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Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:19 PM (permalink)
I think his point may be that he's seeing his $149 as paying for the new features as well as the "coming soon" features and he'd rather only pay for the new features already released that he can evaluate before buying.
It's just a different way of looking at the pricing structure. To me I (too) am not going to pay $149 for promises, but I choose to look at it as I can evaluate the current new features to see if they're worth the upgrade cost and then I get a year's worth of free stuff.

That seems very fair. I can understand that logic. 
Willy Jones [Cakewalk]
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:21 PM (permalink)
Here is the question - will I be able to download/update if my main system is not connected to the internet???

Yes - absolutely. Everything that is available in Command Center will also be available from your My-Account page. Additionally there is an 'offline activation' method (you can actually see this page now today on our site in My-Account) that will allow you to import an authorization request from your non-connected system, copy it to your online computer, get the response file from our site and then import on your offline computer.
If your primary DAW is offline then I'd suggest doing the upfront option instead of monthly. This way you only have to do the authorization handshake dance once a year.

Willy Jones 
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:21 PM (permalink)
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
This stinks. I shall be voting with my wallet, hello steinberg.

I sense a starting here. Any chance you can share what aspect you're not a fan of? Maybe we can help to clarify? If not, the feedback would be helpful for us either way.

I want to buy a daw, I want to know what I am buying when I buy it, I dont want to be teased tyvm. When I part with my hard earned cash I want to know what I am buying. You dont buy a steering wheel with the promise of a car in parts over the next 12 months do you? No! So why should we be doing this with our daws?

Because you are not buying a steering wheel. You're buying a fully functional DAW.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:21 PM (permalink)
Just wondering if the Pricing sheet is correct?
From X3 Producer to Platinum it is $149 first 12 months then raises to $199 the second 12 months.  The renewal stays the same for the Pro and Artist series, there is no price increase...

Purrrfect Audio DAW here.  Wow!...
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:22 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Ok, just to clarify... If I sign up for a month to month and the new version is messy enough that I feel like I'm going to wait on it... I can cancel, but I lose the new version.
If a few months down the road it seems like it's worth trying again, then I can go month to month again and I've got the software back.
If I keep going, after 12 months, then I've got all of the current features at the 12 month point even if I cancel. Now what about consecutive month 13, 14, 15? Do I "own" any current updates for every month past the 12th month? Or will it be another year before new features are owned without a monthly membership?

You wil continue to keep everything you own after the 12th month. So say you continue to renew for 6 more months and then decide for whatever reason that you don't want to be a member, you'd keep everything you received up until month 18. However, once you opt out, you'd have to do another 12 month membership or pay upfront. 

Ok, that seems fair. It is more expensive that the $100-$150 every year and a half or so, but it would be worth it if the software could be kept bug free more easily.
BUT... BIG QUESTION!!! How do you implement this type of licensing? iLok? Or do we have to be connected to the internet? Please tell me there is going to be a dongle free offline activation that I don't have to run at the beginning of every month unless I purchase a year license in advance...
Also, will this at all change the policy of having Sonar installed on more than one machine, just not used at the same time? I am still using Sonar for Live shows on a Laptop...

This will all be managed from the new Cakewalk Command Center. No dongle required but internet connection is required to download the updates. And you can install on multiple machines. 
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:22 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Ok, just to clarify... If I sign up for a month to month and the new version is messy enough that I feel like I'm going to wait on it... I can cancel, but I lose the new version.
If a few months down the road it seems like it's worth trying again, then I can go month to month again and I've got the software back.
If I keep going, after 12 months, then I've got all of the current features at the 12 month point even if I cancel. Now what about consecutive month 13, 14, 15? Do I "own" any current updates for every month past the 12th month? Or will it be another year before new features are owned without a monthly membership?

You wil continue to keep everything you own after the 12th month. So say you continue to renew for 6 more months and then decide for whatever reason that you don't want to be a member, you'd keep everything you received up until month 18. However, once you opt out, you'd have to do another 12 month membership or pay upfront. 

Ok, that seems fair. It is more expensive that the $100-$150 every year and a half or so, but it would be worth it if the software could be kept bug free more easily.
BUT... BIG QUESTION!!! How do you implement this type of licensing? iLok? Or do we have to be connected to the internet? Please tell me there is going to be a dongle free offline activation that I don't have to run at the beginning of every month unless I purchase a year license in advance...
Also, will this at all change the policy of having Sonar installed on more than one machine, just not used at the same time? I am still using Sonar for Live shows on a Laptop...

You can either use Cakewalk Command Center to download and install which will activate automatically (requires an internet connection) or you can follow our Offline Activation instructions here 
(the link in the page is not currently active, we'll have that up soon)

Ryan Munnis
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:22 PM (permalink)
Interesting.  I'm not sure I'm quite ready to jump out of X3 Producer yet.  I have so many additional plugins now that I'm not sure the new additions will be relevant to my recording or work flow.  I might just hold off a little until I hear some feedback on the new system.

Sonar Platinum, Harrison Mixbus 4, Melodyne 4 Studio, Slate Digital FG-X, ARC 2, Windows 10 Pro x64, Intel I7-4790@3.6ghz, 16 Gb RAM, GeForce GT730, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Behringer ADA8200, Prodipe Ribbon 8 monitors, Prodipe Pro5 monitors, Behringer B2030P monitors, Korg nanokontrol, Korg microKey, Samson Graphite MF8, rack full of channel strips and processors, lots of guitars, basses, and pedals.
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:23 PM (permalink)
Just wondering if the Pricing sheet is correct?
From X3 Producer to Platinum it is $149 first 12 months then raises to $199 the second 12 months.  The renewal stays the same for the Pro and Artist series, there is no price increase...

We are offering current X3 customers a special introductory price on Platinum. The prices for the other versions are already pretty affordable considering the feature set (in my opinion).
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:25 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
I think his point may be that he's seeing his $149 as paying for the new features as well as the "coming soon" features and he'd rather only pay for the new features already released that he can evaluate before buying.
It's just a different way of looking at the pricing structure. To me I (too) am not going to pay $149 for promises, but I choose to look at it as I can evaluate the current new features to see if they're worth the upgrade cost and then I get a year's worth of free stuff.

That seems very fair. I can understand that logic. 

That is exactly my point, I am sorry if I failed to get it across, most companys dont go around giving stuff away for free, that seems like a good way to go out of business so I can only assume that these 12 months are covered in the one time upgrade free. I am not implying that there is nothing new now I clearly see there is new stuff right away. I just think it would be better to have the option to not have to pay for the 12 months of extras, I dont want to pay for them and not have them, I maybe even want them but until I know what they are I dont know so to me it seems like I am paying for a bunch of promises (as well as a bunch of new stuff right away).
So it seems like you are telling me, pay the onetime upgrade and the 12 months sub, or you dont get to have the update, that is the part I do not like. I read through all of the link you posted before I made a single post, I understand I am gonna get new stuff now. I am still gonna be fronting money for promises no matter which option I choose.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:27 PM (permalink)
Wait, I think I  may be slightly ****ed. If I pay for 1 month now, I get the new update and get to keep it even if I only pay for 1 month?
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:28 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby RSMCGUITAR January 13, 15 8:11 PM
A little underwhelmed due to the holiday sales meaning I'd be looking for XLN to release some new kits from me to benefit from that, but that additional kit with the pro option can sit on my XLN account for a while until I need to make a decision (like some kit pieces currently are). There are no must have feature that I can see here, just further refinements.
I was really hoping that there would be some chord structure developments and a few other midi options coming i. The midi stretch is cool though. It will make taking an improvised performance and fitting to a tempo a lot easier than the 'fit to time function' which always seemed more time consuming than it should have. And when a keyboard player play a chord, but instead of all at once rolls up the keyboard so the note overlap. Editing this to change the feel will be useful so I am sure a few other things will come to mind.
A lot of plugs from the current x3 producer are only included in the platinum x4, but the only things unique to x4 plat is the vocal sync and SMPTE. So for the first time I can't see the real point in getting the full version.
I'm on the fence, I'll have to wait for the dust to settle.
Knocked this up, and I sure someone will point out you can view this by pressing a button I didn't see, but in case not. Here is a list of the don't gets between versions

And a link in case it's too small
post edited by Scoot - January 13, 15 7:43 PM

HP ENVY Notebook - 15t-k100 CTO i7 -4510U CPU @ 2.00 GHZ 8gb RAM. Windows 8.1 64bit Full HD Touchscreen
Sonar X3 Producer, AAS Complete set, XLN AD Keys and Drums, TH2
Roland Quad Capture, AudioTeckina 3035 Mic and ATH-M50 Headphones.
Korg Nanopad2, WX5 Midi Sax, , Soprano Sax, Alto and Soprano Flute, Acoustic Guitar and Epiphone Dot
          Scoot not scook
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:30 PM (permalink)
"Any chance you read the FAQ before you posted this? This is a very customer friendly program."
My worry is that I will be paying $149 for the update -- THIS YEAR. 

After that, it looks like I will be expected to pay around $600 per year to keep up my Platinum Subscription. Is this correct? 
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:31 PM (permalink)
Wait, I think I  may be slightly ****ed. If I pay for 1 month now, I get the new update and get to keep it even if I only pay for 1 month?

Read the FAQ:
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:32 PM (permalink)
A little underwhelmed due to the holiday sales meaning I'd be looking for XLN to release some new kits from me to benefit from that, but that additional kit with the pro option can sit on my XLN account for a while until I need to make a decision (like some kit peices currently are). There are no must have feature that I can see here, just further refinements.
I was really hoping that there would be some chord structure developments and a few other midi options coming i. The midi stretch is cool though. It will make taking an improvised performance and fitting to a tempo a lot easier than the 'fit to time function' which always seemed more time consuming than it should have. And when a keyboard player play a chord, but instead of all at once rolls up the keyboard so the note overlap. Editing this to change the feel will be useful so I am sure a few other things will come to mind.
A lot of plugs from the current x3 producer are only included in the Professional x4, but the only things unique to x4 pro is the vocal sync and SMPTE. So for the first time I can't see the real point in getting the full version.
I'm on the fence, I'll have to wait for the dust to settle.
Knocked this up, and I sure sometone will point out you can veiw this by pressing a button I did't see, but in case not. Here is a list of the don't gets between versions
And a link in case it's too small

Your image seems cropped. If you're looking for the full list, it's here:
(If you hover over a feature it will tell you a bit more)

Ryan Munnis
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:32 PM (permalink)
"Any chance you read the FAQ before you posted this? This is a very customer friendly program."
My worry is that I will be paying $149 for the update -- THIS YEAR. 

After that, it looks like I will be expected to pay around $600 per year to keep up my Platinum Subscription. Is this correct? 

Nope. After a year, you can purchase upfront for $199 or renew monthly for $19.99/month. You will have had a year to decide if you think it's worth it. So does put the burden on us to provide value :)
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:34 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Ok, just to clarify... If I sign up for a month to month and the new version is messy enough that I feel like I'm going to wait on it... I can cancel, but I lose the new version.
If a few months down the road it seems like it's worth trying again, then I can go month to month again and I've got the software back.
If I keep going, after 12 months, then I've got all of the current features at the 12 month point even if I cancel. Now what about consecutive month 13, 14, 15? Do I "own" any current updates for every month past the 12th month? Or will it be another year before new features are owned without a monthly membership?

You wil continue to keep everything you own after the 12th month. So say you continue to renew for 6 more months and then decide for whatever reason that you don't want to be a member, you'd keep everything you received up until month 18. However, once you opt out, you'd have to do another 12 month membership or pay upfront. 

Hi Andrew,

I asked this Q further back in my continued Qs. You probably didnt see it.

So we are on month 18, I decide to drop the sub. I get to keep and use Sonar & all updates up to the point it was at at 18 months?
You however say if I drop at 18 months "you'd have to do another 12 month membership or pay upfront. "
Thats the point I lose you. When you say once you opt out - does the membership disappear altogether or does it still exist but go into stasis ready to be reactivated? Or do you have to start a whole new membership?
If you reactivate membership on month 24 does your month 18 version of sonar now update to month 24?
Then if you say dropped again at month 25 - do you get to keep everything up to month 24?
Is their a minimum monthly membership needed? Thats what I asked earlier. After paying the $149 for the "full version" right away inc 12 months of membership could you - after month 12 decide to keep membership open but subscribe every 2nd or third month - eg month 13, month 16, month 19 etc.
Sorry if Im being stupid here .. 
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:34 PM (permalink)
"Any chance you read the FAQ before you posted this? This is a very customer friendly program."
My worry is that I will be paying $149 for the update -- THIS YEAR. 

After that, it looks like I will be expected to pay around $600 per year to keep up my Platinum Subscription. Is this correct? 

Membership renewal prices and more pricing breakdowns are listed here:
So if you were on platinum, you'd pay another $199 to renew your membership for another 12 months (if you wanted to pay up front) or $19.99/month

Ryan Munnis
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:34 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
I think his point may be that he's seeing his $149 as paying for the new features as well as the "coming soon" features and he'd rather only pay for the new features already released that he can evaluate before buying.
It's just a different way of looking at the pricing structure. To me I (too) am not going to pay $149 for promises, but I choose to look at it as I can evaluate the current new features to see if they're worth the upgrade cost and then I get a year's worth of free stuff.

That seems very fair. I can understand that logic. 

I'm still not quite clear on what happens a year from now though (assuming I did the yearly upgrade now). What would I be paying for at that point?

 In order, then, to discover the limit of deepest tones, it is necessary not only to produce very violent agitations in the air but to give these the form of simple pendular vibrations. - Hermann von Helmholtz, predicting the role of the electric bassist in 1877.
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:34 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby gswitz January 13, 15 7:48 PM
A little underwhelmed due to the holiday sales meaning I'd be looking for XLN to release some new kits from me to benefit from that, but that additional kit with the pro option can sit on my XLN account for a while until I need to make a decision (like some kit peices currently are). There are no must have feature that I can see here, just further refinements.
I was really hoping that there would be some chord structure developments and a few other midi options coming i. The midi stretch is cool though. It will make taking an improvised performance and fitting to a tempo a lot easier than the 'fit to time function' which always seemed more time consuming than it should have. And when a keyboard player play a chord, but instead of all at once rolls up the keyboard so the note overlap. Editing this to change the feel will be useful so I am sure a few other things will come to mind.
A lot of plugs from the current x3 producer are only included in the Professional x4, but the only things unique to x4 pro is the vocal sync and SMPTE. So for the first time I can't see the real point in getting the full version.
I'm on the fence, I'll have to wait for the dust to settle.
Knocked this up, and I sure sometone will point out you can veiw this by pressing a button I did't see, but in case not. Here is a list of the don't gets between versions

And a link in case it's too small

One thing to keep in mind, Platinum comes with Addictive Drums 2 Producer Bundle. That means that even if you have some of the kits already, you can choose 3 more ADPaks, MIDIpaks and Kit Pieces. Also, the new Drum Replacer will be a Platinum feature. 
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:35 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
I think his point may be that he's seeing his $149 as paying for the new features as well as the "coming soon" features and he'd rather only pay for the new features already released that he can evaluate before buying.
It's just a different way of looking at the pricing structure. To me I (too) am not going to pay $149 for promises, but I choose to look at it as I can evaluate the current new features to see if they're worth the upgrade cost and then I get a year's worth of free stuff.

That seems very fair. I can understand that logic. 

I'm still not quite clear on what happens a year from now though (assuming I did the yearly upgrade now). What would I be paying for at that point?

$199 upfront or $19.99/month for Platinum. 
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:35 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
"Any chance you read the FAQ before you posted this? This is a very customer friendly program."
My worry is that I will be paying $149 for the update -- THIS YEAR. 

After that, it looks like I will be expected to pay around $600 per year to keep up my Platinum Subscription. Is this correct? 

Nope. After a year, you can purchase upfront for $199 or renew monthly for $19.99/month. You will have had a year to decide if you think it's worth it. So does put the burden on us to provide value :)

That does sound nice, but what about third year, fourth year, etc? Is the $199 per year the currently-planned on-going price to maintain a Platinum Membership? That is, for all users, is the planned Platinum membership $499 first year (for new people), and $199 after that? 
Just trying to clarify if the plan will soon become $499 per year, every year, to maintain. 
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:36 PM (permalink)
Ok I get it. Sorry for my earlier frustration, I misread a few things and jumped to some conclusions. It makes sense now. Whoever said being dumb was easy. In my defense - iits late and I'm tired. Please feel free to slap me with a sonar platinum boxset.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:37 PM (permalink)
So one final question, since I already have AD2 with 3 kits, do I get to choose another 3 kits or do I just keep what I already have?
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:37 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
I think his point may be that he's seeing his $149 as paying for the new features as well as the "coming soon" features and he'd rather only pay for the new features already released that he can evaluate before buying.
It's just a different way of looking at the pricing structure. To me I (too) am not going to pay $149 for promises, but I choose to look at it as I can evaluate the current new features to see if they're worth the upgrade cost and then I get a year's worth of free stuff.

That seems very fair. I can understand that logic. 

I'm still not quite clear on what happens a year from now though (assuming I did the yearly upgrade now). What would I be paying for at that point?

$199 upfront or $19.99/month for Platinum. 

OK, but what am I getting for that $199 at that point? Just the future stuff?

 In order, then, to discover the limit of deepest tones, it is necessary not only to produce very violent agitations in the air but to give these the form of simple pendular vibrations. - Hermann von Helmholtz, predicting the role of the electric bassist in 1877.
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:38 PM (permalink)
Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
Knocked this up, and I sure someone will point out you can view this by pressing a button I didn't see, but in case not. Here is a list of the don't gets between versions

Your image seems cropped. If you're looking for the full list, it's here:
(If you hover over a feature it will tell you a bit more)

It's a list of the thing you don't get between versions, rather than the list of things that are the same. Easier to see what you miss out on.

HP ENVY Notebook - 15t-k100 CTO i7 -4510U CPU @ 2.00 GHZ 8gb RAM. Windows 8.1 64bit Full HD Touchscreen
Sonar X3 Producer, AAS Complete set, XLN AD Keys and Drums, TH2
Roland Quad Capture, AudioTeckina 3035 Mic and ATH-M50 Headphones.
Korg Nanopad2, WX5 Midi Sax, , Soprano Sax, Alto and Soprano Flute, Acoustic Guitar and Epiphone Dot
          Scoot not scook
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:38 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Just wondering if the Pricing sheet is correct?
From X3 Producer to Platinum it is $149 first 12 months then raises to $199 the second 12 months.  The renewal stays the same for the Pro and Artist series, there is no price increase...

We are offering current X3 customers a special introductory price on Platinum. The prices for the other versions are already pretty affordable considering the feature set (in my opinion).

Do you guys plan on having $199 being the yearly fee from now on for the top tier version? I don't use Pro Channel very often (I feel like I am already using the highest quality plugins available - UAD, Slate, DMG, Fab-Filter, Acustica, iZotope, BOZ Digital, Softube, etc.) so maybe it's time to downgrade (it's weird to even say that). There is just more add-on software for Platinum, correct? Or am I missing something?
Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:39 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Ok, just to clarify... If I sign up for a month to month and the new version is messy enough that I feel like I'm going to wait on it... I can cancel, but I lose the new version.
If a few months down the road it seems like it's worth trying again, then I can go month to month again and I've got the software back.
If I keep going, after 12 months, then I've got all of the current features at the 12 month point even if I cancel. Now what about consecutive month 13, 14, 15? Do I "own" any current updates for every month past the 12th month? Or will it be another year before new features are owned without a monthly membership?

You wil continue to keep everything you own after the 12th month. So say you continue to renew for 6 more months and then decide for whatever reason that you don't want to be a member, you'd keep everything you received up until month 18. However, once you opt out, you'd have to do another 12 month membership or pay upfront. 

Hi Andrew,

I asked this Q further back in my continued Qs. You probably didnt see it.

So we are on month 18, I decide to drop the sub. I get to keep and use Sonar & all updates up to the point it was at at 18 months?
You however say if I drop at 18 months "you'd have to do another 12 month membership or pay upfront. "
Thats the point I lose you. When you say once you opt out - does the membership disappear altogether or does it still exist but go into stasis ready to be reactivated? Or do you have to start a whole new membership?
If you reactivate membership on month 24 does your month 18 version of sonar now update to month 24?
Then if you say dropped again at month 25 - do you get to keep everything up to month 24?
Is their a minimum monthly membership needed? Thats what I asked earlier. After paying the $149 for the "full version" right away inc 12 months of membership could you - after month 12 decide to keep membership open but subscribe every 2nd or third month - eg month 13, month 16, month 19 etc.
Sorry if Im being stupid here .. 

Let's see if I can clarify this based on the scenario you described. If you went up to 18 months and then decided to opt out, you'd keep month 18. Now say you came back at month 24, then the software would obviously update to the current version (month 24). Now say you decide after one month you want to cancel, the software would de-authorize and you would have to download month 18 (the last version you paid for). If you continued on from month 24 to month 36, at the end you'd own month 36. Make sense? 
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:41 PM (permalink)
This really isn't that much different than what we have been doing for the past years, pay $149 for the latest version and throughout the course of a year or so download the patches as they become available. The only real difference I see is next year it is going to cost $199 instead of $149 . Looks pretty good to me if you go the upfront route.

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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:41 PM (permalink)
Thanks Wiley -
Looking forward to giving it a spin I like what I see....

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FOH Mixer & Recording Studio Manager
Nothing but the grace of God - mggtg.

Andrew Rossa
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Re: Introducing the new SONAR: New lineup, new features, plus membership January 13, 15 7:41 PM (permalink)
Andrew Rossa [Cakewalk]
Just wondering if the Pricing sheet is correct?
From X3 Producer to Platinum it is $149 first 12 months then raises to $199 the second 12 months.  The renewal stays the same for the Pro and Artist series, there is no price increase...

We are offering current X3 customers a special introductory price on Platinum. The prices for the other versions are already pretty affordable considering the feature set (in my opinion).

Do you guys plan on having $199 being the yearly fee from now on for the top tier version? I don't use Pro Channel very often (I feel like I am already using the highest quality plugins available - UAD, Slate, DMG, Fab-Filter, Acustica, iZotope, BOZ Digital, Softube, etc.) so maybe it's time to downgrade (it's weird to even say that). There is just more add-on software for Platinum, correct? Or am I missing something?

You can certainly opt for Professional. I believe you just lose POW-r dithering. You wouldn't lose any of the plugins you had purchased up to that point. So it would be $99 for you to do that next year. You do have a year to decide that and it will be our mission to make sure you receive maximum value. Right now, you are getting a discount and essentially two upgrades, X4 and X5. 
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