other words you Only get the AD2 "engine" but will have to pay XLN another $80 for a "real" upgrade to AD2.

I do like the new features in Sonar! Keep up the great work!


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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:38 PM (permalink)
This new model gets folks like me who skip releases into your annual revenue stream. I really like Sonar. Count me in.


My daw will now need to phone home to run Sonar Platinum? My Sonar X3 Pro rig is an offline machine. Do I now need antivirus software if it must be plugged into the web exclusively for this purpose? Which AV program do you recommend? A trip to windows 7 update is now necessary to plug up security holes.

and everything was working so well.

That is my concern. I have a problem with having to keep an active internet connection on my daw computer just to get updates for that year as it simply does not go online for anything. I built the system just for my music/mixes etc.. Therefor, no computer problems ever..... I also always pay for the total update price instead of a monthly fee as I want to know I own it. (BUT to update I can't simply download an update and apply it to my daw computer any longer without it being online???)
That is my main concern.
 If I can still download updates and apply them to my daw system then I have no issues and think it is a great idea.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:38 PM (permalink)
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
Honestly, we always had a challenge/response system. That is what the registration code was.

For the user code and serial.  But not per machine id correct?  Now you are going to machine ID?

Yes, but you can still install on multiple machines, if you so choose too. Just like the existing paradigm provides.

With all due respect - this is NOT the current model.  You have changed it to be by MACHINE ID.  This is NOT the same as it is now at Gibson's discretion of what is "acceptable".
I understand the business reasons.  But I have also had issues with companies who have also claimed liberal policy shutting out activation during upgrades with problems that required new MBs etc.  This is a change in the trust / model between users. 

Sonar Platinum | Windows 7 64 bit SP1 | Intel i5 3570 3.4GHz | 8GB RAM | Gigabyte GA-B75-D3H | OCZ SSD | RME 9632
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:39 PM (permalink)
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
Honestly, we always had a challenge/response system. That is what the registration code was.

For the user code and serial.  But not per machine id correct?  Now you are going to machine ID?

Yes, but you can still install on multiple machines, if you so choose too. Just like the existing paradigm provides.

Cityrat, have you installed previous versions of Sonar on multiple machines? It's always been like that.
Cakewalk doesn't track it like, say, Toontrack or IK. Your existing reg code just needs to be associated with the machine on which Sonar is installed. it is entirely local.
Or have I missed something somewhere?

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SONAR Professional, X3eStudio,W7 64bit, AMD Athlon IIx4 2.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, 64bit, AKAI EIE Pro, Nektar Impact LX61,Alesis DM6,Alesis ControlPad,Yamaha MG10/2,Alesis M1Mk2 monitors,Samson Servo300,assorted guitars,Lava Lamp

Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:40 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Just wondering if the Pricing sheet is correct?
From X3 Producer to Platinum it is $149 first 12 months then raises to $199 the second 12 months.  The renewal stays the same for the Pro and Artist series, there is no price increase...

We are offering current X3 customers a special introductory price on Platinum. The prices for the other versions are already pretty affordable considering the feature set (in my opinion).

Do you guys plan on having $199 being the yearly fee from now on for the top tier version? I don't use Pro Channel very often (I feel like I am already using the highest quality plugins available - UAD, Slate, DMG, Fab-Filter, Acustica, iZotope, BOZ Digital, Softube, etc.) so maybe it's time to downgrade (it's weird to even say that). There is just more add-on software for Platinum, correct? Or am I missing something?

You can certainly opt for Professional. I believe you just lose POW-r dithering. You wouldn't lose any of the plugins you had purchased up to that point. So it would be $99 for you to do that next year. You do have a year to decide that and it will be our mission to make sure you receive maximum value. Right now, you are getting a discount and essentially two upgrades, X4 and X5. 

So would I be able to use the Pro-Channel FX that I currently have in X3 Pro in the new Sonar if I only had the new Professional version? What about Dimension Pro and Rapture Full and things like Breverb Sonar VST, PK-64, VX-64, TL-64, etc. ? Or will it give me a message that these plugins don't work with this version of Sonar? I don't really ever use most of these, but I'm curious for anyone else who would like to know. It certainly makes the Professional version seem like a good deal/value.
Also curious if the Vocal Sync is a plugin or if it's an integrated feature that is simply "grayed out" in the Professional version?
You should probably be more specific on the version comparison if you lose POW-r dithering... the web page says that each version has dithering options available.
post edited by theheliosequence - January 13, 15 8:52 PM
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:40 PM (permalink)
I have a big question that after reading 6 pages I don't see....:)
For backup purposes, even though I know the software is out there in the cloud to re-download if due to a major hard drive failure, etc. but downloading over 4 to 6 gigs worth of software down to one's computer still takes a while even on a 50meg ISP connection, is Cakewalk still going to offer if we go the one time upgrade fee a boxed version of the software so we would have a physical medium to reinstall back to our computers?

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:42 PM (permalink)
Cityrat, have you installed previous versions of Sonar on multiple machines? It's always been like that.
Cakewalk doesn't track it like, say, Toontrack or IK. Your existing reg code just needs to be associated with the machine on which Sonar is installed. it is entirely local.
Or have I missed something somewhere?

Maybe I'm missing something.... the new scheme is like Native Instruments.  Activation file.  That is DIFFERENT from the past no?  (not saying cw is like ni but it is a change yes?  Am I missing something ?  It's possible.... you know...

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:42 PM (permalink)
[Edit] Everything has been said here while I was typing.  I'm personally ok, but...
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:47 PM (permalink)
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
Honestly, we always had a challenge/response system. That is what the registration code was.

For the user code and serial.  But not per machine id correct?  Now you are going to machine ID?

Yes, but you can still install on multiple machines, if you so choose too. Just like the existing paradigm provides.

With all due respect - this is NOT the current model.  You have changed it to be by MACHINE ID.  This is NOT the same as it is now at Gibson's discretion of what is "acceptable".
I understand the business reasons.  But I have also had issues with companies who have also claimed liberal policy shutting out activation during upgrades with problems that required new MBs etc.  This is a change in the trust / model between users. 

We took into account the exact problems you mentioned, when designing the new model. A lot of us have experienced this type of headache in the past and we didn't want to potentially expose our customers to it. The assumption that we're just going off a Machine ID is false. It's not reliable enough.

Best Regards,
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:48 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
So one final question, since I already have AD2 with 3 kits, do I get to choose another 3 kits or do I just keep what I already have?

Yes, you get 3 more ADpaks, 3 more MIDIpaks, and 3 more kit pieces.


Thank you for be so patient and answering some questions more than once. I like your model and if Adobe had used it I would still be upgrading Creative Suites. I will be upgrading Sonar when available.

One question. I just went through a disappointing purchase with XLN Audio where they led me (and others) to believe that if I bought their Producer Bundle that I would be upgraded to Addictive Drums 2. While I did get Addictive Drums 2, it doesn't allow you to use previously purchased ADPacs with AD2. I thought it was a misleading/deceptive tactic.

Is this true for the Addictive Drums 2 included in this years Sonar upgrade? In other words you Only get the AD2 "engine" but will have to pay XLN another $80 for a "real" upgrade to AD2.

I do like the new features in Sonar! Keep up the great work!


Nope this is for the AD2 Producer Bundle. You get to pick 3 ADpaks, MIDIpaks, and 3 kit pieces. This is exactly like if you purchased the Producer Bundle. It's an upgraded version of what we did in X3. And Professional includes 1 of each item listed above.
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:49 PM (permalink)
I have a big question that after reading 6 pages I don't see....:)
For backup purposes, even though I know the software is out there in the cloud to re-download if due to a major hard drive failure, etc. but downloading over 4 to 6 gigs worth of software down to one's computer still takes a while even on a 50meg ISP connection, is Cakewalk still going to offer if we go the one time upgrade fee a boxed version of the software so we would have a physical medium to reinstall back to our computers?

DVDs will be available later this month for a nominal fee. 
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:53 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Just wondering if the Pricing sheet is correct?
From X3 Producer to Platinum it is $149 first 12 months then raises to $199 the second 12 months.  The renewal stays the same for the Pro and Artist series, there is no price increase...

We are offering current X3 customers a special introductory price on Platinum. The prices for the other versions are already pretty affordable considering the feature set (in my opinion).

Do you guys plan on having $199 being the yearly fee from now on for the top tier version? I don't use Pro Channel very often (I feel like I am already using the highest quality plugins available - UAD, Slate, DMG, Fab-Filter, Acustica, iZotope, BOZ Digital, Softube, etc.) so maybe it's time to downgrade (it's weird to even say that). There is just more add-on software for Platinum, correct? Or am I missing something?

You can certainly opt for Professional. I believe you just lose POW-r dithering. You wouldn't lose any of the plugins you had purchased up to that point. So it would be $99 for you to do that next year. You do have a year to decide that and it will be our mission to make sure you receive maximum value. Right now, you are getting a discount and essentially two upgrades, X4 and X5. 

So would I be able to use the Pro-Channel FX that I currently have in X3 Pro in the new Sonar if I only had the new Professional version? What about Dimension Pro and Rapture Full and things like Breverb Sonar VST, PK-64, VX-64, TL-64, etc. ? Or will it give me a message that these plugins don't work with this version of Sonar? I don't really every use most of these, but I'm curious for anyone else who would like to know. It certainly makes the Professional version seem like a good deal/value.
Also curious if the Vocal Sync is a plugin or if it's an integrated feature that is simply "grayed out" in the Professional version?
You should probably be more specific on the version comparison if you lose POW-r dithering... the web page says that each version has dithering options available.

If you go to Professional you won't lose any of those plugins or ProChannel modules. I'll have to check but I do believe POW-r is only in Platinum. So going to Professional is an option. VocalSync is integrated right inside SONAR. That's actually one of the cool things vs. something like Vocalign. It previews real-time and you can open it right in the track view and adjust. Check out the video. It's not greyed out in Professional because it's not there.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:53 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
I have a big question that after reading 6 pages I don't see....:)
For backup purposes, even though I know the software is out there in the cloud to re-download if due to a major hard drive failure, etc. but downloading over 4 to 6 gigs worth of software down to one's computer still takes a while even on a 50meg ISP connection, is Cakewalk still going to offer if we go the one time upgrade fee a boxed version of the software so we would have a physical medium to reinstall back to our computers?

DVDs will be available later this month for a nominal fee. 

Very cool...Thank you Andrew....Looking forward to purchasing Sonar:)

Twitter: ImagineerR

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:57 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby DrBoom January 13, 15 8:59 PM
I don't like subscriptions. Yes, I like the new features that I have seen on the videos but I don't want to have to shell out money each time I want an update. I feel like if it isn't working right then fix it. Don't charge me for it. If I find that the new sonar model is like that. I most surely will go with Studio One, FL Studio where I don't feel nickled and dimed. I don't think I am the only one who will feel this way. Hopefully, they will just come back to the way it used to be. 
**FL Studio has updates for life. There is no subscription. This would be better. 

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