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Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
Hi guys, There's been a tremendous amount of feedback that has already come in from many directions and it's been immensely valuable - we've taken a lot of notes. I thought it would be helpful to officialize a new thread where we could gather some opinions from the community in an organised manner about future feature development and what you guys feel should be a priority for us. We've obviously got our own ideas and things we know have to be fixed/improved, but the fact that we have this community here is a tremendous asset we would be foolish to ignore in planning. It would help very much if people could share (with as much or as little detail as they want) the top 5 things they would love to see or to be improved in TDFKAS from SONAR - the more specific the better. Or if there are things that you feel we are sorely lacking versus other options in the market, it's all helpful to know. Everyone's workflow and priorities are not the same, so please stay civil! e.g 1) Bug - XYZ happens when I do ZXY2) Feature - Would be great if TDFKAS had a feature like this.3) Feature - DAW Y does this and I always wished SONAR had it.etc
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 2:41 AM
☄ Helpfulby Douglas Cook October 06, 18 0:01 PM
Thanks Meng for the opportunity to give constructive feedback. 1. GUI improvements for the Console View and Track Inspector. Console View : I would prefer to have the current FX Send Pre / post switches exchanged for the active and dis-able switches. This would give an instant visual status of active send status. When " follow track pan " is engaged for a send - Have the GUI link visual position on linked pan pot. Ability to change background Color for midi track " meters " in all versions. More efficient means to hide channels in the console view. Track Inspector ( midi track ): Please include the Velocity offset slider in the track inspector as well as track view. Improve the slider widget for both Velocity slider ,Transposition and Timing offset slider. They are a little difficult to position precisely and quickly. Larger or better contrast icons for C -channel B-bank P-patch drop downs. Appregiator controls hidden by default and expanded when an Appregiator is activated on a midi track. added note: How about incorporating a user key range in the midi track inspector - This would be full range by default and a mouse drag across a miniaturized keyboard graphic to set the range - this would expand the capabilities for synth stacking across several tracks. Again have it minimized by default and expand with a mouse click. Please leave CAL compatibility. Nothing in my opinion works better. It would look better if the scripts had a better looking drop down than an explorer window. Please repair the ( Delete associated tracks ) when deleting a synth from the synth Rack. It's obvious that it is intended to be a batch tool to remove all of the instruments output tracks from the track view. But this routine also allows deletion of a critical midi track that is assigned to the synth - and is often unseen ! We should never chance loosing raw data tracks. I've been a cakewalk sonar user for 25 years. I have other options installed on my DAW and have tried several others. Sonar has the best options for defining different workflows then any other in my opinion. PLEASE don't change the fundamentals. It's all good so far.
post edited by Rbh - April 07, 18 9:23 PM
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 2:43 AM
☄ Helpfulby drjeyoussef March 30, 18 5:40 AM
This might not be wanted feedback since I'm in the minority, but I hope TDFKAS would continue to have an option for offline authorization. My only internet access is my android. If there was still an option to upload an auth request from my phone, and then save a response code that I could transfer to my DAW, that would be great. Thanks!
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 2:52 AM
☄ Helpfulby Bob Hermes April 05, 18 4:52 AM
Nice Meng ! . . . here's my top five 1) Audio Snap, needs to work better for changing audio tempos (eg. check out Cubase, Reaper) 2) Staff View, improve midi input / editing, eg. bring back note length buttons, create the ability to have some custom macros, improvements much like the new + recently improved “piano roll view” (PRV) 3) Create a plugin blacklist, so nefarious plugins will not be allowed to be utilized, in the interest of no more plugin based crash causes (eg. things that just don’t work, will be filtered out) 4) Make some more “higher end” plugins in the Pro Channel concept 5) Fix the freezing Melodyne clips crash bug
Cakewalk by Bandlab, Cubase, RME Babyface Pro, Intel i7 3770K @3.5Ghz, Asus P8Z77-VPro/Thunderbolt, 32GB DDR3 RAM, GeForce GTX 660 Ti, 250 GB OS SSD, 2TB HDD samples, Win 10 Pro 64 bit, backed up by Macrium Reflect, Novation Impulse 61 Midi Key Controller, Tannoy Active Near Field Monitors, Guitars by Vantage, Gibson, Yamaki and Ovation.
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 2:59 AM
+1 for more high end Pro Channel modules!
James Argo
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 3:02 AM
☄ Helpfulby smoddelm April 07, 18 0:17 PM
Since I work a lot with MIDI editing, these are my concern: 1. I would love to see the MIDI transpose feature back to track view (which you CAN control using + and - key in your numeric pad keyboard, along with reverb and chorus send) rather than buried in Inspector bar. You know, in MIDI track, beside volume, pan, etc. We had it perfect in Sonar 8.5. I don't hate Skylight interface in general, but many things have gone just wrong since Cakewalk implement it. You know you can NOT change value using + and - in numeric keyboard (on the right side of PC keyboard) anymore. 2. I would love to see track selection feature (Pick tracks...) back in PRV like we used to have -for us to pick whatever track we want, rather than "focus previous track" or "focus next track". 3. In PRV would love to scroll to the right (or to the left) by measure, by beat, or by any musical frame using arrow key on PC keyboard. I'm not sure what measurement they implement for current scrolling system, it's just not musically snapped to the screen. I mean, can we just use arrow button and the screen scroll by beat or measure? 4. I love to see option about how we would like our notes in PRV being shown. Regular bar style, triangle drum map style, or diamond shaped style like if we use external MIDI drum synth. Thanks!
 Cakewalk by BandLab!
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 3:05 AM
☄ Helpfulby Bob Hermes April 05, 18 4:53 AM
- Staff view, update, fixes, New way to draw notes (click and drag to length, ways to make it more accessible such as time grid option.
- Chord Track
- ProChannels – more collaboration, Fr example modules from KiloHearts would complement and double the existing range, while taking it a more creative route. Even the free 6 pack compliments the core Pro- channels (Delay, chorus, 3 band EQ, Limiter, Gain and Stereo.
- Act clean up, I never got it to work and it never felt intuitive. Gave up a long time ago.
- Step Sequencer – Ability to open more than one row at a time. If I have four hi hat articulations, I want access all four rows in detail at the same time
Base 57
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 3:16 AM
☄ Helpfulby GMGM April 06, 18 7:10 PM
1. Negative measures ( Even better would be the ability to put more than one song into a single project; each with it's own downbeat). 2. Staff view improvements Give me time to think. I'm sure I can come up with three more. Thanks Meng.
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 3:27 AM
- Staff view, update, fixes, New way to draw notes (click and drag to length, ways to make it more accessible such as time grid option.
- Chord Track
- ProChannels – more collaboration, Fr example modules from KiloHearts would complement and double the existing range, while taking it a more creative route. Even the free 6 pack compliments the core Pro- channels (Delay, chorus, 3 band EQ, Limiter, Gain and Stereo.
- Act clean up, I never got it to work and it never felt intuitive. Gave up a long time ago.
- Step Sequencer – Ability to open more than one row at a time. If I have four hi hat articulations, I want access all four rows in detail at the same time
I had to quote you because I'm pretty much on the same page. Thanks Meng for asking for are input :) I'll add, I hope somehow you look at what Traction Waveform version 9 has done with the Chord Track and implement something similar. Really great to use as a scratch pad. I might be in the minority here but the Matrix view really could use a tuneup as well. I don't know if you got the rights to Project 5 but if you did boot it up and take a look. Redo the code for 64bit and add it to TDFKAS.I think TDFKAS would be a winner. If you did not get the code take at look at how Acoustica Mixcraft 8 pro has done it. I really do hope you got the code to project 5 and you can somehow incorporated into TDFKAS. Also please give Noel the time needed to really tuneup the audio engine. It might not of been a gapless audio engine but it was at the top of the heap or near it in my opinion. Now the competition seems to have bypassed TDFKAS as far as the audio engine goes.
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 3:36 AM
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 3:47 AM
I do use the VS 700C & I/O it has been a great tool and I will continue to use it until. I only have one (1) request: For Sonar or the new named TDFKAS to be operable with other Surface Controllers such as the Solid State Logic Matrix 2, or the SSL Nucleus 2 and/or other comparable controllers. Thanks for asking!!! Life long proud user...
- Listen - FOH Mixer & Recording Studio Manager Nothing but the grace of God - mggtg. VS 700C - R / CONSOLE 1 / NEVE PORTICO 5017 / TASCAM UH-7000 / SONAR PLATINUM / REASON RECORD 9 / VMP 2 / UREI 7110's / UA LA-610 MkII / AUDIENT ASP 880 / CREATION STATION 450 V 5 WINDOWS 10 / HOME 64 - BIT / SKYLAKE CORE i7 (i7 - 6700, 4 CORES/8 THREADS)
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 3:47 AM
- Staff view, update, fixes, New way to draw notes (click and drag to length, ways to make it more accessible such as time grid option.
- Chord Track
- ProChannels – more collaboration, Fr example modules from KiloHearts would complement and double the existing range, while taking it a more creative route. Even the free 6 pack compliments the core Pro- channels (Delay, chorus, 3 band EQ, Limiter, Gain and Stereo.
- Act clean up, I never got it to work and it never felt intuitive. Gave up a long time ago.
- Step Sequencer – Ability to open more than one row at a time. If I have four hi hat articulations, I want access all four rows in detail at the same time
I had to quote you because I'm pretty much on the same page. I might be in the minority here but the Matrix view really could use a tuneup as well. Also please give Noel the time needed to really tuneup the audio engine. It might not of been a gapless audio engine but it was at the top of the heap or near it in my opinion. Now the competition seems to have bypassed TDFKAS as far as the audio engine goes.
I'm on this page too, but followed the 'List of 5 Rule'.  Figured others would call for supporting Noel working on the tune-up, new cam, valves and fuel injection system. I may be in your minority for some Matrix love. Id love to see Novation's launchpad range 'MengLab' compatible.
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 3:50 AM
☄ Helpfulby taccess March 30, 18 11:02 AM
1. URGENT - Fix the existing bug where the settings of multiple instances of Piano Views are not saved with the project. I won't be upgrading until this is sorted. 2. A project's signal flow diagram, as discussed here: 3. MIDI tracks to include "MIDI send" so that a single MIDI source could output to more than one softsynth. 4. The GUI is often sluggish, i.e. the display is slow to update, especially when switching between screensets. Anything to improve the speed would be good. 5. Make the Quadcurve EQ independent of the ProChannel.
SonarPlatinum∞(|Mixbus32C(4.3.19)|DigitalPerformer(9.5.1)|Reaper(5.77)FractalDesign:DefineR5|i7-6850k@4.1GHz|16GB@2666MHz-DDR4|MSI:GamingProCarbonX99a|Matrox:M9148(x2)|UAD2solo(6.5.2)|W7Ult-x64-SP1 Audient:iD22+ASP800|KRK:VXT6|+various-outboard-gear|+guitars&basses, etc. Having fun at work lately
Lord Tim
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 4:14 AM
- Audiosnap: Have a pre-gate for the detection routine. Audiosnap is a great tool and works flawlessly until there's even a slight amount of noise on a track between hits - that sends the transient detection off on all kinds of "fun" tangents and causes a bunch of extra cleanup work. Being able to set a minimum threshold, or even better yet, a pre-gate/pre-EQ to zero in and clean up what the detection algorithm hears would fix that.
- GUI: Adding another Control Bar module (or extending the mix module) to show crossfade state / type, ripple editing state / type, and that kind of thing would be handy. Having to dive into a menu to see this stuff causes a headache if you forget what your project is set up for (ripple editing especially, that can destroy a project VERY quickly if you leave it set on accidentally). Additionally, in the Small size of the transport module, the record mode doesn't get shown on the record icon - that's an easy fix in the theme assets.
- GUI: Being able to drag controls from the Inspector to the TCP. Currently on audio tracks, things like phase and stereo interleave are only available in the track Inspector so you need to open that to get to it. I'd find it more useful to have them on the tracks themselves and move things like Read and Write Automation to the track inspector, so those controls should be interchangeable. This goes for MIDI tracks too - being able to see Key+/- in the track rather than in the Inspector would speed up my workflow a lot. You can currently move the position of controls around in the track so this would be an extension of that idea.
- Arrangement: Having a Tempo Track visible in the Track view, and now that we have ripple editing, an Arrangement Track based on that idea, where we could define sections that can be dragged around to different positions would be great for mapping out songs.
- Master Creation: Having an extension of the Markers view, where each marker could be also assigned other metadata like a track name, index ID, ISRC code, etc. and then being able to open up a specialised project view where you can load in WAV files or (even better) other projects (where it would automatically create an audio proxy) and you can set markers with this additional info, and then export either to Red Book CD or a master DDP image.
These are my top 5 things I'd like to see. I have plenty more but I expect this thread will be a popular one. EDIT: OK, got a bonus one, but I'd expect it'd take a LOT of work to implement... Make EVERY window a multidock. By that I mean do away entirely with the notion of Inspector, Browser, Buss pane, etc. and have every window contain whatever view you prefer, including doubling up views with different zoom levels. Imagine having your main track view and then down the bottom in Multidock 1, you have another instance of the track view, but this time set to show just the currently selected track but auto-zoomed to fill that window. You could have your complete project overview in the main window but be able to do micro edits in the Multidock. Or you could run 2 different instances of the console view, one with the full console, and another one docked at the top of the screen with an extremely compact view so you could use it as a meter bridge. Combining that with screensets and even how flexible the current Skylight interface is, that would be EXTREMELY powerful.
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 6:33 AM
I'd appreciate a better ASIO driver setup. Less Latency Still be able to use software on 2 or more computers Ability to use multiple monitors and really spread out everything. (I may be mistaken on this.) Thanks for giving new hope to Sonar/Cakewalk software. Peace, Jerry
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 6:48 AM
☄ Helpfulby March 30, 18 11:34 PM
(I am Japanese, so sentences powered by Google Translate...)
1. I want PRV to have even more beauty. For example, I'd like to add the option "Do not thin the note color of non-active track" option. 2. I want custom scale renaming and custom scale export. 3. Chord track! Many people wish for it...!
I wish for the success of TDFKAS!
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 7:37 AM
☄ Helpfulby smoddelm April 07, 18 0:20 PM
1) A much more capable Staff View is the last piece of the puzzle for me. Don Williams mentioned in an earlier thread that there had been talks between himself and Gibson/Cakewalk about integrating Overture Sonar in some way. That to me would be awesome if it could move forward. I find it kind of strange that such a capable DAW like Sonar, can't produce things like quintuples and more complex notation figures/polyrythms. I mean not all music is straight 4 on the floor kind of stuff and it makes Sonar incomplete, like a wordprocessor not able to write the last 5 letters of the alphabet. Anyway, that is my wish. Thanks for asking! :)
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 8:20 AM
Thanks for asking. My wish list would be : 1. Simplify the initial HW setup of Audio and MIDI devices, make it more robust and understandable. 2. Easier support/use of Cakewalk legacy hardware like the VS-100 and the A-PRO series. 3. Make it the King of MIDI in terms of control of legacy MIDI hardware. Integration with SoundQuest. 4. Stability. Limit addition of "new" features, until what is ... is rock solid. Thank you.
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 8:21 AM
Thanks Meng, 1 Would like to see horizontal scrolling in console view fixed so tracks snap and scroll bar appears correctly. Repair Hide tracks When a track is hidden, the WAI control does not update and is left controlling a track that is not visible. The WAI used to skip to the next visible tracks when hiding tracks. (These used to work correctly in Sonar X3 and early Splat) 2. OMF file export repair. Sonar most times will crash after a successful export. The exported OMF has all the midi tracks exported empty. Since OMF does not support MIDI, the empty MIDI tracks are unnecessary. 3.Would like a drum machine/sampler/sequencer like Groove Agent in Cubase or Ableton Live. 4. Would love features like scratch pads and projects for mastering as in Studio One. 5. Another vote for negative Bars.
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 8:39 AM
☄ Helpfulby Ademir March 30, 18 12:32 AM
I really like the way you can raise the volume/gain on individual audio clips in Studio One and ProTools with a simple mouse swipe in the track view. Its great for quickly editing vocals where you can break a take into clips for individual phrases - or words if need be - and get the volume levels per clip that you want before applying compression. I use this feature all the time especially on vocals but its useful elsewhere too. It's much quicker and more intuitive than clip gain envelopes. I'd love to see that functionality in Sonar
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 9:06 AM
Hi Meng, my top five are: - .ins / SYSEX support for VSTi plugins - if direct support on instrument tracks is too hard, being able to do it via standard MIDI track routed to the VSTi would be good enough
- A way of wrapping 3rd party VST effects for use within ProChannel. I guess this could be done by extending the existing FX Chain functionality, but a distinction between a "preset" and a "chain template" (i.e. I create an FX Chain Template and have presets based on it) and the ability to add more buttons/knobs.
- An extended API for 3rd party developers along the same line as ACT, but to include tracks, project and global settings as well - areas such as ACT and CAL could do with a revamp, but opening up an API could allow the community to add their own, such as a better ACT editor, LUA replacing CAL, project import/export from other DAW's etc.
- BandLab project management e.g. browsing/import/export/forking directly within TDFKAS
- Fix timing issues, especially when loop mode is enabled
Rrrrugh arah-ah-woof?
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 9:23 AM
☄ Helpfulby kevo March 29, 18 2:53 PM
Since I started using Cakewalk software for music production back in the early 90's the staff view has always been one of its most attractive features, it has over time been heavily neglected:-
A. Staff view improvements. 1. The same control over snap in staff view as in the PRV. 2. Ability to place a 1/4 note triplets anywhere on the staff, not just beat 1 and beat 3 3. Note length selection tools for use with mouse. as in SONAR 8.5
B. Synth Rack improvements 1. When replacing a Synth it renames not just in the rack but in the track as well. i.e. If you replaced Dim Pro with Rapture Pro the Synth Rack will reflect the change but the track view folder remians as Dim Pro. 2. When Deleting a Synth the naming is consistent with track names. i.e in a recent project I had 6 instances of the same synth, I deleted one instance, the rack renamed all the synths 1 to 5 but in the track view the tracks maintained their original numbering which did not relate in anyway to the numbering of the synths. Such that Synth 1 in the Rack was Synth 3 in the track view.
c. Control Bar. 1. More slots in the custom module. 2. The ability to control placement of modules without being restricted by left right or centre justification.
D. Pro Channel. 1. More Modules. 2. Pro Channel version of the Linear Phase plugs Multi band, Limiter and EQ, with the same fly-out capability of the Quad curve EQ. 3. More than one instance of the Quad Curve EQ in the Pro Channel.
There are a few more things but the above will do for now.
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. Karma has a way of finding its own way home.
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 9:24 AM
☄ Helpfulby smoddelm April 07, 18 0:21 PM
Thank you Meng for the interest in user opinions!
1.) Most important: Fix the constant crashes working with Melodyne (ARA). 2.) The project should remember more different folder settings (project, project audio, audio import/export, midi import/export), so that I do not have to change folders permanently using those functions. 3.) PRV/staff view: The current values of the selected note should be displayed for direct manipulation (double click to enter value). I have seen in other DAWs that this speeds up note entering immensely, because you do not always have to open a popup. 4.) Staff view improvments: E.g. single triplets (with rests), correct display of quavers and semi-quavers (with rest in between if necessary). 5.) Don't change the Quadcurve EQ, it is super!
... many years before ...
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 9:58 AM
☄ Helpfulby kzmaier December 01, 18 1:41 AM
Sonar is nearly perfect for me, yet some things need to be improved.Here is a short wish list:
1. Mackie/HUI support. There is a solution by azslow, I believe it can be integrated into TDFKAS out-of-the -box. 2. Staff view has a lot to be desired. I wish it was as powerful and intuitive as in Logic. 3. Ability to swap enable/disable rows of plugins in FX bin. Possible cell like organization similar to the latest Cubase or Pro Tools is a good idea. 4. Pre- and post- recording buffer like in Samplitude. Long overdue! Also worth considering: Audio engine has some hiccups when looping is triggered. Presumable it takes a lot of work to overhaul the audiocore. But if done properly, things like arrangement track would be possible to implement.
Auto accompaniment like in Digitech Trio would be awesome! If it's possible in a pedal format, why can't this be done within a full power DAW?
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 10:47 AM
Feature: 1. Optical view if ripple edit is active 2. Optical input gain control if input is clipping (without ProChannel is activ) maybe a input metering control that would be great.
Harry Fujitsu Q920, 16 GB RAM DDR3, i7-4785T, Samsung 850 EVO SSD 500 GB, WIN10 x64 Pro, NI Komplete Audio 6 Interface, Sonar Platinum Lifetime (last Update)
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 10:54 AM
I think now that many of us have seriously examined and tried out different DAWs there will be lots of ideas popping up in this thread! 1. Fix the random audio engine dropouts. 2. Act & Mackie improvements - check out the power of Samplitude's controller editor for setting up any controller just how you want it. 3. Staff view obviously. 4. Pre and post recording buffer as Soundwise said above. 5. General bug and performance fixes.
Splat, Win 10 64bit and all sorts of musical odds and sods collected over the years, but still missing a lot of my old analogue stuff I sold off years ago.
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 11:07 AM
Hi Meng, Thanks for asking! 1) For me, Sonar already has the pro-channel of the CA-2A, but it would be fantastic if TDFKAS could have Universal Audio's Bluestripe 1176 compressor in the pro-channel! Green day's sound engineer, Chris Lord-Alge, constantly uses it, and for good reason. Slate and UA have great versions of it, but that doesn't mean TDFKAS shouldn't have its own native pro-channel version! :) Here's a YouTube comparing their audio: If you want to radically change the GUI please leave the skylight for those users who don't like change, while being totally free to make a totally new one for the next generation. I think it would be a great way of keeping the old timers happy while also being free to be creative and make something very different for the future. 3) Let the fan base vote on features they want and if they would cost a certain amount, allow for something like Kickstarter so features really important to users can be fully funded if there's enough interest. Logos Bible software has a feature like this called community pricing. I think a similar model would work well for special features you might not be willing to fund yourself. beauty of it is, it makes interesting things happen that wouldn't otherwise, and the daw will retain whatever features are created by it. 4) The most basic ability to select multiple tracks and move them together up or down. 5) Custom hardware for TDFKAS by Bandlab in future years to come. Thank you so much for keeping my favourite DAW alive!
post edited by Daibhidh - March 30, 18 3:56 AM
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 11:08 AM
Features - Quick browsing for automation parameters like in Studio One and Ableton. As easy as turning the knob and seeing it appear in the arrangement. - VCA Controls - Group Tracks instead of a group folder. In this way, you have the ability to assign effects, busses etc. to the group. - Arranger Tracks like in Studio One and Cubase
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 11:28 AM
Did an admin delete my post or did I do that myself accidentally? I'm doing this on my phone and my fingers are too big sometimes.
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Re: Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018]
March 29, 18 11:29 AM
1. Better stability with the audio engine 2. Ability to change tempo of audio randomly like ableton 3. Improved windows 10 driver support for VS700c Control surfaces 4. Improved stability of midi editing in the PRV 5. Improved track colours 6. Introduction of an updated sampler with Sonar Glenville
Cakewalk by Bandlab,Sonar Platinum, 16 gigs ram, I7 core processor, Sweetwater creation station rack xt,focusrite saffire liguid56, Cakewalk VS700 console, Focusrite Octopre MKII Dynamic,Mackie HR824Mk2,JBL Powered Sub