Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:28 PM
aidanodr So Andrew, I upgrade my Sonar X3 Producer to Platinum via the $149 one off payment. I get 1 year membership for the following 12 months. My choices then are: 1. Stop subscribing,own the Platinum outright with updates ONLY up to that point 2. Continue subscription via another yearly sub of $149 or greater ( after intro offer ) in perpetuity 3. Continue subscription via monthly sub of $14.99. If one chooses option 3 could one dip in and out and get updates at that time and up to that time? Say, decide to just pay sub every two months or every 3 months skipping the months in between? So only sub for months where an update is seen as useful. Game dev software UNREAL ENGINE works this way - dip in / out
No, if you decide to go renew at a monthly basis you will need to pay for 12 months to own everything you are receiving as part of the new renewal. If you opt out, you'll revert back to the version you paid for before you renewed.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:28 PM
Greeny This stinks. I shall be voting with my wallet, hello steinberg.
What stinks? The "membership" pricing? You can just pay for a full upgrade which seems to be the same prices they were for the X3 upgrade and you get a full license. It's the exact same thing. The subscription thing is for those who just want to pay less on a monthly basis. If they had forced everyone to a subscription model I'd say the same thing but that is not what is happening.
Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:29 PM
theheliosequence Hmmm... it says membership renewal after 12 months is $199 or $19.99 per month. I also notice that this version doesn't seem to be called Sonar X4, but as far as I could tell... Sonar 2015. I'm I to believe that Sonar will no longer have version upgrades, but just be constantly upgrading on the same platform or perhaps a yearly overhaul?
Yes. It's just SONAR, no version number. We'll be delivering updates and fixes as soon as they're ready. You can purchase using whatever option is best for you, pre-pay upfront or monthly. Does that also mean that Sonar will basically be $200/year to continue using from here on out?
Upgrade pricing depends on which version you are currently on, the chart here: has those details. Today it's $149 for 12 months for current X3 Producer Owners
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:30 PM
☄ Helpfulby gswitz January 13, 15 7:35 PM
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:30 PM
Greeny This stinks. I shall be voting with my wallet, hello steinberg.
Any chance you read the FAQ before you posted this? This is a very customer friendly program. It's also good for us in that we can focus on developing features in smaller chunks and releasing them sooner.
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:32 PM
Greeny This stinks. I shall be voting with my wallet, hello steinberg.
What stinks? The "membership" pricing? You can just pay for a full upgrade which seems to be the same prices they were for the X3 upgrade and you get a full license. It's the exact same thing. The subscription thing is for those who just want to pay less on a monthly basis. If they had forced everyone to a subscription model I'd say the same thing but that is not what is happening.
Yeah exactly, and after 12 months of paying month to month, you get to keep everything you received, no strings attached. As mentioned before, it's very customer-friendly.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:33 PM
☄ Helpfulby gswitz January 13, 15 7:35 PM
Andrew, So I can post a bug on Tuesday and have a patch on Wednesday? 
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:33 PM
Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk] Users that only buy one month won't be able to use SONAR after 30 days. They will need an active membership to continue access to the program and updates. After 12 months of non-interrupted membership, they get to keep their software.
Thanks for clarifying that Seth. I didn't get deep enough into the paperwork to catch that point, which is very reassuring. So basically it sounds like the membership is "invisible" to loyal customers and is a $149 upgrade to the new version, which is really no different to us than before.
ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:33 PM
Vern C So is there any word on a potential release date? I'd like to know a timeframe so I can set aside the cash. :)
Later this month. If I had to guess, NAMM.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:35 PM
orhanproject Overall mixed feelings, same as when adobe moved (forced) completely to CC (Im still on cs6) Didn't see anything about MELODYNE (ctrl+m) (i have the full version which works fine in x3e), will it still be available in platinum?
Yes, Melodyne will remain. But remember, the big advantage compared to Adobe is you get to keep stuff. If you want to upgrade, you upgrade. If you don't, you don't but you still get to keep what you paid for. Another big advantage AFAIC is you get new features when they're ready, not in accordance to an upgrade schedule. But another advantage that hasn't really been emphasized is that rolling out and QAing one or two new program features at a time is much more straightforward than QAing 40 changes in a huge rollout. Also if there's an issue, it can be fixed more quickly. I think this is pretty darn cool. Frankly, I think it's going to shake up the industry. The bar has now been set for a customer-centric ownership model instead of a company-centric rental ("subscription") model.
Nice to hear melodyne will remain, sounds good, I like to keep stuff :) , this will be interesting
my music: soundcloud/orhanproject
Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:35 PM
orhanproject Overall mixed feelings, same as when adobe moved (forced) completely to CC (Im still on cs6) Didn't see anything about MELODYNE (ctrl+m) (i have the full version which works fine in x3e), will it still be available in platinum?
... But another advantage that hasn't really been emphasized is that rolling out and QAing one or two new program features at a time is much more straightforward than QAing 40 changes in a huge rollout. Also if there's an issue, it can be fixed more quickly. ...
Not to mention, if there is a really REALLY big issue, the new Cakewalk Command Center allows people to roll back with ease It's the type of feature that you hope to never have to use, but I can think of plenty of times where DAW upgrades broke 3rd party compatibility and the question of which company was at fault was never fully defined. When faced with those situations and an immediate fix is not available from either developer, the ability to roll back is HUGE!
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:38 PM
theheliosequence Hmmm... it says membership renewal after 12 months is $199 or $19.99 per month. I also notice that this version doesn't seem to be called Sonar X4, but as far as I could tell... Sonar 2015. I'm I to believe that Sonar will no longer have version upgrades, but just be constantly upgrading on the same platform or perhaps a yearly overhaul? Does that also mean that Sonar will basically be $200/year to continue using from here on out?
Yeah, there are no more versions. We will be constantly updating the program and when you purchase you'll never have to worry that a new one is around the corner. You'll be covered for 12 months with the current version plus the new stuff you'll be getting. The one big difference and why we don't call this subscription is that you keep everything you own assuming you are currently a member or completed 12 months. So for $20/mo or the upfront fee, we'll be providing you a lot of value that we hope will keep you happy and a customer. Of course if say in a year you aren't satisfied for whatever reason, you'll keep everything you received and can decide at a later date if you want to opt back in. If you pay upfront, you are all set and are covered for 12 months.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:38 PM
I noticed that the one-time payment for the upgrade from Sonar X3 Producer to Sonar Platinum is $149, but if you pay $14.99 for 12 months it comes to $179.88. Is this basically just rewarding customers for paying all at once, or is there something I'm not getting by using the one-time payment offer? Does paying all at once equate to buying 12 months of the subscription or am I only paying to use the software as it is with no updates available to me?
Chris Porter www.cportermusic.comListen to my original work on Soundcloud and YouTubeGet my original soundtracks on Bandcamp Sonar Platinum "2017.04", Windows 10 64-bit, ASUS Z170-A, i7 6700K (4.0GHz), 32GB DDR4 RAM, 250GB SSD 850 EVO (OS/Sonar/Plugins), 1TB SSD 850 EVO (Sample Libraries), 3TB WD Black HDD (projects/audio), Noctua NH-D14 Cooling Unit, PreSonus AudioBox USB Interface, M-AUDIO Oxygen49
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:41 PM
orhanproject Overall mixed feelings, same as when adobe moved (forced) completely to CC (Im still on cs6)
1 - Didn't see anything about MELODYNE (ctrl+m) (i have the full version which works fine in x3e), will it still be available in platinum?
2 - still no overhaul on selected/active track highlighted, its still hard to see what track is active 3 - pattern tool, what is this? Clone stamp ala photoshop? name one occation where its useful :) whos idea/request was that?
Check out the Pattern Tool video on the page to see how it works. Basically you can copy a MIDI part and then use the tool to paint your MIDI parts. Huge time saver.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:41 PM
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk] Not to mention, if there is a really REALLY big issue, the new Cakewalk Command Center allows people to roll back with ease It's the type of feature that you hope to never have to use, but I can think of plenty of times where DAW upgrades broke 3rd party compatibility and the question of which company was at fault was never fully defined. When faced with those situations and an immediate fix is not available from either developer, the ability to roll back is HUGE!
Yes Ryan, that is really cool. I also like that you can download stuff when you want, can skip an update and come back to it later, etc.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:42 PM
Still no varispeed but.... everything else looks awesome!!!!
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:43 PM
☄ Helpfulby Del January 14, 15 12:04 AM
skitch_84 I noticed that the one-time payment for the upgrade from Sonar X3 Producer to Sonar Platinum is $149, but if you pay $14.99 for 12 months it comes to $179.88. Is this basically just rewarding customers for paying all at once, or is there something I'm not getting by using the one-time payment offer? Does paying all at once equate to buying 12 months of the subscription or am I only paying to use the software as it is with no updates available to me?
There's a discount for paying upfront. But whether you pay upfront or monthly, you'll get the new version with all the new features plus the features coming up over the next year. Basically, you are getting what would have been X4 and then X5.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:44 PM
I have been a Cakewalk customer since the Midi days in the mid/early 90's. I would say that I typically will get good use out of every other (or maybe one in every three) version of Sonar... For example... Used 8 a ton...but barely used 8.5 (even though it was solid). X1 was a nightmare for me and was never really usable, while X2 has been great and used a lot. Haven't really got much use out of X3, but could at least use it at this point... where it was too buggy early on. Most of this depended on how big of a project I was working on and how buggy the current version was at the time. I usually have pretty complex projects with tons of tracks, busses, sends, FX (4x UAD-2 Quads), layers, automation, midi, etc... so when things aren't really solid, I just have to stick to a version that works or that I can really count on. With this in mind... could I sign up for monthly updates and if the software isn't working out for me, stop payment until the software becomes more stable and start back up with monthly payments again? Or will there be retroactive charges or lost features doing this? Although part of me is skeptical that any major DAW could keep a constantly updating software bug free for the majority of a year, I'm also kind of curious if people's ability to stop payment until fixes are made to really keep the focus on the software working... as opposed to big promises every year and half that may or may not come to fruition. My first thought was negative towards this... that it was a way to milk loyal customers ($199/year as opposed to $149 every year and a half)... but now I wonder if it could be a good thing?
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:44 PM
bapu Andrew, So I can post a bug on Tuesday and have a patch on Wednesday? 
HAHA. It won't be daily. But you can expect more fixes over the course of a year. And we'll be working on improving the product and current feature sets, which customers have asked us to do for a long time.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:45 PM
It's a bit confusing, and my initial reaction was dismay as I'm not a fan of monthly licensing, but it looks like for those of us who wish to upgrade once a year it looks similar to what we had before - except with periodic releases of new features as they become available and monthly pricing for those who desire it.
 In order, then, to discover the limit of deepest tones, it is necessary not only to produce very violent agitations in the air but to give these the form of simple pendular vibrations. - Hermann von Helmholtz, predicting the role of the electric bassist in 1877.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:46 PM
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk] No, if you decide to go renew at a monthly basis you will need to pay for 12 months to own everything you are receiving as part of the new renewal. If you opt out, you'll revert back to the version you paid for before you renewed.
Andrew, Apologies for more Qs. Just trying to square it in my mind. - Year One I pay $149 to upgrade to Platinum. I then own the software forever. However I get no more updates. - Year two I choose either another $149 for that year OR I pay 12 monthly $14.99 - I CANNOT choose to opt in / out on monthly subs in Year two? - If I do drop out of monthly subs say, 6 months into year two my software reverts back to the older version I own since end of year one? Dropping any new updates I already paid for in the first 6 months of year two? Aidan
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:49 PM
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
Greeny This stinks. I shall be voting with my wallet, hello steinberg.
I sense a recurring theme starting here. Any chance you can share what aspect you're not a fan of? Maybe we can help to clarify? If not, the feedback would be helpful for us either way.
I want to buy a daw, I want to know what I am buying when I buy it, I dont want to be teased tyvm. When I part with my hard earned cash I want to know what I am buying. You dont buy a steering wheel with the promise of a car in parts over the next 12 months do you? No! So why should we be doing this with our daws?
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:50 PM
Did you guys fix the Concrete Limiter PC module that we paid for? No mention of Concrete Limiter from what I can see...
Cakewalk by Bandlab - Win10 Pro x64 - StudioCat Platinum Studio DAW - 32 GB Ram - MOTU UltraLite-mk3 M-Audio Keystation 88ES - Akai MPD26 (hot-rodded) - Alesis DM10 - a few guitars, a few amps Novation Launch Control - Korg nanoKONTROL2 - PreSonus FaderPort - DAW Remote HD on iPad Adam A7X - Behritone C50A PreSonus Monitor Station v2 (controlling the mons)
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:52 PM
And to be clear I am not saying I think it is a bad update, how could I know? The model stinks not the update.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:52 PM
- Listen - FOH Mixer & Recording Studio Manager Nothing but the grace of God - mggtg. VS 700C - R / CONSOLE 1 / NEVE PORTICO 5017 / TASCAM UH-7000 / SONAR PLATINUM / REASON RECORD 9 / VMP 2 / UREI 7110's / UA LA-610 MkII / AUDIENT ASP 880 / CREATION STATION 450 V 5 WINDOWS 10 / HOME 64 - BIT / SKYLAKE CORE i7 (i7 - 6700, 4 CORES/8 THREADS)
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:52 PM
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
Greeny This stinks. I shall be voting with my wallet, hello steinberg.
I sense a recurring theme starting here. Any chance you can share what aspect you're not a fan of? Maybe we can help to clarify? If not, the feedback would be helpful for us either way.
I want to buy a daw, I want to know what I am buying when I buy it, I dont want to be teased tyvm. When I part with my hard earned cash I want to know what I am buying. You dont buy a steering wheel with the promise of a car in parts over the next 12 months do you? No! So why should we be doing this with our daws?
That doesn't even make sense. NOTHING HAS CHANGED unless you want it to. In fact this way would be better for your scenario because you could just pay for a month to try everything out and if you like it then you can buy the full upgrade and own it outright. Seriously... nothing has changed except now you have an EXTRA purchasing option. It's brilliant and exactly what I suggested back when people were flipping out about the survey question on subscriptions a while back.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:54 PM
☄ Helpfulby DrBoom January 13, 15 8:29 PM
This new model gets folks like me who skip releases into your annual revenue stream. I really like Sonar. Count me in.
My daw will now need to phone home to run Sonar Platinum? My Sonar X3 Pro rig is an offline machine. Do I now need antivirus software if it must be plugged into the web exclusively for this purpose? Which AV program do you recommend? A trip to windows 7 update is now necessary to plug up security holes.
and everything was working so well.
Sonar X 3 Pro, Sweetwater Creation Station 400 -i7 2600, Steinberg MR816x w/Focusrite Octopre mkII adat'ed in
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:56 PM
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
Greeny This stinks. I shall be voting with my wallet, hello steinberg.
I sense a recurring theme starting here. Any chance you can share what aspect you're not a fan of? Maybe we can help to clarify? If not, the feedback would be helpful for us either way.
I want to buy a daw, I want to know what I am buying when I buy it, I dont want to be teased tyvm. When I part with my hard earned cash I want to know what I am buying. You dont buy a steering wheel with the promise of a car in parts over the next 12 months do you? No! So why should we be doing this with our daws?
That doesn't even make sense. NOTHING HAS CHANGED unless you want it to. In fact this way would be better for your scenario because you could just pay for a month to try everything out and if you like it then you can buy the full upgrade and own it outright. Seriously... nothing has changed except now you have an EXTRA purchasing option. It's brilliant and exactly what I suggested back when people were flipping out about the survey question on subscriptions a while back.
Yes something has changed, I pay the upgrade price, and dont get the updates right away. I dont know what I am buying how exactly is this better for me?
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:57 PM
Beepster seems to have the right of it. Well said Beeps.
Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership
January 13, 15 6:58 PM
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
Greeny This stinks. I shall be voting with my wallet, hello steinberg.
I sense a recurring theme starting here. Any chance you can share what aspect you're not a fan of? Maybe we can help to clarify? If not, the feedback would be helpful for us either way.
I want to buy a daw, I want to know what I am buying when I buy it, I dont want to be teased tyvm. When I part with my hard earned cash I want to know what I am buying. You dont buy a steering wheel with the promise of a car in parts over the next 12 months do you? No! So why should we be doing this with our daws?
That doesn't even make sense. NOTHING HAS CHANGED unless you want it to. In fact this way would be better for your scenario because you could just pay for a month to try everything out and if you like it then you can buy the full upgrade and own it outright. Seriously... nothing has changed except now you have an EXTRA purchasing option. It's brilliant and exactly what I suggested back when people were flipping out about the survey question on subscriptions a while back.
Yes something has changed, I pay the upgrade price, and dont get the updates right away. I dont know what I am buying how exactly is this better for me?
You not only get everything I just listed in my other reply to you, but a full extra year of updates as part of the 12 month membership if you're choosing to buy up front. Check out I think you're mistaking what we've been up to for the past year. There is already a whole slew of new features and major additions.