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Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:42 PM (permalink)
So one final question, since I already have AD2 with 3 kits, do I get to choose another 3 kits or do I just keep what I already have?

Yes, you get 3 more ADpaks, 3 more MIDIpaks, and 3 more kit pieces.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:43 PM (permalink)
What if I already own everything They make???

Purrrfect Audio DAW here.  Wow!...
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:44 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
I think his point may be that he's seeing his $149 as paying for the new features as well as the "coming soon" features and he'd rather only pay for the new features already released that he can evaluate before buying.
It's just a different way of looking at the pricing structure. To me I (too) am not going to pay $149 for promises, but I choose to look at it as I can evaluate the current new features to see if they're worth the upgrade cost and then I get a year's worth of free stuff.

That seems very fair. I can understand that logic. 

I'm still not quite clear on what happens a year from now though (assuming I did the yearly upgrade now). What would I be paying for at that point?

You'd be paying for more features, updates, contents for the next year. You will have a year to decide if that is of value to you.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:44 PM (permalink)
Did you guys fix the Concrete Limiter PC module that we paid for?
No mention of Concrete Limiter from what I can see...

Cakewalk by Bandlab - Win10 Pro x64 - StudioCat Platinum Studio DAW - 32 GB Ram - MOTU UltraLite-mk3
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Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:44 PM (permalink)
What if I already own everything They make???

I don't know. That's impressive though.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:45 PM (permalink)

Purrrfect Audio DAW here.  Wow!...
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:45 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
So one final question, since I already have AD2 with 3 kits, do I get to choose another 3 kits or do I just keep what I already have?

Yes, you get 3 more ADpaks, 3 more MIDIpaks, and 3 more kit pieces.

Thank you and again sorry for my frustration before my head just wasn't wrapping around the concept
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:45 PM (permalink)
Did you guys fix the Concrete Limiter PC module that we paid for?
No mention of Concrete Limiter from what I can see...

This is not included in SONAR. If you have a specific question about it, I'd start a new thread about it. I am not sure which fix you were inquiring about.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:46 PM (permalink)
If you step back and think about X3, upgrades (Producer to Producer) were $149... the patches that followed were not guaranteed for that purchase (remember X2??), but patches to X3 came pretty fast and furious, which was a real treat for us. As far as going forward, the $149 pays for a year (time period) versus a version (i.e. "X4") is actually more minutiae from that perspective. I would far prefer seeing the support we saw with X3 continue going forward, and it also benefits the bakers in that there is not a "self-contained" version to package at each development stage. To the folks who upgrade regularly, it is actually just a change in the name.
For folks who jumped onto X3 after the X3e patch was released (for half price)... they got the same thing I paid double for, so this new structure seems to also equalize this (at the assumption that the one-time price for 12 months doesn't become $75... which seems unlikely since there will not be a "new version" in the pipeline).

ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:47 PM (permalink)
Sooo... the upgrade price for Producer is going to go up to $200? Okay now I'm gonna do a bit of grumbling... that's gettin' pretty steep, guys. Hope there will be plenty of sales throughout the year.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:47 PM (permalink)
Quick question, if I reg X3 Producer now, is there a grace period for a "automatic" update (the outright buy version I guess) to the latest version (which is what... Platinum)? I'm totally confused :P
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:49 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
"Any chance you read the FAQ before you posted this? This is a very customer friendly program."
My worry is that I will be paying $149 for the update -- THIS YEAR. 

After that, it looks like I will be expected to pay around $600 per year to keep up my Platinum Subscription. Is this correct? 

Nope. After a year, you can purchase upfront for $199 or renew monthly for $19.99/month. You will have had a year to decide if you think it's worth it. So does put the burden on us to provide value :)

That does sound nice, but what about third year, fourth year, etc? Is the $199 per year the currently-planned on-going price to maintain a Platinum Membership? That is, for all users, is the planned Platinum membership $499 first year (for new people), and $199 after that? 
Just trying to clarify if the plan will soon become $499 per year, every year, to maintain. 

New customers would pay $499 upfront (like they do today) or $49.99/month for 12 months for SONAR Platinum and then starting month 13, they'd get charged $19.99. There is no plan to bump everyone up to $49.99. After you renew or upgrade from SONAR Producer, you will only pay $19.99/month.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:49 PM (permalink)
Not intending to sound impolite, but I keep hearing "next year $199" -- I know you don't want to commit the company to $199 forever, but is it envisioned that it will go much beyond $199 per year to maintain a Platinum Membership? 
That is, i can see it going to $219 or $229 in a couple years, but are you planning to eventually have long-term future maintenance be on the level of $499 per year?
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:49 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
A little underwhelmed due to the holiday sales meaning I'd be looking for XLN to release some new kits from me to benefit from that

One thing to keep in mind, Platinum comes with Addictive Drums 2 Producer Bundle. That means that even if you have some of the kits already, you can choose 3 more ADPaks, MIDIpaks and Kit Pieces. Also, the new Drum Replacer will be a Platinum feature. 

I have all the kits I want from them at the moment, hence the waiting for new kits to be made by xln. I on the fence with their percussion session, so if I got x4 pro, it would get me that one I guess. If I hadn't bought 4 kits in the holiday season sales, then platinum would look a bargain. 

HP ENVY Notebook - 15t-k100 CTO i7 -4510U CPU @ 2.00 GHZ 8gb RAM. Windows 8.1 64bit Full HD Touchscreen
Sonar X3 Producer, AAS Complete set, XLN AD Keys and Drums, TH2
Roland Quad Capture, AudioTeckina 3035 Mic and ATH-M50 Headphones.
Korg Nanopad2, WX5 Midi Sax, , Soprano Sax, Alto and Soprano Flute, Acoustic Guitar and Epiphone Dot
          Scoot not scook
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:50 PM (permalink)
Easy to see I can only use Sonar on "1" computer from now on end. Then the occasional rebuilding of the said "1" computer will need to hassle of reclaiming whatever token I have 'dongled-Sonar' to the internet. 
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:51 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby alewgro January 14, 15 4:46 PM
So, now, in the forum, we'll have lots of little incremental versions of software people might be posting with. Like 2015.69 or something. It's going to be a trick knowing all the differences between all the versions.
Will there be a public tracking of what changes between all the versions?

StudioCat > I use Windows 10 and Sonar Platinum. I have a touch screen.
I make some videos. This one shows how to do a physical loopback on the RME UCX to get many more equalizer nodes.
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:52 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby GeorgeZ January 13, 15 7:54 PM
Quick question, if I reg X3 Producer now, is there a grace period for a "automatic" update (the outright buy version I guess) to the latest version (which is what... Platinum)? I'm totally confused :P

There is no grace period. We've been discounting SONAR for the past few months. New customers for example are only paying $329 right now. If you add in the price of the upgrade to Platinum, it's actually slightly cheaper than the street price of $499 for Platinum.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:53 PM (permalink)
Not intending to sound impolite, but I keep hearing "next year $199" -- I know you don't want to commit the company to $199 forever, but is it envisioned that it will go much beyond $199 per year to maintain a Platinum Membership? 
That is, i can see it going to $219 or $229 in a couple years, but are you planning to eventually have long-term future maintenance be on the level of $499 per year?

Well it used to be $79... then $99 unless you waited for a sale... then $149... and after this initial offer $199. So yeah, of course it will eventually go up. But they've raised the prices, slowly... so at least it will take a away before we're paying $499 a year to use Sonar.
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:53 PM (permalink)
Easy to see I can only use Sonar on "1" computer from now on end. Then the occasional rebuilding of the said "1" computer will need to hassle of reclaiming whatever token I have 'dongled-Sonar' to the internet. 

You can still install on multiple computers. This feels like a very cryptic message :)
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:56 PM (permalink)
Not intending to sound impolite, but I keep hearing "next year $199" -- I know you don't want to commit the company to $199 forever, but is it envisioned that it will go much beyond $199 per year to maintain a Platinum Membership? 
That is, i can see it going to $219 or $229 in a couple years, but are you planning to eventually have long-term future maintenance be on the level of $499 per year?

I don't think that's the plan. We want to keep this simple. So moving forward there is only one renewal price, not the multiple upgrade paths we have now. We thought at least for the beginning it would be nice to give X3 customers a little break on the price. We also think $199 or $19.99 is a nice price point. I know I spend more than $20/month on worse things than DAW software :)
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:56 PM (permalink)
I've read all 5 pages and have a two questions.
1. Are you sure that buy upgrading from X3e to SONAR, I'll receive 3 adpaks, midi paks and 3 kit pieces? Even if I already own AD2? (If true this would pay for the Sonar upgrade alone.)
2. No Mid/Side for quadcurve?
Everything else looks pretty good to me.

Cakewalk, Harrison Mixbus 4, Waveform 9, ADK intel i7 2600 3.40 ghz, 8gb Ram, Win 7, Presonus Audiobox 44VSL.
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:56 PM (permalink)
Easy to see I can only use Sonar on "1" computer from now on end. Then the occasional rebuilding of the said "1" computer will need to hassle of reclaiming whatever token I have 'dongled-Sonar' to the internet. 

We haven't claimed that. I currently have SONAR installed on multiple PC's with the same serial number and the same Cakewalk SSO account. It's practically the same model we've always had. 

If your system is offline, all you need to do is get a challenge file from SONAR. Send it to us with an online PC, and you'll get back your response file to import into SONAR on your offline PC.  

Best Regards,
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:57 PM (permalink)
I've read all 5 pages and have a two questions.
1. Are you sure that buy upgrading from X3e to SONAR, I'll receive 3 adpaks, midi paks and 3 kit pieces? Even if I already own AD2? (If true this would pay for the Sonar upgrade alone.)
2. No Mid/Side for quadcurve?
Everything else looks pretty good to me.

I've read all 5 pages and have a two questions.
1. Are you sure that buy upgrading from X3e to SONAR, I'll receive 3 adpaks, midi paks and 3 kit pieces? Even if I already own AD2? (If true this would pay for the Sonar upgrade alone.)
Yes, I am positive. You get three more packs to choose from. Brand new code will be delivered.

2. No Mid/Side for quadcurve?
I don't believe there were updates to the QuadCurve but I can check.
Everything else looks pretty good to me.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:58 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Not intending to sound impolite, but I keep hearing "next year $199" -- I know you don't want to commit the company to $199 forever, but is it envisioned that it will go much beyond $199 per year to maintain a Platinum Membership? 
That is, i can see it going to $219 or $229 in a couple years, but are you planning to eventually have long-term future maintenance be on the level of $499 per year?

I don't think that's the plan. We want to keep this simple. So moving forward there is only one renewal price, not the multiple upgrade paths we have now. We thought at least for the beginning it would be nice to give X3 customers a little break on the price. We also think $199 or $19.99 is a nice price point. I know I spend more than $20/month on worse things than DAW software :)

Sounds great. Thanks for the clarifications. I'm on board. I've been keeping Producer up every year and it seems like this is only an incremental increase for people who keep up the upgrades like I have (with no whopper on its way). Thanks!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:58 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Quick question, if I reg X3 Producer now, is there a grace period for a "automatic" update (the outright buy version I guess) to the latest version (which is what... Platinum)? I'm totally confused :P

There is no grace period. We've been discounting SONAR for the past few months. New customers for example are only paying $329 right now. If you add in the price of the upgrade to Platinum, it's actually slightly cheaper than the street price of $499 for Platinum.

Ok, so if I reg X3 Prod after the new Sonar release, I have / get X3? Just asking as it's obviously not in the store anymore? Sorry for being stupid... really not getting this.

matt fresha
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:59 PM (permalink)
What if you're like me and got Addictive Drums 1 when it was offered with Sonar? Would I get Addictive Drums 2 this time?
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:59 PM (permalink)
Easy to see I can only use Sonar on "1" computer from now on end. Then the occasional rebuilding of the said "1" computer will need to hassle of reclaiming whatever token I have 'dongled-Sonar' to the internet. 

Just for clarity, I believe there is no dongle (can I get a hallelujah).
If you never let your DAW on the internet, there is a way to validate the software so you can use it (by downloading a file and using sneaker-net to move the file to your DAW).
You can use that same file to authenticate 10 offline computers that you own if you wish, as long as you continue to only use them one at a time (which most of us are forced to do anyway due to only having one good interface). I'm really not sure how Sonar would protect themselves if you have 10 DAWs in your studio that are NEVER online. I'm guessing it would come down to the honor system at that point.
For most of us, this translates to the fact that you can install on your DAW and your Laptop if you want. You can use your laptop in the field as long as no one is concurrently bouncing tracks in your studio on your DAW.

StudioCat > I use Windows 10 and Sonar Platinum. I have a touch screen.
I make some videos. This one shows how to do a physical loopback on the RME UCX to get many more equalizer nodes.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:02 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby gswitz January 13, 15 8:03 PM
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Let's see if I can clarify this based on the scenario you described. If you went up to 18 months and then decided to opt out, you'd keep month 18. Now say you came back at month 24, then the software would obviously update to the current version (month 24). Now say you decide after one month you want to cancel, the software would de-authorize and you would have to download month 18 (the last version you paid for). If you continued on from month 24 to month 36, at the end you'd own month 36. Make sense? 

OK. Getting there :D

Thats why I mentioned was there a minimum monthly sub of some sort.
I have paid the initial $149 that gives me 12 months. After that I pay monthly up to month 18 then drop out. Now I own up to month 18. I come back at month 24 and sub again but for a month only, opt out again. I have technically paid for that? But you say I now drop back to the version at month 18. 
Is their a minimum monthly continuous sub before you get to keep full updated versions? In our example - you come back at month 24 and stay for another 4 months at $19.99 a month and drop again. You still back to redownload month 18. Say you stay for another 7 months at $19.99 a month and drop again. Still back to month 18 version ..
Thanks for your patience :D
Susan G
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:02 PM (permalink)
Interesting! I have a couple of questions.
1. Does this mean there will no longer be free demos? I'm having some problems with X3e and it look like the only way I could find out if the new version resolves any of them would be to pay for a month's subscription. Is that correct?
2. Will a list of bug fixes be posted publicly and regularly? Say there's something preventing a user from opting in.  Will there be a way for them to know if it's been addressed, or would they have to pay for a month to find out?

2.30 gigahertz Intel Core i7-3610QM; 16 GB RAM
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 8:02 PM (permalink)
I deleted the first part as I see it was answered while I was typing---
I'm not into having my DAW on line either.  I'd rather a USB licenser but it would be nice if they all shared the same device.  One will run out of ports! 
And to the dude who is off to buy Cubase, good luck with that. I got it for Christmas and have been using it for a over a week now, You want me to write out the list of missing features that it doesn't have compared to Sonar? It's like using Sonar 6. No, it's even missing stuff Sonar 6 had.  Sonar is without a doubt the DAW we should support. I'm not 100% happy with the latest version, but after suffering Cubase for a week it all of a sudden seems like the perfect DAW! 
I can't believe you are all being so patient with the one guy who's off his meds today.
Cubase uses a USB licencer and I like it because it's hassle free once set up.
You can install the software on a second computer off line. Cakewalk needs to do something about the Piracy and this new model is what that is all about, my guess. 
This is good marketing because I'm happy enough with X3 and was not planing on a upgrade for a few versions. You might have baited the hook :) 
Now I'll go read the versions and see if I can afford to upgrade to the flagship from Studio. 
post edited by johnnyV - January 13, 15 8:10 PM

Sonar X3e Studio - Waiting for Professional
 Scarlett 6i6
Yamaha Gear= 01v - NSM 10 - DTX 400 - MG82cx
Roland Gear= A 49- GR 50 - TR 505 - Boss pedals
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Mackie Gear= Mix 8 - SRM 350's 
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