Sonar X1 - Where are we?

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Fearful Symmetry
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/06/30 16:12:30 (permalink)
There are plenty of law practices around using Win 98 but that don't stop 'em from making money!

Romani Ite Domum!
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/06/30 16:35:09 (permalink)
I think Cake should just pay Scott loads of money to write the manual
"Now that would change everything"
~ Bapu (2011)

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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/06/30 18:01:46 (permalink)
I think Cake should just pay Scott loads of money to write the manual


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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/06/30 21:38:34 (permalink)
Fearful Symmetry

There are plenty of law practices around using Win 98 but that don't stop 'em from making taking people's money!

I fixed it for you.

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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 04:39:47 (permalink)


...Nope, guys... don't pretend to not understand the point....

It's not JUST about SHIFT + F, it's a GENERAL issue.... you just CAN'T remember ALL KEY combinations, and there are scenarios where you may not be using the PC keyboard at all, when a single mouse-click is the most comfortable way...

You may twist it inside-out as as much as you want... over and over.... but ALL AT ONCE visible customizable TOOLBARS (or modules...)  are still the most convenient and surely FASTEST way....

...which simply means they should be, AT LEAST, an option......................  

My PC keybooard is on the far side of my controller keyboard.  My trackball is conveniently located on my controller.   The more time I spend typing the more time I'm hunched over in an uncomfortable position.  Moving everything to the keyboard is ergonomically very bad for me.  These things are important if you spend many hours working!  Sonar should return to the philosophy of choice that has made it so versatile and customizable for 2 decades. 

...Yes... that simple....
...and I won't ever buy the happiness of those users who still deny such a basic concept.......

GothicAngeL - EBM - Dark Electronics
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 05:12:03 (permalink)


.SONAR should be self-explanatory as much as possible, instead.

Name one DAW that is self explanatory and it obviously doesn't have very many features.  8.5 was not self explanatory.  Different strokes for different folks but I find X1 alot more user freindly than earlier incarnations of sonar.
8.5 was pretty much self explanatory to me. All the options I ever needed were already in the toolbar or a right click away. And if they weren't, I could add them (or remove them if I didn't use them)...
Don't you really get the point?
Bapu's reply hits it perfectly...
...In 8.5 it was all almost THERE.... at SIGHT... and most important, at WILL..!
Toolbars had everyrthing right there, it was just "on" or "off" or chosen "values"........
X1 lacks immediacy, instead.... even so-called "smart tool" (...!) needs a lot of clicks to get to what you looking for...  not to mention those Control Bar "off-screen" modules..... Even old control bar, tiny as it was, could carry more usefyul features, ALL AT ONCE..!!!
Sure... things did need some overall modernization and useful additions, like the new Browser and Screensets,  but NOT dropping what was already there and hugely used by MANY.... very MANY accustomed users....
You may excuse me for this, friends, but I'm inclined to assume that quite a few of the new SONAR version enthusiasts didn't ever ACTUALLY use SONAR (5-6-7-8) in deep....
...and that partly explains why most of the people complaining about X1 "workflow" are old and, dare I say, (not referring to myself, but surely to many blokes here) expert users.....
Again, please excuse me, it's not EVER my intention to be arrogant or minimize different "thinkings", at all, really...
...Just expressing "sensations", right or wrong as they might be....
post edited by gothic.angel - 2011/07/01 05:17:30

GothicAngeL - EBM - Dark Electronics
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John T
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 06:18:50 (permalink)
You MAKE an interesting POINT, but in a WAY that is KIND OF grating to READ.
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John T
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 06:50:32 (permalink)

You may excuse me for this, friends, but I'm inclined to assume that quite a few of the new SONAR version enthusiasts didn't ever ACTUALLY use SONAR (5-6-7-8) in deep....
...and that partly explains why most of the people complaining about X1 "workflow" are old and, dare I say, (not referring to myself, but surely to many blokes here) expert users.....
I think this is a bit of a forum myth, really. I don't think that's the dividing line at all. I've been using Cakewalk / Sonar since 1995, and I really like X1.
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 07:08:46 (permalink)
Hi, John T....
Again, I apologize for the "grating" feel.... I knew it could be someway perceived like that, but it was not my actual will nor feeling....

Far as the X1 users, you  (and others, of course...) may be one of the satisfied ones, but I honestly believe it's fair to say that MOST complaints come from long time users... I don't think it's necessary to name them here, as they are quite well known.... 


GothicAngeL - EBM - Dark Electronics
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 08:07:33 (permalink)
I'm a relatively long time user (came in at SonarXL) and gothic.angel's comments ring very true to me. 8.5.3 is achingly close to my perfect DAW X1 is a long way off (and mostly because of a number of very small, apparently trivial, changes).
I can no longer percieve any real difference between Sonar and the bulk of the competition. The TV has been depreciated, the program is clearly designed to be used with a single large (widescreen) monitor rather than my 2 rather spanky, square, 19"ers (and I think this is the case with S1 and Reaper also), useful visual feedback has been mis-identified as 'clutter' and hidden. Changing the way the app looks, to suit the user's needs, now requires reaperesque levels of geekiness (no offence panup and benstat! ;-))
I agree with Mike about the PC, it should be a standalone plug not hardwired.
Once X1 gets customisable TV controls (content (including phase and interleave), colour and positioning) a sensible size FX bin (in the tv), the ability to set the width of the track name as wide as you like, and a three way option for envelopes to either work as per 8.5.3, with the new envelope filter and with lanes, I will rejoin the ranks of the faithful; for now I'm still out in the desert. :-( Child
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 09:10:45 (permalink)

So I have not posted on here in a bit as my frustration level reached an all time high due to Cakewalks handling of the X1 release. At the risk of starting a flame war (famous last words), what is the general consensus on X1 now? Did Cakewalk resolve all the bugs/issues? Is it ready for prime time? If not, will it be soon?
Most importantly for me is this - Has Cakewalk publicly declared that they will do whatever it takes to make X1 bug free?

Well this has not been my experience - but I am merely a recent convert and an amateur.  I bought Studio then upgraded to Producer a few weeks later.  It crashes occasionally but SO WHAT? IMO it is wonderful. Of course I am now going "have to" spend even more and get a proper computer and OS which can handle very large amounts of memory.  And then get East West Gold.
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 13:19:48 (permalink)

Once X1 gets a three way option for envelopes to either work as per 8.5.3, with the new envelope filter and with lanes, I will rejoin the ranks of the faithful
I've got X1, haven't installed it yet. I've seen a lot of comments along these lines. Do you actually mean to tell me automation is WORSE in X1? Because it's a bug-filled nightmare in previous versions. It was one of the features we all hoped would be fixed in a Sonar edition that targeted workflow, i.e. X1.

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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 19:02:11 (permalink)
depends on who you ask. I think it's substantially better personally but there's still room for improvement. I like the edit filter concept but it could be more elegantly implemented.

tobias tinker 
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 19:32:51 (permalink)
I've read a lot of the threads and followed along here on the X! forum (I don't have X1) and the thing that I keep wondering is, WHY? 

Why did Cakewalk create this version in it's current state.

I'm pretty sure that Cakewalk doesn't want people to be happy with the program . I know that may sound silly to some of you but, that's what I think. I can't figure out the corporate plan for that though. Something along the lines of, well, if everything works and is wonderful then, where do we go from here. 
I think it's a fine balancing act of dangling the carrot and delivering the meat.

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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 19:55:57 (permalink)

Hi, John T....
Again, I apologize for the "grating" feel.... I knew it could be someway perceived like that, but it was not my actual will nor feeling....

Far as the X1 users, you  (and others, of course...) may be one of the satisfied ones, but I honestly believe it's fair to say that MOST complaints come from long time users... I don't think it's necessary to name them here, as they are quite well known.... 


I was wondering when you'd start talking 'bout me! ;-)


Keni Fink
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 19:59:40 (permalink)
@timidi - the trouble with your logic there is that many of us are in fact quite happy with the program in its current state. really, honestly. So if you're right and Cake's grand master plan is to try to make us dislike the program and switch to something else (which sounds more than silly to me), then they've not done a great job. It seems to have had that effect for some, it's true, but again, lots of us are quite happy and there are quite a few threads here to demonstrate that, so pretending that it is not the case and that everybody hates X1 is a bit disingenuous... especially since you admit that you don't have X1, so your negative assessment is not based on a whole lot, other than choosing to believe those that rant and rave here and evidently ignoring those of us who like X1 very much. Strange, really. 

EDIT - my use of 'rant and rave' is not intended in any way to belittle the concerns of users who genuinely don't like the changes in X1. I feel for you, I really do, and I understand many of the issues that have been raised here. I don't think X1 is perfect, I just happen to personally like a lot of the things that were changed and generally enjoy the environment more than any previous version (I've been on board since Sonar 5) - but I accept that many do not feel the same way.
post edited by subtlearts - 2011/07/01 20:05:33

tobias tinker 
music is easy: just start with complete silence, and take away the parts you don't like!
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 20:10:32 (permalink)

I'm a relatively long time user (came in at SonarXL) and gothic.angel's comments ring very true to me. 8.5.3 is achingly close to my perfect DAW X1 is a long way off (and mostly because of a number of very small, apparently trivial, changes).
I can no longer percieve any real difference between Sonar and the bulk of the competition. The TV has been depreciated, the program is clearly designed to be used with a single large (widescreen) monitor rather than my 2 rather spanky, square, 19"ers (and I think this is the case with S1 and Reaper also), useful visual feedback has been mis-identified as 'clutter' and hidden. Changing the way the app looks, to suit the user's needs, now requires reaperesque levels of geekiness (no offence panup and benstat! ;-))
I agree with Mike about the PC, it should be a standalone plug not hardwired.
Once X1 gets customisable TV controls (content (including phase and interleave), colour and positioning) a sensible size FX bin (in the tv), the ability to set the width of the track name as wide as you like, and a three way option for envelopes to either work as per 8.5.3, with the new envelope filter and with lanes, I will rejoin the ranks of the faithful; for now I'm still out in the desert. :-( Child

Yeah, me too...

Tho I'm managing to use X1 (only on a few of my own pieces), I doubt I could without the help of benstat and Paup's work... The workflow and missing items/methods slow the work down to a PT level....

Think about this one... I have a friend (un-named) who owns a decent size commercial studio... Both analog and PT.... He uses Sonar for himself... But his reasoning for PT is easy... If he claims working with Sonar he charges x/hour but if he's working with PT he gets X+/hour and it takes more hours! He makes on both fronts! So he doesn't even offer Sonar to clients! this is how it feels to me as well... In the process of building in more "safeties" (lock into "only" envelopes is nice so that you don't get the accidental drag/move accident, but at the cost of requiring isolation in and out... I had far fewer accidents requiring undo/redo than I did success so it was much faster and overall more efficient to allow for the occassional error in favor of the speedier workflow... Now I'm trapped into slow and safe.... Very uncomfortable when trying to work as fast as I think... (I guess you can tell I really hate the edit filter)...

I don't mind that Cakewalk no longer supplies the tool buttons as benstat's program does an excellent job of replacing most of them and even doing some other jobs (2 snap setting once again!!!)... and Panup's work got the colors and readability back to where I can read/see better....

As to PC? I believe I understand at least some of the reasons they chose what they did and I don't agree... I think they would have done better to simply make the three standard plugins, bundle them with Sonar and sell them individually and bundled to averyone else.... Far more sales in that... Built-in look/feel?  Bah.... Over rated... We can easily use templates so that when you start a project, all tracks have a "built-in" set of tools/plugins... that would have saved all that extra programming time, resolved countless issues still at the stage of "trying to figure out how to solve".... To me, that would solve all the PC issues for Sonar as well as sell the danged plugins to PT users as well! ;-)


Keni Fink
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 20:13:52 (permalink)
I'm pretty sure that Cakewalk doesn't want people to be happy with the program.

Because it is attracting new users.  I know many people who have migrated to X1 from other DAWS who tried sonar in previous versions and didn't care for it myself included.

Asus P8P67 pro, I7 2600K, 8G Kingston Hyperflex, 2 1T WD Caviar Black(sytem,audio), 2T WD Caviar Black(samples), RME Multiface, Roland A500 Pro, Windows 7 Ultimate 64, Sonar X1C, Ableton Live 8, Reason 6, Komplete 7, DCAM Synth Squad, Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trillian
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 20:21:10 (permalink)
Even though I'm not currently pleased with X1., I feel confident Cakewalk is on the case and will address these concerns and hopefully have us raving about it when X1c comes out. I've used all their flagship products since the DOS days, they certainly have proven they care deeply about taking care of their customers.

This new version was a big leap forward with tons of changes and that brings bugs,  confusion, a steep learning curve, and oversights. I think it will be sorted out soon.

Gerry Peters
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 20:25:56 (permalink)
subtlhearts, I think you missed my point, even though I guess it does come off sounding negative and bashing maybe. I don't mean it to be. I really don't care all that much. I'm just simply curious why they just don't make something that works right (or, at least stop marketing it like it does.). Can't be that hard. But then, if some folks like it then so be it. 

And, I didn't say "Cake's grand master plan is to try to make us dislike the program and switch to something else". That's a way overexageration of what I was trying to say. The main point here is I think, as I said earlier, that there is a balance between giving people what they want while always promising that more/better is right around the corner. Along with, basic broken promises that get attacked but then drift into the ether as other issues arise. Very similiar to the US government actually, but, I won't go there.

I don't need to try the program, based on what I've read from a lot of people I respect here and the specific issues they have pointed out. But, as I said, I don't really care for now. 8.53 works ok. In a few years X1 will probably be ready. It's been the same cycle so far. 6 to 8 versions before they get it right.

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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 20:35:38 (permalink)

subtlhearts, I think you missed my point, even though I guess it does come off sounding negative and bashing maybe. I don't mean it to be. I really don't care all that much. I'm just simply curious why they just don't make something that works right (or, at least stop marketing it like it does.). Can't be that hard. But then, if some folks like it then so be it. 

And, I didn't say "Cake's grand master plan is to try to make us dislike the program and switch to something else". That's a way overexageration of what I was trying to say. The main point here is I think, as I said earlier, that there is a balance between giving people what they want while always promising that more/better is right around the corner. Along with, basic broken promises that get attacked but then drift into the ether as other issues arise. Very similiar to the US government actually, but, I won't go there.

I don't need to try the program, based on what I've read from a lot of people I respect here and the specific issues they have pointed out. But, as I said, I don't really care for now. 8.53 works ok. In a few years X1 will probably be ready. It's been the same cycle so far. 6 to 8 versions before they get it right.

But it does work right - more-so than ever now.  I and many people I know are happily making music with it (not to mention many on this very forum). That's the reality  - as I see it anyway.

I plan on spending a good portion of this weekend in fact gleefully making music with X1.

(and don't' get me wrong...I think everyone knows I'm not saying that it's perfect in every way blah blah etc. I'm just saying...well you know...)

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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 20:40:44 (permalink)
But it does work right - more-so than ever now.  I and many people I know are happily making music with it (not to mention many on this very forum). That's the reality  - as I see it anyway. 

I plan on spending a good portion of this weekend in fact gleefully making music with X1.  


Asus P8P67 pro, I7 2600K, 8G Kingston Hyperflex, 2 1T WD Caviar Black(sytem,audio), 2T WD Caviar Black(samples), RME Multiface, Roland A500 Pro, Windows 7 Ultimate 64, Sonar X1C, Ableton Live 8, Reason 6, Komplete 7, DCAM Synth Squad, Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trillian
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 21:25:55 (permalink)
"In a few years X1 will probably be ready."

It's more ready than 8.5.3 in my opinon- it is more solid, can do anything that 8.5 can and can do plenty more besides. I also got a kick learning how to use it.
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/01 23:31:38 (permalink)

it is more solid, can do anything that 8.5 can and can do plenty more besides

Not quite. Can't snap notes on the staff view to notation values which in my opinion is a pretty big deal. Aside from that issue I have had a great time playing around with the demo though. :)

I'm honestly surprised there isn't much talk about it - piano roll yes, and it looks like that issue will be fixed with the next update of X1, but no mention of the score snap.

I understand it - I do, it seems like Cake's research made them aware of the fact that very few users of Sonar do their work via notation, which is probably true...however it's a shame because this is a small little feature that was available in all previous versions of Sonar and Home studio that I can remember since Pro audio 9 when I started using it.

I am quite happy to wait and see, I am hoping the feature will be pulled back in to Sonar - the rest of X1 appeals to be greatly, but until the notes can snap to the grid, I'm not going to upgrade because it is simply too slow to notate this way. (And don't get me wrong, I don't think the notation features should be anything more than they have previously been!)

post edited by ChrisBG - 2011/07/01 23:34:24
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/02 00:03:31 (permalink)

And, I didn't say "Cake's grand master plan is to try to make us dislike the program and switch to something else". That's a way overexageration of what I was trying to say. The main point here is I think, as I said earlier, that there is a balance between giving people what they want while always promising that more/better is right around the corner. Along with, basic broken promises that get attacked but then drift into the ether as other issues arise.
I have this vision in my head ... follow me on this ....

Programmer #1, "Man, the economy has gone to **it." Programmer #2, "Yeah man, if I lose this job I'm gonna lose my house, car, savings." Programmer #3, "Yeah, we need to create some job security." Long period of silence. Programmer #2, "I got it! We'll put this software out with all kinds of tiny little bugs. Then we'll release little quick fixes for it so people will be happy that we're working on it, and we'll still have jobs." They all look at each other and smile and all at once all three say, "Yeeeaahhh Boooyaaa!"

"I pulled the head off Elvis, filled Fred up to his pelvis, yaba daba do, the King is gone, and so are you."
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/02 00:13:13 (permalink)

I'm pretty sure that Cakewalk doesn't want people to be happy with the program.

Because it is attracting new users.  I know many people who have migrated to X1 from other DAWS who tried sonar in previous versions and didn't care for it myself included.

I feel more and more strongly that X1-line should be another product and the 8.x-line should be continued as the Classic-line.

I'm thinking how many products out there that introduce a Classic setting for GUI. Look at Windows for one, the whole GUI or Explorer etc that has a Classic option if you prefer that look.

So either two lines of products - or satisfy everybody by offering a Classic or close to Classic way of working and looks. If new GUI is good it should provide that flexibility.

I will really have a close look at Studio One Pro and Samplitude Pro before Sonar X2 comes around. X1 is already banned as an upgrade option for me unless testing X1 Demo on my old daw really floors me(I dare not jeapardize my new daw with X1 Demo if it affects Sonar 8.5 - as it did for some).
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/02 01:38:17 (permalink)
I like X1 very much. It's working great on my system, and I don't miss 8.5 at all.  
Last time I used 8.5 was in March, and It was just to confirm that I prefer X1. 

post edited by RogerH - 2011/07/02 01:51:48

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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/02 01:58:39 (permalink)
Are you sure about that?   I just tested the staff view in X1 Trial version and found it to work exactly as in Sonar 7.  I entered notes of different lengths without a problem, it seems the same as earlier versions.. 

Jerry Gerber


it is more solid, can do anything that 8.5 can and can do plenty more besides

Not quite. Can't snap notes on the staff view to notation values which in my opinion is a pretty big deal. Aside from that issue I have had a great time playing around with the demo though. :)

I'm honestly surprised there isn't much talk about it - piano roll yes, and it looks like that issue will be fixed with the next update of X1, but no mention of the score snap.

I understand it - I do, it seems like Cake's research made them aware of the fact that very few users of Sonar do their work via notation, which is probably true...however it's a shame because this is a small little feature that was available in all previous versions of Sonar and Home studio that I can remember since Pro audio 9 when I started using it.

I am quite happy to wait and see, I am hoping the feature will be pulled back in to Sonar - the rest of X1 appeals to be greatly, but until the notes can snap to the grid, I'm not going to upgrade because it is simply too slow to notate this way. (And don't get me wrong, I don't think the notation features should be anything more than they have previously been!)


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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/02 02:26:30 (permalink)
I think the impression that "a whole lot of people do not want X1" is not that straightforward at all. If you count the number of negative post here you could get that impression. It looks like there are a lot of problems posted by a lot of people....

In reality, however, if you take a closer look at those posts, you realise it are the same handful of people posting over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. They post on every occasion they see fit, and even on occasions that has nothing to do with their problem.

For instance: When someone has a problem a lot of times you see a lot of initial reactions like "yeah - X1 is $%#@!", even before the problem is analysed. When it turns out to be a user error, driver error or just something missed in the manual - those people that gave the negative reaction are nowhere to be found. Let alone admitting they where wrong here. Problem is - that negative reaction keeps running around in the "back of the head", and when something happens someone would think "hey - I remember there was something bad going on a while ago?". Especially people that have some bad feelings about X1 will only remember the "$%#@!" remark, and not that this remark was completely wrong or off-topic...

If you should count the "negative" (not strictly negative but lets call it that way) and positive reactions, and count by person (and not by post) you will notice the overall reaction is not that negative as some like to paint out...
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Re:Sonar X1 - Where are we? 2011/07/02 03:35:35 (permalink)

Are you sure about that?   I just tested the staff view in X1 Trial version and found it to work exactly as in Sonar 7.  I entered notes of different lengths without a problem, it seems the same as earlier versions.. 

Hi Jerry,

Pretty sure -- I've tried everything in the X1 demo, all the snap settings I can to get the notes to snap right. I made a post about it and nobody had any comment.. (Although one user did recommend I check out Sonar Plus, which I did, and although it looks like a great tool it doesn't deal with this particular issue).

The problem comes because the snap system is universal, there's no ability to actually snap properly to notes on the staff view. Now if you're on the right resolution it can appear as though the notes are in line -- but when you change to 32nd view or look at the note placement value toolbar thing you see they are not. It's easy to work with quarter notes but even getting 8th notes or 16ths to actually snap isn't working for me.

Maybe I'm just crazy and missing something but I can't work it out...

Anyone? Any composers or producers etc that work by notation have any comments?

I don't want this to feel like I'm annoyed or complaining -afterall, the developers have every right to do whatever they want with their own program -- and Sonar is a great product! I'm perfectly happy not upgrading right now - however, I am still curious about this. If I'm crazy and the notes do snap on the staff view maybe somebody can help me? I've tried several forums and two threads here and nobody has had any comment.

post edited by ChrisBG - 2011/07/02 03:44:03
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