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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 12:56 AM (permalink)
Project templates are so limited for this. You really only get one shot at it. What I want, is a feature, where you have 12 songs, and have completely mixed them all. After that, the artist decides they want the bass to sound radically different, or want you to change reverb settings for the vocals.

Yeah, this is exactly what I'd like to be able to use this feature for. It could work the same way as Track Templates does, and match existing tracks and buses by name.
(Although, since a large part of my mixing is done via plugins, I probably won't be able to make use of this feature unless it somehow copies FX chains as well.)

Sonar Platinum (Newburyport) / Win 8.1 64bit / Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 / Absynth / Kontakt / Play / Superior Drummer 2 / ESP LTD guitar / etc
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 12:57 AM (permalink)
Hi Gang...

I've only read the pists as far as the middle of page 5, but something occurs to me that I thought I might question...

While this first year we get the latest new features as well as a year of further updates... That's actually the same as what we've been getting, but every following year, there is no new set of features as the new year rolls over and only the years upcoming periodical updates...

It appears to me that we "get less" this way...

Please forgive me if I'm stepping on any toes... I actually like the idea of the new system. ...and I've always believed that paying for continued development made a lot of sense and was actually what our upgrades are.

I for one only expect to buy the upfront version as I want to own what I buy, not rent it. I know that if I make all the payments I still own it, but if I miss (opt out) a month or such, would I still be able to use what I have bought for the remainder of the year or would it stop immediately? ...and if such a scenario happened will there be options/opportunities to pay off the months missed and end up owning the full years version?


Keni Fink
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 12:57 AM (permalink)
The Midi stretch tool is the bomb, especially for non time signature based noise mayhem freaks like me.

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 12:59 AM (permalink)
Although a follow up question would be does the ensuing $14.99 per month still apply after the end of the first year (assuming one pays the $149).
Or does the "subscription" then revert to the $49.99 per month thereafter?

See last line of the pricing info, renewal is $19.99/mo or $199.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:02 PM (permalink)
If you step back and think about X3, upgrades (Producer to Producer) were $149... the patches that followed were not guaranteed for that purchase (remember X2??), but patches to X3 came pretty fast and furious, which was a real treat for us. As far as going forward, the $149 pays for a year (time period) versus a version (i.e. "X4") is actually more minutiae from that perspective. I would far prefer seeing the support we saw with X3 continue going forward, and it also benefits the bakers in that there is not a "self-contained" version to package at each development stage. To the folks who upgrade regularly, it is actually just a change in the name.
For folks who jumped onto X3 after the X3e patch was released (for half price)... they got the same thing I paid double for, so this new structure seems to also equalize this (at the assumption that the one-time price for 12 months doesn't become $75... which seems unlikely since there will not be a "new version" in the pipeline).

There are some good points, but the underlying assumption is that Cakewalk is unable to afford the coding time to either 1. get it right prior to release or 2. fix the flaws (not add new features or provide "updates") for free under their prior pricing plan. Most of us have probably lost our investment in some application when the vendor went bankrupt and support disappeared, so the argument that whatever keeps the vendor solvent is an inescapable price to be paid. If this model saves Cakewalk, then you, at least, should be happy regardless. 
Bug fixes are not guaranteed, but no ethical business would release buggy software without making a genuine effort to fix the obvious problems, and few customers would continue to buy from firms that would not. There is nothing about the way Cakewalk collects money (aside from the fact that their old model did not supply sufficient income) that would have any influence whatever on how or how often they supply bug fixes. The software to download bug fixes as soon as they are ready does not inherently depend on a customer paying a monthly fee vs version upgrade.
For people who paid a lot less than you to get into a version late, they got a lot less time to use the version than you did, and were able to stay in the Cakewalk upgrade loop for an affordable price. That option is gone, and so I expect are many of those customers.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:04 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby gswitz January 14, 15 8:25 PM
While this first year we get the latest new features as well as a year of further updates... That's actually the same as what we've been getting, but every following year, there is no new set of features as the new year rolls over and only the years upcoming periodical updates... 

It appears to me that we "get less" this way...

My take is, assuming we either pay for the full year now or subscribe for the next 12 months consecutively, it's a good deal now - we get to keep the current new features plus everything they release over the coming year.
But then 1 year from now we will face a very, very different decision point. Personally, I can't see any compelling need to worry about that decision right now.

 In order, then, to discover the limit of deepest tones, it is necessary not only to produce very violent agitations in the air but to give these the form of simple pendular vibrations. - Hermann von Helmholtz, predicting the role of the electric bassist in 1877.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:07 PM (permalink)

Thanks, yeah it was a page loading glitch when I clicked on the link from the OP.
Although a follow up question would be does the ensuing $14.99 per month still apply after the end of the first year (assuming one pays the $149).
Or does the "subscription" then revert to the $49.99 per month thereafter?

You would have the option to buy another "full" version (which is essentially paying for a 12 month membership which allows you to keep everything put out over that next year) for what is likely going to be $200. It's basically just like upgrading as we do now.
Or you can pay for monthly membership... not sure what the price would be.
Remember though you get to KEEP everything if you buy the 12 months at a time just like you get to keep X1, X2, X3. If you only buy one month at a time and let it lapse before 12 months is up you lose everything (except the stuff you bought in a twelve month chunk previously).
So if you don't want anything to change as far as upgrades just pay the for the 12 months in advance and everything will stay the same as it always have been. You pay once a year and you keep everything fully licensed forever.
Even if you DON'T pay for another 12 month chunk OR go on a month by month basis (basically letting you membership lapse) you can wait a few months and then pay for another 12 month chunk and you'll be up to date without losing anything.
You can find the FAQ about all this here...
You have to scroll to the bottom of the page. 
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:10 PM (permalink)
I'd be more curious about the "content" portion of the subscription. I made the jump to Cubase after X3, but since the $149 upgrade is just a little over the price of the included AD producer pack alone, it may still be worth it. So what kind of content is expected here?

Currently these...
I'm assuming that page will be updated regularly. Unfortunately not much description of the upcoming features but the virtual keyboard is useful (I always wondered why we didn't have one). Drum replacement... well we can already do that but it's a pain so maybe it's a new tool to make it easier. QuickFX? No idea... maybe a hyper awesome FX Chain module.

I'm working on a bunch of content. I'm sure as it gets delivered to Cakewalk they'll be listing it.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:11 PM (permalink)
Although a follow up question would be does the ensuing $14.99 per month still apply after the end of the first year (assuming one pays the $149).
Or does the "subscription" then revert to the $49.99 per month thereafter?

See last line of the pricing info, renewal is $19.99/mo or $199.

Cool, thx
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:12 PM (permalink)
Thanks, yeah it was a page loading glitch when I clicked on the link from the OP.
Although a follow up question would be does the ensuing $14.99 per month still apply after the end of the first year (assuming one pays the $149).
Or does the "subscription" then revert to the $49.99 per month thereafter?

You would have the option to buy another "full" version (which is essentially paying for a 12 month membership which allows you to keep everything put out over that next year) for what is likely going to be $200. It's basically just like upgrading as we do now.
Or you can pay for monthly membership... not sure what the price would be.
Remember though you get to KEEP everything if you buy the 12 months at a time just like you get to keep X1, X2, X3. If you only buy one month at a time and let it lapse before 12 months is up you lose everything (except the stuff you bought in a twelve month chunk previously).
So if you don't want anything to change as far as upgrades just pay the for the 12 months in advance and everything will stay the same as it always have been. You pay once a year and you keep everything fully licensed forever.
Even if you DON'T pay for another 12 month chunk OR go on a month by month basis (basically letting you membership lapse) you can wait a few months and then pay for another 12 month chunk and you'll be up to date without losing anything.
You can find the FAQ about all this here...
You have to scroll to the bottom of the page. 

Yep got it now, thx Beeps  
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:12 PM (permalink)
I'm with you Drew, I'll worry about the future, tomorrow.

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:13 PM (permalink)
I guess the big release will be NAMM, so it should be available at the Cake store after that yes?
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:15 PM (permalink)
I'm not a fan of this kind of setup. But it's "customer friendlyfied" enough to make me want to give it a try for a year. I'll keep an eye on alternatives during that year and jump ship if I'm not happy. But I would really hate to do that after so many years.
I haven't seen anyone concerned that tech support only will be available while you're a paying member? As I understand that's a huge change, currently Cakewalk takes calls from basically any user don't they? But maybe it's not a big deal. I have only used tech support once myself that I can recall, and that was for pyro, not Sonar.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:18 PM (permalink)
I guess the big release will be NAMM, so it should be available at the Cake store after that yes?

That was the best guess supplied by CW too. It is buried in this thread in the single digit pages.

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:20 PM (permalink)
I guess the big release will be NAMM, so it should be available at the Cake store after that yes?

That was the best guess supplied by CW too. It is buried in this thread in the single digit pages.

Sir Les
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:21 PM (permalink)
So what is being said in full front...This software is not fully made, you see more needs to make more money...Moe cash in the cow, or cow in the cash....and you are stating it will be updated, as all things needs be, that are not fully functional or working as should be?...So you make the peoples pay forward?....why not get it completely right out of the box?...and make us pay full price...because things with computers as I know of in some forms....Things change, and so does gear....and to pay for something, get it, and then it is no longer supported by the system it is made ok to pay for...but to say, this software is asking for payment for further upgrades and such, in stating it will do in time adding in new or fixes, makes my mind worry about upgrading if it is not working fully...and needs be fixing!...who pays us to R&D?...and the hair loss if it is buggy?
So please stand bye....and please take notes.....

1. Intel 5960x 3.5mhz , ASUS x99 deluxe u3.1, Asus Thunderbolt ex II,   G skills f4 3000 Memory 32GB , ADATA ssd 250GB Main Drive, Lots of WD Red 7200 Mechanical Drives with Black Drives, 14x multi optical Drive, LG Multi Blu Drive,  2X Extern WD Mybooks usb 3.0, AMD r7 270 video card, Motu 828x TB , Motu Midi XT.
2.  USING MAC PRO, as win 10 has damaged 2 x99 systems 8.1 is also to blame for the final burnout trying to roll back!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:24 PM (permalink)
I'm not a fan of this kind of setup. But it's "customer friendlyfied" enough to make me want to give it a try for a year. I'll keep an eye on alternatives during that year and jump ship if I'm not happy. But I would really hate to do that after so many years.
I haven't seen anyone concerned that tech support only will be available while you're a paying member? As I understand that's a huge change, currently Cakewalk takes calls from basically any user don't they? But maybe it's not a big deal. I have only used tech support once myself that I can recall, and that was for pyro, not Sonar.

Actually that's always been their official policy (ie: once the new version came out the old version was technically no longer supported) but they always still helped out. I'm hoping this approach remains the same because I'm going to be stuck on X3 for a while barring any miracles. I don't call them often but when I do it's important.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:28 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa
And even without the intro offer, for SONAR Producer customers, it's only $19.99 month.

i.e. if 2-4 years later I'll decide to rent Platinum version for a month (for some work) it still will cost $19.99 to me (as X3 Producer owner today)?
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:30 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
So, current owners will not see the usual $150 upgrade price to the next version, it would be a $600 upgrade cost per year? ($50 * 12) or $500 up front...still much more than what we have been used to...

Current SONAR X3 customers pay $149. See pricing chart that Willy posted. You can also do $14.99/mo.

This seems fair.

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:30 PM (permalink)
Sir Les
So what is being said in full front...This software is not fully made, you see more needs to make more money...Moe cash in the cow, or cow in the cash....and you are stating it will be updated, as all things needs be, that are not fully functional or working as should be?...So you make the peoples pay forward?....why not get it completely right out of the box?...and make us pay full price...because things with computers as I know of in some forms....Things change, and so does gear....and to pay for something, get it, and then it is no longer supported by the system it is made ok to pay for...but to say, this software is asking for payment for further upgrades and such, in stating it will do in time adding in new or fixes, makes my mind worry about upgrading if it is not working fully...and needs be fixing!...who pays us to R&D?...and the hair loss if it is buggy?
So please stand bye....and please take notes.....

In a nutshell, if software companies waited for a program to be guranteed bug free to release, we would not have advanced much past pong and " hello world" . What will be released will be comprable to any major release from any company in terms of bugs. I have plenty of software that never crashes, yet I get tons of "fixes" for issues I did not know existed. Twisting it to sound like this is a perpetual beta test is plain false.  I think it is deceptive to state that something is "being said in full front" when they said no such thing. You are projecting your false notions that have no source othercthan imagination.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:31 PM (permalink)
There is nothing about the way Cakewalk collects money (aside from the fact that their old model did not supply sufficient income) that would have any influence whatever on how or how often they supply bug fixes. The software to download bug fixes as soon as they are ready does not inherently depend on a customer paying a monthly fee vs version upgrade.

What you say is true, but it may not end up working that way. If people feel like they're getting good support for a product they bought at face value, I expect they will be satisfied and inclined to upgrade. But if they feel like they're paying a monthly fee to get that future support - even if the amount of cash that changes hands would ultimately be the same - they can feel a bit short-changed. Also, Cakewalk are selling this as a way of deploying new features rapidly, so there may be commercial pressure on them to put features first, to really sell the subscriptions and discourage people from letting them lapse.
All I can hope for is that with the move to a more incremental upgrade cycle, bug fixing and finishing half-done features will gain priority because there will no longer be a conflict between supporting past customers and enticing new ones - everybody is on the same upgrade path, except those who choose to drop off early.

Sonar Platinum (Newburyport) / Win 8.1 64bit / Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 / Absynth / Kontakt / Play / Superior Drummer 2 / ESP LTD guitar / etc
Twilight's Embrace - gothic/death metal | Other works - instrumental/soundtracks
Sir Les
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:33 PM (permalink)
oh about service and support if paid...does or will Cakewalk do remote PC viewing by pro technical MS and Sonar techs  via remote control viewing over internet connections?...if we pay for support, I want to see it setup right and working right, if it is not, and I pay for it to....then do you fix it on the system that needs be fixed claims it works with MS windows...then to make it so, if it does not would be support paid to make it so via that?

1. Intel 5960x 3.5mhz , ASUS x99 deluxe u3.1, Asus Thunderbolt ex II,   G skills f4 3000 Memory 32GB , ADATA ssd 250GB Main Drive, Lots of WD Red 7200 Mechanical Drives with Black Drives, 14x multi optical Drive, LG Multi Blu Drive,  2X Extern WD Mybooks usb 3.0, AMD r7 270 video card, Motu 828x TB , Motu Midi XT.
2.  USING MAC PRO, as win 10 has damaged 2 x99 systems 8.1 is also to blame for the final burnout trying to roll back!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:33 PM (permalink)
The driver for innovative features will be competition with other DAWS, but that will be less of a driver since you will have a bunch of locked in customers who will need to wait as long as a year to bail out. And once they bail out, they will presumably have to pay full retail (not upgrade) to get into the next version that does make sense to them.

Actually it's MORE of a driver because Cakewalk is not in business to have people "bail out." The object is to provide features and content that makes renewal not only compelling to existing owners, but also, to those who live with DAWs that get the big yearly paid upgrade.
Another competitive aspect is Cakewalk can introduce features that beat the competition as soon as they're ready. The DSD functionality is a good example. It came about pretty late in the development cycle, but it got folded in to the update. Other DAWs that don't have DSD and have to wait for their Next Big Update will be at a competitive disadvantage with respect to DSD. That's just one example. How long will it take other DAWs to copy the Mix Recall feature? That's huge, as you'll discover if you work with it, but Cakewalk has it now.
I can assure you that the business plan at Cakewalk is NOT "Let's collect everyone's money, sit on it for a year, then close the company down and all move to Maui after everyone bails out." 

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:34 PM (permalink)
Sir Les
So what is being said in full front...This software is not fully made, you see more needs to make more money...Moe cash in the cow, or cow in the cash....and you are stating it will be updated, as all things needs be, that are not fully functional or working as should be?...So you make the peoples pay forward?....why not get it completely right out of the box?...and make us pay full price...because things with computers as I know of in some forms....Things change, and so does gear....and to pay for something, get it, and then it is no longer supported by the system it is made ok to pay for...but to say, this software is asking for payment for further upgrades and such, in stating it will do in time adding in new or fixes, makes my mind worry about upgrading if it is not working fully...and needs be fixing!...who pays us to R&D?...and the hair loss if it is buggy?
So please stand bye....and please take notes.....

If you bought it today you would be getting the long awaited version of what would have been X4 AND over the course of the year you would get X5 in increments instead of having to wait until the end of the year. It is your choice whether you install those increments or not and you can revert back to an earlier version from the Command Center if something is wonky or not to your liking.
Then at the end of the year you would own what would have been X4 and X5 Producer for the upgrade price of $149 (so two full versions for one upgrade price). From that point you could pay for another year and get what would have been X6 in increments over the course of the year or let your "membership" lapse and keep X4/5.
Then if you let it lapse you can pay for another 12 months whenever you want and get a cumulative update up to that point AND the next years worth of improvements.
The only thing that would make this suck is if Cake did not anty up and provide quality content and enhancements as seen during the traditional yearly upgrades but they have already stated that this new model has lit a fire under their butts. You gotta remember too they now have the all powerful and cash flush Gibson behind them as opposed to Roland who seem to have succumbed to vulture capialist style management which IMO as an outsider was crippling the advancement of Sonar.
Only time will tell though but I wouldn't freak out just yet.
Sir Les
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:36 PM (permalink)
because I am fed up with trouble shooting pc and software for music, to make it work, and then something happens to screw it all once Sonar did do....It sucks!...and other MS updates do from time to time..just to keep us loonies of the billing table and phone calling, press 9 for x...2 for p.

1. Intel 5960x 3.5mhz , ASUS x99 deluxe u3.1, Asus Thunderbolt ex II,   G skills f4 3000 Memory 32GB , ADATA ssd 250GB Main Drive, Lots of WD Red 7200 Mechanical Drives with Black Drives, 14x multi optical Drive, LG Multi Blu Drive,  2X Extern WD Mybooks usb 3.0, AMD r7 270 video card, Motu 828x TB , Motu Midi XT.
2.  USING MAC PRO, as win 10 has damaged 2 x99 systems 8.1 is also to blame for the final burnout trying to roll back!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:37 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa
And even without the intro offer, for SONAR Producer customers, it's only $19.99 month.

i.e. if 2-4 years later I'll decide to rent Platinum version for a month (for some work) it still will cost $19.99 to me (as X3 Producer owner today)?

I do not believe anyone can see as far as forever and I would not believe them if they said they could. The new software is being sold for a one-time annual fee or a 12 payment plan. After the intro period the 12 month payment plan is $19.99/mo. If you elect to drop the plan before completing the 12th payment, the new software will revert to demo mode. As your last purchased version ages, I would expect the cost of purchasing a new version of SONAR would increase, just like the price matrix shows today.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:38 PM (permalink)
All I can hope for is that with the move to a more incremental upgrade cycle, bug fixing and finishing half-done features will gain priority because there will no longer be a conflict between supporting past customers and enticing new ones - everybody is on the same upgrade path, except those who choose to drop off early.

Spot on, and that's another advantage of handling software in this manner. 

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:38 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]And even without the intro offer, for SONAR Producer customers, it's only $19.99 month.
Forever? i.e. if 2-4 years later I'll decide to rent Platinum version for a month (for some work) it still will cost $19.99 to me (as X3 Producer owner today)?

Netflix has a great way of doing Subscriptions. You have multiple levels to pay for, but you can "pause" your account if you're getting busy with something else, and without penalty. You pay perpetually, yes, but it equals out if you keep your upgrades going. In this case, once you're subscribed, you'll not want to leave. And the low cost is not even an issue for most. $9.99/mo for online movies is so negligible, people find it more of a burden to discontinue or pause it than to just leave it going. Add DVDs and Blu-Ray to the mix and the cost goes up, but not drastically.

Sonar Platinum, Steinberg Wavelab Pro 9, MOTU 24CoreIO w/ low-slew OP-AMP mods and BLA external clock, True P8, Audient ASP008, API 512c, Chandler Germ500, Summit 2ba-221, GAP Pre-73, Peluso 22251, Peluso 2247LE, Mackie HR824, Polk Audio SRS-SDA 2.3tl w/upgraded Soniccraft crossovers and Goertz cables, powered by Pass-X350. All wiring Star-Quad XLR or Monster Cable. Power by Monster Power Signature AVS2000 voltage stabilizer and Signature Pro Power 5100 PowerCenter on a 20A isolation shielded circuit.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:39 PM (permalink)
i.e. if 2-4 years later I'll decide to rent Platinum version for a month (for some work) it still will cost $19.99 to me (as X3 Producer owner today)?

If you only need it for a month, download the demo. It's free.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 14, 15 1:48 PM (permalink)
Sir Les
So what is being said in full front...This software is not fully made, you see more needs to make more money...Moe cash in the cow, or cow in the cash....and you are stating it will be updated, as all things needs be, that are not fully functional or working as should be?...So you make the peoples pay forward?....why not get it completely right out of the box?...and make us pay full price...because things with computers as I know of in some forms....Things change, and so does gear....and to pay for something, get it, and then it is no longer supported by the system it is made ok to pay for...but to say, this software is asking for payment for further upgrades and such, in stating it will do in time adding in new or fixes, makes my mind worry about upgrading if it is not working fully...and needs be fixing!...who pays us to R&D?...and the hair loss if it is buggy?

Every piece of music software in existence today has undergone updates to add new features over multiple revisions, and with very few exceptions, you pay for major updates. Every piece of music software in existence today has also released bug fixes. So it would be accurate to say that no piece of music software in existence today was ever released in a totally functional state, unless it works perfectly and is still on version 1.00.
The advantage of Cakewalk's approach is you get new features as soon as they're ready and it's easier to do QA that way. Also, this will allow something similar to the Quick Fixes that were done years ago...a great idea, but it was impractical because people were on all kinds of different versions. If you're a member, whatever software you are running is the latest and greatest version.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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