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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 05:57:37 (permalink)
Positively Charged

Steve Mac
...coming from fanboys...

I have decided that I really don't like that word.  Yes it can be accurate when used correctly, but lately and on this forum, I see it being used more and more often as an insult with little or no basis for its use other than as a way to get somebody's goat.

It doesn't matter how you see it, fanoy(boi) is an insult.
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 06:14:59 (permalink)
10Ten, I guess you're right. But there are fans of X1 around here for the right reasons, my self being one of them.

Sure there are issues with the new version and there are long standing bugs that are annoying. But I'm a fan of the new Sonar - I haven't been this productive with Sonar for years! I'm actually seeing two album projects take form since starting working in X1. Whatever doesn't work for now, I work around. And I am sure some of the major problems will be fixed because some of the bakers in here has said so. They haven't let us down in the past so why should they start now. IMO they are more interested in having a well functioning program than we are. We have alternatives - they have only Sonar to make a living.

I understand the issues people have with it. But being a fan of X1 shouldn't be used as an insult. There's nothing wrong with being a fan of X1 just as it isn't anything wrong with hating it. It comes down to preference.

So insulting people for being fans is just not right.

Best regards

A Fan.

(Sonar Platinum - Win10 x64) - iMac and 13" MacBook - Logic Pro X ++ - UA Apollo Twin DUO - NI Maschine MKII - NI Komplete Kontrol S61 - Novation Nocturne - KRK Rokit 6
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 06:52:46 (permalink)

Positively Charged

Steve Mac

...coming from fanboys...

I have decided that I really don't like that word.  Yes it can be accurate when used correctly, but lately and on this forum, I see it being used more and more often as an insult with little or no basis for its use other than as a way to get somebody's goat.

It doesn't matter how you see it, fanoy(boi) is an insult.

...megh....could be worse.

We're making this sound like it is some sort of cult like thing here. Which it really is not. 
Just because some people on here have issues and others don't is really irrelevant to helping those having issues in the first place. If I get called a fanboi, simply because I have no issues with X1 really reflects back on the person who uttered the word...

I'm more interested in how the person is getting the help that they need in the first place...not all the ad hominem stuff attached to it...
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 07:11:16 (permalink)

10Ten, I guess you're right. But there are fans of X1 around here for the right reasons, my self being one of them.

Sure there are issues with the new version and there are long standing bugs that are annoying. But I'm a fan of the new Sonar - I haven't been this productive with Sonar for years! I'm actually seeing two album projects take form since starting working in X1. Whatever doesn't work for now, I work around. And I am sure some of the major problems will be fixed because some of the bakers in here has said so. They haven't let us down in the past so why should they start now. IMO they are more interested in having a well functioning program than we are. We have alternatives - they have only Sonar to make a living.

I understand the issues people have with it. But being a fan of X1 shouldn't be used as an insult. There's nothing wrong with being a fan of X1 just as it isn't anything wrong with hating it. It comes down to preference.

So insulting people for being fans is just not right.

Best regards

A Fan.

And I am certainly happy for you that the change has sparked some creativity, but that's all it is. It's like buying a new synth or guitar, it's different. I am already creative and need software to be consistent. Learning new software gets in the way of creativity for me which is why I've stuck with Sonar for so long and now that I am forced to learn new software all bets are off.
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 07:18:12 (permalink)
Both the words "fanboy" and "whine/whiner" are extremely inflational used in forums like this.
And in this inflational use they both are nothing but completely irrelevant crap to be ignored completely. 

Users doing fine and those with problems should just respect each other's experiences despite being different.
And I guess most agree that X1 still needs considerable fixing and upgrading.

Still to me it overall has brought a creativity push, and no crash-party at all, just like for ProjectM. 
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 07:21:30 (permalink)
Well - at least we have passed the stage everybody whom dares to say he/she/it was liking X1, was accused to be not nearly "Proffesional" enough to see X1 was a pile of garbage, a heap of rotting flesh and a insult to the world of music start with...

Of course the "Proffesionals" are people that usaly pay three times the amount of of money for X1, so they are far, far, far more important (I guess) that the overwhelming majority of users that are not using X1 with 5000 tracks of softsynths and 80.000 tracks of audio in combination with 300 instances of V-Vocal, and plugins, and rewired stuff, and.....

Just kidding guys - no, no please don't hurt me. NO that snaredum does not fit between my ears - not even wit a lot of force, I'm going, I'm going....
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 07:24:21 (permalink)
I thought that creativity also involved learning as well...otherwise it just becomes mush.

To me creativity involves both learning as well as the musicmaking.

 That is part of problem solving....
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 08:19:07 (permalink)
This thread has turned into bs as many others have. What a surprise. At least I have learned a few things about some forum members I thought I knew.
Hewhispers Bye (as he unsubscribes from thread)

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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 08:24:28 (permalink)
Thanks for sharing.

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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 08:32:23 (permalink)

And I am certainly happy for you that the change has sparked some creativity, but that's all it is. It's like buying a new synth or guitar, it's different. I am already creative and need software to be consistent. Learning new software gets in the way of creativity for me which is why I've stuck with Sonar for so long and now that I am forced to learn new software all bets are off.

He he, I think we're two very different people 10Ten. Bought a few new guitars the last couple years and more synths than I'll probably ever use. I've even moved rooms for my studio - both of them! But Sonar has been a boring place to work since V7. I've made a living using it but very little for my own pleasure. I'm back to that now. The creativity is of course inside me, but I find it inspiring to get it out using X1. New guitars are cool either way. If you find X1 restricting then it's clearly not the software for you. To me it was a welcome change in working environment

(Sonar Platinum - Win10 x64) - iMac and 13" MacBook - Logic Pro X ++ - UA Apollo Twin DUO - NI Maschine MKII - NI Komplete Kontrol S61 - Novation Nocturne - KRK Rokit 6
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 08:53:51 (permalink)

Steve Mac


Nobody likes to hear their favorite sports team sucks, LOL.
"Hey! What the hell are you saying? You sonofa...."
Boy, does this hit the nail on the head!  Reading the various threads about the multiple problems in X1 -- and the vitriol coming from fanboys -- seemed exactly like this.  "How dare you saying anything negative about MY team!" 

Well, from the number of comments on various threads, by some very respected and long-time members of this forum, it would appear that "your team" (actually, OUR team) has a serious, serious problem. 

Just sayin. . . .


The outrageous and over-the-top defense for this obviously faulty release makes for much more revolting reading than the pile of negative posts about X1.

The hyper defensiveness on this thread underlines all the more that X1 desperately needs defending in the first place.  Why would it need so much defense if it was actually working as advertised--?

Any sober look at X1 shows that it's a program full of neat ideas which have been clumsily implemented, at best.  Someone let a new, young team of programmer wannabes loose on Sonar, and they came up with a sophomoric attempt which doesn't give them a passing grade.  Hopefully, more experienced, better programmers will come back and clean up their mess.


Well In my case, a Lions fan, I have long ago learned to be happy with any comment.  Its better then being ignored. LOL

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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 08:54:02 (permalink)


And I am certainly happy for you that the change has sparked some creativity, but that's all it is. It's like buying a new synth or guitar, it's different. I am already creative and need software to be consistent. Learning new software gets in the way of creativity for me which is why I've stuck with Sonar for so long and now that I am forced to learn new software all bets are off.

He he, I think we're two very different people 10Ten. Bought a few new guitars the last couple years and more synths than I'll probably ever use. I've even moved rooms for my studio - both of them! But Sonar has been a boring place to work since V7. I've made a living using it but very little for my own pleasure. I'm back to that now. The creativity is of course inside me, but I find it inspiring to get it out using X1. New guitars are cool either way. If you find X1 restricting then it's clearly not the software for you. To me it was a welcome change in working environment

Sorry, but I don't find "where did that go" and "why doesn't that work anymore" very inspiring.

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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 09:00:48 (permalink)

Well - at least we have passed the stage everybody whom dares to say he/she/it was liking X1, was accused to be not nearly "Proffesional" enough to see X1 was a pile of garbage, a heap of rotting flesh and a insult to the world of music start with...

Of course the "Proffesionals" are people that usaly pay three times the amount of of money for X1, so they are far, far, far more important (I guess) that the overwhelming majority of users that are not using X1 with 5000 tracks of softsynths and 80.000 tracks of audio in combination with 300 instances of V-Vocal, and plugins, and rewired stuff, and.....

Just kidding guys - no, no please don't hurt me. NO that snaredum does not fit between my ears - not even wit a lot of force, I'm going, I'm going....

Right. We arrived at the stage where people who do have complaints are called rats and are depicted as smelly dead fish. Worse than that, smelly dead fish with low post count, how dare they .

That's not directed at you, JClosed (please would you give me my snare back? No, wipe off the earwax first.) Just taking your quote as opportunity to voice my general feelings about this thread as such.
Music Miscreant
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 09:17:59 (permalink)
Yup, it's beginning to flounder!
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 09:58:09 (permalink)

How do Sam. I'm hoping to be in your area, if things work out, for the Winter X Games. You got any reccommendations for a good beer joint? No dance clubs mind you, just a small quiet hidey-hole where a man can suck down a cold one in relative peace :-)

I've actually no idea... I'm more of a diet pepsi kind of guy. 

Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh... sorry to hear that!

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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 10:30:49 (permalink)

Well - at least we have passed the stage everybody whom dares to say he/she/it was liking X1, was accused to be not nearly "Proffesional" enough to see X1 was a pile of garbage, a heap of rotting flesh and a insult to the world of music start with...

Of course the "Proffesionals" are people that usaly pay three times the amount of of money for X1, so they are far, far, far more important (I guess) that the overwhelming majority of users that are not using X1 with 5000 tracks of softsynths and 80.000 tracks of audio in combination with 300 instances of V-Vocal, and plugins, and rewired stuff, and.....

Just kidding guys - no, no please don't hurt me. NO that snaredum does not fit between my ears - not even wit a lot of force, I'm going, I'm going....

LOL It's rough in here. Aint it?  LOL

"It's not a song till it touches your heart. It's not a song till it tears you apart!" Lyrics of Amy Grant.

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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 10:42:25 (permalink)
I don`t know about you guys , but Cakewalk made me an offer I could not refuse :-)
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 11:00:56 (permalink)
Well In my case, a Lions fan, I have long ago learned to be happy with any comment.  Its better then being ignored. LOL

Could be worse... I'm a Broncos fan whose team just hired the fired Panther's coach. The two worst teams getting together...

Sam McGuire - Program Director, Recording Arts, University of Colorado Denver

VTC Trainer - Sonar 8/8.5 (X1 coming soon) - 10 hours - 104 tutorials:
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 11:03:56 (permalink)
...and I thought the 'noners were the worst...
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 11:18:12 (permalink)
Positively Charged

If you're on XP and still using SP1 or SP2, don't be stubborn, put the Service Pack 3 on already!  SP3 has been out for over 2 years.  Back up your system with a disk imaging program first if you're nervous.  
IIRC, X1 won't install on < XP SP3. So nobody experiencing bad behavior (and by "bad behavior" I mean: system issues, software bugs, and broken functionality) should be running on anything less that XP SP3.

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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 11:30:47 (permalink)
First thing I did before installing X1 was to upgrade the OS to SP3.

But I've had to unistall X1 due to instability, not just in X1 but something was also trashing my 8.5.3 setup which was running perfectly before.

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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 14:29:00 (permalink)
Sir Winston Churchill by way of Middleman (literally)When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber


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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 14:37:34 (permalink)

Thanks for sharing.

You're confusing my fees to you as 'sharing'?

Anyway... you're welcome.

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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 15:56:16 (permalink)
So I finally have to admit it.

I get paid $ 0.01 every time I mention a competitors product in a competitors forum.

Its Google iMoney, paid by a consortium which consists of Mr. Internet, sinister Illuminati companies, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg

They all want to CRUSH Cakewalk because CW is the only non-profit, "nice guys company" who only cares about the user in a totally non-selfish way. Sometimes they dont even want money (that is why the online shop does not accept money sometimes, it´s their plan how to earn LESS !)

That is why the other companies hate Cakewalk and pay me and others on this forum to mention:

See, I just earned another 8 cents, simply by mentioning :
16 cents earned! Wow that was fast. And YOU (yes, YOU!)  can do it too!

I earn a 200.000 iGoogle money $ a month, join us, we are recruiting!
post edited by Supercomposer - 2011/01/18 16:01:31

ME is the Supercomposer, and all your base are belong to us (Yes, I mean Germany)

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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 21:10:36 (permalink)
I'm still waiting for my nike shoes I ordered last year. Have a feeling I'm not going to see 'em.
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 21:34:47 (permalink)

I'm still waiting for my nike shoes I ordered last year. Have a feeling I'm not going to see 'em.

Oh, I thought those were just a present. Well, I had to cut holes in the front to get them to fit but not bad now.......shame about frostbite though.....

i7 860/MSI mobo/8GB ram/win7x64ultimate/X2/profire 610/oxygen 61/running 48k currently.
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 21:48:27 (permalink)
lets take a look at ourselves and see what the situation is. its a mess here. we've turned on eachother and ourselves
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 22:05:54 (permalink)
I get paid $ 0.01 every time I mention a competitors product in a competitors forum.

I just got a raise to 0.015. Naw na na nahh nahh! - A Professional Worldwide Audio Mixing & Mastering Studio, Providing Online And Attended Sessions. We also do TV commercials, Radio spots & spoken word books
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 22:39:20 (permalink)
Hmm, ok let's see here.  

Been using Sonar since version 2 or so.   It was always super intututive to me, much more so than everything else I tried.  Cubase, FL Studio, Digital performer, etc.

So I've been happily using it for 8 or so years now (give or take).   I've very rarely had to use the manual, if I wanted to do something, you could usually figure it out within 30 seconds.   It just made sense.

My other hardware, Mackie HR 824 monitors, Yahmaha XK-8 Midi keyboard, EMU 1820m soundcard, and a ton of software.  Komplete 5, East West Symphonic orchestra, Izotope stuff etc.

Specific problems I've had
I can't find anything (this is the most frustrating.   For example, why isn't there just a view synth rack etc,   maybe I don't want everything in the inspector??? 

Huge problems with snap to grid (I can't get it to work at all in the piano view).  

Why can't I enlarge the piano view, and still have access to snap to grid controls?  

Constant drop outs and sound distortions with CPU etc no where near max (Intel I7 with 12 gb of ram, probably using less than 25%).

Fast bounce to clip is out of synch with tempo.

I'm not planning on going to another platform, I really doubt they've gotten much better, and I don't want to learn a new one.   In fact, I don't want to learn a new sonar either.  I just want it to work the way it's always has.  Fast and intututive.

If not, well, Sonar 8.5 really does just about everything doesn't it.
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Re:I SMELL A RAT!! 2011/01/18 22:47:39 (permalink)
Interesting all the people with the I7 that seem to be having issues. I wonder if there is some buss contention on motherboards with that chipset. Maybe something that needs to be turned off. Just a guess. What OS? I assume you have updated all of your video, soundcard and OS drivers?

Most of your complaints seem reasonable. Did you try the D key for opening and closing the Piano view? I think you can size it so the snap to grid controls are still accessible. Also did you turn off xray? Just offering up some ideas.

Gear: A bunch of stuff.
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